
Defines functions granovagg.1w

Documented in granovagg.1w

#' Elemental Graphic Display for One-Way ANOVA
#' Graphic to display data for a one-way analysis of
#' variance -- that is for unstructured groups. Also to help understand
#' how data play out in the context of the basic one-way model,
#' how the F statistic is generated for the data at hand,
#' etc. The graphic may be called 'elemental' or 'natural'
#' because it is built upon the central question that drives
#' one-way ANOVA (see details below).
#' The one-way ANOVA graphic shows how the comparison of unstructured
#' groups, viz. their means, entails a particular linear combination (L.C.)
#' of the group means. In particular, we use the fact that the numerator of
#' the one-way F statistic, the mean square between (MS.B), is a linear combination
#' of the group means; each weight -- one for each group -- in the L.C. is (principally)
#' a function of the difference between the group's mean and the grand
#' mean, viz., (M~j~ - M..) where M~j~ denotes the jth group's mean, and M.. denotes
#' the grand mean. The L.C. can be written as a sum of products of the form
#' MS.B = Sum((1/df.B)(n_j (M_j - M..) M_j)) for j = 1...J.
#' The denominator of the F-statistic, MS.W
#' (mean square within), can be described as a 'scaling factor'. It is just the (weighted)
#' average of the variances of the J groups (j = 1 ... J). (n~j~'s are group sizes.)
#' The differences (M~j~ - M..) are themselves the 'effects' in the analysis.
#' When the effects are plotted against the group means (the horizontal and
#' vertical axes) a straight line necessarily ensues. Group means are plotted as
#' triangles along this line. Once the means have been plotted, the data points
#' (jittered) for the groups are displayed (vertical axis) with respect to the
#' respective contrasts. Since the group means are just the fitted values in
#' one-way ANOVA, and the deviations of the scores within groups are the residuals
#' (subsetted by groups), the graphic can be seen as showing fitted vs. residual
#' values for the line that shows the locus of ordered group means -- from the smallest
#' on the left) the the largest (on the right). If desired, the aggregate of all
#' such residuals can be plotted (as a rug plot) on the right margin of the
#' graphic centered on the grand mean (large green dot in 'middle'). The use of
#' effects to locate groups this way yields what we term an 'elemental'
#' graphic because it is based on the central question that drives one-way
#' Note that groups need not have the same size, nor do data need to
#' reflect any particular distributional characteristics. Finally, the gray bars
#' (one for each group) at the bottom of the graphic show the relative sizes of
#' the group standard deviations with referene to the 'average' group s.d. (more precisely,
#' the square root of the MS.W). This 'average' corresponds to the thin white
#' line that runs horizontally across these bars.
#' @param data Dataframe or vector. If a dataframe, the two or more columns
#'   are taken to be groups of equal size (whence \code{group} is NULL).  If
#'   \code{data} is a vector, \code{group} must be a vector, perhaps a factor,
#'   that indicates groups (unequal group sizes allowed with this option).
#' @param group Group indicator, generally a factor in case \code{data} is a
#'   vector.
#' @param h.rng Numeric; controls the horizontal spread of groups, default =
#'   1
#' @param v.rng Numeric; controls the vertical spread of points, default =
#'   1.
#' @param jj Numeric; sets horiz. jittering level of points. \code{jj} gets passed as the
#'   \code{amount} parameter to \code{\link{jitter}}.
#'   When \code{jj = NULL} (the default behavior), the degree of jitter will take on a sensible value.
#'   In addition, if pairs of ordered means are close to one another and \code{jj = NULL},
#'   the degree of jitter will default to the smallest difference between two adjacent contrasts.
#' @param dg Numeric; sets number of decimal points in output display, default = 2
#' @param resid Logical; displays marginal distribution of residuals (as a
#'   'rug') on right side (wrt grand mean), default = FALSE.
#' @param print.squares Logical; displays graphical squares for visualizing the F-statistic as a ratio
#'   of MS-between to MS-within
#' @param xlab Character; horizontal axis label, can be supplied by user, default = \code{"default_x_label"},
#'   which leads to a generic x-axis label ("Contrast coefficients based on group means").
