
Defines functions check_dist_length_1 transform_pdf inverse_deriv_at_y weights.ggdist__weighted_sample variance.ggdist__weighted_sample mean.ggdist__weighted_sample generate.ggdist__weighted_sample quantile.ggdist__weighted_sample cdf.ggdist__weighted_sample density.ggdist__weighted_sample format.ggdist__weighted_sample .dist_weighted_sample generate.ggdist__wrapped_categorical quantile.ggdist__wrapped_categorical cdf.ggdist__wrapped_categorical density.ggdist__wrapped_categorical .dist_wrapped_categorical is_dist_like distr_is_missing distr_is_constant distr_get_sample_weights distr_set_sample distr_get_sample distr_is_sample distr_is_multivariate distr_probs distr_levels distr_is_factor_like distr_is_logical distr_is_discrete distr_point_interval.distribution distr_point_interval.list distr_point_interval distr_random distr_quantile distr_cdf distr_pdf distr_function.rvar_factor distr_function.rvar distr_function.distribution distr_function.list distr_function.default distr_function

# Helper methods for working with distributions
# Author: mjskay

# pdf, cdf, and quantile functions ----------------------------------------

#' Helper function to create pdf/cdf/quantile functions
#' @param dist The distribution, either as a string (given the suffix to a
#' p/q/d/r function set), \pkg{distributional} object, or [rvar()]
#' @param prefix For strings, one of `"p"`, `"q"`, `"d"`, or `"r"`
#' @param fun For \pkg{distributional} objects and `rvar`s, the function to apply (e.g.
#' [`pdf`], [`cdf`], [`quantile`], or [`generate`]).
#' @noRd
distr_function = function(dist, fun, ...) {
#' @export
distr_function.default = function(dist, fun, ...) {
  stop0("The `dist` aesthetic does not support objects of type ", deparse0(class(dist)))
#' @export
distr_function.list = function(dist, fun, ...) {

  distr_function(dist[[1]], fun, ...)
#' @importFrom stats stepfun
#' @export
distr_function.distribution = function(dist, fun, ..., categorical_okay = FALSE) {

  if (fun == "quantile" && categorical_okay && distr_is_factor_like(dist)) {
    # for categorical distributions --- but only when requested --- treat
    # them as ordinal so we can generate values in their bins. This is used
    # for stat_dots to put dots in bins approximately proportional to bin probs.
    levs = distr_levels(dist)
    probs = distr_probs(dist)
    quantile_fun = stepfun(c(0, cumsum(probs)), c(1, seq_along(probs), length(probs)))
    return(function(x, ...) levs[quantile_fun(x)])
  # eat up extra args as they are ignored anyway
  # (and can cause problems, e.g. with cdf())
  # TODO: at least until #114 / distributional/#72
  fun = match.fun(fun)
  function(x, ...) unlist(fun(dist[[1]], x))
#' @export
distr_function.rvar = function(dist, fun, ...) {

  fun = match.fun(fun)
  function(x, ...) unlist(fun(dist[[1]], x, ...))
#' @export
distr_function.rvar_factor = function(dist, fun, ...) {
  if (!inherits(dist, "rvar_ordered") && fun %in% c("cdf", "quantile")) {
    # cdf and quantile are undefined on unordered dists, so just return NA
    function(x, ...) {
      rep_len(NA_real_, length(x))
  } else if (fun %in% c("density", "cdf")) {
    # for density and cdf we must translate numeric input to factor levels
    f = force(NextMethod())
    levs = levels(dist)
    function(x, ...) {
      # only x values > 0 are valid; values <= 0 are 0s
      gt_0 = x > 0
      x_gt_0_levels = levs[x[gt_0]]
      out = numeric(length(x))
      out[gt_0] = f(x_gt_0_levels, ...)
  } else {

distr_pdf = function(dist, ...) {
  distr_function(dist, "density", ...)

#' @importFrom distributional cdf
distr_cdf = function(dist, ...) {
  distr_function(dist, "cdf", ...)

#' @param categorical_okay if TRUE, categorical dists are treated as ordinal
#' in order to generate values in bins (e.g. for use with stat_dots)
#' @noRd
distr_quantile = function(dist, ..., categorical_okay = FALSE) {
  distr_function(dist, "quantile", ..., categorical_okay = categorical_okay)

#' @importFrom distributional generate
distr_random = function(dist, ...) {
  distr_function(dist, "generate", ...)

