
Defines functions pendulum sizefrequency gutenberg countQuakes fractaldim boxcount boxcount koch cantor sierpinski

Documented in boxcount cantor countQuakes fractaldim gutenberg koch pendulum sierpinski sizefrequency

#' @title Sierpinski carpet
#' @description Returns a matrix of 0s and 1s that form a Sierpinski
#'     carpet. This is a two dimensional fractal, which is generated
#'     using a recursive algorithm that is built on a grid of eight
#'     black squares surrounding a white square. Each level of
#'     recursion replaces each black square by the same pattern.
#' @param n an integer value controling the number of recursive
#'     levels.
#' @return a square matrix with 0s and 1s.
#' @examples
#' g <- sierpinski(n=5)
#' image(g,col=c('white','black'),axes=FALSE,asp=1)
#' @export
sierpinski <- function(n=5){
    X <- matrix(1,1,1)
    for (i in 1:n){
        Y <- cbind(X,X,X)
        Z <- cbind(X,0*X,X)
        X <- rbind(Y,Z,Y)

#' @title Cantor set
#' @description Calculates or plots a Cantor set of fractal lines,
#'     which is generated using a recursive algorithm that is built on
#'     a line segment whose middle third is removed. Each level of
#'     recursion replaces each black line by the same pattern.
#' @param n an integer value controling the number of recursive
#'     levels.
#' @param plot logical.  If \code{TRUE}, the Cantor set is plotted,
#'     otherwise a list of breaks and counts is returned.
#' @param add logical (only used if \code{plot=TRUE}). If
#'     \code{add=FALSE}, then a brand new figure is created; otherwise
#'     the Cantor set is added to an existing plot.
#' @param Y y-value for the plot (only used if \code{plot=TRUE}).
#' @param lty line type (see \code{pars()} for details)
#' @param col colour of the Cantor lines.
#' @param ... optional arguments to be passed on to \code{matplot} or
#'     \code{matlines}.
#' @return a square matrix with 0s and 1s.
#' @examples
#' plot(c(0,1),y=c(0,1),type='n',bty='n',ann=FALSE,xaxt='n',yaxt='n',xpd=NA)
#' cantor(n=0,Y=1.00,plot=TRUE,add=TRUE)
#' cantor(n=1,Y=0.75,plot=TRUE,add=TRUE)
#' cantor(n=2,Y=0.50,plot=TRUE,add=TRUE)
#' cantor(n=3,Y=0.25,plot=TRUE,add=TRUE)
#' cantor(n=4,Y=0.00,plot=TRUE,add=TRUE)
#' @export
cantor <- function(n=5,plot=FALSE,add=FALSE,Y=0,
    if (n <= 0){
        x <- c(0,1)
    } else {
        X <- cantor(n-1,Y=Y)
        x <- (1/3)*c(X,X+2)
    if (plot){
        xx <- rbind(x[1:(length(x)-1)],x[-1])
        yy <- matrix(Y,nrow(xx),ncol(xx))
        i <- seq(from=1,to=ncol(xx),by=2)
        if (add){
        } else {

#' @title Koch snowflake
#' @description Calculates or plots a Koch set of fractal lines, which
#'     is generated using a recursive algorithm that is built on a
#'     triangular hat shaped line segment. Each level of recursion
#'     replaces each linear segment by the same pattern.
#' @param n an integer value controling the number of recursive
#'     levels.
#' @param plot logical.  If \code{TRUE}, the Koch flake is plotted.
#' @param res the number of pixels in each side of the output matrix
#' @return a \code{res x res} matrix with 0s and 1s
#' @examples
#' koch()
#' @export
koch <- function(n=4,plot=TRUE,res=512){
    i <- function(x,res=512){
    recurse <- function(n=n,x1=0,y1=100,x5=0,y5=0,m=matrix(0,res,res)){
        if (n == 0){
            m[i(y1,res=res),i(x1,res=res)] <- 1
            m[i(y5,res=res),i(x5,res=res)] <- 1
            if (plot) graphics::lines(x=c(y1,y5),y=c(x1,x5))
        } else {
            deltaX = x5 - x1
            deltaY = y5 - y1
            x2 = x1 + deltaX / 3
            y2 = y1 + deltaY / 3
            x3 = (0.5 * (x1+x5) + sqrt(3) * (y1-y5)/6)
            y3 = (0.5 * (y1+y5) + sqrt(3) * (x5-x1)/6)
            x4 = x1 + 2 * deltaX /3
            y4 = y1 + 2 * deltaY /3
            m <- recurse(n=n-1,x1=x1,y1=y1,x5=x2,y5=y2,m=m)
            m <- recurse(n=n-1,x1=x2,y1=y2,x5=x3,y5=y3,m=m)
            m <- recurse(n=n-1,x1=x3,y1=y3,x5=x4,y5=y4,m=m)
            m <- recurse(n=n-1,x1=x4,y1=y4,x5=x5,y5=y5,m=m)
    if (plot) graphics::plot(c(0,100),c(0,100),type='n',
    height <- 100*3/4
    width <- 100
    xStart <- width/2 - height/2
    dx <- res/100
    m <- recurse(n=n,x1=xStart+dx,y1=height-dx,x5=xStart+height-dx,y5=height-dx)
    m <- recurse(n=n,x1=xStart+height-dx,y1=height-dx,x5=xStart+height/2,y5=dx,m=m)
    m <- recurse(n=n,x1=xStart+height/2,y1=dx,x5=xStart+dx,y5=height-dx,m=m)

