
Defines functions not_error_check list_of_matrices calc_entropy find_bars get_rand gen_resampling_index gen_vector_match gen_samp_lev gen_sample

Documented in calc_entropy find_bars gen_resampling_index gen_sample gen_samp_lev gen_vector_match get_rand list_of_matrices not_error_check

#' Generates block resamples
#' Takes in a list of unique levels in the random columns,
#' gives back a random sampling of each.
#' @param list_of_levels List of vectors of levels of each random effect.
#' @param rand_columns Default \code{NULL}. Name of columns to randomise over;
#'   if \code{NULL}, will use all in \code{list_of_levels}
#' @param unique_resample_lim Default \code{NULL};
#'   optionally set a minimal number of unique levels each sample
#'   must produce. Note that it should be a named vector,
#'   the same as the levels to randomise over.
#' @param reduce_by_one Logical, default \code{TRUE};
#'   for greater coverage,
#'   resample one less than the number of levels in each list.
#' @return A list of samples
#' @keywords internal
gen_sample <- function(list_of_levels,
                       rand_columns = NULL,
                       unique_resample_lim = NULL,
                       reduce_by_one = TRUE){
    if (is.null(rand_columns)) {
        rand_columns <- names(list_of_levels)

    temp <- lapply(rand_columns,
    names(temp) <- rand_columns


#' For resampling from a single set of levels
#' @param levels The levels to sample.
#' @param unique_lim Default \code{NULL};
#'   optionally a required number of unique elements to have in the sample
#' @inheritParams gen_sample
#' @return A sample of \code{levels}; a vector.
#' @keywords internal
gen_samp_lev <- function(levels,
                         unique_lim = NULL,
                         reduce_by_one = TRUE){
    if (!is.null(unique_lim)) {
        len_uni <- unique_lim - 1
        iters <- 0
        while (len_uni < unique_lim & iters < 100) {
            if (iters == 99) {
                stop("lower unique requirement")
            } else {
                iters <- iters + 1
            if (reduce_by_one) {
                samp <- sample(levels,
                               size = length(levels) - 1,
                               replace = TRUE)
            } else {
                samp <- sample(levels, replace = TRUE)
            len_uni <- length(unique(samp))
    } else {
        if (reduce_by_one) {
            samp <- sample(levels, size = length(levels) - 1, replace = TRUE)
        } else {
            samp <- sample(levels, replace = TRUE)

#' Finds all occurrences of new_vector in orig_vector
#' For each value in new_vector, we find the indices of ALL
#' matching values in orig_vector. This means that if new_vector
#' has duplicates, we'll duplicate the indices from orig_vector too
#' @param orig_vector Vector to find indices from.
#' @param new_vector Vector to match values to (from \code{orig_vector}).
#' @param current_index Accumulator of the indices so far, for recursion.
#' @return Returns a vector of indices from orig_vector that correspond to
#'   values in new_vector.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'     orig_vector <- c(1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3)
#'     new_vector <- c(1, 2, 1)
#'     vector_match <- gen_vector_match(orig_vector, new_vector)
#'     ## testthat::expect_equal(vector_match, c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2))
#' }
#' @keywords internal
gen_vector_match <- function(orig_vector,
                             current_index = vector("integer", 0)){
    if (length(new_vector) == 0){
    ## this is TCOable, but the trampolining version was twice as slow
    dups <- duplicated(new_vector)
                       which(orig_vector %in% new_vector[!dups])))

#' Given resampled vectors, gives matching index of original variables
#' This function takes in original vectors, and resampled editions,
#' it spits back the matching index of the original variables
#' for the new resampled ones.
#' @param orig_list List of original data vectors.
#' @param sampled_list Sampled list
#' @return Returns an index vector.
#' @keywords internal
gen_resampling_index <- function(orig_list,
    if (length(orig_list) != length(sampled_list)) {
        stop("lists must be the same length ",
             "(the original variables and the sampled variables)")

