
Defines functions sideFacetGrid_draw_panels

#' @include utils-ggplot2-reimpl-facet.R
#' @include utils-ggplot2-reimpl-.R
#' @include utils-side-facet.R
#' @include utils-.R
#' @include side-facet-wrap.R

sideFacetGrid_draw_panels <- function(panels, layout, x_scales, y_scales, ranges, coord, data, theme, params) {

  if ((params$free$x || params$free$y) && !coord$is_free()) {
    abort(glue("{snake_class(coord)} doesn't support free scales"))
  if (inherits(coord, "CoordFlip")) {
    if (params$free$x) {
      layout$SCALE_X <- seq_len(nrow(layout))
    } else {
      layout$SCALE_X <- 1L
    if (params$free$y) {
      layout$SCALE_Y <- seq_len(nrow(layout))
    } else {
      layout$SCALE_Y <- 1L
  collapse <- params$ggside$collapse %||% "default"
  collapse_y <- collapse %in% c("all","y")
  collapse_x <- collapse %in% c("all","x")
  ncol <- max(layout$COL)
  nrow <- max(layout$ROW)
  n <- nrow(layout)
  panel_order <- order(layout$ROW, layout$COL)
  layout <- layout[panel_order, ]
  panels <- panels[panel_order]
  panel_pos <- convertInd(layout$ROW, layout$COL, nrow)
  layout$panel_pos <- panel_pos
  side_panels_present <- c("x","y")[c("x","y")%in%layout$PANEL_TYPE]
  x.pos <- params$ggside$x.pos
  y.pos <- params$ggside$y.pos
  ranges <- map_panel_type(ranges, layout$PANEL_TYPE)

  axes <- render_axes(ranges, ranges, coord, theme, transpose = TRUE)
  layout <- unwrap(layout, c("ROW","COL"), "FACET_VARS")
  col_vars <- unique(layout[names(params$cols)])
  row_vars <- unique(layout[names(params$rows)])
  # Adding labels metadata, useful for labellers
  attr(col_vars, "type") <- "cols"
  attr(col_vars, "facet") <- "grid"
  attr(row_vars, "type") <- "rows"
  attr(row_vars, "facet") <- "grid"
  strips <- render_strips(col_vars, row_vars, params$labeller, theme)

  # If user hasn't set aspect ratio, and we have fixed scales, then
  # ask the coordinate system if it wants to specify one
  aspect_ratio <- theme$aspect.ratio
  if (is.null(aspect_ratio) && !params$free$x && !params$free$y) {
    aspect_ratio <- coord$aspect(ranges[[layout[layout$PANEL_TYPE=="main",]$PANEL[1L]]])
  if (is.null(aspect_ratio)) {
    aspect_ratio <- 1
    respect <- FALSE
  } else {
    respect <- TRUE
  #theme side panel scale
  side.panel.scale.x <- calc_element("ggside.panel.scale.x", theme)
  side.panel.scale.y <- calc_element("ggside.panel.scale.y", theme)
  if (params$space_free$x) {
    ps <- layout[layout$ROW ==min(layout$ROW[layout$PANEL_TYPE == "main"])&layout$PANEL_TYPE == "main",]$PANEL
    widths <- vapply(ps, function(i) diff(ranges[[i]]$x.range), numeric(1))
  } else if(collapse_y){
    widths <- rep(1, ncol-1)
  } else if("y"%in%side_panels_present){
    widths <- rep(1, ncol/2)
  } else {
    widths <- rep(1, ncol)
  if ("y" %in% side_panels_present){
        widths <- c(sum(widths)*side.panel.scale.y, widths)
      } else {
        widths <- c(widths, sum(widths)*side.panel.scale.y)
    } else {
      widths <- vapply(widths, function(x, y, z){
        vec <- c(1, y)
          vec <- rev(vec)
        x <- x*vec
        x}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(2), y = side.panel.scale.y, z = y.pos=="left")
      widths <- as.vector(widths)
  panel_widths <- unit(widths, "null")