# point_interval ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Apply a point_interval to a distribution
#' @noRd
distr_point_interval = function(dist, point_interval, trans, ...) {
#' @export
distr_point_interval.list = function(dist, point_interval, trans, ...) {

  distr_point_interval(dist[[1]], point_interval, trans, ...)
#' @importFrom distributional dist_transformed
#' @export
distr_point_interval.distribution = function(dist, point_interval, trans, ...) {
  if (distr_is_sample(dist)) {
    x = distr_get_sample(dist)
    if (is.ordered(x)) x = as.numeric(x)
    # cannot calculate intervals on categorical distributions
    else if (is.factor(x)) x = rep(NA_real_, length(x))

    t_dist = distr_set_sample(dist, trans$transform(x))
  } else {
    t_dist = dist_transformed(dist, trans$transform, trans$inverse)
  point_interval(t_dist, .simple_names = TRUE, ...)
#' @export
distr_point_interval.rvar = distr_point_interval.distribution

# other distribution helpers ----------------------------------------------

#' Is a distribution discrete?
#' @noRd
distr_is_discrete = function(dist) {
  if (inherits(dist, "rvar_factor")) {
  if (inherits(dist, "rvar")) {
  if (is_distribution(dist) && inherits(vec_data(dist)[[1]], "dist_mixture")) {

    # special case: discrete mixtures can't be reliably detected by the
    # method below, so we do it by asking if all components of the mixture are discrete
    dists = vec_restore(vec_data(dist)[[1]]$dist, dist_missing())
    is_discrete = map_lgl_(dists, distr_is_discrete)

  withr::with_seed(1, {
    one_value_from_dist = distr_random(dist)(1)
    is.integer(one_value_from_dist) || is.logical(one_value_from_dist) || is.character(one_value_from_dist)

#' Is a distribution logical?
#' @noRd
distr_is_logical = function(dist) {
  if (inherits(dist, "rvar")) {
  if (is_distribution(dist) && inherits(vec_data(dist)[[1]], "dist_mixture")) {

    # special case: logical mixtures can't be reliably detected by the
    # method below, so we do it by asking if all components of the mixture are logical
    dists = vec_restore(vec_data(dist)[[1]]$dist, dist_missing())
    is_logical = map_lgl_(dists, distr_is_logical)

  withr::with_seed(1, {
    one_value_from_dist = distr_random(dist)(1)

#' Is a distribution a non-numeric discrete dist? e.g. character, factor
#' @noRd
distr_is_factor_like = function(dist) {
  inherits(dist, "rvar_factor") || if (inherits(dist, "distribution")) {
    is_factor_like = map_lgl_(vctrs::vec_data(dist), function(d) {
      inherits(d, c("dist_categorical", "ggdist__wrapped_categorical")) ||
          inherits(d, c("dist_sample", "ggdist__weighted_sample")) &&
            inherits(distr_get_sample(d), c("character", "factor"))
        ) ||
        is.character(vctrs::field(support(vec_restore(list(d), dist_missing())), "x")[[1]])
    length(dist) > 0 && all(is_factor_like)
  } else {

#' For factor-like distributions, get their levels
#' @noRd
distr_levels = function(dist) {
  if (inherits(dist, "rvar_factor")) {
  } else if (inherits(dist, "distribution")) {
    levs = lapply(vec_data(dist), distr_levels)
    unique(do.call(c, levs))
  } else if (inherits(dist, "dist_categorical")) {
    as.character(dist[["x"]] %||% seq_along(dist[["p"]]))
  } else if (inherits(dist, "ggdist__wrapped_categorical")) {
  } else if (inherits(dist, "dist_sample")) {
    s = distr_get_sample(dist)
    if (is.factor(s)) {
    } else {
  } else {
    warning0("Don't know how to determine the levels of distribution: ", format(dist))

#' For categorical distributions, get their probabilities
#' @noRd
distr_probs = function(dist) {
  if (inherits(dist, "distribution") && length(dist) == 1) {
  } else if (inherits(dist, "dist_categorical")) {
  } else if (inherits(dist, "ggdist__wrapped_categorical")) {
  } else {
    warning0("Don't know how to determine the category probabilities of distribution: ", format(dist))

#' Is a distribution multivariate?
#' @noRd
distr_is_multivariate = function(dist) {
  if (inherits(dist, "rvar")) {
    length(dist) > 1
  } else {
    withr::with_seed(1, {
      one_value_from_dist = distr_random(dist)(1)
      length(one_value_from_dist) > 1

