
Defines functions centersSGFCM belongsSGFCM centersSFCM belongsSFCM centersGFCM belongsGFCM centersFCM belongsFCM sanity_check main_worker kppCenters evaluateMatrices calcEuclideanDistance calcLaggedData

Documented in belongsFCM belongsGFCM belongsSFCM belongsSGFCM calcEuclideanDistance calcLaggedData centersFCM centersGFCM centersSFCM centersSGFCM evaluateMatrices kppCenters main_worker sanity_check

#### intermediate general functions ####

#' @title Lagged Data
#' @description Calculate Wx, the spatially lagged version of x, by a neighbouring matrix W.
#' @param x A dataframe with only numeric columns
#' @param nblistw The listw object (spdep like) used to calculate WY
#' @param method A string indicating if a classical lag must be used
#' ("mean") or if a weighted median must be used ("median")
#' @return A lagged version of x
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' #This is an internal function, no example provided
calcLaggedData <- function(x,nblistw,method="mean"){
  if (method=="mean"){
    wx <- x
    for (Name in names(x)) {
      wx[[Name]] <- spdep::lag.listw(nblistw, x[[Name]])
  }else if (method=="median"){
    nb <- nblistw$neighbours
    weights <- nblistw$weights
    all_values <- lapply(1:length(nblistw$neighbours),function(i){
      ids <- nb[[i]]
      w <- weights[[i]]
      obs <- x[ids,]
      if (ncol(x) == 1){
        values <- reldist::wtd.quantile(obs,q=0.5,weight=w)
        values <- apply(obs,2,function(column){
    wx <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,all_values))
  }else {
    stop("The method used to calculate lagged values must be mean or median")

#' @title Calculate the Euclidean distance
#' @description Calculate the euclidean distance between a numeric matrix n * p and a numeric
#' vector of length p
#' @param m A n * p matrix or dataframe with only numeric columns
#' @param v A numeric vector of length p
#' @return A vector of length n giving the euclidean distance between all matrix
#'   row and the vector p
#' @importFrom matrixStats colSums2
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' #This is an internal function, no example provided
calcEuclideanDistance <- function(m, v) {
  v <- as.numeric(v)
  alldistances <- colSums2((t(m)-v)**2)

#' @title Matrix evaluation
#' @description Evaluate if the algorithm converged by comparing two successive membership
#' matrices. Calculate the absolute difference between the matrices and then
#' calculate the max of each row. If all the values of the final vector are
#' below the fixed tolerance, then return True, else return False
#' @param mat1 A n X k matrix giving for each observation n, its probability to
#'   belong to the cluster k at iteration i
#' @param mat2 A n X k matrix giving for each observation n, its probability to
#'   belong to the cluster k at iteration i+1
#' @param tol A float representing the algorithm tolerance
#' @return A boolean, TRUE if the test is passed, FALSE otherwise
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMaxs
#' @examples
#' #This is an internal function, no example provided
evaluateMatrices <- function(mat1, mat2, tol) { #nocov start
  mat1 <- as.matrix(mat1)
  mat2 <- as.matrix(mat2)
  differ <- abs(mat1 - mat2)
  diffobs <- rowMaxs(differ)
  if (length(diffobs[diffobs >= tol]) > 0) {
  } else{
} #nocov end

#' @title kpp centers selection
#' @description Select the initial centers of centroids by using the k++ approach
#' as suggested in this article: http://ilpubs.stanford.edu:8090/778/1/2006-13.pdf
#' @param data The dataset used in the classification
#' @param k The number of groups for the classification
#' @return a DataFrame, each row is the center of a cluster
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowMins
#' @examples
#' #This is an internal function, no example provided
kppCenters <- function(data,k){
  # step1: select the first center at random
  centers <- t(as.matrix(data[sample(1:nrow(data),size = 1),], nrow = 1))
  # select the other centers
  for (i in 2:k){
    dists <- apply(centers,1,function(ci){
    Dx <- rowMins(dists)
    probs <- (Dx**2) / sum((Dx**2))
    new_center <- data[sample(1:nrow(data),size = 1,prob = probs),]
    centers <- rbind(centers,new_center)

