#' Mixed model effects plot
#' Plot to show differences between groups over time using base graphics.
#' @param object A glmmSeq/lmmSeq object created by
#' \code{\link[glmmSeq:glmmSeq]{glmmSeq::glmmSeq()}} or
#' \code{\link[glmmSeq:lmmSeq]{glmmSeq::lmmSeq()}}
#' @param geneName The gene/row name to be plotted
#' @param x1var The name of the first (inner) x parameter, typically 'time'.
#' This is anticipated to have different values when matched by ID.
#' @param x2var The name of an optional second (outer) x parameter, which should
#' be a factor.
#' @param x2shift Amount to shift along x axis for each level of `x2var`. By
#' default the function will arrange each level of `x2var` side by side. Lower
#' values of `x2shift` or `x2shift = 0` can be used to overlap plots similar
#' to 'dodge' or stagger them.
#' @param xlab Title for the x axis
#' @param ylab Title for the y axis
#' @param plab Optional character vector of labels for p-values. These must
#' align with column names in `object@stats$pvals`.
#' @param title Plot title. If NULL gene name is used
#' @param logTransform Whether to perform a log10 transform on the y axis
#' @param shapes The marker shapes (default=19)
#' @param colours The marker colours (default='red') as vector or named vector
#' @param lineColours The line colours (default='grey60') as vector or named
#' vector
#' @param markerSize Size of markers (default=2)
#' @param fontSize Plot font size
#' @param alpha Line and marker opacity (default=0.7)
#' @param addModel Whether to add the fit model with markers (default=TRUE)
#' @param addPoints Whether to add underlying data points (default=TRUE)
#' @param modelSize Size of model points (default=2)
#' @param modelColours Colour of model fit markers (default="black") as vector
#' or named vector
#' @param modelLineSize Size of model points (default=1) as vector or named
#' vector
#' @param modelLineColours Colour of model fit lines.
#' @param errorBarLwd Line width of error bars
#' @param errorBarLength Head width of error bars
#' @param ... Other parameters to pass to
#' \code{\link[graphics:plot]{graphics::plot()}}
#' @return Returns a paired plot for matched samples
#' @importFrom graphics arrows axis lines mtext plot segments points boxplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(PEAC_minimal_load)
#' disp <- apply(tpm, 1, function(x){
#' (var(x, na.rm=TRUE)-mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))/(mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)**2)
#' })
#' MS4A1glmm <- glmmSeq(~ Timepoint * EULAR_6m + (1 | PATID),
#' countdata = tpm[1:2, ],
#' metadata = metadata,
#' dispersion = disp)
#' modelPlot(object=MS4A1glmm,
#' geneName = 'MS4A1',
#' x1var = 'Timepoint',
#' x2var='EULAR_6m')
modelPlot <- function(object,
geneName = NULL,
x1var = NULL,
x2var = NULL,
x2shift = NULL,
xlab = NA,
ylab = geneName,
plab = NULL,
title = geneName,
logTransform = is(object, "GlmmSeq"),
shapes = 21,
colours = 'grey60',
lineColours = 'grey60',
markerSize = 0.5,
fontSize = NULL,
alpha = 0.7,
addModel = TRUE,
addPoints = TRUE,
modelSize = 2,
modelColours = "royalblue",
modelLineSize = 1,
modelLineColours = modelColours,
errorBarLwd = 2.5,
errorBarLength = 0.05,
...) {
if (!(is(object, "GlmmSeq") | is(object, "lmmSeq"))) {
stop("object must be an output from glmmSeq or lmmSeq")}
dfs <- formPlot(object, geneName, x1var, x2var, x2shift)
df_long <- dfs[[1]]
df_model <- dfs[[2]]
xdiff <- dfs[[3]]
x2shift <- dfs[[4]]
modelData <- object@modelData
maxX2 <- max(df_long$x2, na.rm = TRUE)
if (!is.null(x2var)) {
x2labs <- levels(droplevels(factor(modelData[, x2var])))
