## ##
## text_placement.R ##
## Part of the geomtextpath R package ##
## ##
## Copyright (C) 2021 - 2022 by Allan Cameron & Teun van den Brand ##
## ##
## Licensed under the MIT license - see ##
## or the LICENSE file in the project root directory ##
## ##
# Main function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Interpolate path at text locations
place_text <- function(
label = "placeholder",
hjust = 0.5,
halign = "center",
upright = FALSE
) {
# We need a copy for a potential flip
letters <- label
# Calculate offsets and anchorpoints
offset <- as_inch(attr(letters, "offset"))
path$exceed <- exceeds_curvature(path$x, path$y, d = offset)
offset <- if (is.multichar(letters$glyph)) {
get_smooth_offset(path$x, path$y, d = offset)
} else {
get_offset(path$x, path$y, d = offset)
anchor <- anchor_points(offset, attr(letters, "metrics")$width,
hjust = hjust, halign = halign)
# Convert text from linear space to arclength space by offsetting the text
# by the anchor points
xpos <- c("xmin", "xmid", "xmax")
letters[, xpos] <- letters[, xpos] + anchor[letters$y_id]
# Convert text from arclength space to Cartesian space by projecting the
# arclength positions onto the path
letters <- project_text(letters, offset)
# Consider flipping the text
df <- attempt_flip(path, label, letters$angle, hjust, halign, upright)
if (!is.null(df)) return(df)
# Interpolate whatever else is in `path` at text positions
path$length <- arclength_from_xy(path$x, path$y)
protect_column <- c("x", "y", "angle", "length", "id", "left", "right")
df <- as.list(path[setdiff(names(path), protect_column)])
df <- approx_multi(path$length, df, xout = letters$base_length)
df <- cbind(df, letters, id = path$id[1] %||% 1L)
df$substring <- label$substring %||% df$id
df$xoffset <- label$xoff
df$yoffset <- label$yoff
if (any(df$exceed != 0) & !is.multichar(label$glyph)) {
"The text offset exceeds the curvature in one or more paths.",
"This will result in\ndisplaced letters.",
"Consider reducing the vjust or text size, or use the hjust\nparameter",
"to move the string to a different point on the path."))
df[!$angle), ]
# Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Maybe flip text
attempt_flip <- function(
label = "placeholder",
angle = 0,
hjust = 0,
halign = "left",
upright = FALSE
) {
if (!upright) return(NULL)
angle <- angle %% 360
upside_down <- mean(angle > 100 & angle < 260) > 0.5
if (!upside_down) return(NULL)
# Invert path and hjust
path <- path[rev(seq_len(nrow(path))), ]
yids <- unique(label$y_id)
offset <- as_inch(attr(label, "offset"))
offlim <- range(offset[yids])
offnew <- (offset - offlim[1]) - offlim[2]
off_fix <- as.numeric(any(yids == 1) && offnew[1] != 0)
label$y_id <- label$y_id + off_fix
attr(label, "offset") <- c(0, offnew[seq_along(offnew) >= (2 - off_fix)])
if (is.numeric(hjust)) hjust <- 1 - hjust
out <- place_text(path, label, hjust, halign, upright = FALSE)
# Invert length so path is trimmed correctly
length <- path$length %||% arclength_from_xy(path$x, path$y)
maxlen <- max(length)
out$length <- maxlen - out$length
rights <- maxlen - out$right
out$right <- maxlen - out$left
out$left <- rights
anchor_points <- function(
hjust = 0.5,
halign = "center"
) {
# Convert halign to a weight
halign <- (match(halign, c("right", "center", "left")) - 1) / 2
text_hjust <- if (is.numeric(hjust)) hjust[1] else 0.5
if (is.character(hjust)) {
hjust <- interpret_hjust(hjust[1], offset, text_width)