#' @param ylab Character; vertical axis label, can be supplied by user, default = \code{"default_y_label"},
#'   which leads to a generic y-axis label ("Dependent variable (response)").
#' @param main Character; main label, top of graphic; can be supplied by user,
#'   default = \code{"default_granova_title"}, which will print a generic title for graphic.
#' @param plot.theme argument indicating a ggplot2 theme to apply to the
#'   graphic; defaults to a customized theme created for the one-way graphic
#' @param ... Optional arguments to/from other functions
#' @return Returns a plot object of class \code{ggplot}. The function also provides printed output including by-group
#'   statistical summaries and information about groups that might be overplotted (if applicable):
#'      \item{group}{group names}
#'      \item{group means}{means for each group}
#'      \item{trimmed.mean}{20\% trimmed group means}
#'      \item{contrast}{Contrasts (group main effects)}
#'      \item{variance}{variances}
#'      \item{standard.deviation}{standard deviations}
#'      \item{group.size}{group sizes}
#'      \item{overplotting information}{Information about groups that, due to their close means, may be overplotted}
#' @seealso \code{\link{granovagg.contr}},
#'   \code{\link{granovagg.ds}}, \code{\link{granovaGG}}
#' @author Brian A. Danielak \email{brian@@briandk.com}\cr
#'   Robert M. Pruzek \email{RMPruzek@@yahoo.com}
#' with contributions by:\cr
#'   William E. J. Doane \email{wil@@drdoane.com}\cr
#'   James E. Helmreich \email{James.Helmreich@@Marist.edu}\cr
#'   Jason Bryer \email{jason@@bryer.org}
#' @references Fundamentals of Exploratory Analysis of Variance, Hoaglin D.,
#'   Mosteller F. and Tukey J. eds., Wiley, 1991.
#' @include granovagg.1w-helpers.R
#' @include shared-functions.R
#' @include theme-defaults.R
#' @keywords hplot htest
#' @example /demo/granovagg.1w.R
#' @references Wickham, H. (2009). Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. New York: Springer.
#' @references Wilkinson, L. (1999). The Grammar of Graphics. Statistics and computing. New York: Springer.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import magrittr
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @export
granovagg.1w <- function(data,
                         group = NULL,
                         h.rng = 1,
                         v.rng = 1,
                         jj = NULL,
                         dg = 2,
                         resid= FALSE,
                         print.squares = TRUE,
                         xlab = "default_x_label",
                         ylab = "default_y_label",
                         main = "default_granova_title",
                         plot.theme = "theme_granova_1w",

  yy <- data
  CoerceHigherDimensionalDataToMatrix <- function(data) {
    if (is.data.frame(data)) {
      if (length(names(data)) > 1) {
        data <- CoerceToMatrix(data)
  CoerceToMatrix <- function(x) {
    error.message <-
      "It looks like you've tried to pass in higher-dimension data AND a separate group indicator.
    If your data contains columns of equal numbers of observations, try re-calling granovagg.1w
    on your data while setting group = NULL"
    if (!is.null(group)) {
  yy <- CoerceHigherDimensionalDataToMatrix(yy)
  #Testing input data type
  mtx <- is.matrix(yy)
  if (!mtx) {
    # if this executes, yy is already a vector as handed in via data
    yr <- yy
    groupf <- factor(group)
  #If yy is matrix sans colnames, need to give them some
  if (mtx &
      is.null(colnames(yy))) {
    #Note changes here;did not work before, and I thought LETTERS looked better (your thoughts?)
    dmyy2 <- dim(yy)[2]
    cnms <-
      LETTERS[1:dmyy2]     #Note that numbers replaced by LETTERS if initial matrix yy does not have col. names
    colnames(yy) <- c(paste(" G", cnms))
  }  #1:dim(yy)[2]))
  # If yy is a matrix, the data represents a balanced case. The code below creates a yr (outcomes) vector and a groupf (factored groups) vector by repeating each of the column numbers (group) of the source matrix for each of the outcomes in that column.
  if (mtx) {
    group <- rep(1:ncol(yy), each = nrow(yy))
    groupf <- factor(group, labels = colnames(yy))
    yr <- as.vector(yy)
  ngroups <- length(unique(groupf))
  # By this point, all data have been transformed to yr and groupf - two vectors of equal length. Think of them as the "score" and "group" columns of an n x 2 dataframe, where n = total number of observations.
