#' @title Summarizing gllvm model fits
#' @description A summary of the fitted 'gllvm' object, including function call, distribution family and model parameters.
#' @details Various options are available to include extra parameter estimates in the summary, which have been excluded by default, for readability.
#' @param object an object of class 'gllvm'
#' @param x a summary object
#' @param by By = "all" (default) will return a Wald statistics per predictor and LV if the ordination includes predictors, by = "terms" will return a multivariate Wald statistic per predictor (displayed at first LV), and by = "LV" will do the same but per dimension (displayed at first predictors).
#' @param digits the number of significant digits to use when printing
#' @param signif.stars If \code{TRUE}, significance stars are printed for each coefficient, defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @param dispersion option to return dispersion parameters, defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param spp.intercepts option to return species intercepts, defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param row.intercepts option to return row intercepts, defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param Lvcoefs option to return species scores in the ordination, defaults to \code{FALSE}. Returns species optima for quadratic model.
#' @param rotate defaults to \code{TRUE}. If \code{TRUE} rotates the output of the latent variables to principal direction, so that it coincides with the ordiplot results. If both unconstrained and constrained latent variables are included, predictor slopes are not rotated.
#' @param type to match "type" in \code{\link{ordiplot.gllvm}}
#' @param ... not used.
#' @author Jenni Niku <>, Bert van der Veen
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'## Load a dataset from the mvabund package
#' data(antTraits)
#' y <- as.matrix(antTraits$abund)
#'# Fit gllvm model
#' fit <- gllvm(y = y, family = poisson())
#' summary(fit)
#'@export print.summary.gllvm
summary.gllvm <- function(object, by = "all", digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"), dispersion = FALSE, spp.intercepts = FALSE, row.intercepts = FALSE, Lvcoefs = FALSE, rotate = TRUE, type = NULL,
...) {
n <- NROW(object$y)
p <- NCOL(object$y)
nX <- dim(object$X)[2]
nTR <- dim(object$TR)[2] <- object$ <- object$
num.RR <- object$num.RR
quadratic <- object$quadratic
family <- object$family
if(!by%in%c("all","terms","LV"))stop("'by' must be one of 'all', 'terms', or 'LV'.")
#calculate rotation matrix
if(rotate && (>1){
lv <- getLV(object, type = type)
do_svd <- svd(lv)
svd_rotmat_sites <- do_svd$v
do_svd$v <- svd(getLV(object))$v
svd_rotmat_sites <- diag(
if((>0 && Lvcoefs){
M <- cbind(object$params$beta0, object$params$theta[,1:(]%*%svd_rotmat_sites)
M <- cbind(object$params$beta0, optima(object,sd.errors=F)%*%svd_rotmat_sites)
M <- cbind(object$params$beta0)
sumry <- list()
sumry$digits <- digits
sumry$signif.stars <- signif.stars
sumry$dispersion <- dispersion
sumry$spp.intercepts <- spp.intercepts
sumry$row.intercepts <- row.intercepts
sumry$Lvcoefs <- Lvcoefs
sumry$ <-
sumry$ <-
sumry$num.RR <- num.RR
