
# observeEvent(input$intro_token_gl_get, {
#   utils::browseURL("")
# })

# observeEvent(input$intro_token_gh_get, {
#   ## based on usethis::browse_github_pat
#   utils::browseURL(",gist&description=R:GITHUB_PAT")
# })

observeEvent(input$intro_git, {

  # set default branch to 'main' and set rebase to false ... for now
  cmd <- "git config --global init.defaultBranch 'main'\ngit config --global pull.rebase false"
  resp <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
  cat("Used:", cmd, "\n")

  if (!is_empty(input$intro_user_name)) {
    cmd <- paste("git config --global --replace-all", input$intro_user_name)
    resp <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
    cat("Used:", cmd, "\n")

    renvir <- file.path(renvirdir, ".Renviron")
    if (file.exists(renvir)) {
      renv <- readLines(renvir, warn = FALSE) %>%
        .[!grepl("^\\s*git.user\\s*=", .)] %>%
        paste0(collapse = "\n") %>%
        paste0(., "\ngit.user = \"", input$intro_user_name, "\"\n")
      cat(renv, file = renvir)
    } else {
      renv <- paste0("git.user = \"", input$intro_user_name, "\"\n")
      cat(renv, file = renvir)

  if (!is_empty(input$intro_user_email)) {
    cmd <- paste("git config --global --replace-all", input$intro_user_email)
    resp <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE)
    cat("Used:", cmd, "\n")

    renvir <- file.path(renvirdir, ".Renviron")
    if (file.exists(renvir)) {
      renv <- readLines(renvir, warn = FALSE) %>%
        .[!grepl("^\\s*\\s*=", .)] %>%
        paste0(collapse = "\n") %>%
        paste0(., "\ = \"", input$intro_user_email, "\"\n")
      cat(renv, file = renvir)
    } else {
      renv <- paste0(" = \"", input$intro_user_email, "\"\n")
      cat(renv, file = renvir)

  if (!is_empty(input$intro_server)) {
    renvir <- file.path(renvirdir, ".Renviron")
    if (file.exists(renvir)) {
      renv <- readLines(renvir, warn = FALSE) %>%
        .[!grepl("^\\s*git.server\\s*=", .)] %>%
        paste0(collapse = "\n") %>%
        paste0(., "\ngit.server = \"", input$intro_server, "\"\n")
      cat(renv, file = renvir)

  if (!is_empty(input$intro_token_gl)) {
    renvir <- file.path(renvirdir, ".Renviron")
    if (file.exists(renvir)) {
      envir <- readLines(renvir, warn = FALSE)
      token_ind <- which(grepl("^\\s*git.token\\s*=", envir))
      if (length(token_ind) > 0) {
        envir[token_ind] <- paste0("# ", envir[token_ind])
      renv <- paste0(envir, collapse = "\n") %>%
        paste0(., "\ngit.token = \"", input$intro_token_gl, "\"\n")
      cat(renv, file = renvir)

  if (!is_empty(input$intro_token_gh)) {
    renvir <- file.path(renvirdir, ".Renviron")
    if (file.exists(renvir)) {
      renv <- readLines(renvir, warn = FALSE) %>%
        .[!grepl("^\\s*GITHUB_PAT\\s*=", .)] %>%
        paste0(collapse = "\n") %>%
        paste0(., "\nGITHUB_PAT = \"", input$intro_token_gh, "\"\n")
      cat(renv, file = renvir)

  ## set git.home option
  git_home <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", input$intro_git_home)
  if (!is_empty(git_home) && git_home != Sys.getenv("git.home")) {
    if (!dir.exists(git_home)) dir.create(git_home, recursive = TRUE)
    renvir <- file.path(renvirdir, ".Renviron")
    if (file.exists(renvir)) {
      renv <- readLines(renvir, warn = FALSE) %>%
        .[!grepl("^\\s*git.home\\s*=", .)] %>%
        paste0(collapse = "\n") %>%
        paste0(., "\ngit.home = \"", git_home, "\"\n")
      cat(renv, file = renvir)
    } else {
      renv <- paste0("git.home = \"", git_home, "\")\n")
      cat(renv, file = renvir)
    cat("Updated git home in .Renviron. Restart Rstudio to see the changes\n")

  ## set git.user.type option
  git_user_type <- input$intro_user_type
  if (!is_empty(git_user_type) && git_user_type != Sys.getenv("git.user.type", "student")) {
    renvir <- file.path(renvirdir, ".Renviron")
    if (file.exists(renvir)) {
      renv <- readLines(renvir, warn = FALSE) %>%
        .[!grepl("^\\s*git.user.type\\s*=", .)] %>%
        paste0(collapse = "\n") %>%
        paste0(., "\ngit.user.type = \"", git_user_type, "\"\n")
      cat(renv, file = renvir)
    } else {
      paste0("git.user.type = \"", git_user_type, "\"\n") %>% cat(file = renvir)
    cat("Updated user type in .Renviron. Restart Rstudio to see the changes\n")

  message("Introduction attempt completed. Check console for messages\n")

