API for ggdist
Visualizations of Distributions and Uncertainty

Global functions
.Deprecated_argument_alias Source code
.Deprecated_arguments Source code
.curve_interval Source code
.density_adaptive Source code
.dist_weighted_sample Source code
.dist_wrapped_categorical Source code
.hdci_function Source code
.hdi_numeric Source code
.smooth_density Source code
AbstractStatSlabinterval Man page
GeomBlurDots Man page
GeomDots Man page
GeomDotsinterval Man page
GeomInterval Man page
GeomLineribbon Man page
GeomPointinterval Man page
GeomSlab Man page
GeomSlabinterval Man page
GeomSpike Man page
GeomSwarm Man page
GeomWeave Man page
Mode Man page Source code
Mode.default Man page Source code
Mode.distribution Man page Source code
Mode.rvar Man page Source code
PositionDodgejust Man page
Pr_ Man page Source code
RankCorr Man page
RankCorr_u_tau Man page
StatDistSlabinterval Man page
StatInterval Man page
StatPointinterval Man page
StatSampleSlabinterval Man page
StatSlabinterval Man page
StatSpike Man page
`%<-%` Source code
add_default_computed_aesthetics Source code
align Man page
align_boundary Man page
align_breaks Source code
align_center Man page
align_none Man page
all_names Source code
approx_cdf Source code
approx_pdf Source code
args_from_aes Source code
as_partial_colour_ramp Source code
as_thickness Source code
auto_partial Man page Source code
automatic-partial-functions Man page
automatic_bin Source code
axis_titles_bottom_left Man page Source code
bandwidth Man page
bandwidth_SJ Man page
bandwidth_bcv Man page
bandwidth_dpi Man page
bandwidth_nrd Man page
bandwidth_nrd0 Man page
bandwidth_ucv Man page
bar_bin Source code
bin_dots Man page Source code
binary_search Source code
blur Man page
blur_gaussian Man page
blur_interval Man page
bounder_cdf Man page
bounder_cooke Man page
bounder_range Man page Source code
breaks Man page
breaks_FD Man page
breaks_Scott Man page
breaks_Sturges Man page
breaks_fixed Man page
breaks_quantiles Man page
bw_fallback Source code
camel_case Source code
case_when_side Source code
cdf.ggdist__weighted_sample Source code
cdf.ggdist__wrapped_categorical Source code
changed_geom_values Source code
check_Pr_cdf_element_combination Source code
check_along_is_null Source code
check_at Source code
check_dist_length_1 Source code
check_dist_name Source code
check_na Source code
check_one_dist Source code
collide Source code
collide_setup Source code
compute_interval_slabinterval Source code
compute_limits_sample Source code
compute_limits_slabinterval Source code
compute_panel_limits Source code
compute_slab_dots Source code
compute_slab_sample Source code
compute_slab_slabinterval Source code
compute_slab_spike Source code
curve_interval Man page Source code
curve_interval.data.frame Man page Source code
curve_interval.matrix Man page Source code
curve_interval.rvar Man page Source code
cut_cdf_qi Man page Source code
ddply_ Source code
defaults Source code
define_orientation_variables Source code
density.ggdist__weighted_sample Source code
density.ggdist__wrapped_categorical Source code
density_bounded Man page
density_histogram Man page
density_unbounded Man page
deparse0 Source code
distr_cdf Source code
distr_function Source code
distr_function.default Source code
distr_function.distribution Source code
distr_function.list Source code
distr_function.rvar Source code
distr_function.rvar_factor Source code
distr_get_sample Source code
distr_get_sample_weights Source code
distr_is_constant Source code
distr_is_discrete Source code
distr_is_factor_like Source code
distr_is_logical Source code
distr_is_missing Source code
distr_is_multivariate Source code
distr_is_sample Source code
distr_levels Source code
distr_pdf Source code
distr_point_interval Source code
distr_point_interval.distribution Source code
distr_point_interval.list Source code
distr_probs Source code
distr_quantile Source code
distr_random Source code
distr_set_sample Source code
dlkjcorr_marginal Man page Source code
dlply_ Source code
dot_heap Source code
dots_grob Source code
draw_key_interval_ Source code