#' Is a distribution sample based?
#' @noRd
distr_is_sample = function(dist) {
  inherits(dist, c("rvar", "dist_sample", "ggdist__weighted_sample")) ||
      inherits(dist, "distribution") &&
        length(dist) == 1 &&
        inherits(vctrs::field(dist, 1), c("dist_sample", "ggdist__weighted_sample"))

#' Get all samples from a sample-based distribution
#' @noRd
distr_get_sample = function(dist) {
  if (inherits(dist, "rvar")) {
  } else if (inherits(dist, "distribution")) {
    vctrs::field(dist, 1)[["x"]]
  } else if (inherits(dist, c("dist_sample", "ggdist__weighted_sample"))) {

#' Modify samples from a sample-based distribution
#' @noRd
distr_set_sample = function(dist, value) {
  if (inherits(dist, "rvar")) {
    posterior::draws_of(dist) = value
  } else if (inherits(dist, "distribution")) {
    old_class = oldClass(dist)
    dist = unclass(dist)
    dist[[1]] = distr_set_sample(dist[[1]], value)
    class(dist) = old_class
  } else if (inherits(dist, c("dist_sample", "ggdist__weighted_sample"))) {
    dist[["x"]] = value

#' Get all weights from a weighted sample-based distribution
#' @noRd
distr_get_sample_weights = function(dist) {
  if (inherits(dist, "distribution")) {
    distr_get_sample_weights(vctrs::field(dist, 1))
  } else {

#' Is a distribution a constant?
#' @noRd
distr_is_constant = function(dist) {
  if (distr_is_sample(dist)) {
    x = distr_get_sample(dist)
    return(length(unique(x)) == 1)
  if (is_distribution(dist) && inherits(vec_data(dist)[[1]], "dist_mixture")) {

    # special case: discrete constant distributions can't be reliably detected by the
    # method below, so we do it by asking if all components of the mixture are constant
    # and equal
    dists = vec_restore(vec_data(dist)[[1]]$dist, dist_missing())
    is_constant = map_lgl_(dists, distr_is_constant)
    if (all(is_constant)) {
      means = mean(dists)
      return(all(means == means[[1]]))

  quantile_fun = distr_quantile(dist)
  lower = quantile_fun(.Machine$double.eps)
  upper = quantile_fun(1 - .Machine$double.neg.eps)
  isTRUE(lower == upper)

#' Is a distribution missing / NA (or equivalent)?
#' @noRd
distr_is_missing = function(dist) {
  is.null(dist) || anyNA(dist) || identical(dist, list(NULL))

#' Is x a distribution-like object? i.e. a distributional::distribution or
#' a posterior::rvar
#' @noRd
is_dist_like = function(x) {
  inherits(x, c("distribution", "rvar"))

# wrapped categorical distribution ----------------------------------------------------

#' A wrapped categorical distribution with a different level set
#' @noRd
.dist_wrapped_categorical = function(wrapped_dist, new_levels) {
    wrapped_dist = unclass(wrapped_dist),
    new_levels = list(new_levels),
    class = "ggdist__wrapped_categorical"

#' @export
density.ggdist__wrapped_categorical = function(x, at, ...) {
  gt_0 = at > 0
  at_gt_0_levels = x[["new_levels"]][at[gt_0]]
  if (is.null(x[["wrapped_dist"]]$x)) {
    # TODO: hack: when x (levels) are missing from the wrapped dist, then the levels are
    # actually the numeric indices of the probability vector, so convert
    # to numeric
    at_gt_0_levels = as.numeric(at_gt_0_levels)
  f = numeric(length(at))
  f[gt_0] = density(x[["wrapped_dist"]], at_gt_0_levels, ...)

#' @export
cdf.ggdist__wrapped_categorical = function(x, q, ...) {
  rep_len(NA_real_, length(q))

#' @export
quantile.ggdist__wrapped_categorical = function(x, p, ...) {
  rep_len(NA_real_, length(p))

#' @export
generate.ggdist__wrapped_categorical = function(x, ...) {
  generate(x[["wrapped_dist"]], ...)

