
Defines functions print.IF_summary extract_ci if_direct if_bruzzi impact_fraction

Documented in if_bruzzi if_direct impact_fraction

#' General calculations of impact fractions
#' @param model Either a clogit, glm or coxph fitted model object.  Non-linear effects should be specified via ns(x, df=y), where ns is the natural spline function from the splines library.
#' @param data A dataframe containing variables used for fitting the model
#' @param new_data A dataframe (of the same variables and size as data) representing an alternative distribution of risk factors
#' @param calculation_method A character either 'B' (Bruzzi) or 'D' (Direct method).  For case control data, the method described in Bruzzi 1985 is recommended.  Bruzzi's method estimates PAF from relative risks and prevalence of exposure to the risk factor.  The Direct method estimates PAF by summing estimated probabilities of disease in the absence of exposure on the individual level
#' @param prev estimated prevalence of disease.  This only needs to be specified if the data source is from a case control study, and the direct method is used
#' @param ci Logical. If TRUE, a bootstrap confidence interval is computed along with point estimate (default FALSE)
#' @param boot_rep Integer.  Number of bootstrap replications (Only necessary to specify if ci=TRUE)
#' @param t_vector Numeric.  A vector of times at which to calculate PAF (only specified if model is coxph)
#' @param ci_level Numeric.  Default 0.95. A number between 0 and 1 specifying the confidence level
#' @param ci_type Character.  Default norm.  A vector specifying the types of confidence interval desired.  "norm", "basic", "perc" and "bca" are the available methods
#' @param weight_vec An optional vector of inverse sampling weights for survey data (note that variance will not be calculated correctly if sampling isn't independent).  Note that this vector will be ignored if prev is specified, and the weights will be calibrated so that the weighted sample prevalence of disease equals prev.
#' @param verbose A logical indicator for whether extended output is produced when ci=TRUE, default TRUE
#' @references Bruzzi, P., Green, S.B., Byar, D.P., Brinton, L.A. and Schairer, C., 1985. Estimating the population attributable risk for multiple risk factors using case-control data. American journal of epidemiology, 122(5), pp.904-914
#' @return A numeric estimated impact fraction if ci=FALSE, or for survival data a vector of estimated impact corresponding to event times in the data.  If ci=TRUE, estimated impact fractions and other information are bundled into an object of class IF_summary.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(splines)
#' library(survival)
#' new_data <- stroke_reduced
#' N <- nrow(new_data)
#' inactive_patients <- (1:N)[stroke_reduced$exercise==1]
#' N_inactive <- sum(stroke_reduced$exercise)
#' newly_active_patients <- inactive_patients[sample(1:N_inactive,0.2*N_inactive)]
#' new_data$exercise[newly_active_patients] <- 0
#' model_exercise <- clogit(formula = case ~ age + education +exercise +
#' ns(diet, df = 3) + smoking + alcohol + stress + ns(lipids,df = 3) +
#' ns(waist_hip_ratio, df = 3) + high_blood_pressure +strata(strata),
#' data=stroke_reduced)
#' impact_fraction(model=model_exercise,stroke_reduced,new_data,
#' calculation_method = "B")
impact_fraction <- function(model, data, new_data, calculation_method="B",prev=NULL,ci=FALSE,boot_rep=50,t_vector=NULL, ci_level=0.95, ci_type=c("norm"), weight_vec=NULL, verbose=TRUE){

      "data must be a dataframe object")

  # remove data not used to fit model
  data <- data[row.names(data) %in% row.names(model.frame(model)),]
  new_data <- new_data[row.names(data) %in% row.names(model.frame(model)),]

      "new_data must be a dataframe object")

  if(ncol(data)!=ncol(new_data) || nrow(data)!=nrow(new_data)){
      "new_data must be the same dimensions as data")

  if(!all(as.character(lapply(data,class))==as.character(lapply(new_data,class))) || !all(colnames(data)==colnames(new_data))){
      "Data types and column names in new_data must match data types and column names in data.  To do this, try creating new_data from data")

  if(!calculation_method %in% c("B","D")){
      "Calculation of PAF only possible using the (B)ruzzi or (D)irect method.  Please supply either B or D")
  response <- as.character(model$formula)[2]

  model_type <- class(model)[1]

