# Designed to take similar arguments to glm from the stats package from R;
# some of the code to handle the arguments is copied/modified from glm.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2005 The R Core Team
# Copyright (C) 2005-2010, 2012, 2013 Heather Turner and David Firth
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
# (at your option).
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
gnm <- function(formula, eliminate = NULL, ofInterest = NULL,
constrain = numeric(0), #index of non-eliminated parameters
constrainTo = numeric(length(constrain)), family = gaussian,
data = NULL, subset, weights, na.action, method = "gnmFit",
checkLinear = TRUE, offset, start = NULL,
etastart = NULL, mustart = NULL, tolerance = 1e-6,
iterStart = 2, iterMax = 500, trace = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
model = TRUE, x = TRUE, termPredictors = FALSE,
ridge = 1e-8, ...) {
call <-
modelTerms <- gnmTerms(formula, substitute(eliminate), data)
modelData <- as.list( = FALSE))
if (inherits(data, "table") && missing(na.action))
modelData$na.action <- "na.exclude"
argPos <- match(c("eliminate", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action",
"offset", "etastart", "mustart"),
names(modelData), 0)
modelData <-"model.frame"),
formula = modelTerms,
drop.unused.levels = TRUE))
modelData <- eval(modelData, parent.frame())
eliminate <- modelData$`(eliminate)`
if (!is.null(eliminate)) {
if (!is.factor(eliminate))
stop("'eliminate' must be a factor")
xtf <- xtfrm(modelData$`(eliminate)`)
ord <- order(xtf)
if (ordTRUE <- !identical(ord, xtf)) {
modelData <- modelData[ord, , drop = FALSE]
eliminate <- modelData$`(eliminate)`
nElim <- nlevels(eliminate)
else nElim <- 0
if (method == "model.frame")
else if (!method %in% c("gnmFit", "coefNames", "model.matrix") &&
!is.function(get(method))) {
warning("function ", method, " can not be found. Using \"gnmFit\".\n",
call. = FALSE)
method <- "gnmFit"
nobs <- nrow(modelData)
y <- model.response(modelData, "any")
if (length(dim(y)) == 1L) {
nm <- rownames(y)
dim(y) <- NULL
if (!is.null(nm))
names(y) <- nm
if (is.null(y))
y <- rep(0, nobs)
weights <- as.vector(model.weights(modelData))
if (!is.null(weights) && any(weights < 0))
stop("negative weights are not allowed")
if (is.null(weights))
weights <-, nobs)
offset <- as.vector(model.offset(modelData))
if (is.null(offset))
offset <-, nobs)
mustart <- model.extract(modelData, "mustart")
etastart <- model.extract(modelData, "etastart")
if (is.character(family))
family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
if (is.function(family))
family <- family()
if (is.null(family$family)) {
stop("`family' not recognized")
if (family$family %in% c("binomial", "quasibinomial")) {
if (is.factor(y) && NCOL(y) == 1)
y <- y != levels(y)[1]
else if (NCOL(y) == 2) {
n <- y[, 1] + y[, 2]
y <- ifelse(n == 0, 0, y[, 1]/n)
weights <- weights * n
if (is.empty.model(modelTerms) && is.null(eliminate)) {
if (method == "coefNames") return(numeric(0))
else if (method == "model.matrix")
return(model.matrix(modelTerms, data = modelData))
if (!family$valideta(offset))
stop("invalid predictor values in empty model")
mu <- family$linkinv(offset)
if (!family$validmu(mu))
stop("invalid fitted values in empty model")
dmu <- family$mu.eta(offset)
dev <- sum(family$dev.resids(y, mu, weights))
modelAIC <- suppressWarnings(family$aic(y,, nobs), mu,
weights, dev))
fit <- list(coefficients = numeric(0), constrain = numeric(0),
constrainTo = numeric(0), eliminate = NULL,
predictors = offset, fitted.values = mu, deviance = dev,
aic = modelAIC, iter = 0,
weights = weights*dmu^2/family$variance(mu),
residuals = (y - mu)/dmu, df.residual = nobs, rank = 0,
family = family, prior.weights = weights, y = y,
converged = NA)
if (x) fit <- c(fit, x = model.matrix(modelTerms, data = modelData))
if (termPredictors) fit <- c(fit, termPredictors =
matrix(, nrow(modelData), 0))
else {
onlyLin <- checkLinear && all(attr(modelTerms, "type") == "Linear")
if (onlyLin) {
if (nElim) {
X <- model.matrix(update(modelTerms, . ~ . + 1), modelData)
asgn <- attr(X, "assign")
X <- X[,-1, drop = FALSE]
attr(X, "assign") <- asgn[-1]
else X <- model.matrix(modelTerms, modelData)
coefNames <- colnames(X)
else {
modelTools <- gnmTools(modelTerms, modelData,
method == "model.matrix" | x)
coefNames <- names(modelTools$start)
if (method == "coefNames") return(coefNames)
nParam <- length(coefNames)
if (identical(constrain, "[?]"))
call$constrain <- constrain <-
edit.setlabels = FALSE,
title =
"Constrain one or more gnm coefficients",
items.label = "Model coefficients:",
warningText =
"No parameters were specified to constrain",
return.indices = TRUE))
if (is.character(constrain)) {
res <- match(constrain, coefNames, 0)
if (res == 0 && length(constrain) == 1){
constrain <- match(grep(constrain, coefNames),
seq_len(nParam), 0)
else constrain <- res
## dropped logical option
if (!all(constrain %in% seq_len(nParam)))
stop(" cannot match 'constrain' to non-eliminated parameters. ")
if (is.null(start))
start <-, nElim + nParam)
else if (length(start) != nElim + nParam) {
if (!is.null(eliminate) && length(start) == nParam)
start <- c(, nElim), start)
stop("length(start) must either equal the no. of parameters\n",
"or the no. of non-eliminated parameters.")
