# Weighted histogram
# Author: mjskay
#' @importFrom rlang as_label enexpr get_expr
weighted_hist = function(
x, weights = NULL, breaks = "Scott", align = "none"
) {
x_label = as_label(enexpr(x))
weights_label = as_label(enexpr(weights))
label = if (is.null(weights)) {
} else {
paste0("[", x_label, ", ", weights_label, "]")
if (length(x) < 1) cli_abort("{.fun ggdist::density_histogram} requires {.code length(x) >= 1}.")
# figure out breaks
binwidths = equidist = NULL
c(breaks, binwidths, equidist) %<-% get_breaks(x, weights, breaks)
# only apply bin alignment if bins are equidistant
if (equidist) c(breaks, binwidths) %<-% align_breaks(x, breaks, binwidths, align)
# check for invalid binning
if (min(x) < breaks[1] || max(x) > breaks[length(breaks)]) {
cli_abort("The {.arg breaks} argument to {.fun ggdist::density_histogram} must cover all values of {.arg x}")
# bin x values
bin = findInterval(x, breaks, rightmost.closed = TRUE, = TRUE)
# sum up weights in each bin
weights = weights %||% rep(1, length(x))
counts = rep(0, length(breaks) - 1)
used_bins = unique(bin)
counts[used_bins] = tapply(weights, factor(bin, used_bins), sum)
breaks = breaks,
counts = counts,
density = counts / binwidths / sum(weights),
mids = (breaks[-length(breaks)] + breaks[-1])/2,
xname = label,
equidist = equidist
class = "histogram"
# breaks algorithms -------------------------------------------------------
#' Break (bin) selection algorithms for histograms
#' Methods for determining breaks (bins) in histograms, as used in the `breaks`
#' argument to [density_histogram()].
#' @template description-auto-partial
#' @param x A numeric vector giving a sample.
#' @param weights A numeric vector of `length(x)` giving sample weights.
#' @details
#' These functions take a sample and its weights and return a value suitable for
#' the `breaks` argument to [density_histogram()] that will determine the histogram
#' breaks.
#' - [breaks_fixed()] allows you to manually specify a fixed bin width.
#' - [breaks_Sturges()], [breaks_Scott()], and [breaks_FD()] implement weighted
#' versions of their corresponding base functions. They return a scalar
#' numeric giving the number of bins. See [nclass.Sturges()], [nclass.scott()],
#' and [nclass.FD()].
#' - [breaks_quantiles()] constructs irregularly-sized bins using `max_n + 1`
#' (possibly weighted) quantiles of `x`. The final number of bins is
#' *at most* `max_n`, as small bins (ones whose bin width is less than half
#' the range of the data divided by `max_n` times `min_width`) will be merged
#' into adjacent bins.
#' @returns Either a single number (giving the number of bins) or a vector
#' giving the edges between bins.
#' @seealso [density_histogram()], [align]
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' x = rnorm(200, 1, 2)
#' # Let's compare the different break-selection algorithms on this data:
#' ggplot(data.frame(x), aes(x)) +
#' stat_slab(
#' aes(y = "breaks_fixed(width = 0.5)"),
#' density = "histogram",
#' breaks = breaks_fixed(width = 0.5),
#' outline_bars = TRUE,
#' color = "black",
#' ) +
#' stat_slab(
#' aes(y = "breaks_Sturges()\nor 'Sturges'"),
#' density = "histogram",
#' breaks = "Sturges",
#' outline_bars = TRUE,
#' color = "black",
#' ) +
#' stat_slab(
#' aes(y = "breaks_Scott()\nor 'Scott'"),
#' density = "histogram",
#' breaks = "Scott",
#' outline_bars = TRUE,
#' color = "black",
#' ) +
#' stat_slab(
#' aes(y = "breaks_FD()\nor 'FD'"),
#' density = "histogram",
#' breaks = "FD",
#' outline_bars = TRUE,
#' color = "black",
#' ) +
#' geom_point(aes(y = 0.7), alpha = 0.5) +
#' labs(
#' subtitle = "ggdist::stat_slab(density = 'histogram', ...)",
#' y = "breaks =",
#' x = NULL
#' )
#' @name breaks
## breaks_fixed ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname breaks
#' @param width For [breaks_fixed()], the desired bin width.
