
Defines functions ggmcmc

Documented in ggmcmc

#' Wrapper function that creates a single pdf file with all plots that ggmcmc can produce.
#' \code{ggmcmc()} is simply a wrapper function that generates a pdf file with all the potential plots that the package can produce.
#' Notice that caterpillar plots are only created when there are multiple parameters within the same family. A family of parameters is considered to be all parameters that have the same name (usually the same greek letter) but different number within square brackets (such as alpha[1], alpha[2], ...).
#' @param D Data frame whith the simulations, previously arranged using \code{\link{ggs}}
#' @param file Character vector with the name of the file to create. Defaults to "ggmcmc-output.pdf". When NULL, no pdf device is opened or closed. This allows the user to work with an opened pdf (or other) device. When the file has an html file extension the output is an Rmarkdown report with the figures embedded in the html file.
#' @param family Name of the family of parameters to plot, as given by a character vector or a regular expression. A family of parameters is considered to be any group of parameters with the same name but different numerical value between square brackets (as beta[1], beta[2], etc).
#' @param plot character vector containing the names of the desired plots. By default (NULL), \code{ggmcmc()} plots \code{ggs_histogram()}, \code{ggs_density()}, \code{ggs_traceplot()}, \code{ggs_running()}, \code{ggs_compare_partial()}, \code{ggs_autocorrelation()}, \code{ggs_crosscorrelation()}, \code{ggs_Rhat()}, \code{ggs_grb()}, \code{ggs_effective()}, \code{ggs_geweke()} and \code{ggs_caterpillar()}.
#' @param param_page Numerical, number of parameters to plot for each page. Defaults to 5.
#' @param width Width of the pdf display, in inches. Defaults to 7.
#' @param height Height of the pdf display, in inches. Defaults to 10.
#' @param simplify_traceplot Numerical. A percentage of iterations to keep in the time series. It is an option intended only for the purpose of saving time and resources when doing traceplots. It is not a thin operation, because it is not regular. It must be used with care.
#' @param dev_type_html Character. Character vector indicating the type of graphical device for the html output. By default, png. See RMarkdown.
#' @param ... Other options passed to the pdf device.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(linear)
#' ggmcmc(ggs(s))  # Directly from a coda object
ggmcmc <- function(D, file = "ggmcmc-output.pdf", family = NA, plot = NULL,
  param_page = 5, width = 7, height = 10, simplify_traceplot = NULL,
  dev_type_html = "png", ...) {
  # Manage subsetting a family of parameters
  if (!is.na(family)) {
    D <- get_family(D, family=family)

  if (!is.null(file)) {
    # Decide whether a PDF or html output is desired
    file.extension.position <- regexpr("\\.([[:alnum:]]+)$", file)
    file.extension <- tolower(substr(file, file.extension.position + 1, nchar(file)))
    file.name <- substr(file, 1, file.extension.position - 1)
    file.rendered <- paste(file.name, "Rmd", sep = ".")
    output.pdf <- ifelse(file.extension == "pdf", TRUE, FALSE)
    output.html <- ifelse(file.extension == "html", TRUE, FALSE)

    if (!output.pdf & !output.html) {
      cat("File extension not known")
    if (!(dev_type_html == "png" | dev_type_html == "svg")) {
      cat("Device type is not known")
  } else {
    output.html <- FALSE
    output.pdf <- FALSE

  t0 <- proc.time()
  if (output.html) {
    object.name <- attributes(D)$description
    ratio <- 1.5

    # Write the header of the file
      "---\ntitle: '",
      object.name, "'\n",
      "date: '`r Sys.time()`'\n",
      "author: '", Sys.getenv("USER"), "'\n",
      "output:\n  html_document:\n    toc: yes\n    self_contained: TRUE\n    dev: ",
      "```{r echo=FALSE}\nlibrary(ggmcmc)\n",
      sep = ""))
    if (dev_type_html == "png") {
      cat("library(knitr)\nopts_chunk$set(dev='png', dev.args=list(type='cairo'), dpi=72)\n")
    if (dev_type_html == "svg") {

    ## Pass the ggs() object in a temporal file
    tmp.data <- "tmp-ggmcmc.RData"
    save(D, file = tmp.data)

    # Calculate the heights of the figures
    # 227 is the maximum. With 228 does not work (neither with cairo-png)
    message.height.display <- FALSE
    height.extended <- ratio * attributes(D)$nParameters
    if (height.extended > 227) {
      height.extended <- 227
      message.height.display <- TRUE
    height.lightly.extended <- (3 + 0.2 * attributes(D)$nParameters)
    if (height.lightly.extended > 227) {
      height.lightly.extended <- 227
      message.height.display <- TRUE