    ## coercing to character means this works for all types
    ## but we have to worry about accidental equality
    ## e.g. ("a b", "c") vs ("a" "b c") (and even worse, all "a")
    paste_under <- function(...){
        paste(..., sep = "_")
    orig_strings <- paste0(do.call(paste, orig_list),
                           do.call(paste_under, rev(orig_list)))
    sampled_strings <- paste0(
        do.call(paste, expand.grid(sampled_list)),
        do.call(paste_under, rev(expand.grid(sampled_list))))

    gen_vector_match(orig_strings, sampled_strings)

#' Takes in a formula with bars
#' and gives back the plain names of the columns
#' @param form_with_bars A formula used in e.g. \code{lme4} and similar
#'   packages. Typically along the lines:
#'   \code{y ~ age + (1 | school)} etc
#' @return A vector of the variables that are treated as random.
#' @examples
#' get_rand("y ~ age + (1 | school)")
#' get_rand("y ~ income + (1 | school) + (1 | school:section)")
#' get_rand("y ~ income + (1 | school) + (1 | school/section)")
#' get_rand(as.formula("y ~ x + (1 | z)"))
#' get_rand("y ~ x")
#' @export
get_rand <- function(form_with_bars){
    findbar_list <- find_bars(form_with_bars)

    first_pass <- unlist(
                   if (inherits(x, "call")) {
                       return(as.character(x[3])) # nocov
                   } else {
                       first_bar <- unlist(gregexpr("|", x, fixed = TRUE))[[1]]
                           substr(x, start = first_bar + 1, stop = nchar(x))))
    ## potentially we'll have : and so on
    all_vars <- all.vars(as.formula(form_with_bars))

    in_firstpass <- unlist(lapply(all_vars, function(y){
        any_match <- unlist(lapply(first_pass, function(x){
            grepl(y, x, fixed = TRUE)}))
        return(sum(any_match) > 0)}))


#' Returns the terms with bars from a formula
#' @inheritParams get_rand
#' @keywords internal
find_bars <- function(form_with_bars){
    ## if it's just text right now, convert it
    if (!inherits(form_with_bars, "formula")) {
        form_with_bars <- as.formula(form_with_bars)

    ## get the terms
    form_terms <- attributes(terms(form_with_bars))$term.labels

    ## return the terms with a bar
    as.list(form_terms[grepl("|", form_terms, fixed = TRUE)])

#' Calculate Shannon Entropy
#' @keywords internal
calc_entropy <- function(level_vector){
    freq_as_prob <- table(level_vector) / length(level_vector)

    -sum(freq_as_prob * log(freq_as_prob))

#' Checks that an object is a list of matrices
#' Checks that an object is a list, and also
#' that the list is a collection of matrices.
#' Currently returns \code{FALSE} on an empty list
#' @param list_to_check The potential list to check
#' @param allow_null If an element is \code{NULL}, is that OK?
#'   Default \code{TRUE}
#' @return Logical
#' @keywords internal
list_of_matrices <- function(list_to_check,
                             allow_null = TRUE){
    if (!inherits(list_to_check, "list")) {

    if (length(list_to_check) == 0) {

    all(unlist(lapply(list_to_check, function(maybe_mat){
        if (is.matrix(maybe_mat)) {
        if (allow_null && is.null(maybe_mat)) {

#' Checks if the result of \code{bootstrap_coef_est} is not error
#' For each element of the list of results from running
#' \code{bootstrap_coef_est}, checks if it's a list of matrices,
#' and that each matrix has no missing values
#' @param coef_list_list List of results from running \code{bootstrap_coef_est},
#'   e.g. \code{lapply(1:N, bootstrap_coef_est)}
#' @return A logical vector, \code{TRUE} if the element is indeed
#'   a list of matrices with non-missing entries
#' @keywords internal
not_error_check <- function(coef_list_list){
    unlist(lapply(coef_list_list, function(coef_list){
        all(unlist(lapply(coef_list, function(coef_maybe_mat){
            is.matrix(coef_maybe_mat) && !anyNA(coef_maybe_mat)

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glmmboot documentation built on June 28, 2021, 1:05 a.m.