#' @export
breaks_fixed = auto_partial(name = "breaks_fixed", function(
x, weights = NULL, width = 1
) {
if (length(x) == 1) return(c(x - width/2, x + width/2))
# determine amount we need to expand range by to make it a multiple of width
x_range = range(x)
expand = ((-diff(x_range)) %% width) / 2[[1]] - expand, x_range[[2]] + expand, by = width)
## breaks_Sturges ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname breaks
#' @export
breaks_Sturges = auto_partial(name = "breaks_Sturges", function(
x, weights = NULL
) {
weights = weights %||% rep(1, length(x))
n = max(length(x), sum(weights))
ceiling(log2(n) + 1)
## breaks_Scott ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname breaks
#' @export
breaks_Scott = auto_partial(name = "breaks_Scott", function(
x, weights = NULL
) {
weights = weights %||% rep(1, length(x))
n = max(length(x), sum(weights))
h = 3.5 * sqrt(weighted_var(x, weights)) * n^(-1/3)
if (h > 0) {
max(1, ceiling(diff(range(x))/h))
} else {
## breaks_FD ---------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname breaks
#' @param digits For [breaks_FD()], the number of significant digits to keep when
#' rounding in the Freedman-Diaconis algorithm. For an explanation of this
#' parameter, see the documentation of the corresponding parameter in
#' [grDevices::nclass.FD()].
#' @export
breaks_FD = auto_partial(name = "breaks_FD", function(
x, weights = NULL, digits = 5
) {
.x = signif(x, digits = digits)
weights = weights %||% rep(1, length(x))
h = 2 * weighted_iqr(.x, weights)
if (h == 0) {
.x_order = order(.x)
.x = .x[.x_order]
.weights = weights[.x_order]
quantile_fun = weighted_quantile_fun(.x, weights = .weights, n = "sum")
for (al in 2^(-3:-9)) {
h = diff(quantile_fun(c(al, 1 - al))) / (1 - 2 * al)
if (h != 0) break
if (h == 0) {
h = 3.5 * sqrt(weighted_var(x, weights))
n = max(length(x), sum(weights))
if (h > 0) {
ceiling(diff(range(x))/h * n^(1/3))
} else {
## breaks_quantiles --------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname breaks
#' @param max_n For [breaks_quantiles()], either a scalar numeric giving the
#' maximum number of bins, or another breaks function (or string giving the
#' suffix of the name of a function prefixed with `"breaks_"`) that will
#' return the maximum number of bins. [breaks_quantiles()] will construct
#' *at most* `max_n` bins.
#' @param min_width For [breaks_quantiles()], a scalar numeric between `0` and
#' `1` giving the minimum bin width as a proportion of `diff(range(x)) / max_n`.
#' @export
breaks_quantiles = auto_partial(name = "breaks_quantiles", function(
x, weights = NULL, max_n = "Scott", min_width = 0.5
) {
max_n = get_raw_breaks(x, weights, max_n)
stopifnot(is.numeric(max_n), length(max_n) == 1, max_n >= 1)
breaks = weighted_quantile(x, ppoints(max_n + 1, a = 1), weights = weights, names = FALSE)
# remove bins that are very small (less than half the bin width of the
# bins that would be used in a regular bin spacing with `n` bins).
min_binwidth = diff(range(x)) / max_n * min_width
next_break = -Inf
for (i in seq_len(max_n)) {
if (breaks[[i]] >= next_break) {
current_break = breaks[[i]]
next_break = current_break + min_binwidth
} else {
breaks[[i]] = current_break
breaks = vec_unrep(breaks)$key
if (length(breaks) == 1) breaks = 1L
# alignment algorithms ----------------------------------------------------
#' Break (bin) alignment methods
#' Methods for aligning breaks (bins) in histograms, as used in the `align`
#' argument to [density_histogram()].
#' @template description-auto-partial
#' @param breaks A sorted vector of breaks (bin edges).
#' @param at A scalar numeric giving an alignment point.
#' - For [align_boundary()]: align breaks so that a bin edge lines up with `at`.
#' - For [align_center()]: align breaks so that the center of a bin lines up with `at`.
#' @details
#' These functions take a sorted vector of equally-spaced `breaks` giving
#' bin edges and return a numeric offset which, if subtracted from `breaks`,
#' will align them as desired:
#' - [align_none()] performs no alignment (it always returns `0`).
#' - [align_boundary()] ensures that a bin edge lines up with `at`.
#' - [align_center()] ensures that a bin center lines up with `at.`
#' For [align_boundary()] (respectively [align_center()]), if no bin edge (or center) in the
#' range of `breaks` would line up with `at`, it ensures that `at` is an integer
#' multiple of the bin width away from a bin edge (or center).
#' @returns A scalar numeric returning an offset to be subtracted from `breaks`.
#' @seealso [density_histogram()], [breaks]
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' x = rnorm(200, 1, 2)
#' # If we manually specify a bin width using breaks_fixed(), the default
#' # alignment (align_none()) will not align bin edges to any "pretty" numbers.