#### Main worker function ####

#' @title Main worker function
#' @description Execution of the classification algorithm
#' @param algo A string indicating the algorithm to use (one of FCM, GFCM, SGFCM)
#' @param ... all the required arguments for the algorithm to use
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A named list with
#' \itemize{
#'         \item Centers: a dataframe describing the final centers of the groups
#'         \item Belongings: the final membership matrix
#'         \item Groups: a vector with the names of the most likely group for each observation
#'         \item Data: the dataset used to perform the clustering (might be standardized)
#' }
#' @examples
#' #This is an internal function, no example provided
main_worker <- function(algo, ...){
  dots <- list(...)
  verbose <- dots$verbose
  data <- dots$data
  dots$data <- NULL
  maxiter <- dots$maxiter
  tol <- dots$tol
  k <- dots$k
  update_belongs <- NULL
  udpdate_centers <- NULL
  robust <- dots$robust
  dots$sigmas <- rep(1, k)
  dots$wsigmas <- rep(1, k)

    dots$noise_cluster <- FALSE

  #checking if the parameters are ok

    dots$delta <- -1

  #selecting the functions for calculus
  if(algo == "FCM"){
    update_belongs <- belongsFCM
    udpdate_centers <- centersFCM
    params <- list(
      k = k,
      m = dots$m,
      algo = "FCM"

  }else if(algo=="GFCM"){
    update_belongs <- belongsGFCM
    udpdate_centers <- centersGFCM
    params <- list(
      k = k,
      m = dots$m,
      beta = dots$beta,
      algo = "GFCM"

  }else if (algo=="SFCM"){
    update_belongs <- belongsSFCM
    udpdate_centers <- centersSFCM
    params <- list(
      k = k,
      m = dots$m,
      alpha = dots$alpha,
      nblistw = dots$nblistw,
      lag_method = dots$lag_method,
      algo = "SFCM"

  }else if (algo=="SGFCM"){
    update_belongs <- belongsSGFCM
    udpdate_centers <- centersSGFCM
    params <- list(
      k = k,
      m = dots$m,
      alpha = dots$alpha,
      nblistw = dots$nblistw,
      beta = dots$beta,
      lag_method = dots$lag_method,
      algo = "SGFCM"

  params$robust <- robust

  # selecting the original centers from observations
  if (is.null(dots$seed)==FALSE){

  if(dots$init == "random"){
    centers <- data[sample(nrow(data), k), ]
  }else if (dots$init == "kpp") {
    centers <- kppCenters(data,k)

    centers <- matrix(centers, ncol = 1)

  # calculating the first membership matrix
  belongmatrix <- update_belongs(data, centers, dots)
  CriterioReached <- FALSE

  # starting the loop
    pb <- txtProgressBar(1, maxiter, style = 3)
  for (i in 1:maxiter) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    newcenters <- udpdate_centers(data, centers, belongmatrix, dots)

    # for the robust version, we need to calculate here the sigmas
      dots$sigmas <- calcRobustSigmas(data, belongmatrix, centers, m = dots$m)
      if(is.null(dots$wdata) == FALSE){
        dots$wsigmas <- calcRobustSigmas(dots$wdata,belongmatrix, centers, m = dots$m)

    newbelongmatrix <- update_belongs(data, newcenters, dots)

    if (evaluateMatrices(belongmatrix, newbelongmatrix, tol) == FALSE) {
      # if we don't reach convergence criterion
      centers <- newcenters
      belongmatrix <- newbelongmatrix
    } else {
      # if we reach convergence criterion
      if (verbose){
        print("criterion reached")
      CriterioReached <- TRUE
      centers <- newcenters
    warning("The convergence criterion was not reached within the specified number of steps")
  DF <- as.data.frame(newbelongmatrix)
  Groups <- colnames(DF)[max.col(DF, ties.method = "first")]

  results <- c(list(Centers = centers, Belongings = newbelongmatrix,
                  Groups = Groups, Data = data,
                  maxiter = maxiter, tol = tol,
                  isRaster = FALSE),params)

  ## setting the class of the results
  results <- FCMres(results)

    results$noise_cluster <- 1 - rowSums(results$Belongings)
    results$delta <- dots$delta



#### checking functions ####

#' @title Parameter checking function
#' @description Check that the provided parameters are valid
#' @param dots A list of parameters used
#' @param data A numeric and complete dataframe
#' @return A boolean, TRUE if all the tests are passed, FALSE otherwise
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' #This is an internal function, no example provided
sanity_check <- function(dots,data){

  ## checking if the parameters have coherent values
  if(is.null(dots$alpha) == FALSE){
    if (dots$alpha < 0){
      stop("alpha parameter must be stricktly superior to 0")

  if(dots$init %in% c("random","kpp") == FALSE){
    stop("the init parameter must be one of 'random' or 'kpp'")

  if(is.null(dots$beta) == FALSE){
    if (dots$beta < 0 | dots$beta > 1){
      stop("beta parameter must be comprised between 0 and 1")

  if(dots$k < 2){
    stop("k must be at least 2")

  if(is.null(dots$seed) == FALSE){
    if (is.integer(dots$seed)){
      stop("the seed parameter must be an integer")

  ## checking if the dataset is complete
  tot <- sum(complete.cases(data)==FALSE)
  if(tot > 0){
    stop("the dataset provided has missing values...")