if (onlyLin) {
if (length(constrain)) {
offset <- drop(offset +
X[, constrain, drop = FALSE] %*% constrainTo)
X[, constrain] <- 0
if (method == "model.matrix") return(X)
else if (method == "model.matrix"){
theta <- modelTools$start
theta[!] <- start[!]
theta[constrain] <- constrainTo
theta[] <- seq(start)[]
varPredictors <- modelTools$varPredictors(theta)
X <- modelTools$localDesignFunction(theta, varPredictors)
attr(X, "assign") <- modelTools$termAssign
if (!is.numeric(tolerance) || tolerance <= 0)
stop("value of 'tolerance' must be > 0")
if (!is.numeric(iterMax) || iterMax < 0)
stop("maximum number of iterations must be >= 0")
if (onlyLin) {
if (any( start <- NULL
fit <-, y, weights = weights, start = start,
etastart = etastart, mustart = mustart,
offset = offset, family = family,
control = glm.control(tolerance, iterMax, trace),
intercept = attr(modelTerms, "intercept"),
eliminate = eliminate)
if (sum( > length(constrain)) {
extra <- setdiff(which(, constrain)
ind <- order(c(constrain, extra))
constrain <- c(constrain, extra)[ind]
constrainTo <- c(constrainTo, numeric(length(extra)))[ind]
if (!is.null(fit$null.deviance)) {
extra <- match(c("effects", "R", "qr", "null.deviance",
"df.null", "boundary"), names(fit))
fit <- fit[-extra]
names(fit)[match("linear.predictors", names(fit))] <- "predictors"
fit$constrain <- constrain
fit$constrainTo <- constrainTo
if (x) {
fit$x <- X
if (termPredictors) {
modelTools <- gnmTools(modelTerms, modelData)
varPredictors <- modelTools$varPredictors(naToZero(coef(fit)))
fit$termPredictors <- modelTools$predictor(varPredictors,
term = TRUE)
else if (method != "gnmFit")
fit <-, list(modelTools = modelTools, y = y,
constrain = constrain,
constrainTo = constrainTo,
eliminate = eliminate, family = family,
weights = weights, offset = offset,
nobs = nobs, start = start,
etastart = etastart, mustart = mustart,
tolerance = tolerance,
iterStart = iterStart,
iterMax = iterMax, trace = trace,
verbose = verbose, x = x,
termPredictors = termPredictors,
ridge = ridge, ...))
fit <- gnmFit(modelTools = modelTools, y = y, constrain = constrain,
constrainTo = constrainTo, eliminate = eliminate,
family = family, weights = weights, offset = offset,
nobs = nobs, start = start, etastart = etastart,
mustart = mustart, tolerance = tolerance,
iterStart = iterStart, iterMax = iterMax,
trace = trace, verbose = verbose, x = x,
termPredictors = termPredictors,
ridge = ridge)
if (is.null(fit)) {
warning("Algorithm failed - no model could be estimated", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(ofInterest) && !is.null(eliminate))
ofInterest <- seq_len(nParam)
if (identical(ofInterest, "[?]"))
call$ofInterest <- ofInterest <-
warningText = paste("No subset of coefficients selected",
"- assuming all are of interest."))
if (is.character(ofInterest)) {
if (length(ofInterest) == 1)
ofInterest <- match(grep(ofInterest, coefNames), seq_len(nParam), 0)
ofInterest <- match(ofInterest, coefNames, 0)
if (!sum(ofInterest)) ofInterest <- seq_len(nParam)
if (!is.null(ofInterest)) {
if (!all(ofInterest %in% seq_len(nParam)))
stop("'ofInterest' does not specify a subset of the ",
"non.eliminated coefficients.")
names(ofInterest) <- coefNames[ofInterest]
if (is.null(data))
data <- environment(formula)
fit <- c(list(call = call, formula = formula,
terms = modelTerms, data = data, eliminate = eliminate,
ofInterest = ofInterest,
na.action = attr(modelData, "na.action"),
xlevels = .getXlevels(modelTerms, modelData),
offset = offset, tolerance = tolerance, iterStart = iterStart,
iterMax = iterMax), fit)
if (!is.null(eliminate) && ordTRUE) {
reorder <- order(ord)
fit <- within(fit, {
y <- y[reorder]
fitted.values <- fitted.values[reorder]
predictors <- predictors[reorder]
residuals <- residuals[reorder]
weights <- weights[reorder]
prior.weights <- prior.weights[reorder]
eliminate <- eliminate[reorder]
offset <- offset[reorder]
modelData <- modelData[reorder, , drop = FALSE]
y <- y[reorder]
if (x) {
asgn <- attr(fit$x, "assign")
fit$x <- fit$x[reorder, , drop = FALSE]
attr(fit$x, "assign") <- asgn
asY <- c("predictors", "fitted.values", "residuals", "prior.weights",
"weights", "y", "offset")
if (inherits(data, "table") &&
(is.null(fit$na.action) | inherits(fit$na.action, "exclude"))) {
attr <- attributes(data)
if (!missing(subset)) {
ind <- as.numeric(names(y))
lev <-"expand.grid", attr$dimnames)[ind,, drop = FALSE]
attr$dimnames <- apply(lev, 2, unique)
attr$dim <- unname(vapply(attr$dimnames, length, 1))
fit$table.attr <- attr
fit[asY] <- lapply(fit[asY], structure, dim = NULL, names = names(y))
if (termPredictors)
rownames(fit$termPredictors) <- names(y)
if (model)
fit$model <- modelData
class(fit) <- c("gnm", "glm", "lm")
attr(fit, ".Environment") <- environment(gnm)
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