draw_key_lineribbon Source code
draw_key_point_ Source code
draw_key_slab_ Source code
draw_key_slabinterval_ Source code
draw_path Source code
draw_pointintervals Source code
draw_polygon Source code
draw_slabs Source code
draw_slabs_dots Source code
draw_slabs_spike Source code
draw_subguide_axis Source code
dstudent_t Man page Source code
eval_select_ Source code
facet_title_horizontal Man page Source code
facet_title_left_horizontal Man page Source code
facet_title_right_horizontal Man page Source code
fct_explicit_na_ Source code
fct_rev_ Source code
find_dotplot_binwidth Man page Source code
flatten_array Source code
format.ggdist__weighted_sample Source code
format.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp Source code
format.ggdist_thickness Source code
from_broom_names Man page Source code
from_ggmcmc_names Man page Source code
generate.ggdist__weighted_sample Source code
generate.ggdist__wrapped_categorical Source code
geom_blur_dots Man page
geom_dots Man page
geom_dotsinterval Man page
geom_interval Man page
geom_lineribbon Man page
geom_pointinterval Man page
geom_slab Man page
geom_slabinterval Man page
geom_spike Man page
geom_swarm Man page
geom_weave Man page
get_bandwidth Source code
get_bounds Source code
get_breaks Source code
get_flipped_aes Source code
get_justification Source code
get_local_bandwidth Source code
get_orientation Source code
get_raw_breaks Source code
get_slab_function Source code
get_subguide_axis_position Source code
get_subguide_position Source code
ggdist Man page
ggdist-deprecated Man page
ggdist-ggproto Man page
ggdist-package Man page
ggname Source code
ggproto_formals Source code
glue_doc Source code
group_slab_data_by Source code
group_vars_ Source code
guide_colorbar2 Man page
guide_colourbar2 Man page Source code
guide_rampbar Man page Source code
halfspace_depth Source code
hdci Man page Source code
hdci_ Source code
hdci_.distribution Source code
hdci_.numeric Source code
hdci_.rvar Source code
hdi Man page Source code
hdi_ Source code
hdi_.distribution Source code
hdi_.numeric Source code
hdi_.rvar Source code
inverse_deriv_at_y Source code
is.na.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp Source code
is.na.ggdist_thickness Source code
is_dist_like Source code
is_thickness Source code
layer_slabinterval Source code
lkjcorr_marginal Man page
lkjcorr_marginal_alpha Source code
ll Man page Source code
makeContent.dots_grob Source code
make_geom Source code
make_gradient_fill Source code
make_list_cols Source code
make_points_grob Source code
make_stat Source code
map2_ Source code
map2_chr_ Source code
map_dbl_ Source code
map_dfr_ Source code
map_lgl_ Source code
marginalize_lkjcorr Man page Source code
match_function Source code
mean.ggdist__weighted_sample Source code
mean_hdci Man page Source code
mean_hdi Man page Source code
mean_ll Man page Source code
mean_qi Man page Source code
mean_ul Man page Source code
median_hdci Man page Source code
median_hdi Man page Source code
median_ll Man page Source code
median_qi Man page Source code
median_ul Man page Source code
mode_hdci Man page Source code
mode_hdi Man page Source code
mode_ll Man page Source code
mode_qi Man page Source code
mode_ul Man page Source code
na_ Source code
new_partial_colour_ramp Source code
new_thickness Source code
normalize_thickness Source code
normalize_thickness.NULL Source code
normalize_thickness.data.frame Source code
normalize_thickness.default Source code
normalize_thickness.ggdist_thickness Source code
nudge_bins Source code
opposite_side Source code
override_interval_aesthetics Source code
override_point_aesthetics Source code
override_slab_aesthetics Source code
p_ Man page Source code
parse_Pr_element Source code
parse_dist Man page Source code
parse_dist.brmsprior Man page Source code
parse_dist.character Man page Source code
parse_dist.data.frame Man page Source code
parse_dist.default Man page Source code
parse_dist.factor Man page Source code
partial_colour_ramp Man page Source code
partial_self Source code
plkjcorr_marginal Man page Source code