      vars <- gsub(pattern=' ',replacement='',x=unlist(strsplit(as.character(model$call)[2],split="[~*+]")))
      vars <- gsub(pattern='^ns\\((.*),df=.*\\)$',replacement='\\1',x=vars)
      vars <- gsub(pattern='^ns\\((.*),knots=.*\\)$',replacement='\\1',x=vars)
      vars <- gsub(pattern='^strata\\((.*)\\)$',replacement='\\1',x=vars)
      vars <- gsub(pattern='^Surv\\(rep\\([0-9]*,[0-9]*\\),(.*)\\)$',replacement='\\1',x=vars)
      response <- vars[1]

  if (!model_type %in% c("glm","coxph","clogit")) {
      "Model must be either a glm, conditional logistic regression or Cox-proportional hazards regression"

  if (model_type=="coxph" && calculation_method=="B") {
      "Bruzzi method unavailable with proportional hazards regression due to censoring.  Set method to direct instead"

  if(!is.null(prev) && model_type=="coxph"){

      "Prevalence weighted estimation not appropriate for survival data sets"


  if(!is.double(t_vector) && !is.integer(t_vector) && model_type=="coxph"){

      "Specify a numeric vector of times at which to calculate PAF"


  if(!is.null(prev) && (prev>=1 || prev<=0)){

      "Prevalence should be a proportion (a number between 0 and 1)"

  N <- nrow(data)

    if(!ci) return(if_bruzzi(data, ind=1:N, model=model,model_type=model_type,new_data=new_data,response=response, weight_vec=weight_vec))
         nc <- options()$boot.ncpus
      cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nc)
      if("survival" %in% (.packages())) parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("coxph","clogit","strata","Surv"))
      if("splines" %in% (.packages())) parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("ns"))
            res <- boot::boot(data=data,statistic=if_bruzzi,R=boot_rep, model=model,model_type=model_type,new_data=new_data,response=response,cl=cl, weight_vec=weight_vec)
           return(extract_ci(res=res,model_type=model_type,t_vector=t_vector,ci_level=ci_level,ci_type=ci_type,prev=prev,calculation_method=calculation_method,boot_rep=boot_rep, verbose=verbose))

    if(!ci) return(if_direct(data,ind=1:N,model=model, model_type=model_type, new_data=new_data, prev=prev,t_vector=t_vector,response=response, weight_vec=weight_vec))
      nc <- options()$boot.ncpus
      cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nc)
      if("survival" %in% (.packages())) parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("coxph","clogit","strata","Surv"))
      if("splines" %in% (.packages())) parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("ns"))
       res <- boot::boot(data=data,statistic=if_direct,R=boot_rep,model=model, model_type=model_type, new_data=new_data, prev=prev,t_vector=t_vector,response=response,cl=cl, weight_vec=weight_vec)


#' Internal:  Calculation of an impact fraction using the Bruzzi approach
#' @param data A dataframe containing variables used for fitting the model
#' @param ind  An indicator of which rows will be used from the dataset
#' @param model Either a clogit or glm fitted model object.  Non-linear effects should be specified via ns(x, df=y), where ns is the natural spline function from the splines library.
#' @param model_type Either a "clogit", "glm" or "coxph" model object
#' @param new_data A dataframe (of the same variables and size as data) representing an alternative distribution of risk factors
#' @param response A string representing the name of the outcome variable in data
#' @param weight_vec An optional vector of inverse sampling weights
#' @references Bruzzi, P., Green, S.B., Byar, D.P., Brinton, L.A. and Schairer, C., 1985. Estimating the population attributable risk for multiple risk factors using case-control data. American journal of epidemiology, 122(5), pp.904-914
#' @return A numeric estimated impact fraction.
#' @export
if_bruzzi <- function(data,ind, model,model_type,  new_data,response, weight_vec){

  if(is.null(weight_vec))   weight_vec = rep(1, nrow(data))
  N <- nrow(data)

  if(model_type == "clogit"){

      model_text <- as.character(eval(parse(text=as.character(model$userCall)[2])))
      model_text <- paste0(model_text[2],model_text[1],model_text[3])
      strataname <- gsub(".*strata\\((.*)\\).*",replacement="\\1",x=model_text,perl=TRUE)

