
Defines functions .weight_transform .get_weight_vector .list_to_vec .per_to_real .validate_metrics .validate_weights .metric_funs pagerank closeness degree ev betweeness node_strength nn_sum supported_metrics

Documented in betweeness closeness degree ev nn_sum node_strength pagerank supported_metrics

# exported functions ------------------------------------------------------

#'  Returns metrics currently supported in the analysis.
#' @returns vector of supported metrics.
#' @examples
#' supported_metrics()
#' @family metrics
#' @export
supported_metrics <- function() {

#' Calculation on network metrics a.k.a centralities.
#' @description
#' These are functions under the `igraph` package adapted to calculate habitat connectivity.
#' In the context of habitat connectivity, the functions can be interpreted as follows:
#' - `nn_sum()`: Calculates the sum of nearest neighbors [igraph::knn()].
#' - `node_strength()`: Calculates the sum of edge weights of adjacent nodes [igraph::strength()].
#' - `betweenness()`: Calculates the node betweenness based on the number of shortest paths.
#' Because the [igraph::betweenness()] function in interprets link weights
#' as distances to calculate the shortest paths,
#' the [geohabnet::betweeness()] function in [geohabnet]
#' transforms the link weights (or the relative likelihood of pathogen or pest movement) in the adjacency matrix
#' so that higher link weight values will be the shortest (or more likely) paths for pathogen or pest movement.
#' - `ev()`: Calculates the eigenvector centrality of positions within the network [igraph::eigen_centrality()].
#' - `closeness()`: measures how many steps is required to access every other vertex from a given vertex
#' [igraph::closeness()]. Because the [igraph::closeness()] function interprets link weights as distances
#' to calculate the shortest paths, this transforms the link weights
#' (or the relative likelihood of pathogen or pest movement) in the adjacency matrix
#' so that higher link weight values will be the shortest (or more likely) paths for pathogen or pest movement.
#' - `degree()`: number of adjacent edges [igraph::degree()].
#' - `pagerank()`: page rank score for vertices [igraph::page_rank()].
#' @param crop_dm A square adjacency matrix, in which rows and columns names represent nodes (or locations) and
#' each entry indicate the relative likelihood of pathogen or pest movement between a pair of nodes.
#'  In the internal workflow,
#'  the adjacency matrix comes as a result of operations within `sean()` function.
#' This weight represents the importance of the network metric in the habitat connectivity analysis.
#' @param ... arguments to corresponding funtions in `igraph`
#' @return SpatRaster. Representing connectivity of each node or location.
#' @references
#' Csardi G, Nepusz T (2006). “The igraph software package for complex network research.” _InterJournal_, *Complex
#' Systems*, 1695. <https://igraph.org>.
#' @family metrics
#' @export
nn_sum <- function(crop_dm, ...) {

  knnpref0 <- igraph::knn(crop_dm, mode = "all", weights = NA, ...)$knn
  knnpref0[is.na(knnpref0)] <- 0
  degreematr <- igraph::degree(crop_dm)
  knnpref <- knnpref0 * degreematr
  knnprefp <- if (max(knnpref) == 0) {
  } else if (max(knnpref) > 0) {
    (knnpref / max(knnpref))

#' @rdname nn_sum
node_strength <- function(crop_dm, ...) {
  nodestrength <- igraph::graph.strength(crop_dm, ...)
  nodestrength[is.na(nodestrength)] <- 0
  nodestr <- if (max(nodestrength) == 0) {
  } else if (max(nodestrength) > 0) {
    (nodestrength / max(nodestrength))


#' @rdname nn_sum
betweeness <- function(crop_dm, ...) {

  between <- igraph::betweenness(crop_dm,
                                 directed = FALSE,
                                 weights = .weight_transform(crop_dm),

  between[is.na(between)] <- 0
  betweenp <- if (max(between) == 0) {
  } else if (max(between) > 0) {
    (between / max(between))

#' @rdname nn_sum
ev <- function(crop_dm, ...) {
  eigenvectorvalues <- igraph::eigen_centrality(crop_dm, ...)
  evv <- eigenvectorvalues$vector
  evv[is.na(evv)] <- 0
  evp <- if (max(evv) == 0) {
  } else {
    (evv / max(evv))


#' @rdname nn_sum
degree <- function(crop_dm, ...) {
  dmat <- igraph::degree(crop_dm, ...)
  dmat[is.na(dmat)] <- 0
  dmatr <- if (max(dmat) == 0) {
  } else {
    (dmat / max(dmat))

#' @rdname nn_sum
closeness <- function(crop_dm, ...) {
  cvv <- igraph::closeness(crop_dm,
                           weights = .weight_transform(crop_dm),
  cvv[is.na(cvv)] <- 0
  cns <- if (max(cvv) == 0) {
  } else {
    (cvv / max(cvv))

#' @rdname nn_sum
pagerank <- function(crop_dm, ...) {
  pr_scores <- igraph::page_rank(crop_dm, ...)
  prv <- pr_scores$vector
  prv[is.na(prv)] <- 0
  prv <- if (max(prv) == 0) {
  } else {
    (prv / max(prv))

# ------------------------------------------Private methods------------------------------------------

.metric_funs <- function() {

  # Create an empty R environment
  envmap <- new.env()

  # Define the metric functions

  envmap[[STR_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS_SUM]] <- function(graph, ...) nn_sum(graph, ...)
  envmap[[STR_NODE_STRENGTH]] <- function(graph, ...) node_strength(graph, ...)
  envmap[[STR_BETWEENNESS]] <- function(graph, ...) betweeness(graph, ...)
  envmap[[STR_EIGEN_VECTOR_CENTRALITY]] <- function(graph, ...) ev(graph, ...)
  envmap[[STR_CLOSENESS_CENTRALITY]] <- function(graph, ...) closeness(graph, ...)
  envmap[[STR_PAGE_RANK]] <- function(graph, ...) pagerank(graph, ...)
  envmap[[STR_DEGREE]] <- function(graph, ...) degree(graph, ...)

  # Return the environment

.validate_weights <- function(me, we) {
  stopifnot("Sum of metric weights should be 100" = sum(we) == 100)
  stopifnot("Weights or metrics missing. Each metric should have a weight" = length(me) == length(we))

.validate_metrics <- function(me, we) {

  lower_me <- tolower(me)
  # check if weights are valid
  .validate_weights(lower_me, we)

  not_sup <- lower_me[!lower_me %in% supported_metrics()]
  if (length(not_sup) > 0) {
    stop(paste("Following metrics are not supported: ", paste(not_sup, collapse = ", ")))

.per_to_real <- function(we) {
  return(as.numeric(we) / 100)

.list_to_vec <- function(metrics) {
  return(do.call(cbind, metrics))

.get_weight_vector <- function(cropdistancematrix) {
  weight_vec <- igraph::E(cropdistancematrix)$weight
  #weight_vec[is.na(weight_vec)] <- 0
  #weight_vec <- weight_vec + 1e-10

.weight_transform <- function(crop_dm) {

  wv <- .get_weight_vector(crop_dm)
  wv <- (max(wv, na.rm = TRUE) * 1.0001) - wv


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geohabnet documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:11 p.m.