#' @rdname ggpredict
#' @export
ggeffect <- function(model, terms, ci_level = 0.95, verbose = TRUE, ci.lvl = ci_level, ...) {
model_name <- deparse(substitute(model))
# process "terms", so we have the default character format. Furthermore,
# check terms argument, to make sure that terms were not misspelled and are
# indeed existing in the data
if (!missing(terms)) {
terms <- .reconstruct_focal_terms(terms, model)
## TODO: remove deprecated later
# handle deprectated arguments
if (!missing(ci.lvl)) {
ci_level <- ci.lvl
insight::format_warning("Argument `ci.lvl` is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use `ci_level` instead.") # nolint
# tidymodels?
if (inherits(model, "model_fit")) {
model <- model$fit
if (inherits(model, "list") && !inherits(model, c("bamlss", "maxLik"))) {
res <- lapply(model, .ggeffect_helper, terms, ci.lvl = ci_level, verbose, ...)
} else if (missing(terms) || is.null(terms)) {
predictors <- insight::find_predictors(
effects = "fixed",
component = "conditional",
flatten = TRUE
res <- lapply(
function(.x) {
tmp <- .ggeffect_helper(model, terms = .x, ci.lvl = ci_level, verbose, ...)
if (!is.null(tmp)) {
tmp$group <- .x
no_results <- vapply(res, is.null, logical(1))
res <- .compact_list(res)
if (!is.null(res) && !.is_empty(res)) {
names(res) <- predictors[!no_results]
class(res) <- c("ggalleffects", class(res))
} else {
res <- NULL
} else {
res <- .ggeffect_helper(model, terms, ci.lvl = ci_level, verbose, ...)
if (!is.null(res)) {
attr(res, "") <- model_name
.ggeffect_helper <- function(model, terms, ci.lvl, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
# check terms argument
original_terms <- terms
# clean "terms" from possible brackets
cleaned_terms <- .clean_terms(terms)
# get data, for data grid later
original_model_frame <- .get_model_data(model)
# get model family and information
model_info <- .get_model_info(model)
# additional arguments
additional_dot_args <- list(...)
# check valid additional arguments
not_allowed = c(
"type", "typical", "condition", "back_transform", "vcov_fun",
"vcov_type", "vcov_args", "weights"
fun = "ggeffect()"
# check whether we have an argument "transformation" for effects()-function
# in this case, we need another default title, since we have non-transformed effects
t.add <- which(names(additional_dot_args) == "transformation")
# if we have a "transformation" argument, and it's NULL,
# no transformation of scale
no.transform <- !.is_empty(t.add) && is.null(eval(additional_dot_args[[t.add]]))
# check if we have specific levels in square brackets
at_values <- .get_representative_values(terms, original_model_frame)
# clear argument from brackets
terms <- .clean_terms(terms)
# check for character vectors, transform to factor
is_char <- vapply(original_model_frame[terms], is.character, logical(1))
if (any(is_char)) {
for (.i in terms[is_char]) {
original_model_frame[[.i]] <- as.factor(original_model_frame[[.i]])
# fix remaining x-levels
conditional_terms <- which(!(terms %in% names(at_values)))
if (!.is_empty(conditional_terms)) {
xl <- .prettify_data(conditional_terms, original_model_frame, terms)
names(xl) <- terms[conditional_terms]
at_values <- c(at_values, xl)
# restore inital order of focal predictors
at_values <- at_values[match(terms, names(at_values))]
# compute adjusted predictions for each model term
eff <- tryCatch(
focal.predictors = terms,
mod = model,
xlevels = at_values,
confidence.level = ci.lvl,
error = function(e) {
if (verbose) {
insight::print_color("Can't compute adjusted predictions, `effects::Effect()` returned an error.\n\n", "red")
cat(sprintf("Reason: %s\n", e$message))
cat("You may try `ggpredict()` or `ggemmeans()`.\n\n")
# return NULL on error
if (is.null(eff)) {
# build data frame, with raw values
# predicted response and lower/upper ci
dof <- .get_df(model)
if (inherits(model, c("polr", "clm", "clm2", "clmm", "clmm2", "multinom", "nestedLogit"))) {
# if predictions on the latent scale are requested, different handling here
if (isTRUE(additional_dot_args$latent)) {
tmp <- .effect_latent_predictions(eff, model, terms, ci.lvl, dof)