  if (params$space_free$y) {
    ps <- layout[layout$COL == min(layout$COL[layout$PANEL_TYPE == "main"])&layout$PANEL_TYPE =="main",]$PANEL
    heights <- vapply(ps, function(i) diff(ranges[[i]]$y.range), numeric(1))
  } else if(collapse_x){
    heights <- rep(1*aspect_ratio, nrow-1)
  } else if (("x"%in%side_panels_present)){
    heights <- rep(1*aspect_ratio, nrow/2)
  } else {
    heights <- rep(1*aspect_ratio, nrow)
  if ("x" %in% side_panels_present){
        heights <- c(sum(heights)*side.panel.scale.x, heights)
      } else {
        heights <- c(heights, sum(heights)*side.panel.scale.x)
    } else {
      heights <- vapply(heights, function(x, y, z){
        vec <- c(1, y)
          vec <- rev(vec)
        x <- x*vec
        x}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(2), y = side.panel.scale.x, z = x.pos=="top")
      heights <- as.vector(heights)
  panel_heights <- unit(heights, "null")

  empty_table <- matrix(list(zeroGrob()), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol)
  panel_table <- empty_table
  panel_table[panel_pos] <- panels
  empties <- apply(panel_table, c(1,2), function(x) is.zero(x[[1]]))
  panel_table <- gtable_matrix("layout", panel_table,
                               widths = panel_widths,
                               heights = panel_heights, respect = respect,
                               clip = coord$clip, z = matrix(1, ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow))
  panel_table$layout$name <- paste0('panel-', rep(seq_len(ncol), nrow), '-', rep(seq_len(nrow), each = ncol))
  #need to register theme element
  sidepanel.spacing.x <- calc_element("ggside.panel.spacing.x", theme)
  xpanel_spacing <- calc_element("panel.spacing.x", theme)
  sidepanel.spacing.y <- calc_element("ggside.panel.spacing.y", theme)
  ypanel_spacing <- calc_element("panel.spacing.y", theme)
  col.widths <- if("y"%in%side_panels_present){
      .tmp <- rep(c(xpanel_spacing), length(panel_table$widths)-2)
        unit(c(sidepanel.spacing.x, .tmp), "pt")
      } else {
        unit(c(.tmp, sidepanel.spacing.x), "pt")
    } else {
      unit(rep(c(sidepanel.spacing.x, xpanel_spacing), length.out = length(panel_table$widths)-1), "pt")
  } else {
  panel_table <- gtable_add_col_space(panel_table, col.widths)
  row.heights <- if("x"%in%side_panels_present){
      .tmp <- rep(c(ypanel_spacing), length(panel_table$heights)-2)
        unit(c(sidepanel.spacing.y, .tmp), "pt")
      } else {
        unit(c(.tmp, sidepanel.spacing.y), "pt")
    } else {
      unit(rep(c(sidepanel.spacing.y, ypanel_spacing), length.out = length(panel_table$heights)-1), "pt")
  } else {

  panel_table <- gtable_add_row_space(panel_table, row.heights)
  # Add axes
  axis_mat_x_top <- empty_table
  axis_mat_x_top[panel_pos] <- axes$x$top
  axis_mat_x_bottom <- empty_table
  axis_mat_x_bottom[panel_pos] <- axes$x$bottom
  axis_mat_y_left <- empty_table
  axis_mat_y_left[panel_pos] <- axes$y$left
  axis_mat_y_right <- empty_table
  axis_mat_y_right[panel_pos] <- axes$y$right

  .xgroupby <- "COL"
  .ygroupby <- "ROW"
  bottom <- do_by(layout, "COL", function(x, on){
    x[["ROW2"]] <- switch(on,
                          default = max(x[["ROW"]]),
                          main = max(x[["ROW"]][x[["PANEL_TYPE"]]!="x"]),
                          side = max(x[["ROW"]][x[["PANEL_TYPE"]]!="main"]))
    x}, on = params$ggside$draw_x_on)
  top <- do_by(layout, "COL", function(x, on){
    x[["ROW2"]] <- switch(on,
                          default = min(x[["ROW"]]),
                          main = min(x[["ROW"]][x[["PANEL_TYPE"]]!="x"]),
                          side = min(x[["ROW"]][x[["PANEL_TYPE"]]!="main"]))
    x}, on = params$ggside$draw_x_on)
  right <- do_by(layout, "ROW", function(x, on){
    x[["COL2"]] <- switch(on,
                          default = max(x[["COL"]]),
                          main = max(x[["COL"]][!x[["PANEL_TYPE"]]=="y"]),
                          side = max(x[["COL"]][!x[["PANEL_TYPE"]]=="main"]))
    x}, on = params$ggside$draw_y_on)
  left <- do_by(layout, "ROW", function(x, on){
    x[["COL2"]] <- switch(on,
                          default = min(x[["COL"]]),
                          main = min(x[["COL"]][!x[["PANEL_TYPE"]]=="y"]),
                          side = min(x[["COL"]][!x[["PANEL_TYPE"]]=="main"]))
    x}, on = params$ggside$draw_y_on)