pmap_ Source code
point_interval Man page Source code
point_interval.default Man page Source code
point_interval.distribution Man page
point_interval.numeric Man page Source code
point_interval.rvar Man page Source code
pos_dodgejust Source code
position_dodgejust Man page Source code
prepare_key_data_ Source code
print.ggdist_partial_function Source code
pstudent_t Man page Source code
qi Man page Source code
qi_ Source code
qlkjcorr_marginal Man page Source code
qstudent_t Man page Source code
quantile.ggdist__weighted_sample Source code
quantile.ggdist__wrapped_categorical Source code
quantile.weighted_ecdf Source code
r_dist_name Man page Source code
ramp_colours Man page Source code
rd_aesthetics_sections Source code
rd_bulleted_list Source code
rd_describe_list Source code
rd_dotsinterval_aesthetics Source code
rd_dotsinterval_shortcut_geom Source code
rd_dotsinterval_shortcut_stat Source code
rd_layer_params Source code
rd_lineribbon_aesthetics Source code
rd_lineribbon_shortcut_stat Source code
rd_named_list Source code
rd_param_dots_layout Source code
rd_param_dots_overlaps Source code
rd_param_slab_side Source code
rd_shortcut_geom Source code
rd_shortcut_stat Source code
rd_slabinterval_aesthetics Source code
rd_slabinterval_computed_variables Source code
rd_slabinterval_shortcut_geom Source code
rd_slabinterval_shortcut_stat Source code
rd_spike_aesthetics Source code
reexports Man page
rename_cols Source code
rescale_slab_thickness Source code
rlkjcorr_marginal Man page Source code
row_map_dfr_ Source code
rstudent_t Man page Source code
scale_color_ramp Man page
scale_color_ramp_continuous Man page
scale_color_ramp_discrete Man page
scale_colour_ramp Man page
scale_colour_ramp_continuous Man page Source code
scale_colour_ramp_discrete Man page Source code
scale_fill_ramp Man page
scale_fill_ramp_continuous Man page Source code
scale_fill_ramp_discrete Man page Source code
scale_interval_alpha_continuous Man page Source code
scale_interval_alpha_discrete Man page Source code
scale_interval_color_continuous Man page
scale_interval_color_discrete Man page
scale_interval_colour_continuous Man page Source code
scale_interval_colour_discrete Man page Source code
scale_interval_linetype_continuous Man page Source code
scale_interval_linetype_discrete Man page Source code
scale_interval_size_continuous Man page Source code
scale_interval_size_discrete Man page Source code
scale_point_alpha_continuous Man page Source code
scale_point_alpha_discrete Man page Source code
scale_point_color_continuous Man page
scale_point_color_discrete Man page
scale_point_colour_continuous Man page Source code
scale_point_colour_discrete Man page Source code
scale_point_fill_continuous Man page Source code
scale_point_fill_discrete Man page Source code
scale_point_size_continuous Man page Source code
scale_point_size_discrete Man page Source code
scale_side_mirrored Man page Source code
scale_slab_alpha_continuous Man page Source code
scale_slab_alpha_discrete Man page Source code
scale_slab_color_continuous Man page
scale_slab_color_discrete Man page
scale_slab_colour_continuous Man page Source code
scale_slab_colour_discrete Man page Source code
scale_slab_fill_continuous Man page Source code
scale_slab_fill_discrete Man page Source code
scale_slab_linetype_continuous Man page Source code
scale_slab_linetype_discrete Man page Source code
scale_slab_linewidth_continuous Man page Source code
scale_slab_linewidth_discrete Man page Source code
scale_slab_shape_continuous Man page Source code
scale_slab_shape_discrete Man page Source code
scale_slab_size_continuous Man page Source code
scale_slab_size_discrete Man page Source code
scale_thickness Man page
scale_thickness_identity Man page Source code
scale_thickness_shared Man page Source code
scale_type.ggdist_thickness Source code
scales Man page
select_bin_method Source code
seq_interleaved Source code
seq_interleaved_centered Source code
seq_interleaved_rev Source code
side_mirrored_pal Source code
skip_if_no_gradient Source code
skip_if_no_vdiffr Source code
