
Defines functions crop_spam spamCrops

Documented in crop_spam spamCrops

spamCrops <- function() {
	x <- matrix(c("wheat", "whea", "rice", "rice", "maize", "maiz", "barley", "barl", "pearl millet", "pmil", "small millet", "smil", "sorghum", "sorg", "other cereals", "ocer", "potato", "pota", "sweet potato", "swpo", "yams", "yams", "cassava", "cass", "other roots", "orts", "bean", "bean", "chickpea", "chic", "cowpea", "cowp", "pigeonpea", "pige", "lentil", "lent", "other pulses", "opul", "soybean", "soyb", "groundnut", "grou", "coconut", "cnut", "oilpalm", "oilp", "sunflower", "sunf", "rapeseed", "rape", "sesameseed", "sesa", "other oil crops", "ooil", "sugarcane", "sugc", "sugarbeet", "sugb", "cotton", "cott", "other fibre crops", "ofib", "arabica coffee", "acof", "robusta coffee", "rcof", "cocoa", "coco", "tea", "teas", "tobacco", "toba", "banana", "bana", "plantain", "plnt", "tropical fruit", "trof", "temperate fruit", "temf", "vegetables", "vege", "rest of crops", "rest"), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
	colnames(x) <- c("crop", "code")

crop_spam <- function(crop="", var="area", path, africa=FALSE, ...) {
	# area is allowed for backwards compatibility
	stopifnot(var %in% c("area", "yield", "harv_area", "phys_area", "val_prod", "prod"))

	path <- .get_path(path, add="spam")
	crp <- tolower(trimws(crop))
	crops <- spamCrops()
	if (!(crp %in% crops)) { stop("crop not in SPAM; see spamCrops()") }
	i <- which(crp == crops)[1]
	if (i > nrow(crops)) i = i - nrow(crops)
	crp <- toupper(crops[i,2])
	urlbase <- "https://dataverse.harvard.edu/api/access/datafile/"

	if (africa) {
		pre <- "spam2017v2r1_ssa_"
		if (var %in% c("area", "harv_area")) {
			id = 4271688
		} else if (var == "phys_area") {
			id = 4271676
		} else if (var == "prod") {
			id = 4271677
		} else if (var == "val_prod") {
			id = 4271679
		} else if (var == "yield") {
			id = 4271678
	} else {
		pre <- "spam2010v2r0_global_"
		if (var %in% c("area", "harv_area")) {
			id = 3985008
		} else if (var == "phys_area") {
			id = 3985010
		} else if (var == "prod") {
			id = 3985009
		} else if (var == "val_prod") {
			id = 3985011
		} else if (var == "yield") {
			id = 3985012
	url <- paste0(urlbase, id, "?format=original") 
	zipf <- file.path(path, paste0(pre, var, ".zip"))
	if (!file.exists(zipf)) {
		if (!.downloadDirect(url, zipf, ...)) return(NULL)
	ff <- utils::unzip(zipf, list=TRUE)
	fs <- grep(crp, ff$Name, value=TRUE)
	ffs <- file.path(path, fs)
	if (all(!file.exists(ffs))) {
		# utils::unzip(zipf, fails for yield !?
		utils::unzip(zipf, files=fs, junkpaths=TRUE, exdir=path)
		#if (length(files) == 0) file.remove(zipf)
	x <- terra::rast(ffs)
	syst <- c("A", "all", "I", "irrigated", "H", "rainfed-highinput", "L", "rainfed-lowinput", "S", "rainfed-subsistence", "R", "rainfed")
	syst <- matrix(syst, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
	nms <- names(x)
	i <- match(syst[,1], substr(nms, nchar(nms), nchar(nms)))
	names(x) <- paste0(crop, "_", var, "_", syst[i,2])

	terra::ext(x) <- c(-180, 180, -90, 90)
	if (africa) {
		x <- crop(x, ext(-26, 58, -35, 26))
	if (var=="yield") {
		x <- classify(x, cbind(0, NA))

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geodata documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:30 a.m.