
Defines functions glmdisc

Documented in glmdisc

#' Model-based multivariate discretization for logistic regression.
#' This function discretizes a training set using an SEM-Gibbs based method (see References section).
#' It detects numerical features of the dataset and discretizes them ; values of categorical features (of type \code{factor}) are regrouped. This is done in a multivariate supervised way. Assessment of the correct model is done via AIC, BIC or test set error (see parameter \code{criterion}).
#' Second-order interactions can be searched through the optional \code{interaction} parameter using a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm (see References section).
#' @param predictors The matrix array containing the numerical or factor attributes to discretize.
#' @param labels The actual labels of the provided predictors (0/1).
#' @param validation Boolean : True if the algorithm should use predictors to construct a validation set on which to search for the best discretization scheme using the provided criterion (default: TRUE).
#' @param test Boolean : True if the algorithm should use predictors to construct a test set on which to calculate the provided criterion using the best discretization scheme (chosen thanks to the provided criterion on either the test set (if true) or the training set (otherwise)) (default: TRUE).
#' @param criterion The criterion ('gini','aic','bic') to use to choose the best discretization scheme among the generated ones (default: 'gini'). Nota Bene: it is best to use 'gini' only when test is set to TRUE and 'aic' or 'bic' when it is not. When using 'aic' or 'bic' with a test set, the likelihood is returned as there is no need to penalize for generalization purposes.
#' @param iter The number of iterations to do in the SEM protocole (default: 1000).
#' @param m_start The maximum number of resulting categories for each variable wanted (default: 20).
#' @param reg_type The model to use between discretized and continuous features (currently, only multinomial logistic regression ('poly') and ordered logistic regression ('polr') are supported ; default: 'poly'). WARNING: 'poly' requires the \code{mnlogit} package, 'polr' requires the \code{MASS} package.
#' @param interact Boolean : True (default) if interaction detection is wanted (Warning: may be very memory/time-consuming).
#' @param proportions The list of the proportions wanted for test and validation set. Not used when both test and validation are false. Only the first is used when there is only one of either test or validation that is set to TRUE. Produces an error when the sum is greater to one. Default: list(0.2,0.2) so that the training set has 0.6 of the input observations.
#' @concept SEM Gibbs discretization
#' @author Adrien Ehrhardt.
#' @seealso \code{\link{glm}}, \code{\link{multinom}}, \code{\link{polr}}
#' @details
#' This function finds the most appropriate discretization scheme for logistic regression. When provided with a continuous variable \eqn{X}, it tries to convert it to a categorical variable \eqn{Q} which values uniquely correspond to intervals of the continuous variable \eqn{X}.
#' When provided with a categorical variable \eqn{X}, it tries to find the best regroupement of its values and subsequently creates categorical variable \eqn{Q}. The goal is to perform supervised learning with logistic regression so that you have to specify a target variable \eqn{Y} denoted by \code{labels}.
#' The ‘‘discretization'' process, i.e. the transformation of \eqn{X} to \eqn{Q} is done so as to achieve the best logistic regression model \eqn{p(y|e;\theta)}. It can be interpreted as a special case feature engineering algorithm.
#' Subsequently, its outputs are: the optimal discretization scheme and the logistic regression model associated with it. We also provide the parameters that were provided to the function and the evolution of the criterion with respect to the algorithm's iterations.
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @import caret
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @export
#' @references
#' Celeux, G., Chauveau, D., Diebolt, J. (1995), On Stochastic Versions of the EM Algorithm. [Research Report] RR-2514, INRIA. 1995. <inria-00074164>
# #' Asad Hasan, Wang Zhiyu and Alireza S. Mahani (2015). mnlogit: Multinomial Logit Model. R package version 1.2.4. \url{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=mnlogit}
#' Agresti, A. (2002) \emph{Categorical Data}. Second edition. Wiley.
#' @examples
#' # Simulation of a discretized logit model
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- matrix(runif(300), nrow = 100, ncol = 3)
#' cuts <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 4)
#' xd <- apply(x, 2, function(col) as.numeric(cut(col, cuts)))
#' theta <- t(matrix(c(0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, -2, -2, -2), ncol = 3, nrow = 3))
#' log_odd <- rowSums(t(sapply(seq_along(xd[, 1]), function(row_id) {
#'   sapply(
#'     seq_along(xd[row_id, ]),
#'     function(element) theta[xd[row_id, element], element]
#'   )
#' })))
#' y <- rbinom(100, 1, 1 / (1 + exp(-log_odd)))
#' sem_disc <- glmdisc(x, y,
#'   iter = 50, m_start = 4, test = FALSE,
#'   validation = FALSE, criterion = "aic"
#' )
#' print(sem_disc)
glmdisc <- function(predictors, labels, interact = TRUE, validation = TRUE, test = TRUE, criterion = "gini", iter = 1000, m_start = 20, reg_type = "poly", proportions = c(0.2, 0.2)) {
  first_argument_checks(criterion, labels, predictors, validation)