#' # Here is a comparison of the three alignment methods on such a histogram:
#' ggplot(data.frame(x), aes(x)) +
#' stat_slab(
#' aes(y = "align_none()\nor 'none'"),
#' density = "histogram",
#' breaks = breaks_fixed(width = 1),
#' outline_bars = TRUE,
#' # no need to specify align; align_none() is the default
#' color = "black",
#' ) +
#' stat_slab(
#' aes(y = "align_center(at = 0)\nor 'center'"),
#' density = "histogram",
#' breaks = breaks_fixed(width = 1),
#' align = align_center(at = 0), # or align = "center"
#' outline_bars = TRUE,
#' color = "black",
#' ) +
#' stat_slab(
#' aes(y = "align_boundary(at = 0)\nor 'boundary'"),
#' density = "histogram",
#' breaks = breaks_fixed(width = 1),
#' align = align_boundary(at = 0), # or align = "boundary"
#' outline_bars = TRUE,
#' color = "black",
#' ) +
#' geom_point(aes(y = 0.7), alpha = 0.5) +
#' labs(
#' subtitle = "ggdist::stat_slab(density = 'histogram', ...)",
#' y = "align =",
#' x = NULL
#' ) +
#' geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "22", color = "red")
#' @name align
#' @export
align_none = auto_partial(name = "align_none", function(breaks) {
## align_boundary ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname align
#' @export
align_boundary = auto_partial(name = "align_boundary", function(breaks, at = 0) {
(breaks[[1]] - at) %% diff(breaks[1:2])
## align_center ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname align
#' @export
align_center = auto_partial(name = "align_center", function(breaks, at = 0) {
w = diff(breaks[1:2])
(breaks[[1]] - at + w/2) %% w
# helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Given a dataset, weights, and breaks as passed to weighted_hist, return
#' a named list of breaks and whether or not the breaks are equidistant
#' @param x data
#' @param weights weights. vector same length as `x`, or `NULL`.
#' @param breaks breaks as passed to weighted_hist (e.g. function or name)
#' @returns list with these elements:
#' - `breaks`: vector of breakpoints covering `x`
#' - `binwidths`: vector of bin widths of length `length(breaks) - 1`
#' - `equidist`: logical: are the breaks equidistant from each other?
#' @noRd
get_breaks = function(x, weights, breaks) {
breaks = get_raw_breaks(x, weights, breaks)
if (length(breaks) == 1) {
unique_x = unique(x)
if (length(unique_x) == 1) {
breaks = c(unique_x - 0.5, unique_x + 0.5)
} else {
breaks =, max(x), length.out = max(breaks + 1, 2))
binwidths = diff(breaks)
equidist = TRUE
} else {
breaks = sort(unique(breaks))
binwidths = diff(breaks)
equidist = diff(range(binwidths)) < 1e-7 * mean(binwidths)
list(breaks = breaks, binwidths = binwidths, equidist = equidist)
get_raw_breaks = function(x, weights, breaks) {
if (is.character(breaks)) {
breaks = match_function(breaks, prefix = "breaks_")
if (is.function(breaks)) {
# don't pass NULL weights to breaks function for compatibility with breaks
# functions from other packages that don't support weights; e.g. {scales}
if (is.null(weights)) {
breaks = breaks(x)
} else {
breaks = breaks(x, weights = weights)
#' Given a dataset, breaks / binwidths, and an alignment function, returned
#' the modified breaks / binwidths
#' @param x data
#' @param breaks vector of breakpoints
#' @param binwidths widths of bins; i.e. `diff(breaks)`
#' @param align alignment function as passed to `weighted_hist` (e.g. function or name)
#' @returns list with modified breakpoints:
#' - `breaks`: vector of breakpoints covering `x`
#' - `binwidths`: vector of bin widths of length `length(breaks) - 1`
#' @noRd
align_breaks = function(x, breaks, binwidths, align, call = caller_env()) {
if (is.character(align)) {
align = match_function(align, prefix = "align_")
if (is.function(align)) {
align = align(breaks)
if (align < 0 || align > binwidths[[1]]) {
"{.arg align} must be between 0 and the bin width",
"i" = "See the {.arg align} argument to {.fun ggdist::density_histogram}."
call = call
# we check for align != 0 even though in theory we could apply a 0 alignment
# below and the result would be correct. We do this because then if someone
# manually specifies the breaks and no alignment, exactly those breaks are used.
if (align != 0) {
breaks = breaks - align
max_break = breaks[length(breaks)]
if (max_break < max(x)) {
breaks = c(breaks, max_break + binwidths[[1]])
binwidths = c(binwidths, binwidths[[1]])
if (length(breaks) > 2 && breaks[[2]] <= min(x)) {
breaks = breaks[-1]
binwidths = binwidths[-1]
list(breaks = breaks, binwidths = binwidths)
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
weighted_var = function(x, weights) {
sum(weights * (x - weighted.mean(x, weights))^2) / sum(weights)
weighted_iqr = function(x, weights) {
diff(weighted_quantile(as.numeric(x), c(0.25, 0.75), weights = weights, n = "sum", names = FALSE))
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