  # all we now care about are yr, a vector, and groupf, a vector of group names/labels
  #Basic stats by group; 'stats' is matrix with rows corresponding to groups, columns for effect size contrasts, means, variances & sd's
  mvs <- function(x) {
    c(mean(x), var(x), sd(x))
  stats <-
    matrix(unlist(tapply(yr, groupf, mvs)), byrow = T, ncol = 3)
  # stats will have as many rows as we have groups, one row per group
  #      [,1]   [,2]  [,3]
  # [1,] 3.75 12.917 3.594
  # [2,] 2.50  1.667 1.291
  # [3,] 6.50  1.667 1.291
  # [4,] 3.00 16.667 4.082
  groupn <- as.numeric(groupf)
  # [1] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
  #yrm is a vector of same length as 'groupn' with the appropriate group mean in each cell
  yrm <- stats[, 1][groupn]
  # The second bracket notation is a way of repeatedly selecting from the stats matrix
  # > x <- c("a", "b", "c")
  # > y <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3)
  # > x[y]
  # [1] "a" "a" "a" "b" "b" "b" "c" "c" "c"
  #  [1] 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
  tabc <- table(groupf)
  #mn.n is mean groupsize
  mn.n <- mean(tabc)
  tabc.dm <- tabc / mn.n
  grandmean <- mean(yr)
  #Stats now has 6 cols, first is group size, second group mean minus grandmean,
  #third is weighted (by group size) mean, then mean, var, sd.
  stats <-
    cbind(tabc, stats[, 1] - grandmean, tabc.dm * stats[, 1], stats)
  #Creating x, y ranges for graph
  #Parameters h.rng, v.rng, jj for horizontal, vertical and jitter enabled.
  # generate the contrasts
  stats.vc <- yrm - grandmean
  # We now have four vectors, each of length n = number of observations.
  # yr contains the raw observations
  # groupf is the vector of factors
  # yrm is the vector of group means for each raw score
  # stats.vc is the vector of contrasts
  rng.v <- range(yr)
  rng.h <- h.rng * range(stats.vc)
  rng.vv <-
    c(rng.v[1] - v.rng * diff(rng.v), rng.v[2] + v.rng * diff(rng.v))
  rng.rt <- diff(rng.vv) / diff(rng.h)
  rng.sts <- range(stats[, 2])
  ammt <- (1 / 200) * diff(rng.sts)
  stats.vcj <- jitter(stats.vc, amount = ammt)
  #Reordering the stats matrix by the mean of each group
  statsro <- stats[order(stats[, 4]),]
  #Calculation of squares etc.
  r.xy.sqd <- cor(yr, stats.vc) ^ 2
  SS.tot <- (length(yr) - 1) * var(yr)
  SS.bet <- r.xy.sqd * SS.tot
  df.b <- ngroups - 1
  df.w <- length(yr) - 1 - df.b
  SS.w <- SS.tot - SS.bet
  MS.w <- SS.w / df.w
  MS.b <- SS.bet / df.b
  residuals <- round(yr - stats.vc, 3)
  #sdw is standard deviation within, ie of residuals.
  sdw <- sd(residuals) * sqrt((length(yr) - 1) / df.w)
  #This interval based on pooled standard error within.