  # Calculating lengths n and d and data types
  n <- length(labels)
  d <- length(predictors[1, ])
  types_data <- sapply(predictors[1, ], class)

  second_argument_checks(types_data, d, interact)

  noms_colonnes <- colnames(predictors)
  # Complete rows
  continu_complete_case <- !is.na(predictors)

  # Initializing list of calculated criterion among which to select the best.
  criterion_iter <- list(-Inf)

  # Obtain training, test and validation datasets.
  ensemble <- cut_dataset(n, proportions, test = test, validation = validation)
  ensemble[[1]] <- 1:n %in% ensemble[[1]]
  ensemble[[2]] <- 1:n %in% ensemble[[2]]
  ensemble[[3]] <- 1:n %in% ensemble[[3]]

  # Initializing variable Q (discretization of X) at random.
  e_emap <- initialize_e_emap(n, d, types_data, continu_complete_case, m_start, predictors)
  e <- e_emap[[1]]
  emap <- e_emap[[2]]

  # m encodes the number of levels per feature
  m <- as.vector(apply(e, 2, function(col) nlevels(factor(col))))
  names(m) <- paste0("V", 1:length(m))

  # lev encodes the list of levels of each feature
  lev <- apply(e, 2, function(col) list(levels(factor(col))))

  # Initializing "current" best logistic regression and link functions.
  current_best <- 1
  best_reglog <- 0
  best_link <- 0

  # The interaction matrix delta is initialized at random with prob .5
  if (interact) {
    init_inter <- initialize_interaction(d, predictors, continu_complete_case, labels, ensemble)
    delta <- init_inter[[1]]
    p_delta <- init_inter[[2]]
    xPrincipal <- init_inter[[3]]

  # SEM algorithm
  for (i in 1:iter) {
    if (sum(apply(e, 2, function(el) nlevels(as.factor(el))) == 1) == d) {
      message("Early stopping rule: all variables discretized in one value")

    data_e <- Filter(function(x) (length(unique(x)) > 1), as.data.frame(apply(e, 2, factor), stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
    data_emap <- Filter(function(x) (length(unique(x)) > 1), as.data.frame(apply(emap, 2, factor), stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
    data <- data.frame(e, labels = labels, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    data_logit <- data.frame(emap, labels = labels, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

    if (ncol(data_emap) == 0) {
      message("Early stopping rule: all variables discretized in one value")

    # ejecter and ejecter_logit encode feature locations of features that have only one levels and are thus excluded from the model
    if (interact == TRUE) {
      tab_vrai <- which(delta == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
      ejecter_logit <- sapply(1:(ncol(data_logit) - 1), function(col) length(unique(data_logit[ensemble[[1]], col])) == 1)
      ejecter <- sapply(1:(ncol(data) - 1), function(col) length(unique(data[ensemble[[1]], col])) == 1)

      # if there is at least one interaction xInter and xInter_logit encode these features as feature1:feature2
      if (sum(tab_vrai) > 0) {
        xInter <- xInter_logit <- sapply(1:nrow(tab_vrai), function(row) paste0("V", tab_vrai[row, "row"], ":V", tab_vrai[row, "col"]))

        if (length(xPrincipal[ejecter]) > 0) {
          for (l in xPrincipal[ejecter]) {
            xInter <- xInter[!(xInter %in% (grep(l, xInter, value = TRUE)))]

        if (length(xPrincipal[ejecter_logit]) > 0) {
          for (l in xPrincipal[ejecter_logit]) {
            xInter_logit <- xInter_logit[!(xInter_logit %in% (grep(l, xInter_logit, value = TRUE)))]

