One commonly requested feature is to be able to run a post hoc Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis based on the results of a frequentist fit. This is often a reasonable shortcut for computing confidence intervals and p-values that allow for finite-sized samples rather than relying on asymptotic sampling distributions. This vignette shows an example of such an analysis. Some caveats:

opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,
               eval = identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true"))
rc <- knitr::read_chunk

Load packages:

library(coda)     ## MCMC utilities
library(reshape2) ## for melt()
## graphics
library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw())

Fit basic model:

Set up for MCMC: define scaled log-posterior function (in this case the log-likelihood function); extract coefficients and variance-covariance matrices as starting points.

This is a basic block Metropolis sampler, based on Florian Hartig's code here.

Run the chain:

L <- load(system.file("vignette_data", "mcmc.rda", package="glmmTMB"))

(running this chain takes r round(t1["elapsed"],1) seconds)

Add more informative names and transform correlation parameter (see vignette on covariance structures and parameters):

colnames(m1) <- c(names(fixef(fm1)[[1]]),
m1[,"cor"] <- sapply(m1[,"cor"], get_cor)

The trace plots are poor, especially for the correlation; the effective sample size backs this up, as would any other diagnostics we did.


In a real analysis we would stop and fix the mixing/convergence problems before proceeding; for this simple sampler, some of our choices would be (1) simply run the chain for longer; (2) tune the candidate distribution (e.g. by using tune to scale some parameters, or perhaps by switching to a multivariate Student t distribution [see the mvtnorm package]); (3) add regularizing priors.

Ignoring the problems and proceeding, we can compute column-wise quantiles or highest posterior density intervals (coda::HPDinterval) to get confidence intervals. Plotting posterior distributions, omitting the intercept because it's on a very different scale.



The tmbstan package allows direct, simple access to a hybrid/Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm for sampling from a TMB object; the $obj component of a glmmTMB fit is such an object. (To run this example you'll need to install the tmbstan package and its dependencies.)

(running this command, which creates 4 chains, takes r round(t2["elapsed"],1) seconds)

However, there are many indications (warning messages; trace plots) that the correlation parameter needs to be given a more informative prior. (In the plot below, the correlation parameter is shown on its unconstrained scale; the actual correlation would be $\theta_3/\sqrt{1+\theta_3^2}$.)

img <- readPNG(system.file("vignette_data","tmbstan_traceplot.png",package="glmmTMB"))

To do

Try the glmmTMB package in your browser

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glmmTMB documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:56 p.m.