      # find strata variable
      strataids <- data[,colnames(data)==strataname]
      validids <- names(table(strataids))[table(strataids)==2]
      possibleresamples <- (1:nrow(data))[strataids %in% validids]
      ## order possible resamples indexes according to valid ids
      possibleresamples <- possibleresamples[order(strataids[strataids %in% validids])]
      totake <- sample(1:(length(possibleresamples)/2),length(possibleresamples)/2,replace=TRUE)
      resamples <- c(possibleresamples[2*totake],possibleresamples[2*totake-1])
      data <- data[resamples,]
      # avoid duplication of strata names
      data[,colnames(data)==strataname] <- c(1:length(totake),1:length(totake))
      new_data <- new_data[resamples,]
      # avoid duplication of strata names
      new_data[,colnames(data)==strataname] <- c(1:length(totake),1:length(totake))

      #refit model
      model_text <- paste0("survival::clogit(",model_text,",data=data)")
      thesplit <- ""
        model_text <- gsub(pattern='^(.*)ns\\((.*)$',replacement='\\1splines::ns\\(\\2',x=model_text)
        stuff <- strsplit(model_text,split="splines::ns(",fixed=TRUE)
        model_text <- stuff[[1]][1]
              thesplit <- paste0("splines::ns(",stuff[[1]][2],thesplit)
      model_text <- paste0(model_text,thesplit)
          model <- eval(parse(text=model_text))


    oldRR <- predict(model,type="risk")
    newRR <- predict(model,type="risk",newdata=new_data)
    y <- data[,colnames(data)==response]

  if(model_type == "glm"){


      data <- data[ind, ]
       weight_vec <- weight_vec[ind]
      new_data <- new_data[ind, ]
      model <- update(model,data=data)

    # predict on linear predictor scale
    oldRR <- exp(predict(model,newdata=data))
    newRR <- exp(predict(model,newdata=new_data))
    y <- data[,colnames(data)==response]
  return(1 - sum(weight_vec[y==1]*(newRR[y==1]/oldRR[y==1]))/sum(weight_vec[y==1]))


#' Internal:  Calculation of an impact fraction using the direct approach
#' @param data A dataframe containing variables used for fitting the model
#' @param ind  An indicator of which rows will be used from the dataset
#' @param model Either a clogit, glm or coxph fitted model object.  Non-linear effects should be specified via ns(x, df=y), where ns is the natural spline function from the splines library.
#' @param model_type Either a "clogit", "glm" or "coxph" model object
#' @param new_data A dataframe (of the same variables and size as data) representing an alternative distribution of risk factors
#' @param prev Population prevalence of disease (default NULL)
#' @param t_vector A vector of times at which PAF estimates are desired (for a coxph model)
#' @param response A string representing the name of the outcome variable in data
#' @param weight_vec An optional vector of inverse sampling weights
#' @return A numeric estimated impact fraction.
#' @export
if_direct <- function(data, ind, model,model_type, new_data, prev,t_vector,response,weight_vec){

  if(is.null(weight_vec))   weight_vec = rep(1, nrow(data))

  N <- nrow(data)
  if(model_type == "coxph"){

         data <- data[ind, ]
      new_data <- new_data[ind, ]
      weight_vec <- weight_vec[ind]
      model <- update(model,data=data)
       cum_haz <- survival::basehaz(model, centered=FALSE)
    t_indices <- integer(length(t_vector))
    for(i in 1:length(t_vector)){
      t_indices[i] <- which.min(sapply(cum_haz[,2],function(x){(x-t_vector[i])^2}))
    cum_haz <- cum_haz[t_indices,]
    oldhr <- predict(model,type="risk")
    newhr <- predict(model,newdata=new_data,type="risk")

    mean_probs_old <- 1 - apply(exp(-outer(cum_haz[,1],oldhr)),1,mean)

    mean_probs_new <- 1 - apply(exp(-outer(cum_haz[,1],newhr)),1,mean)

    PAF_vec <- (mean_probs_old - mean_probs_new)/mean_probs_old
    names(PAF_vec) <- paste0("t=",round(cum_haz[,2],2))


  add_term <- 0


      model_text <- as.character(eval(parse(text=as.character(model$userCall)[2])))
      model_text <- paste0(model_text[2],model_text[1],model_text[3])
      strataname <- gsub(".*strata\\((.*)\\).*",replacement="\\1",x=model_text,perl=TRUE)