  grandmean.pm.sdw <- c(grandmean - sdw, grandmean + sdw)
  grandmean.pm.sewR <- round(grandmean.pm.sdw, 1 - 1)
  F.stat <- MS.b / MS.w
  p.F <- 1 - pf(F.stat, df.b, df.w)
  sqrF <- sqrt(F.stat)
  sqrs <- 2 * sqrt(MS.w) / rng.rt
  #Trimmed means marked and outputted if 'trmean = TRUE'
  trmd.mn <- tapply(yr, list(groupf), mean, tr = .2)
  gsum <-
      round(r.xy.sqd, 3)
  dimnames(gsum) <-
  stats.out <-
    cbind(statsro[, 1:4], round(as.matrix(trmd.mn[order(stats[, 4])]), 2), statsro[, 5:6])
  dimnames(stats.out)[2] <- list(c(
    'Contrast Coef',
    "Wt'd Mean",
    "Trim'd Mean" ,
    'St. Dev.'
  out <- list(grandsum = round(gsum, 1),
              stats = round(stats.out, 1))
  if (FALSE) {
    if (is.null(pt.lab) &
        !mtx & !is.null(rownames(yy))) {
      pt.lab <- rownames(yy)
    if (is.null(pt.lab) &
        !mtx & is.null(rownames(yy))) {
      pt.lab <- 1:length(yy)
    if (is.null(pt.lab) &
        mtx) {
      pt.lab <-
        paste(rep(1:dim(yy)[1], dim(yy)[2]), ",", rep(1:dim(yy)[2], ea = dim(yy)[1]), sep =
    FALSEify(stats.vcj, yr, labels = pt.lab, ...)
  AdaptVariablesFromGranovaComputations <- function() {
    result  <- list(data = data.frame(
      score             = yr,
      group             = groupf,
      group.mean        = yrm,
      contrast          = stats.vc
    result$stats <- list(
      F.statistic               = F.stat,
      SS.between                = SS.bet,
      SS.within                 = SS.w,
      df.between                = df.b,
      df.within                 = df.w,
      grand.mean                = grandmean,
      square.side.length        = sqrs,
      sd.within                 = sdw
    result$residuals <-
        within.group.residuals                   = residuals,
        within.1.sd.of.the.mean.of.all.residuals =
          ConvertBooleanValuesToResidualLabels(abs(residuals - grandmean) < sdw)
    result$range.expansion <-
        horizontal.range.expansion = 1.25 * h.rng,
        vertical.range.expansion   = 0.2 * v.rng
  ConvertBooleanValuesToResidualLabels <- function(boolean.vector) {
    label.vector                          <-
    label.vector[label.vector == "TRUE"]  <- "Within 1 SDpooled"
    label.vector[label.vector == "FALSE"] <- "Outside 1 SDpooled"
  GetSummary <- function(owp) {
    # To appease R CMD Check
    score <- NULL
    contrast <- NULL
    summary_output <- owp$data %>%
      dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
        group.mean         = mean(score),
        trimmed.mean       = mean(score, trim = 0.2),
        contrast           = unique(contrast),
        variance           = var(score),
        standard.deviation = sd(score),
        maximum.score      = max(score),
        group.size         = length(score)
  PrintGroupSummary <- function(data, digits.to.round) {
    # To appease R CMD Check
    maximum.score <- NULL
    groups <- subset(data, select = group)
    stats  <- subset(data, select = c(-group, -maximum.score))
    rounded.stats <- round(stats, digits = digits.to.round)
    output <-
      ReorderDataByColumn(cbind(groups, rounded.stats), "group.mean")
    message("\nBy-group summary statistics for your input data (ordered by group means)")
  GetGroupMeanLine <- function(owp) {
      x     = min(owp$data$contrast),
      y     = min(owp$data$group.mean),
      xend  = max(owp$data$contrast),
      yend  = max(owp$data$group.mean),
      color = "blue"
  GetGraphicalParameters <- function(owp) {
    .expanded.contrast.range <-
      range(owp$summary$contrast) * owp$range.expansion$horizontal.range.expansion
    .score.range             <- range(owp$data$score)
    .expanded.score.range    <-
        min(.score.range) - (
          owp$range$vertical.range.expansion / 2 * diff(.score.range)
        max(.score.range) + (
          owp$range$vertical.range.expansion / 2 * diff(.score.range)
    .score.range.distance    <-