  ## checking if the dataset is only numeric
  for(col in names(data)){
    if (inherits(data[[col]], c("numeric","integer"))  == FALSE){
      print(paste("the column ",col," is not numeric..."))
      stop("all the columns in the data must be numeric")

      dots$delta <- NULL

  # checking delta for clustering with noise
  if(dots$noise_cluster & is.null(dots$delta)){
    stop("For clustering with a noise cluster, it is required to set the parameter delta.")
    if(dots$delta <= 0){
      stop("delta parameter cannot be lower or equal to 0.")

  if(dots$robust & dots$noise_cluster){
    warning("When using the robust version of the algorithm and a noise cluster, consider that the euclidean distance between the observation will be lower because it is normalized. Select the paramter delta accordingly.")


#### Adapter functions ####
# This set of function is used to provide the parameters in the right order
# to the intermediate functions

#' @title membership matrix calculator for FCM algorithm
#' @param data a matrix (the dataset used for clustering)
#' @param centers a matrix (the centers of the clusters)
#' @param dots a list of other arguments specific to FCM
#' @return a matrix with the new membership values
#' @keywords internal
belongsFCM <- function(data, centers, dots){
    return(calcBelongMatrixNoisy(centers,data,dots$m, dots$delta, dots$sigmas))
    return(calcBelongMatrix(centers,data,dots$m, dots$sigmas))

#' @title center matrix calculator for FCM algorithm
#' @param data a matrix (the dataset used for clustering)
#' @param centers a matrix (the centers of the clusters)
#' @param belongmatrix a matrix with the membership values
#' @param dots a list of other arguments specific to FCM
#' @return a matrix with the new centers
#' @keywords internal
centersFCM <- function(data, centers, belongmatrix, dots){
  return(calcCentroids(data,belongmatrix, dots$m))

#' @title membership matrix calculator for GFCM algorithm
#' @param data a matrix (the dataset used for clustering)
#' @param centers a matrix (the centers of the clusters)
#' @param dots a list of other arguments specific to FCM
#' @return a matrix with the new membership values
#' @keywords internal
belongsGFCM <- function(data,centers,dots){

#' @title center matrix calculator for GFCM algorithm
#' @param data a matrix (the dataset used for clustering)
#' @param centers a matrix (the centers of the clusters)
#' @param belongmatrix a matrix with the membership values
#' @param dots a list of other arguments specific to FCM
#' @return a matrix with the new centers
#' @keywords internal
centersGFCM <- function(data, centers, belongmatrix, dots){
  return(calcCentroids(data,belongmatrix, dots$m))

#' @title membership matrix calculator for SFCM algorithm
#' @param data a matrix (the dataset used for clustering)
#' @param centers a matrix (the centers of the clusters)
#' @param dots a list of other arguments specific to FCM
#' @return a matrix with the new membership values
#' @keywords internal
belongsSFCM <- function(data,centers,dots){
    return(calcSFCMBelongMatrixNoisy(centers,data,dots$wdata,dots$m,dots$alpha, dots$delta ,dots$sigmas,dots$wsigmas))

#' @title center matrix calculator for SFCM algorithm
#' @param data a matrix (the dataset used for clustering)
#' @param centers a matrix (the centers of the clusters)
#' @param belongmatrix a matrix with the membership values
#' @param dots a list of other arguments specific to FCM
#' @return a matrix with the new centers
#' @keywords internal
centersSFCM <- function(data, centers, belongmatrix, dots){

#' @title membership matrix calculator for SGFCM algorithm
#' @param data a matrix (the dataset used for clustering)
#' @param centers a matrix (the centers of the clusters)
#' @param dots a list of other arguments specific to FCM
#' @return a matrix with the new membership values
#' @keywords internal
belongsSGFCM <- function(data,centers,dots){
#' @title center matrix calculator for SGFCM algorithm
#' @param data a matrix (the dataset used for clustering)
#' @param centers a matrix (the centers of the clusters)
#' @param belongmatrix a matrix with the membership values
#' @param dots a list of other arguments specific to FCM
#' @return a matrix with the new centers
#' @keywords internal
centersSGFCM <- function(data, centers, belongmatrix, dots){

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