#' @title box counting
#' @description Count the number of boxes needed to cover all the 1s
#'     in a matrix of 0s and 1s.
#' @param mat a square square matrix of 0s and 1s, whose size should
#'     be a power of 2.
#' @param size the size (pixels per side) of the boxes, whose size
#'     should be a power of 2.
#' @return an integer
#' @examples
#' g <- sierpinski(n=5)
#' boxcount(mat=g,size=16)
#' @export
boxcount <- function(mat,size){
    n2 <- floor(log2(min(dim(mat))))
    n <- 2^(n2-log2(size)-1)
    nboxes <- n^2
    for(j in 1:n){
        row_id <- ((j-1)*size+1):(j*size)
        for(k in 1:n){
            col_id <- ((k-1)*size+1):(k*size)
            if(sum(mat[row_id,col_id]) == 0){
                nboxes <- nboxes - 1

#' @title box counting
#' @description Count the number of boxes needed to cover all the 1s
#'     in a matrix of 0s and 1s.
#' @param mat a square square matrix of 0s and 1s, whose size should
#'     be a power of 2.
#' @param size the size (pixels per side) of the boxes, whose size
#'     should be a power of 2.
#' @return an integer
#' @examples
#' g <- sierpinski(n=5)
#' boxcount(mat=g,size=16)
#' @export
boxcount <- function(mat,size){
    n2 <- floor(log2(min(dim(mat))))
    n <- 2^(n2-log2(size)-1)
    nboxes <- n^2
    for(j in 1:n){
        row_id <- ((j-1)*size+1):(j*size)
        for(k in 1:n){
            col_id <- ((k-1)*size+1):(k*size)
            if(sum(mat[row_id,col_id]) == 0){
                nboxes <- nboxes - 1

#' @title calculate the fractal dimension
#' @description Performs box counting on a matrix of 0s and 1s.
#' @param mat a square matrix of 0s and 1s. Size must be a power of 2.
#' @param plot logical. If \code{TRUE}, plots the results on a log-log
#'     scale.
#' @param ... optional arguments to the generic \code{points} function.
#' @return an object of class \code{lm}
#' @examples
#' g <- sierpinski(n=5)
#' fractaldim(g)
#' @export
fractaldim <- function(mat,plot=TRUE,...){
    n2 <- floor(log2(min(dim(mat))))
    n <- rep(2,n2)^(0:(n2-1))
    size <- rev(n)
    nboxes <- n^2
    for(i in 1:length(size)){
        nboxes[i] <- boxcount(mat=mat,size=size[i])
    fit <- stats::lm(log(nboxes) ~ log(size))
    if (plot){
        graphics::plot(nboxes ~ size,type='n',log='xy',
                       bty='n',xlab='size of the boxes',
                       ylab=expression('number of boxes'))
        graphics::lines(exp(fit$fitted.values) ~ size)
        graphics::points(nboxes ~ size,...)
                         legend=paste0('ln[y] = ',signif(fit$coef[1],3),
                                       signif(fit$coef[2],3),' ln[x]'))

#' @title count the number of earthquakes per year
#' @description Counts the number of earthquakes per year that fall
#'     within a certain time interval.
#' @param qdat a data frame containing columns named \code{mag} and
#'     \code{year}.
#' @param minmag minimum magnitude
#' @param from first year
#' @param to last year
#' @return a table with the number of earthquakes per year
#' @examples
#' data(declustered,package='geostats')
#' quakesperyear <- countQuakes(declustered,minmag=5.0,from=1917,to=2016)
#' table(quakesperyear)
#' @export
countQuakes <- function(qdat,minmag,from,to){
    bigenough <- (qdat$mag >= minmag)
    youngenough <- (qdat$year >= from)
    oldenough <- (qdat$year <= to)
    goodenough <- (bigenough & youngenough & oldenough)