.ssh_exists <- reactive({
  ## update after pressing the intro_ssh button
  keyname <- ifelse(is_empty(input$intro_keyname), "id_rsa", input$intro_keyname)
  .ssh_path <- file.path(homedir, ".ssh", paste0(keyname, ".pub"))
  if (file.exists(.ssh_path)) .ssh_path else ""

shinyFiles::shinyDirChoose(input, "intro_git_home_open", roots = gg_volumes)

server_url <- reactive({
  init <- input$intro_server
  if (is_empty(init)) init <- Sys.getenv("git.server", "")
  sub("\\s*(https://|http://)?([^/]+).*", "\\1\\2", init)

output$ui_intro_get_token <- renderUI({
  url <- server_url()
    "intro_token_gl_get", "Create",
    title = "Browse to git server to get a PAT",
    style = "margin-top: 25px;",
    onclick = paste0("'", url, "/-/profile/personal_access_tokens', '_blank')")

output$ui_intro_git_home <- renderUI({
  init <- Sys.getenv("git.home", basedir)
  if (!is.integer(input$intro_git_home_open)) {
    init <- shinyFiles::parseDirPath(gg_volumes, input$intro_git_home_open)

  textInput("intro_git_home", "Base directory to clone repos into:",
    value = init,
    placeholder = "Choose directory to store repos"

output$ui_intro_buttons <- renderUI({
  url <- server_url()
      height = "70px", width = "300px",
      textInput("intro_keyname", "Key name:", value = "id_rsa"),
      textInput("intro_passphrase", "Pass-phrase:", value = "")
      "intro_git", "Introduce",
      title = "Introduce yourself to git\n\nGit commands:\ngit config --global --replace-all <username>\ngit config --global --replace-all <useremail>\ngit config --global credential.helper <credential helper>\ngit config --global init.defaultBranch 'main'\ngit config --global pull.rebase false\n"
      "intro_ssh", "SSH key",
      title = "Create an SSH key and copy the public-key to the clipboard",
      onclick = paste0("'", url, "/-/profile/keys', '_blank')")
    actionButton("intro_restart", "Restart", title = "Restart GitGadget"),
    actionButton("intro_check", "Check", title = "Check settings")

intro_ssh <- eventReactive(input$intro_ssh, {
  url <- server_url()
  url_keys <- paste0(url, "/-/profile/keys")
  url_short <- sub("\\s*(https://|http://)?([^/]+).*", "\\2", url)
  if (os_type != "Windows") {
    email <- system("git config --global --list", intern = TRUE) %>%
      .[grepl("^", .)] %>%
      gsub("", "", .)

    if (length(email) == 0) {
      cat("Make sure you have an email address and user name set before generating the SSH key")

    keyname <- ifelse(is_empty(input$intro_keyname), "id_rsa", input$intro_keyname)
    ssh_dir <- file.path(homedir, ".ssh")
    if (is_empty(.ssh_exists())) {
      if (!dir.exists(ssh_dir)) dir.create(ssh_dir)
      paste0("ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C \"", email, "\" -f ", ssh_dir, "/", keyname, " -N '", input$intro_passphrase, "'") %>%

      key <- readLines(paste0(ssh_dir, "/", keyname, ".pub"), warn = FALSE)

      if (os_type == "Darwin") {
        out <- pipe("pbcopy")
        cat(key, file = out)
        cat(paste0("\nYour new public SSH key has been copied to the clipboard. Navigate to ", url_keys, " in your browser, paste the key into the 'Key' text input on the site, and click 'Add key'\n"))
      } else {
        cat(paste0("\n", key))
        cat(paste0("\n\nCopy the new public SSH key to ", url_keys, ". Paste the key into the 'Key' text input on the site, and click 'Add key'\n"))
    } else {
      key <- readLines(.ssh_exists(), warn = FALSE)
      if (os_type == "Darwin") {
        out <- pipe("pbcopy")
        cat(key, file = out)
        cat(paste0("\nYour public SSH key has been copied to the clipboard. Navigate to ", url_keys, " in your browser, paste the key into the 'Key' text input on the site, and click 'Add key'\n"))
      } else {
        cat(paste0("\n", key))
        cat(paste0("\n\nCopy the public SSH key to ", url_keys, ". Paste the key into the 'Key' text input on the site, and click 'Add key'\n"))