        if (length(xInter) > 0) {
          fmla <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal[!ejecter], collapse = "+"), "+", paste(xInter, collapse = "+")))
        } else {
          fmla <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal[!ejecter], collapse = "+")))

        if (length(xInter_logit) > 0) {
          fmla_logit <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal[!ejecter_logit], collapse = "+"), "+", paste(xInter_logit, collapse = "+")))
        } else {
          fmla_logit <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal[!ejecter_logit], collapse = "+")))

        fmla_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla, data_e, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")
        fmla_logit_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla_logit, data_emap, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")

        data <- predict(object = fmla_encoder, newdata = data_e)
        data_logit <- predict(object = fmla_logit_encoder, newdata = data_emap)

        model_reglog <- RcppNumerical::fastLR(data_logit[ensemble[[1]], ], labels[ensemble[[1]]])

        logit <- RcppNumerical::fastLR(data[ensemble[[1]], ], labels[ensemble[[1]]])
      } else {
        # TODO : warmup starting values for logit coefficients
        fmla <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal[!ejecter], collapse = "+")))
        fmla_logit <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal[!ejecter_logit], collapse = "+")))

        fmla_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla, data_e, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")
        fmla_logit_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla_logit, data_emap, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")

        data <- predict(object = fmla_encoder, newdata = data_e)
        data_logit <- predict(object = fmla_logit_encoder, newdata = data_emap)

        model_reglog <- RcppNumerical::fastLR(data_logit[ensemble[[1]], ], labels[ensemble[[1]]])

        logit <- RcppNumerical::fastLR(data[ensemble[[1]], ], labels[ensemble[[1]]])
    } else {
      fmla <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(colnames(data_e), collapse = "+")))
      fmla_logit <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(colnames(data_emap), collapse = "+")))

      fmla_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla, data_e, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")
      fmla_logit_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla_logit, data_emap, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")

      data <- predict(object = fmla_encoder, newdata = data_e)

      data_logit <- predict(object = fmla_logit_encoder, newdata = data_emap)

      model_reglog <- RcppNumerical::fastLR(data_logit[ensemble[[1]], ], labels[ensemble[[1]]])

      logit <- RcppNumerical::fastLR(data[ensemble[[1]], ], labels[ensemble[[1]]])

    # Calculate current performance and update (if better than previous best) current best model.
    if (i >= 2) {
      if ((criterion == "gini") && (validation == FALSE)) {
        criterion_iter[[i]] <- normalizedGini(labels[ensemble[[1]]], predictlogisticRegression(data_logit[ensemble[[1]], ], model_reglog$coefficients))
      } else if ((criterion == "gini") && (validation == TRUE)) {
        criterion_iter[[i]] <- normalizedGini(labels[ensemble[[2]]], predictlogisticRegression(data_logit[ensemble[[2]], ], model_reglog$coefficients))
      } else if ((criterion == "aic") && (validation == FALSE)) {
        criterion_iter[[i]] <- 2 * model_reglog$loglikelihood - 2 * length(model_reglog$coefficients)
      } else if ((criterion == "bic") && (validation == FALSE)) {
        criterion_iter[[i]] <- 2 * model_reglog$loglikelihood - log(length(ensemble[[1]])) * length(model_reglog$coefficients)
      } else if ((criterion %in% c("aic", "bic")) && (validation == TRUE)) {
        criterion_iter[[i]] <- sum(log(labels[ensemble[[2]]] * predictlogisticRegression(data_logit[ensemble[[2]], ], model_reglog$coefficients) + (1 - labels[ensemble[[2]]]) * (1 - labels[ensemble[[2]]] * predictlogisticRegression(data_logit[ensemble[[2]], ], model_reglog$coefficients))))

      if (criterion_iter[[i]] >= criterion_iter[[current_best]]) {
        best_reglog <- model_reglog
        best_link <- link
        current_best <- i
        best_formula <- fmla_logit