anchor <- hjust * offset$arc_length[nrow(offset$arc_length), 1]
# Get left and right positions
anchor <- anchor - (text_hjust + c(0, -1)) * text_width
# Interpolate for offset paths
anchor <- approx_multi(offset$arc_length[, 1], offset$arc_length, anchor)
# Weigh left and right anchors according to halign
anchor[1, ] * halign + (1 - halign) * (anchor[2, ] - text_width)
interpret_hjust <- function(hjust, offset, width) {
x <- offset$x[, 1]
y <- offset$y[, 1]
path <- offset$arc_length[, 1]
path_max <- max(path)
half_width <- 0.5 * width
subset <- path > half_width & path < (path_max - half_width)
if (sum(subset) < 2) subset[] <- TRUE
path <- path / path_max
EXPR = hjust,
auto = path[subset][which.min_curvature(x[subset], y[subset])],
xmin = path[subset][which.min(x[subset])],
xmax = path[subset][which.max(x[subset])],
xmid = path[subset][which.min(abs(mean(x) - x[subset]))],
ymin = path[subset][which.min(y[subset])],
ymax = path[subset][which.max(y[subset])],
ymid = path[subset][which.min(abs(mean(y) - y[subset]))],
start = 0 - half_width / path_max,
end = 1 + half_width / path_max, {
warn(paste0("hjust value '", hjust, "' not recognised. ",
"Defaulting to hjust = 0.5"));
# Project text onto path
project_text <- function(text, offset, xpos = c("xmin", "xmid", "xmax")) {
arclength <- offset$arc_length
index <- x <- unlist(text[, xpos], FALSE, FALSE)
membr <- rep(text$y_id, 3)
# Find indices along arc lengths
split(index, membr) <- Map(
x = split(index, membr),
vec = asplit(arclength[, sort(unique(membr)), drop = FALSE], MARGIN = 2),
all.inside = TRUE
# Format indices for matrix-subsetting
i0 <- cbind(index + 0, membr)
i1 <- cbind(index + 1, membr)
# Calculate weight of indices
d <- (x - arclength[i0]) / (arclength[i1] - arclength[i0])
# Interpolate
new_x <- offset$x[i0] * (1 - d) + offset$x[i1] * d
new_y <- offset$y[i0] * (1 - d) + offset$y[i1] * d
old_len <- arclength[i0[, 1], 1]
lengs <- old_len * (1 - d) + arclength[i1[, 1], 1] * d
# Restore dimensions
# Column 1 comes from `xmin`, 2 from `xmid` and 3 from `xmax`
dim(old_len) <- dim(new_x) <- dim(new_y) <- dim(lengs) <-
c(nrow(text), length(xpos))
# Calculate text angles
dx <- new_x[, 3] - new_x[, 1]
dy <- new_y[, 3] - new_y[, 1]
angle <- atan2(dy, dx) * .rad2deg
# Format output
label = text$glyph,
length = lengs[, 2],
base_length = old_len[, 1],
angle = angle,
x = new_x[, 2],
y = new_y[, 2],
left = lengs[, 1],
right = lengs[, 3]
# Grob constructor --------------------------------------------------------
add_text_grob <- function(grob, text, gp) {
sub <- unlist(text$substring, FALSE, FALSE) %||% text$id
text_lens <- run_len(sub)
# Recycle graphical parameters to match lengths of letters
gp <- recycle_gp(gp, rep, times = text_lens)
if (is.list(text$xoffset)) {
# This is a rich straight label
xx <- unlist(text$xoffset, FALSE, FALSE)
yy <- unlist(text$yoffset, FALSE, FALSE)
nsub <- lengths(text$xoffset)
angle <- rep(text$angle, nsub) * .deg2rad
x <- xx * cos(angle) - yy * sin(angle) + rep(text$x, nsub)
y <- xx * sin(angle) + yy * cos(angle) + rep(text$y, nsub)
} else {
# This is a regular label
x <- text$x
y <- text$y
nsub <- 1
# Write text grob
grob <- addGrob(
grob, textGrob(
label = make_label(text$label),
x = x, y = y, rot = rep(text$angle, nsub),
vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0.5, gp = gp,
default.units = "inches"
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