      # find strata variable
      strataids <- data[,colnames(data)==strataname]
      validids <- names(table(strataids))[table(strataids)==2]
      possibleresamples <- (1:nrow(data))[strataids %in% validids]
      ## order possible resamples indexes according to valid ids
      possibleresamples <- possibleresamples[order(strataids[strataids %in% validids])]
      totake <- sample(1:(length(possibleresamples)/2),length(possibleresamples)/2,replace=TRUE)
      resamples <- c(possibleresamples[2*totake],possibleresamples[2*totake-1])
      data <- data[resamples,]
      new_data <- new_data[resamples,]
      data <- data[resamples,]
      # avoid duplication of strata names
      data[,colnames(data)==strataname] <- c(1:length(totake),1:length(totake))
      new_data <- new_data[resamples,]
      # avoid duplication of strata names
      new_data[,colnames(data)==strataname] <- c(1:length(totake),1:length(totake))
      #refit model
      model_text <- paste0("survival::clogit(",model_text,",data=data)")
        model_text <- gsub(pattern='^(.*)ns\\((.*)$',replacement='\\1splines::ns\\(\\2',x=model_text)
        stuff <- strsplit(model_text,split="splines::ns(",fixed=TRUE)
        model_text <- stuff[[1]][1]
        thesplit <- paste0("splines::ns(",stuff[[1]][2],thesplit)
      model_text <- paste0(model_text,thesplit)
      model <- eval(parse(text=model_text))
      #model <- update(model,data=data)
       lp_old <- predict(model,newdata=data)
    lp_new <- predict(model, newdata=new_data)
    y <- data[,colnames(data)==response]
    N <- nrow(data)

      data_prev <- mean(as.numeric(y==1))
      weight_vec[y==0] <- (1-prev)/(1-data_prev)
      weight_vec[y==1] <- prev/data_prev



      temp_fun <- function(c){weighted.mean(exp(c+lp_old)/(1+exp(c+lp_old)),w=weight_vec)-prev}
      add_term <- uniroot(temp_fun, interval=c(-100,100))$root

    probs_old <- exp(lp_old+add_term)/(1+exp(lp_old+add_term))
    probs_new <- exp(lp_new+add_term)/(1+exp(lp_new+add_term))

    # model is a glm

      data <- data[ind, ]
      new_data <- new_data[ind, ]
      model <- update(model,data=data)

    lp_old <- predict(model,newdata=data)
    lp_new <- predict(model,newdata=new_data)

    y <- data[,colnames(data)==response]
  N <- nrow(data)

      data_prev <- mean(as.numeric(y==1))
      weight_vec[y==0] <- (1-prev)/(1-data_prev)
      weight_vec[y==1] <- prev/data_prev




        temp_fun <- function(c){weighted.mean(exp(c+lp_old)/(1+exp(c+lp_old)),w=weight_vec)-prev}
        add_term <- uniroot(temp_fun, interval=c(-100,100))$root

      probs_old <- exp(lp_old+add_term)/(1+exp(lp_old+add_term))
      probs_new <- exp(lp_new+add_term)/(1+exp(lp_new+add_term))



          temp_fun <- function(c){weighted.mean(exp(c+lp_old),w=weight_vec)-prev}
          add_term <- uniroot(temp_fun, interval=c(-100,100))$root

        probs_old <- exp(lp_old+add_term)
        probs_new <- exp(lp_new+add_term)



extract_ci <- function(res,model_type,t_vector,ci_level,ci_type,continuous=FALSE,prev=NULL,calculation_method="D",boot_rep=50, verbose=TRUE){

  d <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=3 + 2*length(ci_type),nrow=length(res$t0)))
  colnames(d) <- c("est", "bias","debiased_est",rep("",2*length(ci_type)))
  for(i in 1:length(ci_type)) colnames(d)[(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- c(paste0(ci_type[i],"_lower"),paste0(ci_type[i],"_upper"))

  d[,1] <- res$t0
  d[,2] <- apply(res$t,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)-res$t0
  d[,3] <- 2*res$t0-apply(res$t,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
  for(j in 1:length(res$t0)){
    for(i in 1:length(ci_type)){

      if(ci_type[i]=="norm") d[j,(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="norm", index=j)$normal[2:3]
      if(ci_type[i]=="basic") d[j,(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="basic", index=j)$basic[4:5]
      if(ci_type[i]=="perc") d[j,(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="perc", index=j)$perc[4:5]
      if(ci_type[i]=="bca") d[j,(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="bca", index=j)$bca[4:5]
  rownames(d) <- t_vector
  for(i in 1:ncol(d)) d[,i] <- signif(d[,i],3)