    if (interact == TRUE) {
      p_delta_transition <- abs(delta - p_delta)
      pq <- sample(1:d^2, prob = prop.table(t(as.matrix(as.vector(p_delta_transition))), 1), size = 1)
      delta_new <- delta
      delta_new[pq] <- 1 - delta_new[pq]
      if (sum(delta_new == 1) > 0) {
        xInter_new <- sapply(1:nrow(which(delta_new == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)), function(row) paste0("V", which(delta_new == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[row, "row"], ":V", which(delta_new == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)[row, "col"]))
        if (exists("ejecter_logit")) {
          if (length(xPrincipal[ejecter_logit]) > 0) {
            for (l in xPrincipal[ejecter_logit]) {
              xInter_new <- xInter_new[!(xInter_new %in% (grep(l, xInter_new, value = TRUE)))]
          if (length(xInter_new) > 0) {
            fmla_logit_new <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal[!ejecter_logit], collapse = "+"), "+", paste(xInter_new, collapse = "+")))

            fmla_logit_new_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla_logit_new, data_emap, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")

            data_logit_new <- predict(object = fmla_logit_new_encoder, newdata = data_emap)
          } else {
            fmla_logit_new <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal[!ejecter_logit], collapse = "+")))

            fmla_logit_new_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla_logit_new, data_emap, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")

            data_logit_new <- predict(object = fmla_logit_new_encoder, newdata = data_emap)
        } else {
          fmla_logit_new <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal, collapse = "+"), "+", paste(xInter_new, collapse = "+")))

          fmla_logit_new_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla_logit_new, data_emap, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")

          data_logit_new <- predict(object = fmla_logit_new_encoder, newdata = data_emap)
      } else {
        if (exists("ejecter_logit")) {
          fmla_logit_new <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal[!ejecter_logit], collapse = "+")))

          fmla_logit_new_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla_logit_new, data_emap, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")

          data_logit_new <- predict(object = fmla_logit_new_encoder, newdata = data_emap)
        } else {
          fmla_logit_new <- stats::as.formula(paste("~", paste(xPrincipal, collapse = "+")))

          fmla_logit_new_encoder <- dummyVars(fmla_logit_new, data_emap, fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")

          data_logit_new <- predict(object = fmla_logit_new_encoder, newdata = data_emap)

      new_logit <- RcppNumerical::fastLR(data_logit_new[ensemble[[1]], ], labels[ensemble[[1]]])
      alpha <- exp(2 * new_logit$loglikelihood - log(sum(ensemble[[1]])) * length(new_logit$coefficients) - (2 * model_reglog$loglikelihood - log(sum(ensemble[[1]])) * length(model_reglog$coefficients))) * (p_delta_transition[pq]) / (1 - p_delta_transition[pq])

      if (pq %% d == 0) {
        var_interact <- c(noms_colonnes[pq %/% d], noms_colonnes[d])
      } else {
        var_interact <- c(noms_colonnes[pq %/% d + 1], noms_colonnes[pq %% d])

      message("Current interaction being tested is between variables ", var_interact[1], " and ", var_interact[2], " with a probability of acceptance of ", alpha)
      if (sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = 1, prob = c(min(alpha, 1), 1 - min(alpha, 1)))) {
        delta <- delta_new

    # Initialization of link function
    link <- list()
    lev_1 <- lev
    m <- apply(e, 2, function(el) nlevels(as.factor(el)))

    # Update E^j with j chosen at random
    for (j in sample(1:d)) {

      # p(e^j | x^j) training
      if (length(unique(e[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j])) > 1) {
        if (sum(lapply(lapply(1:d, function(j) !lev_1[[j]][[1]] %in% lev[[j]][[1]]), sum) > 0) > 0) {
          e[, which(lapply(lapply(1:d, function(j) !lev_1[[j]][[1]] %in% lev[[j]][[1]]), sum) > 0)] <- sapply(which(lapply(lapply(1:d, function(j) !lev_1[[j]][[1]] %in% lev[[j]][[1]]), sum) > 0), function(col) factor(e[, col], levels = lev_1[[col]][[1]]))