sumry$quadratic <- quadratic
sumry$formula <- object$formula
sumry$lv.formula <- object$lv.formula
sumry$'log-likelihood' <- object$logL
crit <- inf.criteria(object)
sumry$df <- crit$k
sumry$AIC <- crit$AIC
sumry$AICc <- crit$AICc
sumry$BIC <- crit$BIC
crit <-
newnams <- c("Intercept")
if((>0 && Lvcoefs){
newnams <- c(newnams, dimnames(object$params$theta)[[2]][1:(])
if (!is.logical(object$sd)&!is.null(object$X)&is.null(object$TR)) {
pars <- c(object$params$Xcoef)
se <- c(object$sd$Xcoef)
zval <- pars/se
pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(zval))
coef.table <- cbind(pars, se, zval, pvalue)
dimnames(coef.table) <- list(paste(rep(colnames(object$,each=ncol(object$y)),colnames(object$y),sep=":"), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))
}else if(!is.logical(object$sd)&!is.null(object$X)){
pars <- c(object$params$B)
se <- c(object$sd$B)
nX <- dim(object$X)[2]
cnx <- rep(colnames(object$, each = ifelse(!is.null(object$TR),1,p))
rnc <- rep(rownames(object$params$Xcoef), nX)
newnam <- paste(cnx, rnc, sep = ":")
}else if(!is.null(object${
newnam <- colnames(object$
zval <- pars/se
pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(zval))
coef.table <- cbind(pars, se, zval, pvalue)
dimnames(coef.table) <- list(newnam, c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))
coef.table <- NULL
if (!is.logical(object$sd)&!is.null(object$lv.X)&object$randomB==FALSE) {
pars <- c(object$params$LvXcoef)
se <- c(object$sd$LvXcoef)
zval <- pvalue <- rep(NA,length(pars))
zval <- pars/se
pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(zval))
coef.table.constrained <- cbind(pars, se, zval, pvalue)
dimnames(coef.table.constrained) <- list(paste(colnames(object$lv.X),"(CLV",rep(1:(object$$num.RR),each=ncol(object$lv.X)),")",sep=""), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))
}else if(by=="terms"){
covB <- object$Hess$cov.mat.mod
colnames(covB) <- row.names(covB) <- names(object$TMBfn$par)[object$Hess$incl]
covB <- covB[row.names(covB)=="b_lv",colnames(covB)=="b_lv"]
for(i in 1:ncol(object$lv.X)){
idx <- seq(i,ncol(object$lv.X)*(object$$num.RR),ncol(object$lv.X))
b <- object$params$LvXcoef[i,]
zval[i] <- b%*%MASS::ginv(covB[idx,idx])%*%b
pvalue[i] <- 1-pchisq(zval[i],object$$num.RR)
coef.table.constrained <- cbind(pars, se, zval, pvalue)
dimnames(coef.table.constrained) <- list(paste(colnames(object$lv.X),"(CLV",rep(1:(object$$num.RR),each=ncol(object$lv.X)),")",sep=""), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "X2 value", "Pr(>X2)"))
}else if(by=="LV"){
covB <- object$Hess$cov.mat.mod
colnames(covB) <- row.names(covB) <- names(object$TMBfn$par)[object$Hess$incl]
covB <- covB[row.names(covB)=="b_lv",colnames(covB)=="b_lv"]
for(i in 1:(object$num.RR+object${
b <- object$params$LvXcoef[,i]
zval[1+ncol(object$lv.X)*(i-1)] <- b%*%MASS::ginv(covB[(1:ncol(object$lv.X))+ncol(object$lv.X)*(i-1),(1:ncol(object$lv.X))+ncol(object$lv.X)*(i-1)])%*%b
pvalue[1+ncol(object$lv.X)*(i-1)] <- 1-pchisq(zval[1+ncol(object$lv.X)*(i-1)],ncol(object$lv.X))
coef.table.constrained <- cbind(pars, se, zval, pvalue)