xlim <- range(c(df_long$x, df_model$x), na.rm = TRUE)
pval <- object@stats$pvals[geneName, , drop = FALSE]
pval <- formatC(pval, digits=2)
lineColours <- rep_len(lineColours, maxX2)
modelColours <- rep_len(modelColours, maxX2)
colours <- rep_len(colours, maxX2)
shapes <- rep_len(shapes, maxX2)
# Generate base plots
log <- if(logTransform) "y" else ""
if(addModel) {
myYlim <- if (addPoints) {
range(c(df_model[, c('lower', 'upper')], df_long$y))
} else range(df_model[, c('lower', 'upper')])
} else myYlim <- NULL
if (addPoints) {
plot(df_long$x, df_long$y,
ylim = myYlim, type='p', bty='l', las=2,
xaxt='n', cex.axis=fontSize, cex.lab=fontSize,
cex=markerSize, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
log=log, xlim = xlim,
for (i in as.character(unique(df_long$id))) {
col=lineColours[df_long$x2[df_long$id == i]] )}
} else {
plot(as.numeric(df_long$x), df_long$y,
ylim = myYlim, type='n', bty='l', las=2,
xaxt='n', cex.axis=fontSize, cex.lab=fontSize,
xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
xlim = xlim,
for(i in 1:nlevels(df_model$group)){
ind <- as.numeric(df_model$group) == i
lwd=modelSize+1, col=modelLineColours[i])
lwd=errorBarLwd, col=modelLineColours[i],
angle = 90, code = 3, length = errorBarLength)
df_model$y[ind], type = "p",
col=ifelse(shapes[i] >= 21, "black",
bg=ifelse(shapes[i] < 21, NULL,
pch=shapes[i], cex=modelSize)
if (x2shift > xdiff) {
axis(1, modelData[, x1var] + (as.numeric(modelData[, x2var])-1) * x2shift,
labels=modelData[, x1var], cex.axis=fontSize)
axis(1, x2shift*(seq_along(x2labs)-1) + xdiff/2, labels=x2labs,
line=1, cex.axis=fontSize, tick=FALSE)
} else {
axis(1, modelData[, x1var],
labels=modelData[, x1var], cex.axis=fontSize)
if(title!="") mtext(title, side=3, adj=0, padj=-3, cex=fontSize)
if (is.null(plab)) plab <- colnames(pval)
ptext <- lapply(1:ncol(pval), function(i) {
bquote("P" [.(plab[i])] *"="* .(pval[,i]))
ptext <- bquote(.(paste(unlist(ptext), collapse = '*", "*')))
mtext(parse(text=ptext), side=3, adj=0, cex=fontSize)
formPlot <- function(object, geneName, x1var, x2var, x2shift) {
if (!x1var %in% colnames(object@modelData)) {
stop("x1var must be a column name in object@modelData")}
if (!is.null(x2var)) if (!x2var %in% colnames(object@modelData)) {
stop("x2var must be a column name in object@modelData")}
# if(ncol(object@modelData) > 2){
# stop("More than 2 variables in modelData")}
maindata <- if (inherits(object, "GlmmSeq")) {
object@countdata} else object@maindata
if(! geneName %in% rownames(maindata)) {
stop("geneName not found")}
# Set up plotting data frame
IDColumn <- object@vars$id
id <- object@metadata[, IDColumn]
y <- maindata[geneName, ]
x <- object@metadata[, x1var]
xdiff <- diff(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))
if (!is.null(x2var)) {
x2 <- as.numeric(factor(object@metadata[, x2var]))
nsegments <- length(unique(x)) -1
if (is.null(x2shift)) {
x2shift <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE) + xdiff / nsegments
x <- x + (x2-1) * x2shift
} else {
x2 <- 1
x2shift <- -Inf
df_long <- data.frame(id, y, x, x2)
# Set up model fit data
modelData <- object@modelData
preds <- object@predict[geneName, ]
s <- nrow(modelData)
modelx <- if (!is.null(x2var)) {
modelData[, x1var] + (as.numeric(modelData[, x2var])-1) * x2shift
} else modelData[, x1var]
df_model <- data.frame(x = modelx,
y = preds[1:s],
lower = preds[1:s +s],
upper = preds[1:s +s*2],
group = modelData[, x2var])
if (is.null(x2var)) df_model$group <- 1
return(list(df_long, df_model, xdiff, x2shift))
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