        # Polytomic or ordered logistic regression
        if ((reg_type == "poly") & (types_data[j] == "numeric")) {
          link[[j]] <- nnet::multinom(e ~ x, data = data.frame(e = e[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], x = predictors[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), start = link[[j]]$coefficients, trace = FALSE, Hess = FALSE, maxit = 50)
        } else if (types_data[j] == "numeric") {
          if (exists("link[[j]]$weights")) {
            link[[j]] <- MASS::polr(e ~ x, data = data.frame(e = factor(as.numeric(ordered(e[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], levels = names(sort(unlist(by(predictors[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], e[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], mean)))))), ordered = T), x = predictors[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), Hess = FALSE, model = FALSE, weights = link[[j]]$weights)
          } else if (nlevels(as.factor(e[continu_complete_case[ensemble[[1]], j], ][ensemble[[1]], j])) > 2) {
            link[[j]] <- MASS::polr(e ~ x, data = data.frame(e = factor(as.numeric(ordered(e[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], levels = names(sort(unlist(by(predictors[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], e[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], mean)))))), ordered = T), x = predictors[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), Hess = FALSE, model = FALSE)
          } else {
            link[[j]] <- stats::glm(e ~ x, data = data.frame(e = factor(e[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j]), x = predictors[continu_complete_case[, j] & ensemble[[1]], j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), family = stats::binomial(link = "logit"), model = FALSE)
      } else {
        link[[j]] <- NA

      # p(y|e^j,e^-j) calculation
      if ((m[j]) > 1) {
        y_p <- array(0, c(n, (m[j])))
        levels_to_sample <- unlist(lev[[j]][[1]])

        for (k in 1:length(levels_to_sample)) {
          modalites_k <- data

          if (j > 1) {
            modalites_k[, ((3 - j + sum((m[1:(j - 1)]))):(1 - j + sum((m[1:j]))))] <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m[j] - 1)
          } else {
            modalites_k[, (2:((m[1])))] <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = (m[j]) - 1)

          if (paste0("V", j, "_", as.numeric(levels_to_sample[k])) %in% colnames(data)) {
            modalites_k[, paste0("V", j, "_", as.numeric(levels_to_sample[k]))] <- rep(1, n)

          p <- predictlogisticRegression(modalites_k, logit$coefficients)

          y_p[, k] <- (labels * p + (1 - labels) * (1 - p))

        # p(e^j|reste) calculation
        if ((types_data[j] == "numeric")) {
          t <- tryCatch(predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = unlist(unname(c(predictors[continu_complete_case[, j], , drop = FALSE][, j, drop = FALSE]))), stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "probs"),
            error = function(e) {
              predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = unlist(unname(c(predictors[continu_complete_case[, j], , drop = FALSE][, j, drop = FALSE]))), stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "response")

          if (is.vector(t)) {
            t <- cbind(1 - t, t)
            colnames(t) <- c("1", "2")

          if (sum(!continu_complete_case[, j]) > 0) {
            t_bis <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(predictors), ncol = ncol(t) + 1)
            t_bis[continu_complete_case[, j], 1:ncol(t)] <- t
            t_bis[continu_complete_case[, j], ncol(t) + 1] <- 0
            t_bis[!continu_complete_case[, j], ] <- t(matrix(c(rep(0, ncol(t)), 1), nrow = ncol(t) + 1, ncol = sum(!continu_complete_case[, j])))
            colnames(t_bis) <- c(colnames(t), m_start + 1)
            t <- t_bis
        } else {
          link[[j]] <- table(e[ensemble[[1]], j], predictors[ensemble[[1]], j])
          t <- prop.table.robust(t(sapply(predictors[, j], function(row) link[[j]][, row])), 1)

        # Updating emap^j
        emap[, j] <- apply(t, 1, function(p) names(which.max(p)))

        t <- prop.table.robust(t * y_p, 1)

        # Updating e^j
        e[, j] <- apply(t, 1, function(p) sample(levels_to_sample, 1, prob = p, replace = TRUE))

        if (nlevels(as.factor(e[, j])) > 1) {
          if (nlevels(as.factor(e[, j])) == m[j]) {
            if (j > 1) {
              data[, ((3 - j + sum((m[1:(j - 1)]))):(1 - j + sum((m[1:j]))))] <- stats::model.matrix(stats::as.formula("~e"), data = data.frame("e" = factor(e[, j]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE))[, -1]
            } else {
              data[, (2:(m[1]))] <- stats::model.matrix(stats::as.formula("~e"), data = data.frame("e" = factor(e[, j]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE))[, -1]
          } else {
            data[, paste0("V", j, "_", lev[[j]][[1]][which(!lev[[j]][[1]] %in% levels(as.factor(e[, j])))])] <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = sum(!lev[[j]][[1]] %in% levels(as.factor(e[, j]))))
            data[, paste0("V", j, "_", levels(as.factor(e[, j])))[paste0("V", j, levels(as.factor(e[, j]))) %in% colnames(data)]] <- stats::model.matrix(stats::as.formula("~e[,j]"), data = data.frame(e[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE))[, -1]
        } else {
          data[, paste0("V", j, "_", lev[[j]][[1]][which(!lev[[j]][[1]] %in% levels(as.factor(e[, j])))])] <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = sum(!lev[[j]][[1]] %in% levels(as.factor(e[, j]))))