no.transform <- TRUE
} else {
# for categorical outcomes, we need to gather the data
# from effects to get a single data frame, unless we have latent = TRUE
tmp <- .effect_prob_predictions(eff, model, terms, ci.lvl, dof)
fx.term <- eff$term
} else {
# check for multi response
.ne <- names(eff)
.mv <- insight::find_response(model, combine = FALSE)
if (length(.ne) == length(.mv) && all.equal(.ne, .mv)) {
l <- lapply(names(eff), function(.x) {
tmpl <- data.frame(
x = eff[[.x]]$x[[terms[1]]],
predicted = eff[[.x]]$fit,
std.error = eff[[.x]]$se,
conf.low = eff[[.x]]$lower,
conf.high = eff[[.x]]$upper,
response.level = .x,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
.create_eff_group(tmpl, terms, eff, sub = .x)
tmp <-, l)
fx.term <- eff[[1]]$term
} else {
tmp <- data.frame(
x = eff$x[[terms[1]]],
predicted = eff$fit,
std.error = eff$se,
conf.low = eff$lower,
conf.high = eff$upper,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
tmp <- .create_eff_group(tmp, terms, eff, sub = NULL)
# effects-package keeps the order of numeric value as they are
# returned by "unique()", so we want to sort the data frame
# in the order of ascending values
if (is.numeric(eff$data[[terms[1]]])) {
tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$x), , drop = FALSE]
fx.term <- eff$term
if (!no.transform) {
linv <- insight::link_inverse(model)
tmp$predicted <- linv(tmp$predicted)
tmp$conf.low <- linv(tmp$conf.low)
tmp$conf.high <- linv(tmp$conf.high)
# init legend labels
legend.labels <- NULL
# get axis titles and labels
all.labels <- .get_axis_titles_and_labels(
model_info = model_info,
type = NULL
# slice data, only select observations that have specified
# levels for the grouping variables
# for numeric values with many decimal places, we need to round
if (.frac_length(tmp$x) > 5) {
filter.keep <- round(tmp$x, 5) %in% round(at_values[[1]], 5)
} else {
filter.keep <- tmp$x %in% at_values[[1]]
tmp <- tmp[filter.keep, , drop = FALSE]
# slice data, only select observations that have specified
# levels for the facet variables
if (length(at_values) > 1) {
filter.keep <- tmp$group %in% at_values[[2]]
tmp <- tmp[filter.keep, , drop = FALSE]
# slice data, only select observations that have specified
# levels for the facet variables
if (length(at_values) > 2) {
filter.keep <- tmp$facet %in% at_values[[3]]
tmp <- tmp[filter.keep, , drop = FALSE]
# label grouping variables, for axis and legend labels in plot
if (length(terms) > 1) {
# grouping variable may not be labelled
# do this here, so we convert to labelled factor later
tmp <- .add_labels_to_groupvariable(tmp, original_model_frame, terms)
# convert to factor for proper legend
tmp <- .groupvariable_to_labelled_factor(tmp)
# check if we have legend labels
legend.labels <- .get_labels(tmp$group, attr.only = FALSE, drop.unused = TRUE)
# convert to data frame
result <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (is.null(result$group)) {
result$group <- as.factor(1)
if (length(terms) > 1) {
attr(result, "") <- is.numeric(original_model_frame[[terms[2]]]) & is.null(attr(original_model_frame[[terms[2]]], "labels"))
} else {
attr(result, "") <- FALSE
# add raw data as well
attr(result, "rawdata") <- .get_raw_data(model, original_model_frame, terms)
x_v <- original_model_frame[[fx.term]]
if (is.null(x_v)) {
xif <- ifelse(is.factor(tmp$x), "1", "0")
} else {
xif <- ifelse(is.factor(x_v), "1", "0")
attr(result, "") <- xif
# set attributes with necessary information
data = result,
model = model,
t.title = all.labels$t.title,
x.title = all.labels$x.title,
y.title = all.labels$y.title,
l.title = all.labels$l.title,
legend.labels = legend.labels,
x.axis.labels = all.labels$axis.labels,
model_info = model_info,
terms = cleaned_terms,
at_list = at_values,
original_terms = original_terms,
ci.lvl = ci.lvl,
margin = "marginalmeans",
latent = isTRUE(additional_dot_args$latent),
latent_thresholds = eff$thresholds
.create_eff_group <- function(tmp, terms, eff, sub) {
if (!is.null(sub)) {
fx <- eff[[sub]]
} else {
fx <- eff
if (isTRUE(fx$variables[[1]]$is.factor)) {
tmp$x <- factor(tmp$x, levels = fx$variables[[1]]$levels)