dimnames(coef.table.constrained) <- list(paste(colnames(object$lv.X),"(CLV",rep(1:(object$$num.RR),each=ncol(object$lv.X)),")",sep=""), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "X2 value", "Pr(>X2)"))
LVcoef <- (object$params$LvXcoef%*%svd_rotmat_sites)
pars <- c(LVcoef)
covB <- object$Hess$cov.mat.mod
colnames(covB) <- row.names(covB) <- names(object$TMBfn$par)[object$Hess$incl]
covB <- covB[row.names(covB)=="b_lv",colnames(covB)=="b_lv", drop=FALSE]
zval <- pvalue <- rep(NA,length(pars))
rotSD <- matrix(0,,nrow=ncol(object$lv.X))
for(i in 1:ncol(object$lv.X)){
rotSD[i,] <- sqrt(abs(diag(t(svd_rotmat_sites[1:(,1:(])%*%covB[seq(i,(*ncol(object$lv.X),by=ncol(object$lv.X)),seq(i,(*ncol(object$lv.X),by=ncol(object$lv.X))]%*%svd_rotmat_sites[1:(,1:(])))
se <- c(rotSD)
pars <- c(LVcoef)
zval <- pars/se
pvalue <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(zval))
coef.table.constrained <- cbind(pars, se, zval, pvalue)
dimnames(coef.table.constrained) <- list(paste(colnames(object$lv.X),"(CLV",rep(1:(object$$num.RR),each=ncol(object$lv.X)),")",sep=""), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)"))
}else if(by=="terms"){
# This test is invariant to rotation, but the rotation matrix is included for posterity
for(i in 1:ncol(object$lv.X)){
idx <- seq(i,ncol(object$lv.X)*(object$$num.RR),ncol(object$lv.X))
b <- LVcoef[i,]
zval[i] <- b%*%MASS::ginv(t(svd_rotmat_sites[1:(,1:(])%*%covB[idx,idx]%*%svd_rotmat_sites[1:(,1:(])%*%b
pvalue[i] <- 1-pchisq(zval[i],object$$num.RR)
coef.table.constrained <- cbind(pars, se, zval, pvalue)
dimnames(coef.table.constrained) <- list(paste(colnames(object$lv.X),"(CLV",rep(1:(object$$num.RR),each=ncol(object$lv.X)),")",sep=""), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "X2 value", "Pr(>X2)"))
}else if(by=="LV"){
covB <- object$Hess$cov.mat.mod
colnames(covB) <- row.names(covB) <- names(object$TMBfn$par)[object$Hess$incl]
covB <- covB[row.names(covB)=="b_lv",colnames(covB)=="b_lv"]
for(q in 1:(object$num.RR+object${
# Rotated cov matrix for the qth LV
covBnew <- matrix(0,ncol=ncol(object$lv.X),nrow=ncol(object$lv.X))
for(k in 1:ncol(object$lv.X)){
for(k2 in 1:ncol(object$lv.X)){
for(q2 in 1:(object$num.RR+object${
for(q3 in 1:(object$num.RR+object${
covBnew[k,k2] <- covBnew[k,k2]+svd_rotmat_sites[1:(object$num.RR+object$,1:(object$num.RR+object$][q2,q]*svd_rotmat_sites[1:(object$num.RR+object$,1:(object$num.RR+object$][q3,q]*covB[(object$num.RR+object$*(k-1)+q2,(object$num.RR+object$*(k2-1)+q3]
b <- LVcoef[,q]
zval[1+ncol(object$lv.X)*(q-1)] <- b%*%solve(covBnew)%*%b
pvalue[1+ncol(object$lv.X)*(q-1)] <- 1-pchisq(zval[1+ncol(object$lv.X)*(q-1)],ncol(object$lv.X))
coef.table.constrained <- cbind(pars, se, zval, pvalue)
dimnames(coef.table.constrained) <- list(paste(colnames(object$lv.X),"(CLV",rep(1:(object$$num.RR),each=ncol(object$lv.X)),")",sep=""), c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "X2 value", "Pr(>X2)"))
coef.table.constrained <- NULL
coef.table.constrained <- NULL
colnames(M) <- newnams
rownames(M) <- colnames(object$y)
sumry$Call <- object$call
sumry$family <- object$family
sumry$Coefficients <- M
if (!is.null(object$TR)) {
# if (!is.null(object$X)) {
# sumry$'Covariate coefficients' <- object$params$B
# }
} else {