      max(.expanded.score.range) - min(.expanded.score.range)
    .contrast.range.distance <-
      max(.expanded.contrast.range) - min(.expanded.contrast.range)
    .aggregate.y.breaks      <-
      c(owp$summary$group.mean, range(owp$data$score))
    .aggregate.x.breaks      <- c(owp$summary$contrast, 0)
    .vertical.percent        <- .score.range.distance / 100
    .horizontal.percent      <- .contrast.range.distance / 100
    .y.range                 <- c(
      min(.expanded.score.range) - (10 * .vertical.percent),
      max(.expanded.score.range) + (10 * .vertical.percent)
    .x.range                 <-
        min(.expanded.contrast.range) - (10 * .horizontal.percent),
        max(.expanded.contrast.range) + (10 * .horizontal.percent)
    .aspect.ratio            <-
      .contrast.range.distance / .score.range.distance
        expanded.contrast.range = .expanded.contrast.range,
        score.range.distance    = .score.range.distance,
        aggregate.x.breaks      = .aggregate.x.breaks,
        aggregate.y.breaks      = .aggregate.y.breaks,
        y.range                 = .y.range,
        x.range                 = .x.range,
        vertical.percent        = .vertical.percent,
        horizontal.percent      = .horizontal.percent,
        aspect.ratio            = .aspect.ratio,
        contrast.range.distance = .contrast.range.distance
  GetSquareParameters <- function(owp) {
        x.center = max(owp$params$x.range) - (5.5 * (owp$params$horizontal.percent)),
        y.center = min(owp$params$y.range) + (5.5 * (owp$params$vertical.percent)),
        height   = 10 * owp$params$vertical.percent,
        width    = 10 * owp$params$horizontal.percent
  GetMSbetweenColor <- function(owp) {
    if ((IsFSignificant(owp$model.summary)) == TRUE) {
      return(brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Paired")[5])
    else {
      return(brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Paired")[2])
  GetMSwithinColor <- function(owp) {
    if ((IsFSignificant(owp$model.summary)) == TRUE) {
      return(brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Paired")[6])
    else {
      return(brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Paired")[1])
  GetColors <- function() {
    strokeColors <- c(
      "Grand Mean"         = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Set1")[3],
      "Group Mean Line"    = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Paired")[2],
      "Within 1 SDpooled"  = "darkblue",
      "Outside 1 SDpooled" = "darkorange"
    fillColors <- c(
      "MS-between"         = GetMSbetweenColor(owp),
      "MS-within"          = GetMSwithinColor(owp),
      "Group Means"        = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Paired")[8]
    return(list(stroke = strokeColors, fill = fillColors))
  GetAsTheOuterSquare <- function(owp, name.of.square) {
        xmin  = owp$squares$x.center - (owp$squares$width / 2),
        xmax  = owp$squares$x.center + (owp$squares$width / 2),
        ymin  = owp$squares$y.center - (owp$squares$height / 2),
        ymax  = owp$squares$y.center + (owp$squares$height / 2),
        fill  = factor(paste(name.of.square))
  GetMSbetweenAsTheInnerSquare <- function(owp) {
        xmin = owp$squares$x.center - (owp$squares$width  / (2 * sqrt(
          1 / owp$stats$F.statistic
        xmax = owp$squares$x.center + (owp$squares$width  / (2 * sqrt(
          1 / owp$stats$F.statistic
        ymin = owp$squares$y.center - (owp$squares$height / (2 * sqrt(
          1 / owp$stats$F.statistic
        ymax = owp$squares$y.center + (owp$squares$height / (2 * sqrt(
          1 / owp$stats$F.statistic
        fill = factor(paste("MS-between"))
  GetMSwithinAsTheInnerSquare <- function(owp) {
        xmin = owp$squares$x.center - (owp$squares$width  / (2 * sqrt(
        xmax = owp$squares$x.center + (owp$squares$width  / (2 * sqrt(