# with or w/o grouping factor?
if (length(terms) == 1) {
# convert to factor for proper legend
tmp$group <- as.factor(1)
} else if (length(terms) == 2) {
tmp$group <- if (isTRUE(fx$variables[[2]]$is.factor)) {
factor(fx$x[[terms[2]]], levels = fx$variables[[2]]$levels)
} else {
} else {
tmp$group <- if (isTRUE(fx$variables[[2]]$is.factor)) {
factor(fx$x[[terms[2]]], levels = fx$variables[[2]]$levels)
} else {
tmp$facet <- if (isTRUE(fx$variables[[3]]$is.factor)) {
factor(fx$x[[terms[3]]], levels = fx$variables[[3]]$levels)
} else {
.effect_prob_predictions <- function(eff, model, terms, ci.lvl, dof) {
eff.logits <-$logit, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tmp <- cbind(eff$x, eff.logits)
ft <- (ncol(tmp) - ncol(eff.logits) + 1):ncol(tmp)
tmp <- .gather(
names_to = "response.level",
values_to = "predicted",
colnames(tmp)[1] <- "x"
if (length(terms) > 1) colnames(tmp)[2] <- "group"
if (length(terms) > 2) colnames(tmp)[3] <- "facet"
if (!is.null(ci.lvl) && ! {
ci <- 1 - ((1 - ci.lvl) / 2)
} else {
ci <- 0.975
# degrees of freedom
dof <- .get_df(model)
tcrit <- stats::qt(ci, df = dof)
# same for standard errors. we need to gather all data frames together,
# compute CI manually and then also fix column names. <-$se.logit)
tmp2 <- .gather(,
names_to = "response.level",
values_to = "se",
tmp2$conf.low <- tmp$predicted - tcrit * tmp2$se
tmp2$conf.high <- tmp$predicted + tcrit * tmp2$se
tmp2$std.error <- tmp2$se
tmp <- cbind(tmp, tmp2[, c("std.error", "conf.low", "conf.high")])
if (!inherits(model, "nestedLogit")) {
tmp$response.level <- substr(tmp$response.level, 7, max(nchar(tmp$response.level)))
# sort columns
valid_cols <- intersect(
c("x", "predicted", "std.error", "conf.low", "conf.high", "response.level", "group", "facet"),
.effect_latent_predictions <- function(eff, model, terms, ci.lvl, dof) {
tmp <-
# rename columns
colnames(tmp)[colnames(tmp) == "fit"] <- "predicted"
colnames(tmp)[colnames(tmp) == "se"] <- "std.error"
colnames(tmp)[colnames(tmp) == terms[1]] <- "x"
if (length(terms) > 1) colnames(tmp)[colnames(tmp) == terms[2]] <- "group"
if (length(terms) > 2) colnames(tmp)[colnames(tmp) == terms[2]] <- "facet"
# remove CI
tmp$lower <- tmp$upper <- NULL
if (!is.null(ci.lvl) && ! {
ci <- 1 - ((1 - ci.lvl) / 2)
} else {
ci <- 0.975
# degrees of freedom
dof <- .get_df(model)
tcrit <- stats::qt(ci, df = dof)
# CI
tmp$conf.low <- tmp$predicted - tcrit * tmp$std.error
tmp$conf.high <- tmp$predicted + tcrit * tmp$std.error
# sort columns
valid_cols <- intersect(
c("x", "predicted", "std.error", "conf.low", "conf.high", "group", "facet"),
.validate_dot_arguments <- function(dot_args, not_allowed, fun) {
if (!.is_empty(dot_args)) {
not_allowed <- intersect(names(dot_args), not_allowed)
if (!.is_empty(not_allowed)) {
"The following arguments are not supported by `%s` and will be ignored: %s\n",
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