        # We control in test and validation datasets (if applicable) that there is the same values for E than in training set (not more).
        # Test

        if (test | validation) {

          # E

          ind_diff_train_test <- which(e[ensemble[[2]], j] == setdiff(factor(e[ensemble[[2]], j]), factor(e[ensemble[[1]], j])))
          while (!length(ind_diff_train_test) == 0) {
            t[ind_diff_train_test, e[ensemble[[2]], j][ind_diff_train_test]] <- 0
            t <- prop.table.robust(t, 1)
            e[ensemble[[2]], j][ind_diff_train_test] <- apply(t[ind_diff_train_test, , drop = FALSE], 1, function(p) sample(unlist(lev[[j]][[1]]), 1, prob = p))
            ind_diff_train_test <- which(e[ensemble[[2]], j] == setdiff(factor(e[ensemble[[2]], j]), factor(e[ensemble[[1]], j])))

          # E_MAP

          ind_diff_train_test <- which(emap[ensemble[[2]], j] == setdiff(factor(emap[ensemble[[2]], j]), factor(emap[ensemble[[1]], j])))
          while (!length(ind_diff_train_test) == 0) {
            if (reg_type == "poly") {
              if (!requireNamespace("nnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
                if ((types_data[j] == "numeric")) {
                  t <- tryCatch(predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "probs"),
                    error = function(e) {
                      predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "response")
                } else {
                  t <- prop.table.robust(t(sapply(predictors[, j], function(row) link[[j]][, row])), 1)
              } else {
                if ((types_data[j] == "numeric")) {
                  t <- tryCatch(predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "probs"),
                    error = function(e) {
                      predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "response")
                } else {
                  t <- prop.table.robust(t(sapply(predictors[, j], function(row) link[[j]][, row])), 1)
            } else {
              if ((types_data[j] == "numeric")) {
                t <- tryCatch(predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "probs"), error = function(cond) matrix(c(1 - predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "response"), predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "response")), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(seq(1:n), c(min(levels(factor(e[ensemble[[1]], j]))), max(levels(factor(e[ensemble[[1]], j])))))))
              } else {
                t <- prop.table.robust(t(sapply(predictors[, j], function(row) link[[j]][, row])), 1)
            t[ind_diff_train_test, emap[ensemble[[2]], j][ind_diff_train_test]] <- 0
            t <- prop.table.robust(t, 1)
            emap[ensemble[[2]], j][ind_diff_train_test] <- apply(t[ind_diff_train_test, , drop = FALSE], 1, function(p) names(which.max(p)))
            ind_diff_train_test <- which(emap[ensemble[[2]], j] == setdiff(factor(emap[ensemble[[2]], j]), factor(emap[ensemble[[1]], j])))

        # Validation

        if (test & validation) {

          # E

          ind_diff_train_test <- which(e[ensemble[[3]], j] == setdiff(factor(e[ensemble[[3]], j]), factor(e[ensemble[[1]], j])))
          while (!length(ind_diff_train_test) == 0) {
            t[ind_diff_train_test, e[ensemble[[3]], j][ind_diff_train_test]] <- 0
            t <- prop.table.robust(t, 1)
            e[ensemble[[3]], j][ind_diff_train_test] <- apply(t[ind_diff_train_test, , drop = FALSE], 1, function(p) sample(unlist(lev[[j]][[1]]), 1, prob = p))
            ind_diff_train_test <- which(e[ensemble[[3]], j] == setdiff(factor(e[ensemble[[3]], j]), factor(e[ensemble[[1]], j])))