        ymin = owp$squares$y.center - (owp$squares$height / (2 * sqrt(
        ymax = owp$squares$y.center + (owp$squares$height / (2 * sqrt(
        fill = factor(paste("MS-within"))
  GetOuterSquare <- function(owp) {
    if (owp$stats$F.statistic > 1) {
      return(GetAsTheOuterSquare(owp, "MS-between"))
    else {
      return(GetAsTheOuterSquare(owp, "MS-within"))
  GetInnerSquare <- function(owp) {
    if (owp$stats$F.statistic > 1) {
    else {
  GetModelSummary <- function(owp) {
    model <- lm(score ~ group, data = owp$data)
  GetSquaresData <- function(owp) {
    if (print.squares == TRUE) {
      vertical.position <-
        owp$outer.square$ymax + (2.0 * owp$params$vertical.percent)
    } else {
      vertical.position <- owp$outer.square$ymin
    GetSquaresText(owp, vertical.position)
  GetSquaresText <- function(owp, position) {
    test.statistic         <- owp$model.summary$fstatistic["value"]
    test.statistic.rounded <- round(test.statistic, digits = 2)
    if (length(levels(owp$data$group)) == 2) {
      # 2-group t-test case
      test.statistic.rounded = round(sqrt(test.statistic), digits = 2)
      text <- paste("t = ", test.statistic.rounded, sep = "")
    } else {
      text <- paste("F = ", test.statistic.rounded, sep = "")
        label     = text,
        x         = owp$squares$x.center,
        y         = position,
        text.size = GetSquaresTextSize(test.statistic.rounded)
  GetSquaresTextSize <- function(number) {
    if (number < 10) {
    else {
  GetWithinGroupVariation <- function(owp) {
    lower.bound           <- min(owp$params$y.range)
    contrast              <- owp$summary$contrast
    standard.deviation    <- owp$summary$standard.deviation
    root.mean.square.variation <- sqrt(mean(owp$summary$variance))
        x                  = contrast,
        ymin               = lower.bound,
        ymax               = lower.bound + RescaleVariationData(standard.deviation),
        baseline.variation = lower.bound + RescaleVariationData(root.mean.square.variation)
  RescaleVariationData <- function(data) {
    scale.factor <- 1 / 2
    return(scale.factor * data)
  GetBackgroundForGroupSizesAndLabels <- function(owp) {
        ymin = max(owp$params$y.range) - 15 * owp$params$vertical.percent,
        ymax = max(owp$params$y.range),
        xmin = min(owp$params$x.range),
        xmax = max(owp$params$x.range)
  GetGroupSizes  <- function(owp) {
        y           = max(owp$params$y.range) - (1 * owp$params$vertical.percent),
        x           = owp$overplot$contrast,
        label       = owp$overplot$group.size,
        overplotted = owp$overplot$overplotted,
        angle       = 90
  GetGroupLabels <- function(owp) {
        y           = max(owp$params$y.range) - (10 * owp$params$vertical.percent),
        x           = owp$overplot$contrast,
        label       = owp$overplot$group,
        overplotted = owp$overplot$overplotted,
        angle       = 90
  AddOverplotInformation <- function(data, variable, tolerance) {
    more.than.two.groups <- length(data[[variable]]) > 2
    ordered.data <- ReorderDataByColumn(data, variable)
    if (more.than.two.groups) {
      overplotted  <- OverlapWarning(ordered.data[[variable]], tolerance)
    else {
      overplotted <- rep(FALSE, times = length(data[[variable]]))
    return(data.frame(ordered.data, overplotted))
  ######## Plot Functions Below
  GroupMeanLine <- function(owp) {
        x      = "x",
        y      = "y",
        xend   = "xend",
        yend   = "yend",
        color  = "factor('Group Mean Line')"
      alpha = I(1 / 2),
      data  = owp$group.mean.line
  GroupMeansByContrast <- function(owp) {
        aes_string(x     = "contrast",
                   y     = "group.mean",
                   fill  = "factor('Group Means')"),
        size  = I(3),
        shape = 24,
        color = "black",
        alpha = 0.50,