    ## set environment variable
    Sys.setenv(GIT_SSH_COMMAND = paste0("'ssh -i '", ssh_dir, "/", keyname))

    if (file.exists(file.path(ssh_dir, "known_hosts"))) {
      if (!any(grepl(url_short, readLines(file.path(ssh_dir, "known_hosts"), warn = FALSE)))) {
        system(paste0("ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa ", url_short, " >> ", ssh_dir, "/known_hosts"))
    } else {
      system(paste0("ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa ", url_short, " >> ", ssh_dir, "/known_hosts"))

    if (keyname != "id_rsa") {
      cat("\nYou will also need to add the lines below to ~/.ssh/config\n")
      cat(paste0("\nHost ", url_short, "\n"))
      cat(paste0("    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/", keyname))
      cat("", file = "~/.ssh/config", append = TRUE)

      if (rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {
        rstudioapi::navigateToFile("~/.ssh/config", line = 1000L)
      } else {
  } else {
    if (!is_empty(.ssh_exists())) {
      ssh_dir <- file.path(homedir, ".ssh")

      if (file.exists(file.path(ssh_dir, "known_hosts"))) {
        if (!any(grepl(url_short, readLines(file.path(ssh_dir, "known_hosts"), warn = FALSE)))) {
          system(paste0("ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa ", url_short, " >> ", ssh_dir, "/known_hosts"))
      } else {
        system(paste0("ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa ", url_short, " >> ", ssh_dir, "/known_hosts"))

      key <- readLines(.ssh_exists(), warn = FALSE)
      cat(key, file = "clipboard")
      cat(paste0("\nYour public SSH key has been copied to the clipboard. Navigate to ", url_keys, " in your browser, paste the key into the 'Key' text input on the site, and click 'Add key'\n"))
    } else {
      cat(paste0("\nSSH keys cannot be generated from Git Gadget on Windows. In RStudio go to Tools > Global Options and select Git/SVN. Click 'Create RSA Key' and then 'View public key'. Copy the key to the clipboard, navigate to ", url_keys, " in your browser, paste the key into the 'Key' text input on the site, and click 'Add key'\n"))

observeEvent(input$intro_restart, {
  mess <- "To restart the app with updated settings press the 'Done' button on the top-right. Then refresh your browser and restart Git Gadget"
  show_in_modal <- function(mess = mess) {
        title = "Restart Git Gadget",
        easyClose = TRUE
  if (getOption("gitgadget.jupyter", default = FALSE)) {
    # } else  if ((exists("launch.browser") && is.logical(launch.browser) FALSE)) {
  } else if ((exists("launch.browser") && is.logical(launch.browser) && !launch.browser)) {
  } else if (Sys.getenv("SHINY_PORT") == "") {
    stopApp(cat("\nAfter restarting Git Gadget your settings will have been updated\nand Git Gadget will be ready to clone, create, etc. repos\n\n"))
    # rstudioapi::restartSession("gitgadget:::gitgadget()")
  } else {
    mess <- "To restart the app with updated settings press the 'Done' button on the top-right. Then restart R and restart Git Gadget"

observeEvent(input$intro_check, {
  show_in_modal <- function() {
    path <- usethis:::scoped_path_r("user", ".Renviron", envvar = "R_ENVIRON_USER")
    Renv <- readLines(path)
        title = "Content of .Renviron",
        span(HTML(paste0(Renv, collapse = "</br>"))),
        size = "l",
        easyClose = TRUE
  if (getOption("gitgadget.jupyter", default = FALSE)) {
  } else if ((exists("launch.browser") && is.logical(launch.browser) && !launch.browser)) {
  } else if (Sys.getenv("SHINY_PORT") == "") {
  } else {

output$introduce_output <- renderPrint({
  if (file.exists(file.path(find_home(), ".gitconfig")) ||
    file.exists(file.path(find_home(), "Documents/.gitconfig"))) {
    ret <- system("git config --global --list", intern = TRUE) %>%
      .[grepl("^user", .)]
  } else {
    ret <- c()
  if (length(ret) == 0) {
    cat("No user information set. Enter a user name and email and click the 'Introduce' button\n\nSet : git config --global 'Your Name'\nSet git config --global ''\n")
  } else {
    ptext <- if (not_pressed(input$intro_git)) "Checking credentials" else "Working on introduction"
    withProgress(message = ptext, value = 0, style = "old", {
      crh <- system("git config --global --list", intern = TRUE) %>%
        .[grepl("^credential.helper", .)]

      if (length(crh) == 0) {
        if (os_type == "Darwin") {
          system("git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain")
        } else if (os_type == "Windows") {
          system("git config --global credential.helper wincred")
        } else {
          system("git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=32000000'")

        crh <- system("git config --global --list", intern = TRUE) %>%
          .[grepl("^credential.helper", .)]

    if (length(crh) == 0) {
      cat("\nSetting up credential help failed. Go to in your browser for additional suggestions\n")
      crh <- ""

    paste(c(ret, crh), collapse = "\n") %>%
      paste0("Show settings: git config --global --list\n\n", ., "\n") %>%
      paste0("git.home=", Sys.getenv("git.home", "<restart Rstudio to view updates>"), "\n") %>%

  if (pressed(input$intro_ssh)) {
  } else {
    if (!is_empty(.ssh_exists())) {
      cat("\nSSH keys seem to exist on your system. Click the 'SSH key' button to copy them to the clipboard")
    } else {
      cat("\nNo SSH keys seem to exist on your system. Click the 'SSH key' button to generate them")

Try the gitgadget package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gitgadget documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 9:08 a.m.