    # Write the contents
    # Simply print each plot separately
    if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("histogram", plot)) > 0) {
      cat("\n# Histograms\n")
      cat(paste("```{r histograms, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", height.extended, "}\nggs_histogram(D)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))

    if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("density", plot)) > 0) {
      cat("\n# Density plots\n")
      cat(paste("```{r density, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", height.extended, "}\nggs_density(D)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))

    if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("traceplot", plot)) > 0) {
      cat("\n# Traceplots\n")
      cat(paste("```{r traceplot, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", height.extended, "}\nggs_traceplot(D, simplify = ", simplify_traceplot, ")\n```\n\n", sep = ""))

    if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("running", plot)) > 0) {
      cat("\n# Running means\n")
      cat(paste("```{r running, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", height.extended, "}\nggs_running(D)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))

    if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("compare_partial", plot)) > 0) {
      cat("\n# Comparison of partial and full chain\n")
      cat(paste("```{r compare_partial, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", height.extended, "}\nggs_compare_partial(D)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))

    if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("autocorrelation", plot)) > 0) {
      cat("\n# Autocorrelation\n")
      cat(paste("```{r autocorrelation, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", height.extended, "}\nggs_autocorrelation(D)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))

    if (attributes(D)$nParameters > 1) {                    # only in case of more than one parameter
      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("crosscorrelation", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("\n# Crosscorrelation\n")
        cat(paste("```{r crosscorrelation, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", 6, "}\nggs_crosscorrelation(D)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))

    if (attributes(D)$nChain > 1) {                         # only in case of multiple chains
      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("Rhat", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("\n# Potential Scale Reduction Factors\n")
        cat(paste("```{r rhat, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", height.lightly.extended, "}\nggs_Rhat(D)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))
      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("grb", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("\n# Shrinkage of Potential Scale Reduction Factors\n")
        cat(paste("```{r rhatshrinkage, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", height.lightly.extended, "}\nggs_grb(D)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))
      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("effective", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("\n# Number of effective independent draws\n")
        cat(paste("```{r effective, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", height.lightly.extended, "}\nggs_effective(D)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))

    if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("geweke", plot)) > 0) {
      cat("\n# Geweke Diagnostics\n")
      cat(paste("```{r geweke, echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", height.lightly.extended, "}\nggs_geweke(D)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))

    if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("caterpillar", plot)) > 0) {
      # Caterpillar plots are only plotted for each of the repeated parameters
      cat("\n# Caterpillar plots\n")

      # Get the names of the parameters without their number (parameter family).
      # Count how many members each family of parameters has, and only plot where
      #   there is more than one parameter.
      # If par_labels has been passed, then use the original name.
      if ("ParameterOriginal" %in% names(D)) {
        Parameter.family <- gsub("\\[.+\\]", "", D$ParameterOriginal)
        n.family.members <- apply(ifelse(table(D$ParameterOriginal, Parameter.family) > 0, 1, 0), 2, sum)
      } else {
        Parameter.family <- gsub("\\[.+\\]", "", D$Parameter)
        n.family.members <- apply(ifelse(table(D$Parameter, Parameter.family) > 0, 1, 0), 2, sum)

      for (f in unique(Parameter.family)) {
        if (n.family.members[f] > 1) {
          cat(paste("\n## ", f, "\n", sep = ""))
          if ("ParameterOriginal" %in% names(D)) {
            cat(paste("```{r caterpillar_", f, ", echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", (2 + 0.2 * n.family.members[f]), "}\nggs_caterpillar(filter(D, grepl('^", f, "\\\\[', ParameterOriginal)), horizontal = TRUE) + labs(title=f)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))
          } else {
            cat(paste("```{r caterpillar_", f, ", echo = FALSE, fig.height = ", (2 + 0.2 * n.family.members[f]), "}\nggs_caterpillar(D, family='^", f, "\\\\[', horizontal = TRUE) + labs(title=f)\n```\n\n", sep = ""))

    # Call rmarkdown to generate the report

    ## Close the files and clean the intermediate files

    # Display messagges
    if (message.height.display) {
      warning("The number of parameters is larger than the limits of the device area\nsuitable for displaying them correctly.\nMaybe the results are not very satisfying.\n\n")

  if (output.pdf | is.null(file)) {
    # Get the number of parameters
    n.param <- length(unique(D$Parameter))

    ## Open the pdf device
    if (!is.null(file)) {
      pdf(file, width=width, height=height, ...)

    # When there are fewer parameters to plot than the number of requested
    # parameters per page, simply print them. Otherwise, the device needs to be
    # arranged
    if (attributes(D)$nParameters <= param_page) {
      # Simply print each plot separately
      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("histogram", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting histograms\n")

      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("density", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting density plots\n")

      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("traceplot", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting traceplots\n")
        print(ggs_traceplot(D, simplify=simplify_traceplot))

      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("running", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting running means\n")

      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("compare_partial", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting comparison of partial and full chain\n")

      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("autocorrelation", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting autocorrelation plots\n")

    } else {
      # Arrange manually the plots to fit in the pages
      # Create a new variable that sets each parameter in a specified page number
      # Preserve the attributes of the original object
      D.original <- D
      old.atrib <- attributes(D)
      n.pages <- ceiling(n.param / param_page)
      parameters <- sort(unique(D$Parameter))
      D.parameters <- data.frame(Parameter=parameters,
        page=as.numeric(as.character(gl(n.pages, param_page, length=length(parameters)))))
      new.atrib <- old.atrib
      D <- merge(D, D.parameters)
      # In case merge has changed the order of the columns of the dataframe,
      # arrange it
      D <- D[,c(old.atrib$names, "page")]
      new.atrib$names <- c(old.atrib$names, "page")
      attributes(D) <- new.atrib