# weighted sample distribution ----------------------------------------------------

#' A sample distribution with weights
#' @noRd
.dist_weighted_sample = function(x, weights) {
  x = vec_cast(x, list_of(x[[1]]))
  weights = vec_cast(weights, list_of(numeric()))

  weight_is_null = vapply(weights, is.null, logical(1))
  stopifnot(lengths(x) == lengths(weights) | weight_is_null)

  # only allow univariate samples since that's all we should ever end
  # up with via mappings in ggplot
  stopifnot(lengths(lapply(x, dim)) <= 1)

    x = x,
    weights = weights,
    class = "ggdist__weighted_sample"

#' @export
format.ggdist__weighted_sample = function(x, ...) {
  paste0("weighted_sample[", length(x[["x"]]), "]")

#' @export
density.ggdist__weighted_sample = function(x, at, ..., na.rm = TRUE) {
  d = density_bounded(x[["x"]], weights = x[["weights"]], trim = TRUE, ..., na.rm = na.rm)
  approx(d$x, d$y, xout = at, yleft = 0, yright = 0, ties = "ordered")$y

#' @export
cdf.ggdist__weighted_sample = function(x, q, ..., na.rm = TRUE) {
  F_x = weighted_ecdf(x[["x"]], weights = x[["weights"]], ..., na.rm = na.rm)

#' @export
quantile.ggdist__weighted_sample = function(x, p, ..., na.rm = TRUE, names = FALSE) {
  weighted_quantile(x[["x"]], p, weights = x[["weights"]], ..., na.rm = na.rm, names = names)

#' @export
generate.ggdist__weighted_sample = function(x, times, ...) {
  i = sample.int(length(x[["x"]]), times, replace = TRUE, prob = x[["weights"]])

#' @export
mean.ggdist__weighted_sample = function(x, ...) {
  if (is.null(x[["weights"]])) {
  } else {
    weighted.mean(x[["x"]], x[["weights"]])

#' @importFrom distributional variance
#' @export
variance.ggdist__weighted_sample = function(x, ...) {
  if (is.null(x[["weights"]])) {
  } else {
    weighted_var(x[["x"]], x[["weights"]])

#' @importFrom stats weights
#' @export
weights.ggdist__weighted_sample = function(object, ...) {

# transforming density functions ------------------------------------------

# return the derivative of the inverse of a transformation from the scales package at
# the given y values. First attempts to find that analytical derivative, which
# works on most pre-defined transformation functions in scales; if that fails,
# uses numerical derivative
#' @importFrom stats D
inverse_deriv_at_y = function(trans, y) {
  if (!is.null(trans$d_inverse)) {
    # use the function for the derivative if it was supplied (it is optional
    # and so may not be present)
  } else {
      # attempt to find analytical derivative by pulling out the expression
      # for the transformation from the transformation function. Because many
      # scale functions are defined as simple wrappers around
      # single expressions (with no { ... }), we can be pretty naive here and
      # just try to pull out that single expression
      f = trans$inverse
      f_list = as.list(f)
      y_name = names(f_list)[[1]]
      f_expr = f_list[[length(f_list)]]
      f_deriv_expr = D(f_expr, y_name)

      # apply the analytical derivative to the y values
      # must do this within the environment of the transformation function b/c
      # some functions are defined as closures with other variables needed to
      # fully define the transformation
      f_args = list(y)
      names(f_args) = y_name
      eval(f_deriv_expr, f_args, environment(f))
    }, error = function(e) {
      # if analytical approach fails, use numerical approach.
      # we use this (slightly less quick) approach instead of numDeriv::grad()
      # on the whole vector because numDeriv::grad() errors out if any data
      # point fails while this will return `NA` for those points
      vapply(y, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), function(y_i) {
          suppressWarnings(numDeriv::grad(func = trans$inverse, y_i)),
          error = function(e) NA_real_

# return a version of the provided density function f_X(...)
# transformed according to transformation trans
transform_pdf = function(f_X, y, trans, g_inverse_at_y = trans$inverse(y), ...) {
  # based on the fact that for Y = g(X),
  # f_Y(y) = f_X(g^−1(y)) * | g^-1'(y) |

  g_inverse_deriv_at_y = inverse_deriv_at_y(trans, y)

  f_X(g_inverse_at_y, ...) * abs(g_inverse_deriv_at_y)

# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
check_dist_length_1 = function(dist) {
  if (length(dist) > 1) cli_abort(c(
    "Distribution-like objects ({.pkg distributional} objects, {.fun posterior::rvar} objects,
    or lists of either) should never have length > 1 here.",
    ">" = "Please report this bug at {.url https://github.com/mjskay/ggdist/issues},
      along with a {.href [reprex](https://reprex.tidyverse.org/)} and the output of
      {.code rlang::last_trace()}."

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