          # E_MAP

          ind_diff_train_test <- which(emap[ensemble[[3]], j] == setdiff(factor(emap[ensemble[[3]], j]), factor(emap[ensemble[[1]], j])))
          while (!length(ind_diff_train_test) == 0) {
            if (reg_type == "poly") {
              if (!requireNamespace("nnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
                if ((types_data[j] == "numeric")) {
                  t <- predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "probs")
                } else {
                  t <- prop.table.robust(t(sapply(predictors[, j], function(row) link[[j]][, row])), 1)
              } else {
                if ((types_data[j] == "numeric")) {
                  t <- predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "probs")
                } else {
                  t <- prop.table.robust(t(sapply(predictors[, j], function(row) link[[j]][, row])), 1)
            } else {
              if ((types_data[j] == "numeric")) {
                t <- tryCatch(predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "probs"), error = function(cond) matrix(c(1 - predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "response"), predict(link[[j]], newdata = data.frame(x = predictors[, j], stringsAsFactors = TRUE), type = "response")), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(seq(1:n), c(min(levels(factor(e[ensemble[[1]], j]))), max(levels(factor(e[ensemble[[1]], j])))))))
              } else {
                t <- prop.table.robust(t(sapply(predictors[, j], function(row) link[[j]][, row])), 1)
            t[ind_diff_train_test, emap[ensemble[[2]], j][ind_diff_train_test]] <- 0
            t <- prop.table.robust(t, 1)
            emap[ensemble[[2]], j][ind_diff_train_test] <- apply(t[ind_diff_train_test, , drop = FALSE], 1, function(p) names(which.max(p)))
            ind_diff_train_test <- which(emap[ensemble[[2]], j] == setdiff(factor(emap[ensemble[[2]], j]), factor(emap[ensemble[[1]], j])))
      } else {
        # e^j and emap^j for disappearing features
        e[, j] <- emap[, j] <- factor(rep(1, n))
    lev <- apply(e, 2, function(col) list(levels(factor(col))))

    message("Iteration ", i, " ended with a performance of ", criterion, " = ", criterion_iter[[i]])

  # Output preparation and calculation
  ## 1st returned object
  best.disc <- list(bestLogisticRegression = best_reglog, bestLinkFunction = best_link, formulaOfBestLogisticRegression = best_formula)

  if (validation) {
    if (test) {
      encoder <- dummyVars(best.disc[[3]], as.data.frame(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[1]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), stringsAsFactors = TRUE), fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")
      newdata <- as.data.frame(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[3]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      labels_test <- as.numeric(labels[ensemble[[3]]])

      for (var in encoder$facVars) {
        suppressed_ind <- newdata[, var] == levels(newdata[, var])[!levels(newdata[, var]) %in% unlist(unname(encoder$lvls[var]))]
        if (length(suppressed_ind) > 0) {
          newdata <- newdata[!suppressed_ind, ]
          labels_test <- labels_test[!suppressed_ind]
          warning("Level(s) ", paste(levels(newdata[, var])[(!levels(newdata) %in% unlist(unname(encoder$lvls[var])))], collapse = ", "), " of feature ", var, " were removed from test set.")

      data_test <- predict(object = encoder, newdata = newdata)

      performance <- normalizedGini(labels_test, predictlogisticRegression(data_test, best.disc[[1]]$coefficients))
    } else {
      encoder <- dummyVars(best.disc[[3]], as.data.frame(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[1]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), stringsAsFactors = TRUE), fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")
      newdata <- as.data.frame(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[2]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      labels_validation <- as.numeric(labels[ensemble[[2]]])

      for (var in encoder$facVars) {
        suppressed_ind <- newdata[, var] == levels(newdata[, var])[!levels(newdata[, var]) %in% unlist(unname(encoder$lvls[var]))]
        if (length(suppressed_ind) > 0) {
          newdata <- newdata[!suppressed_ind, ]
          labels_validation <- labels_validation[!suppressed_ind]
          warning("Level(s) ", paste(levels(newdata[, var])[(!levels(newdata) %in% unlist(unname(encoder$lvls[var])))], collapse = ", "), " of feature ", var, " were removed from test set.")