  if(params$ggside$scales%in%c("free","free_y")){ #if y is free, include x PANELS_TYPES
    right <- right[right[["COL"]]==right[["COL2"]]|right[["PANEL_TYPE"]]=="x",]
    left <- left[left[["COL"]]==left[["COL2"]]|left[["PANEL_TYPE"]]=="x",]
  } else {
    right <- right[right[["COL"]]==right[["COL2"]],]
    left <- left[left[["COL"]]==left[["COL2"]],]
  if(params$ggside$scales%in%c("free","free_x")){ #if x is free, include y PANELS_TYPES
    top <- top[top[["ROW"]]==top[["ROW2"]]|top[["PANEL_TYPE"]]=="y",]
    bottom <- bottom[bottom[["ROW"]]==bottom[["ROW2"]]|bottom[["PANEL_TYPE"]]=="y",]
  } else {
    top <- top[top[["ROW"]]==top[["ROW2"]],]
    bottom <- bottom[bottom[["ROW"]]==bottom[["ROW2"]],]

  #top, left, bottom, right, variables includes panels that would have axis shown
  #for their relavent positions.
  #Do an anti_join against layout to find panels that should get a zeroGrobe
  bottom <- anti_join(layout, bottom, by = c("ROW","COL"))[["panel_pos"]]
  top <- anti_join(layout, top, by = c("ROW","COL"))[["panel_pos"]]
  right <- anti_join(layout, right, by = c("ROW","COL"))[["panel_pos"]]
  left <- anti_join(layout, left, by = c("ROW","COL"))[["panel_pos"]]
  #pulled panel positions
  #Place ZeroGrobs
  axis_mat_x_top[top]<- list(zeroGrob())
  axis_mat_x_bottom[bottom]<- list(zeroGrob())
  axis_mat_y_left[left] <- list(zeroGrob())
  axis_mat_y_right[right] <- list(zeroGrob())

  #calculate spacing based on ggside params and layout
  spacing <- calc_panel_spacing(ggside = params$ggside, layout = layout,
                                top = axis_mat_x_top, right = axis_mat_y_right,
                                bot = axis_mat_x_bottom, left = axis_mat_y_left)
  panel_table <- weave_tables_row(panel_table, axis_mat_x_top, -1, spacing$top, "axis-t", 3)
  panel_table <- weave_tables_row(panel_table, axis_mat_x_bottom, 0, spacing$bot, "axis-b", 3)
  panel_table <- weave_tables_col(panel_table, axis_mat_y_left, -1, spacing$left, "axis-l", 3)
  panel_table <- weave_tables_col(panel_table, axis_mat_y_right, 0, spacing$right, "axis-r", 3)

  #By default strip.positions are top and right. if switch == "both" set to bottom and left
  strip.position <- params$switch %||% "default"
  strip.position <- switch(strip.position,
                           default = c("top","right"), both = c("bottom","left"),
                           x = c("bottom","right"), y = c("top", "left"))
  vertical.strip <- c("top","bottom")[c("top","bottom")%in% strip.position]
  horizont.strip <- c("left","right")[c("left","right")%in% strip.position]
  Vstrip_panel_pos <- if (params$ggside$strip!="default") {
  } else {
  Vstrip_panel_pos <- unique(do_by(Vstrip_panel_pos, "COL",
                                   function(x, vstrip){
                                       x[["ROW"]] <- min(x[["ROW"]])
                                     } else {
                                       x[["ROW"]] <- max(x[["ROW"]])
                                   }, vstrip = vertical.strip))
  Vstrip_panel_pos <- semi_join(layout, Vstrip_panel_pos, by = c("COL","ROW"))
  Vstrip_panel_pos <- unique(Vstrip_panel_pos[!Vstrip_panel_pos[["PANEL_TYPE"]]=="y",c("PANEL","panel_pos")])