        data  = owp$summary
  Residuals <- function(owp, resid) {
    if (resid == TRUE) {
        aes_string(x     = "NULL",
                   y     = "within.group.residuals",
                   color = "factor(within.1.sd.of.the.mean.of.all.residuals)"),
        alpha = I(1),
        data  = owp$residuals,
        sides = "l"
  SquaresForFstatistic <- function() {
    output <- NULL
    if (print.squares == TRUE) {
      output <- list(OuterSquare(), InnerSquare())
  OuterSquare <- function() {
        xmin   = "xmin",
        xmax   = "xmax",
        ymin   = "ymin",
        ymax   = "ymax",
        fill   = "fill",
        color  = "NULL"
      data  = owp$outer.square
  InnerSquare <- function() {
        xmin   = "xmin",
        xmax   = "xmax",
        ymin   = "ymin",
        ymax   = "ymax",
        fill   = "fill",
        color  = "NULL"
      data  = owp$inner.square,
  SquaresText <- function(owp) {
        aes_string(x     = "x",
                   y     = "y",
                   label = "label"),
        color = "grey20",
        size  = owp$squares.text$text.size,
        data  = owp$squares.text,
        vjust = ifelse(print.squares == TRUE, 0.5, -1)
  WithinGroupVariation <- function(owp) {
        aes_string(x      = "x",
                   ymin   = "ymin",
                   ymax   = "ymax"),
        color = "grey30",
        size  = GetWithinGroupVariationSize(),
        data  = owp$variation
  MaxWithinGroupVariation <- function(owp) {
        aes_string(x      = "x",
                   ymin   = "ymin",
                   ymax   = "max(ymax)"),
        color = "grey",
        size  = GetWithinGroupVariationSize(),
        data  = owp$variation
  GetWithinGroupVariationSize <- function () {
  BaselineWithinGroupVariation <- function(owp) {
      aes_string(yintercept = "baseline.variation"),
      color = "white",
      size  = I(1 / 4),
      data  = owp$variation
  ColorScale <- function(owp) {
    output <- scale_color_manual(values = owp$colors$stroke,
                                 name = "")
    if (exists("guides")) {
      output <- scale_color_manual(
        values = owp$colors$stroke,
        name = "",
        guide = "legend"
  FillScale <- function() {
    return(scale_fill_manual(values = owp$colors$fill,
                             name = ""))
  XLabel <- function(xlab) {
    label.to.output <- xlab
    if ((!is.null(xlab)) && (xlab == "default_x_label")) {
      label.to.output <- "Contrast coefficients based on group means"
  YLabel <- function(ylab) {
    label.to.output <- ylab
    if ((!is.null(ylab)) && (ylab == "default_y_label")) {
      label.to.output <- "Dependent variable (response)"
  BackgroundForGroupSizesAndLabels <- function(owp) {
        ymin  = "ymin",
        ymax  = "ymax",
        xmin  = "xmin",
        xmax  = "xmax"
      fill  = "white",
      data  = owp$label.background
  GroupSizes  <- function(owp) {
          x     = "x",
          y     = "y",
          label = "label",
          angle = "angle"
        size  = 2.5,
        color = "grey10",
        hjust = 1,
        vjust = 0.5,
        data  = owp$group.sizes
  NonOverplottedGroupLabels <- function(owp) {
    overplotted <- NULL # to appease R CMD check
    if (FALSE %in% owp$group.labels$overplotted) {
            x     = "x",
            y     = "y",
            label = "label",
            angle = "angle"
          size  = GetGroupLabelSize(),
          color = "grey50",
          hjust = 0.5,
          vjust = 0.5,
          data  = subset(owp$group.labels,
                         overplotted == FALSE)
  OverplottedGroupLabels <- function(owp) {
    overplotted <- NULL # to appease R CMD check
    if (TRUE %in% owp$group.labels$overplotted) {
            x     = "x",
            y     = "y",
            label = "label",
            angle = "angle"
          size  = GetGroupLabelSize(),