      data_validation <- predict(object = encoder, newdata = newdata)

      performance <- normalizedGini(labels_validation, predictlogisticRegression(data_validation, best.disc[[1]]$coefficients))
  } else {
    if (test) {
      encoder <- dummyVars(best.disc[[3]], as.data.frame(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[1]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), stringsAsFactors = TRUE), fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")
      newdata <- as.data.frame(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[2]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      labels_test <- as.numeric(labels[ensemble[[2]]])
      for (var in encoder$facVars) {
        suppressed_ind <- newdata[, var] == levels(newdata[, var])[!levels(newdata[, var]) %in% unlist(unname(encoder$lvls[var]))]
        if (length(suppressed_ind) > 0) {
          newdata <- newdata[!suppressed_ind, ]
          labels_test <- labels_test[!suppressed_ind]
          warning("Level(s) ", paste(levels(newdata[, var])[(!levels(newdata) %in% unlist(unname(encoder$lvls[var])))], collapse = ", "), " of feature ", var, " were removed from test set.")
      data_test <- predict(object = encoder, newdata = as.data.frame(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[2]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), stringsAsFactors = TRUE))

      performance <- normalizedGini(labels_test, predictlogisticRegression(data_test, best.disc[[1]]$coefficients))
    } else {
      encoder <- dummyVars(best.disc[[3]], as.data.frame(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[1]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), stringsAsFactors = TRUE), fullRank = FALSE, sep = "_")
      performance <- normalizedGini(as.numeric(labels[ensemble[[1]]]), best.disc[[1]]$fitted.values)

  ## Good column names

  if (!is.null(noms_colonnes)) {
    for (j in (length(noms_colonnes):1)) {
      best.disc$formulaOfBestLogisticRegression <- stats::as.formula(paste(sub(paste0("V", j), noms_colonnes[j], best.disc$formulaOfBestLogisticRegression), collapse = " "))

  if ((test) & (validation)) {
    disc.data <- as.data.frame(cbind(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[3]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), labels = labels[ensemble[[3]]]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

    if (!is.null(colnames(predictors))) {
      colnames(disc.data) <- c(colnames(predictors), "labels")

      Class = "glmdisc", parameters = list(test = test, validation = validation, criterion = criterion, iter = iter, m_start = m_start, reg_type = reg_type, types_data = types_data, encoder = encoder, interact = interact), best.disc = best.disc, performance = list(performance = performance, criterionEvolution = criterion_iter), disc.data = disc.data,
      cont.data = as.data.frame(cbind(predictors[ensemble[[3]], , drop = FALSE], labels = labels[ensemble[[3]]]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  } else if (validation) {
    disc.data <- as.data.frame(cbind(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[2]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), labels = labels[ensemble[[2]]]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(colnames(predictors))) {
      colnames(disc.data) <- c(colnames(predictors), "labels")
      Class = "glmdisc", parameters = list(test = test, validation = validation, criterion = criterion, iter = iter, m_start = m_start, reg_type = reg_type, types_data = types_data, encoder = encoder, interact = interact), best.disc = best.disc, performance = list(performance = performance, criterionEvolution = criterion_iter), disc.data = disc.data,
      cont.data = as.data.frame(cbind(predictors[ensemble[[2]], , drop = FALSE], labels = labels[ensemble[[2]]]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  } else if (test) {
    disc.data <- as.data.frame(cbind(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[2]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), labels = labels[ensemble[[2]]]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(colnames(predictors))) {
      colnames(disc.data) <- c(colnames(predictors), "labels")
      Class = "glmdisc", parameters = list(test = test, validation = validation, criterion = criterion, iter = iter, m_start = m_start, reg_type = reg_type, types_data = types_data, encoder = encoder, interact = interact), best.disc = best.disc, performance = list(performance = performance, criterionEvolution = criterion_iter), disc.data = disc.data,
      cont.data = as.data.frame(cbind(predictors[ensemble[[2]], , drop = FALSE], labels = labels[ensemble[[2]]]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  } else {
    disc.data <- as.data.frame(cbind(discretize_link(best.disc[[2]], predictors[ensemble[[1]], , drop = FALSE], m_start), labels = labels[ensemble[[1]]]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(colnames(predictors))) {
      colnames(disc.data) <- c(colnames(predictors), "labels")
      Class = "glmdisc", parameters = list(test = test, validation = validation, criterion = criterion, iter = iter, m_start = m_start, reg_type = reg_type, types_data = types_data, encoder = encoder, interact = interact), best.disc = best.disc, performance = list(performance = performance, criterionEvolution = criterion_iter), disc.data = disc.data,
      cont.data = as.data.frame(cbind(predictors[ensemble[[1]], , drop = FALSE], labels = labels[ensemble[[1]]]), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

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glmdisc documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 7:12 p.m.