  Hstrip_panel_pos <- if (params$ggside$strip!="default") {
  } else {
  Hstrip_panel_pos <- unique(
    do_by(Hstrip_panel_pos, "ROW",
          function(x, hstrip){
              x[["COL"]] <- min(x[["COL"]])
            } else {
              x[["COL"]] <- max(x[["COL"]])
          }, hstrip = horizont.strip))
  Hstrip_panel_pos <- semi_join(layout, Hstrip_panel_pos, by = c("ROW","COL"))
  Hstrip_panel_pos <- unique(Hstrip_panel_pos[!Hstrip_panel_pos[["PANEL_TYPE"]]=="x",c("PANEL","panel_pos")])

  strip_padding <- convertUnit(theme$strip.switch.pad.wrap, "cm")

  #Horizontal strips/ Rows
    hstrip_name <- paste0("strip-", substr(horizont.strip, 1, 1))
    hstrip_mat <- empty_table
    hstrip_mat[Hstrip_panel_pos$panel_pos] <- unlist(unname(strips), recursive = FALSE)[[horizont.strip]]
    inside_y <- (theme$strip.placement.y %||% theme$strip.placement %||% "inside") == "inside"
    if (horizont.strip == "left") {
      placement <- if (inside_y) -1 else -2
      strip_pad <- spacing$left
    } else {
      placement <- if (inside_y) 0 else 1
      strip_pad <- spacing$right
    strip_pad[as.numeric(strip_pad) != 0] <- strip_padding
    strip_width <- unit(apply(hstrip_mat, 2, max_width, value_only = TRUE), "cm")
    panel_table <- weave_tables_col(panel_table, hstrip_mat, placement, strip_width, hstrip_name, 2, coord$clip)
    if (!inside_y) {
      strip_pad[as.numeric(strip_pad) != 0] <- strip_padding
      panel_table <- weave_tables_col(panel_table, col_shift = placement, col_width = strip_pad)

  #Vertical strips/ Cols
    vstrip_name <- paste0("strip-", substr(vertical.strip, 1, 1))
    vstrip_mat <- empty_table
    vstrip_mat[Vstrip_panel_pos$panel_pos] <- unlist(unname(strips), recursive = FALSE)[[vertical.strip]]
    inside_x <- (theme$strip.placement.x %||% theme$strip.placement %||% "inside") == "inside"
    if (vertical.strip == "top") {
      placement <- if (inside_x) -1 else -2
      strip_pad <- spacing$top
    } else {
      placement <- if (inside_x) 0 else 1
      strip_pad <- spacing$bot
    strip_height <- unit(apply(vstrip_mat, 1, max_height, value_only = TRUE), "cm")
    panel_table <- weave_tables_row(panel_table, vstrip_mat, placement, strip_height, vstrip_name, 2, coord$clip)
    if (!inside_x) {
      strip_pad[as.numeric(strip_pad) != 0] <- strip_padding
      panel_table <- weave_tables_row(panel_table, row_shift = placement, row_height = strip_pad)


sideFacetGrid_map_data <- function (data, layout, params) {
  if (empty(data)) {
    return(cbind(data, PANEL = integer(0)))

  rows <- params$rows
  cols <- params$cols
  vars <- c(names(rows), names(cols), "PANEL_TYPE")
    data$PANEL_TYPE <- "main"
  layout <- unwrap(layout, c("ROW","COL"), "FACET_VARS")
  if (length(vars) == 0) {
    data$PANEL <- layout$PANEL
  margin_vars <- list(intersect(names(rows), names(data)),
                      intersect(names(cols), names(data)))
  data <- reshape_add_margins(data, margin_vars, params$margins)
  facet_vals <- eval_facets(c(rows, cols, PANEL_TYPE = quo(PANEL_TYPE)), data, params$.possible_columns)
  missing_facets <- setdiff(vars, names(facet_vals))
  if (length(missing_facets) > 0) {
    to_add <- unique(layout[missing_facets])
    data_rep <- rep.int(1:nrow(data), nrow(to_add))
    facet_rep <- rep(1:nrow(to_add), each = nrow(data))
    data <- unrowname(data[data_rep, , drop = FALSE])
    facet_vals <- unrowname(cbind(facet_vals[data_rep, ,
                                             drop = FALSE], to_add[facet_rep, , drop = FALSE]))
  if (nrow(facet_vals) == 0) {
    data$PANEL <- NO_PANEL
  else {
    facet_vals[] <- lapply(facet_vals[], as.factor)
    facet_vals[] <- lapply(facet_vals[], addNA, ifany = TRUE)
    keys <- join_keys(facet_vals, layout, by = vars)
    data$PANEL <- layout$PANEL[match(keys$x, keys$y)]

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ggside documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:06 a.m.