#' @title create a Gutenberg-Richter plot
#' @description Calculate a semi-log plot with earthquake magnitude on
#'     the horizontal axis,and the cumulative number of earthquakes
#'     exceeding any given magnitude on the vertical axis.
#' @param m a vector of earthquake magnitudes
#' @param n the number of magnitudes to evaluate
#' @param ... optional arguments to the generic \code{points}
#'     function.
#' @return the output of \code{lm} with earthquake magnitude as the
#'     independent variable (\code{mag}) and the logarithm (base 10)
#'     of the frequency as the dependent variable (\code{lfreq}).
#' @examples
#' data(declustered,package='geostats')
#' gutenberg(declustered$mag)
#' @export
gutenberg <- function(m,n=10,...){
    sf <- sizefrequency(m,n=n,log=FALSE)
    mag <- sf[,'size']
    lfreq <- log10(sf[,'frequency']/length(m))
    fit <- stats::lm(lfreq ~ mag)
    graphics::legend('topright',paste0('y = ',signif(fit$coef[1],3),
                                       signif(fit$coef[2],3),' x'),bty='n')

#' @title calculate the size-frequency distribution of things
#' @description Count the number of items exceeding a certain size.
#' @param dat a numerical vector
#' @param n the number of sizes to evaluate
#' @param log logical. If \code{TRUE}, uses a log spacing for the
#'     sizes at which the frequencies are evaluated
#' @return a data frame with two columns \code{size} and
#'     \code{frequency}
#' @examples
#' data(Finland,package='geostats')
#' sf <- sizefrequency(Finland$area)
#' plot(frequency~size,data=sf,log='xy')
#' fit <- lm(log(frequency) ~ log(size),data=sf)
#' lines(x=sf$size,y=exp(predict(fit)))
#' @export
sizefrequency <- function(dat,n=10,log=TRUE){
    if (log) d <- log(dat)
    else d <- dat
    m <- stats::quantile(d,0.01)
    M <- stats::quantile(d,0.99)
    size <- seq(from=m,to=M,length.out=n)
    freq <- rep(0,n)
    for (i in 1:n){
        freq[i] <- sum(d>size[i])
    if (log) size <- exp(size)

#' @title 3-magnet pendulum experiment
#' @description Simulates the 3-magnet pendulum experiment, starting
#'     at a specified position with a given start velocity.
#' @param startpos 2-element vecotor with the initial position
#' @param startvel 2-element vector with the initial velocity
#' @param src \eqn{n \times 2} matrix with the positions of the magnets
#' @param plot logical. If \code{TRUE}, generates a plot with the
#'     trajectory of the pendulum.
#' @return the end position of the pendulum
#' @examples
#' p <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' pendulum(startpos=c(2.1,2))
#' pendulum(startpos=c(1.9,2))
#' par(p)
#' @export
pendulum <- function(startpos=c(-2,2),startvel=c(0,0),
    niter <- 10000
    pos <- matrix(0,niter,2)
    vel <- matrix(0,niter,2)
    acc <- matrix(0,niter,2)
    pos[1,] <- startpos
    pos[2,] <- startpos
    vel[1,] <- startvel
    vel[2,] <- startvel
    kf <- 1
    friction <- .2
    m_fHeight <- .2
    src[,1] <- src[,1] - 0.5
    src[,2] <- src[,2] - 1 + 0.5/cos(30*pi/180)
    dt <- .02
    for (i in 3:niter){
        pos[i,1] <- pos[i-1,1] + vel[i-1,1]*dt +
            ((2/3)*acc[i-1,1] - (1/6)*acc[i-2,1]) * dt^2
        pos[i,2] <- pos[i-1,2] + vel[i-1,2]*dt +
            ((2/3)*acc[i-1,2] - (1/6)*acc[i-2,2]) * dt^2
        D <- Inf
        for (j in 1:nrow(src)){
            r <- pos[i,] - src[j,];
            d <- sqrt( r[1]^2 + r[2]^2 + m_fHeight^2 )
            if (d<D){
                best <- j
                D <- d
            if (FALSE){
                acc[i,1] <- acc[i,1] - kf*r[1]
                acc[i,2] <- acc[i,2] - kf*r[2]
            } else {
                acc[i,1] <- acc[i,1] - kf*r[1]/d^3
                acc[i,2] <- acc[i,2] - kf*r[2]/d^3
        acc[i,1] <- acc[i,1] - vel[i-1,1]*friction
        acc[i,2] <- acc[i,2] - vel[i-1,2]*friction
        vel[i,1] <- vel[i-1,1] +
            ( (1/3)*acc[i,1] + (5/6)*acc[i-1,1] - (1/6)*acc[i-2,1] )*dt
        vel[i,2] <- vel[i-1,2] +
            ( (1/3)*acc[i,2] + (5/6)*acc[i-1,2] - (1/6)*acc[i-2,2] )*dt
        if (sum(abs(vel[i,]))<.001){
    if (plot){
        oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)

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