      # Loop for every page and print only the parameters in that page
      # The following lines would be ideal, but they don't work yet
      #ddply(D, .variables="page", .fun=function(x) {
      #  print(ggs_density(x))
      #ddply(D, .(page), .fun=ggs_histogram(D))

      # So just do it manually
      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("histogram", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting histograms\n")
        for (p in 1:n.pages) {
          Dsub <- D[D$page==p,]
          Dsub$Parameter <- as.factor(as.character(Dsub$Parameter))
          attr(Dsub, "nParameters") <- length(unique(Dsub$Parameter))

      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("density", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting density plots\n")
        for (p in 1:n.pages) {
          Dsub <- D[D$page==p,]
          Dsub$Parameter <- as.factor(as.character(Dsub$Parameter))
          attr(Dsub, "nChains") <- attributes(D)$nChains

      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("traceplot", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting traceplots\n")
        for (p in 1:n.pages) {
          Dsub <- D[D$page==p,]
          Dsub$Parameter <- as.factor(as.character(Dsub$Parameter))
          attr(Dsub, "nChains") <- attributes(D)$nChains
          attr(Dsub, "nThin") <- attributes(D)$nThin
          attr(Dsub, "nBurnin") <- attributes(D)$nBurnin
          print(ggs_traceplot(Dsub, simplify=simplify_traceplot))

      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("running", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting running means\n")
        for (p in 1:n.pages) {
          Dsub <- D[D$page==p,]
          Dsub$Parameter <- as.factor(as.character(Dsub$Parameter))
          attr(Dsub, "nChains") <- attributes(D)$nChains
          attr(Dsub, "nThin") <- attributes(D)$nThin
          attr(Dsub, "nBurnin") <- attributes(D)$nBurnin

      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("compare_partial", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting comparison of partial and full chain\n")
        for (p in 1:n.pages) {
          Dsub <- D[D$page==p,]
          Dsub$Parameter <- as.factor(as.character(Dsub$Parameter))
          attr(Dsub, "nChains") <- attributes(D)$nChains

      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("autocorrelation", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting autocorrelation plots\n")
        for (p in 1:n.pages) {
          Dsub <- D[D$page==p,]
          Dsub$Parameter <- as.factor(as.character(Dsub$Parameter))
          attr(Dsub, "nIterations") <- attributes(D)$nIterations
          attr(Dsub, "nChains") <- attributes(D)$nChains
      D <- D.original

    ## Print also the figures that can fit in a single page
    if (attributes(D)$nParameters > 1) {                    # only in case of more than one parameter
      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("crosscorrelation", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting crosscorrelation plot\n")

    if (attributes(D)$nChain > 1) {                         # only in case of multiple chains
      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("Rhat", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting Potential Scale Reduction Factors\n")

    if (attributes(D)$nChain > 1) {                         # only in case of multiple chains
      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("grb", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting shrinkage of Potential Scale Reduction Factors\n")

    if (attributes(D)$nChain > 1) {                         # only in case of multiple chains
      if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("effective", plot)) > 0) {
        cat("Plotting Number of effective independent draws\n")

    if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("geweke", plot)) > 0) {
      cat("Plotting Geweke Diagnostic\n")

    if (is.null(plot) | length(grep("caterpillar", plot)) > 0) {
      # Caterpillar plots are only plotted for each of the repeated parameters
      cat("Plotting caterpillar plot\n")

      # Get the names of the parameters without their number (parameter family).
      # Count how many members each family of parameters has, and only plot where
      #   there is more than one parameter.
      # If par_labels has been passed, then use the original name.
      if ("ParameterOriginal" %in% names(D)) {
        Parameter.family <- gsub("\\[.+\\]", "", D$ParameterOriginal)
        n.family.members <- apply(ifelse(table(D$ParameterOriginal, Parameter.family) > 0, 1, 0), 2, sum)
      } else {
        Parameter.family <- gsub("\\[.+\\]", "", D$Parameter)
        n.family.members <- apply(ifelse(table(D$Parameter, Parameter.family) > 0, 1, 0), 2, sum)

      for (f in unique(Parameter.family)) {
        if (n.family.members[f] > 1) {
          if ("ParameterOriginal" %in% names(D)) {
            print(ggs_caterpillar(filter(D, grepl(paste("^", f, "\\[", sep = ""), ParameterOriginal)), horizontal=TRUE) + labs(title=f))
          } else {
            print(ggs_caterpillar(D, family=paste("^", f, "\\[", sep=""), horizontal=TRUE) + labs(title=f))

    # Close the pdf device
    if (!is.null(file)) {
  cat(paste("Time taken to generate the report: ", signif((proc.time() - t0)[1], 2), " seconds.\n", sep = ""))

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ggmcmc documentation built on Feb. 10, 2021, 5:10 p.m.