# if (!is.null(object$X)) {
# sumry$'Environmental coefficients' <- object$params$Xcoef
# }
if (!is.null(object$params$row.params)) {
sumry$'Row intercepts' <- object$params$row.params
sumry$rstruc <- object$rstruc
if (object$row.eff == "random") {
object$params$sigma2 = object$params$sigma[1] ^ 2
names(object$params$sigma2) = "sigma^2"
sumry$'Variance of random row intercepts' <- object$params$sigma2
if (object$family == "negative.binomial") {
sumry$'Dispersion parameters' <- object$params$phi
if (object$family == "gamma") {
sumry$'Shape parameters' <- object$params$phi
if (object$family == "tweedie") {
sumry$'Dispersion parameters' <- object$params$phi
if (object$family == "ZIP") {
sumry$'Zero inflation p' <- object$params$phi
if(object$family == "gaussian"){
sumry$'Standard deviations' <- object$params$phi
sumry$'Coef.tableX' <- coef.table
#add zeros for num.rr
object$params$ <- c(object$params$[],rep(0,num.RR), if(>0)object$params$[-c(1:(])
object$params$ <- sqrt(diag(t(svd_rotmat_sites)%*%diag(object$params$^2, ncol =, nrow =*%svd_rotmat_sites))
sumry$ <- object$params$
sumry$'Coef.tableLV' <- coef.table.constrained
class(sumry) <- "summary.gllvm"
#'@rdname summary.gllvm
print.summary.gllvm <- function (x, ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", paste(deparse(x$Call), sep = "\n",
collapse = "\n"), "\n\n", sep = "")
cat("Family: ", x$family, "\n\n")
AIC <- round(x$AIC,x$digits)
BIC <- round(x$BIC,x$digits)
AICc <- round(x$AICc,x$digits)
cat("AIC: ", AIC, "AICc: ", AICc, "BIC: ", BIC, "LL: ", zapsmall(x$`log-likelihood`, x$digits), "df: ", x$df, "\n\n")
cat("Informed LVs: ", x$, "\n")
cat("Constrained LVs: ", x$num.RR,"\n")
cat("Unconstrained LVs: ", x$, "\n")
#this scenario we don't want the SD from as it is meaningless
if(x$>0&(x$num.RR+x$>0 & isFALSE(x$quadratic))x$ <- x$[1:(x$$num.RR)]
#only print SD from LV if model is quadratic or if (hybrid) concurrent
if((x$>0|!isFALSE(x$quadratic)){cat("Residual standard deviation of LVs: ", zapsmall(x$,x$digits),"\n\n")}else{cat("\n")}
cat("Formula: ", paste(x$formula,collapse=""), "\n")
cat("LV formula: ", ifelse(is.null(x$lv.formula),"~ 0", paste(x$lv.formula,collapse="")), "\n")
df <- x[["df"]]
cat("\nCoefficients predictors:\n")
coefs <- x$Coef.tableX
printCoefmat(coefs, digits = x$digits, signif.stars = x$signif.stars,
na.print = "NA")
cat("\nCoefficients LVs: \n")
cat("\nOptima LVs: \n")
cat("\nCoefficients LV predictors:\n")
coefs <- x$Coef.tableLV
printCoefmat(coefs, digits = x$digits, signif.stars = x$signif.stars,
na.print = "")
cat("\n Species Intercepts: \n")
if(!is.null(x$`Row intercepts`)){
cat("\n Row intercepts with variance", zapsmall(x$'Variance of random row intercepts',x$digits), ":\n")
print(zapsmall(x$`Row intercepts`,x$digits))
if (x$family == "negative.binomial") {
phi <- x$'Dispersion parameters'
if (x$family == "gamma") {
phi <- x$'Shape parameters'
if (x$family == "tweedie") {
phi <- x$'Dispersion parameters'
if (x$family == "ZIP") {
phi <- x$'Zero inflation p'
if(x$family == "gaussian"){
phi <- x$'Standard deviations'
# names(phi) <- row.names(x$Coefficients)
cat("\n(Dispersion estimates for ", x$family, ":\n")
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