skip_if_sensitive_to_density Source code
smooth_bar Man page
smooth_bounded Man page
smooth_density Man page
smooth_discrete Man page
smooth_none Man page
smooth_unbounded Man page
snake_case Source code
split_df Source code
standardize_Pr_element Source code
stat_ccdfinterval Man page
stat_cdfinterval Man page
stat_dist_ccdfinterval Man page
stat_dist_cdfinterval Man page
stat_dist_dots Man page
stat_dist_dotsinterval Man page
stat_dist_eye Man page
stat_dist_gradientinterval Man page
stat_dist_halfeye Man page
stat_dist_interval Man page
stat_dist_lineribbon Man page
stat_dist_pointinterval Man page
stat_dist_slab Man page
stat_dist_slabinterval Man page
stat_dots Man page
stat_dotsinterval Man page
stat_eye Man page
stat_gradientinterval Man page
stat_halfeye Man page
stat_histinterval Man page
stat_interval Man page
stat_lineribbon Man page
stat_mcse_dots Man page
stat_pointinterval Man page
stat_ribbon Man page
stat_sample_slabinterval Man page
stat_slab Man page
stat_slabinterval Man page
stat_spike Man page
stepify Source code
stop0 Source code
stop_if_not_installed Source code
stop_not_installed Source code
student_t Man page
sub-geometry-scales Man page
subguide_axis Man page
subguide_count Man page Source code
subguide_inside Man page Source code
subguide_integer Man page Source code
subguide_none Man page Source code
subguide_outside Man page Source code
summarise_by Source code
switch_fill_type Source code
switch_side Source code
theme_ggdist Man page Source code
theme_tidybayes Man page
thickness Man page Source code
thickness_lower Source code
thickness_upper Source code
tidy-format-translators Man page
title_case Source code
to_broom_names Man page Source code
to_expression Source code
to_ggmcmc_names Man page Source code
transform_pdf Source code
transform_size Source code
ul Man page Source code
variance.ggdist__weighted_sample Source code
vec_arith.ggdist_thickness Source code
vec_arith.ggdist_thickness.default Source code
vec_arith.ggdist_thickness.ggdist_thickness Source code
vec_arith.ggdist_thickness.numeric Source code
vec_arith.numeric.ggdist_thickness Source code
vec_cast.double.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp Source code
vec_cast.double.ggdist_thickness Source code
vec_cast.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp.double Source code
vec_cast.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp.integer Source code
vec_cast.ggdist_thickness.double Source code
vec_cast.ggdist_thickness.integer Source code
vec_cast.integer.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp Source code
vec_cast.integer.ggdist_thickness Source code
vec_ptype2.double.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp Source code
vec_ptype2.double.ggdist_thickness Source code
vec_ptype2.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp.double Source code
vec_ptype2.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp Source code
vec_ptype2.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp.integer Source code
vec_ptype2.ggdist_thickness.double Source code
vec_ptype2.ggdist_thickness.ggdist_thickness Source code
vec_ptype2.ggdist_thickness.integer Source code
vec_ptype2.integer.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp Source code
vec_ptype2.integer.ggdist_thickness Source code
vec_ptype_abbr.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp Source code
vec_ptype_abbr.ggdist_thickness Source code
vec_ptype_full.ggdist_partial_colour_ramp Source code
vec_ptype_full.ggdist_thickness Source code
waiver Man page
warning0 Source code
weighted_ecdf Man page Source code
weighted_hist Source code
weighted_iqr Source code
weighted_quantile Man page Source code
weighted_quantile_fun Man page Source code
weighted_var Source code
weights.ggdist__weighted_sample Source code
wilkinson_bin Source code
wilkinson_bin_from_center Source code
wilkinson_bin_to_right Source code
wilkinson_bin_to_right_ Source code
wilkinson_sweep_back Source code
write_svg_with_gradient Source code
ggdist documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:08 a.m.