          color = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Paired")[6],
          hjust = 0.5,
          vjust = 0.5,
          data  = subset(owp$group.labels,
                         overplotted == TRUE)
  GetGroupLabelSize <- function() {
  RotateXTicks <- function() {
    return(theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)))
  ForceCoordinateAxesToBeEqual <- function(owp) {
    return(coord_fixed(ratio = owp$params$aspect.ratio))
  GetClassicTitle <- function () {
    return(paste("One-way ANOVA displaying", ngroups, "groups"))
  PlotTitle <- function (main) {
    title.to.output <- main
    if (!is.null(title.to.output) &&
        (title.to.output == "default_granova_title")) {
      title.to.output <- GetClassicTitle()
  RemoveSizeElementFromLegend <- function() {
    # return(scale_size_continuous(legend = FALSE))
  ### Warning Function Below
  PrintOverplotWarning <- function(owp, digits.to.round) {
    # To appease R CMD Check
    overplotted <- NULL
    group.mean <- NULL
    contrast <- NULL
    if (TRUE %in% owp$overplot$overplotted) {
      overplotted.groups <- subset(owp$overplot,
                                   overplotted == TRUE,
                                   select = c("group",
      overplotted.groups <- transform(
        group.mean = round(group.mean,
                           digits = digits.to.round),
        contrast = round(contrast,
                         digits = digits.to.round)
      message("\nThe following groups are likely to be overplotted")
  PrintLinearModelSummary <- function(owp) {
    if (length(levels(owp$data$group)) == 2) {
      PrintTtest(owp$data[, c("score", "group")])
    } else {
      message("\nBelow is a linear model summary of your input data")
  PrintTtest <- function(data) {
    unstacked.data <- unstack(data, score ~ group)
    message("\nBelow is a t-test summary of your input data")
    print(t.test(unstacked.data[, 1],
                 unstacked.data[, 2],
                 var.equal = TRUE))
  # Pepare OWP object
  owp                       <-
  owp$summary               <- GetSummary(owp)
  owp$model.summary         <- GetModelSummary(owp)
  owp$group.mean.line       <- GetGroupMeanLine(owp)
  owp$params                <- GetGraphicalParameters(owp)
  owp$overplot              <-
    AddOverplotInformation(owp$summary, "contrast", 2 * owp$params$horizontal.percent)
  owp$squares               <- GetSquareParameters(owp)
  owp$colors                <- GetColors()
  owp$outer.square          <- GetOuterSquare(owp)
  owp$inner.square          <- GetInnerSquare(owp)
  owp$squares.text          <- GetSquaresData(owp)
  owp$variation    <- GetWithinGroupVariation(owp)
  owp$label.background      <-
  owp$group.labels          <- GetGroupLabels(owp)
  owp$group.sizes           <- GetGroupSizes(owp)
  PrintGroupSummary(owp$summary, dg)
  #Plot OWP object
  p <- InitializeGgplot_1w()
  p <- p + GrandMeanLine(owp)
  p <- p + GrandMeanPoint(owp)
  p <- p + ScaleX_1w(owp)
  p <- p + ScaleY_1w(owp)
  p <- p + JitteredScoresByGroupContrast(owp, jj)
  p <- p + GroupMeanLine(owp)
  p <- p + GroupMeansByContrast(owp)
  p <- p + Residuals(owp, resid)
  p <- p + MaxWithinGroupVariation(owp)
  p <- p + WithinGroupVariation(owp)
  p <- p + BaselineWithinGroupVariation(owp)
  p <- p + SquaresForFstatistic()
  p <- p + SquaresText(owp)
  p <- p + ColorScale(owp)
  p <- p + FillScale()
  p <- p + XLabel(xlab)
  p <- p + YLabel(ylab)
  p <- p + BackgroundForGroupSizesAndLabels(owp)
  p <- p + GroupSizes(owp)
  p <- p + NonOverplottedGroupLabels(owp)
  p <- p + OverplottedGroupLabels(owp)
  p <- p + RotateXTicks()
  p <- p + Theme(plot.theme)
  p <- p + ForceCoordinateAxesToBeEqual(owp)
  p <- p + PlotTitle(main)
  p <- p + RemoveSizeElementFromLegend()
  PrintOverplotWarning(owp, dg)

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granovaGG documentation built on Nov. 23, 2023, 9:08 a.m.