    v <- numeric(3 + 2*length(ci_type))
    names(v) <- c("est", "bias","debiased_est",rep("",2*length(ci_type)))
    for(i in 1:length(ci_type)) names(v)[(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- c(paste0(ci_type[i],"_lower"),paste0(ci_type[i],"_upper"))
    v[1] <- res$t0
    v[2] <- mean(res$t)-res$t0
    v[3] <- 2*res$t0-mean(res$t)

    for(i in 1:length(ci_type)){
      if(ci_type[i]=="norm") v[(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="norm")$normal[2:3]
      if(ci_type[i]=="basic") v[(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="basic")$basic[4:5]
      if(ci_type[i]=="perc") v[(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="perc")$perc[4:5]
          if(ci_type[i]=="bca") v[(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="bca")$bca[4:5]
    v <- signif(v,digits=3)
    return(structure(list(verbose=verbose,calculation_method=calculation_method,prev=prev,model_type=model_type, ci_level=ci_level, ci_type=ci_type, boot_rep=boot_rep, estimate=v[1],bias=v[2],debiased_estimate=v[3],confidence_interval=paste("(",v[4],",",v[5],")",sep="")),class="IF_summary"))


    d <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=3 + 2*length(ci_type),nrow=length(t_vector)))
    colnames(d) <- c("est", "bias","debiased_est",rep("",2*length(ci_type)))
    for(i in 1:length(ci_type)) colnames(d)[(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- c(paste0(ci_type[i],"_lower"),paste0(ci_type[i],"_upper"))

    d[,1] <- res$t0
    d[,2] <- apply(res$t,2,mean)-res$t0
    d[,3] <- 2*res$t0-apply(res$t,2,mean)
    for(j in 1:length(t_vector)){
    for(i in 1:length(ci_type)){

      if(ci_type[i]=="norm") d[j,(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="norm", index=j)$normal[2:3]
      if(ci_type[i]=="basic") d[j,(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="basic", index=j)$basic[4:5]
      if(ci_type[i]=="perc") d[j,(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="perc", index=j)$perc[4:5]
      if(ci_type[i]=="bca") d[j,(2+2*i):(3+2*i)] <- boot::boot.ci(res, conf=ci_level,type="bca", index=j)$bca[4:5]
    rownames(d) <- t_vector
    for(i in 1:ncol(d)) d[,i] <- signif(d[,i],3)
    return(structure(list(verbose=verbose,calculation_method=calculation_method,prev=prev,model_type=model_type, ci_level=ci_level, ci_type=ci_type,boot_rep=boot_rep, time_vec= rownames(d), estimate=d[,1],bias=d[,2],debiased_estimate=d[,3],confidence_interval=paste("(",d[,4],",",d[,5],")",sep="")),class="IF_summary"))

#' @export
print.IF_summary <- function(x,...){
  verbose <- x$verbose
  if(!("time_vec" %in% names(x))){

    cat(paste("The estimate is", x$estimate, "\n\n"))

    cat(paste("An estimated ", round(100*x$ci_level,0), " % confidence interval is ", x$confidence_interval, "\n\n" ,sep=""))

    cat(paste("Type of statistical model originally fit: ", x$model_type, "\n",sep=""))

    if(x$calculation_method=="B") x$calculation_method="Bruzzi formula"
    if(x$calculation_method=="D") x$calculation_method="Weighted Standardisation"

    cat(paste("Method used to produce estimate: ", x$calculation_method, "\n",sep=""))

    if(is.null(x$prev)) x$prev=0.5
    if(x$calculation_method=="Weighted Standardisation") cat(paste("Assumed prevalence: ", unique(x$prev), "\n",sep=""))

    cat(paste("Type of Bootstrap confidence interval used: ", x$ci_type, "\n",sep=""))

    cat(paste("Number of bootstrap draws: ", x$boot_rep, "\n",sep=""))

  if(("time_vec" %in% names(x))){
  cat("\n \n")

  cat(paste("Type of statistical model originally fit: ", x$model_type, "\n",sep=""))
  if(x$calculation_method=="B") x$calculation_method="Bruzzi formula"
  if(x$calculation_method=="D") x$calculation_method="Weighted Standardisation"

  cat(paste("Method used to produce estimate: ", x$calculation_method, "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Type of Bootstrap confidence interval used: ", x$ci_type, "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Confidence level: ", x$ci_level, "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Number of bootstrap draws: ", x$boot_rep, "\n",sep=""))

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