
Defines functions .yearmonth .new_yearmonth Ops.grates_yearmonth quantile.grates_yearmonth Math.grates_yearmonth Summary.grates_yearmonth range.grates_yearmonth max.grates_yearmonth min.grates_yearmonth as.list.grates_yearmonth as.character.grates_yearmonth as.POSIXlt.grates_yearmonth as.POSIXct.grates_yearmonth as.Date.grates_yearmonth as.double.grates_yearmonth as.integer.grates_yearmonth seq.grates_yearmonth c.grates_yearmonth unique.grates_yearmonth rep.grates_yearmonth `[<-.grates_yearmonth` `[[.grates_yearmonth` `[.grates_yearmonth` as_yearmonth.factor as_yearmonth.character as_yearmonth.POSIXt as_yearmonth.Date as_yearmonth.default as_yearmonth vec_ptype_full.grates_yearmonth vec_ptype_abbr.grates_yearmonth format.grates_yearmonth print.grates_yearmonth is_yearmonth yearmonth new_yearmonth

Documented in as_yearmonth as_yearmonth.character as_yearmonth.Date as_yearmonth.default as_yearmonth.factor as_yearmonth.POSIXt format.grates_yearmonth is_yearmonth new_yearmonth print.grates_yearmonth yearmonth

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Minimal constructor for a yearmonth object
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' `new_yearmonth()` is a constructor for `<grates_yearmonth>` objects aimed at
#' developers.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' `<grates_yearmonth>` objects are stored as the number of months (starting at
#' 0) since the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01). Precision is only to the month level
#' (i.e. the day of the month is always dropped).
#' @param x `[integer]`
#' Vector representing the number of months.
#' `double` vectors will be converted via `as.integer(floor(x))`.
#' @param xx
#' \R object
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @references
#' The algorithm to convert between dates and months relative to the UNIX Epoch
#' comes from the work of Davis Vaughan in the unreleased
#' [datea](https://github.com/DavisVaughan/datea/) package
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @return
#' A `<grates_yearmonth>` object.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @examples
#' new_yearmonth(1:10)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
new_yearmonth <- function(x = integer()) {
    if (is.vector(x, "double")) {
        x <- as.integer(floor(x))
    } else if (!is.integer(x)) {
        stop("`x` must be integer.")

    .new_yearmonth(x = x)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Constructor for yearmonth objects
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' `yearmonth()` is a constructor for `<grates_yearmonth>` objects.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' `<grates_yearmonth>` objects are stored as the number of months (starting at
#' 0) since the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01).
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @param year `[integer]`
#' Vector representing the year associated with `month`.
#' `double` vectors will be converted via `as.integer(floor(x))`.
#' @param month `[integer]`
#' Vector representing the month associated with `year.
#' `double` vectors will be converted via `as.integer(floor(x))`.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @return
#' A `<grates_yearmonth>` object.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @examples
#' yearmonth(year = 2000L, month = 3L)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @seealso
#' `as_yearmonth()` and `new_yearmonth()`.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
yearmonth <- function(year = integer(), month = integer()) {

    # check year is integerish
    if (is.vector(year, "double")) {
        year <- as.integer(floor(year))
    } else if (!is.integer(year)) {
        stop("`year` must be integer.")

    # check month is integerish
    if (is.vector(month, "double")) {
        month <- as.integer(floor(month))
    } else if (!is.integer(month)) {
        stop("`month` must be integer.")

    # check month bounded above and below
    idx <- month < 1L | month > 12L
    if (any(idx, na.rm = TRUE)) {
        first <- which.max(idx)
            "Months must be integer and between 1 and 12 (inclusive) or NA. Entry %d is not (it equals %d).",
            first, month[first]

    # check compatible lengths
    tmp <- .recycle(year, month)
    year <- tmp[[1L]]
    month <- tmp[[2L]]

    .yearmonth(year = year, month = month)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname new_yearmonth
#' @export
is_yearmonth <- function(xx) {
    inherits(xx, "grates_yearmonth")

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Print a year-month object
#' @param x A `<grates_yearmonth>` object.
#' @param format The format to use for printing.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @export
print.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, format = "%Y-%b", ...) {
    # replicate the header as in vctrs
    n <- length(x)
    cat("<grates_yearmonth[", n, "]>\n", sep = "")
    if (n)
        print(format.grates_yearmonth(x, format = format))

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname print.grates_yearmonth
#' @export
format.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, format = "%Y-%b", ...) {
    if (length(x) == 0L)
    out <- format.Date(as.Date(x), format = format)
    out[is.na(x)] <- NA_character_

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @exportS3Method vctrs::vec_ptype_abbr
vec_ptype_abbr.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ...) {"yrmon"}

#' @exportS3Method vctrs::vec_ptype_full
vec_ptype_full.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ...) {"grates_yearmonth"}

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Coerce an object to year-month
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' `as_yearmonth()` is a generic for coercing input in to `<grates_yearmonth>`.
#' Character input is first parsed using `as.Date()`. POSIXct and POSIXlt are
#' all converted, with the timezone respected.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @param x
#' \R object.
#' @param ...
#' Only used For character input where additional arguments are passed through
#' to `as.Date()`.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @return
#' A `<grates_yearmonth>` object.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @examples
#' as_yearmonth(Sys.Date())
#' as_yearmonth(as.POSIXct("2019-03-04 01:01:01", tz = "America/New_York"), interval = 2)
#' as_yearmonth("2019-05-03")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @note
#' Internally `<grates_yearmonth>` objects are stored as the number of
#' months (starting at 0) since the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01). Precision is only
#' to the month level (i.e. the day of the month is always dropped).
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @references The algorithm to convert between dates and months relative to the
#' UNIX Epoch comes from the work of Davis Vaughan in the unreleased
#' [datea](https://github.com/DavisVaughan/datea/) package.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @seealso
#' `as.Date()`
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
as_yearmonth <- function(x, ...) {

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname as_yearmonth
#' @export
as_yearmonth.default <- function(x, ...) {
    stopf("Not implemented for class [%s].", toString(class(x)))

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname as_yearmonth
#' @export
as_yearmonth.Date <- function(x, ...) {

    # convert to posixlt (this will always be UTC when called on a date)
    x <- as.POSIXlt(x)

    # calculate the year
    yr <- x$year + 1900L

    # calculate the month relative to unix epoch
    mon <- (yr - 1970L) * 12L + x$mon

    # TODO - could mon ever be double here? Maybe call as_yearmonth again?

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname as_yearmonth
#' @export
as_yearmonth.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {
    x <- .as_date(x)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname as_yearmonth
#' @export
as_yearmonth.character <- function(x, ...) {
    out <- as.Date(x, ...)
    if (all(is.na(out)))
        stop("Unable to parse any entries of `x` as Dates.")
    as_yearmonth.Date(x = out, ...)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname as_yearmonth
#' @export
as_yearmonth.factor <- function(x, ...) {
    x <- as.character(x)
    as_yearmonth.character(x, ...)

#' @export
`[.grates_yearmonth` <- function(x, ..., drop = FALSE) {
    out <- NextMethod()
    class(out) <- class(x)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
`[[.grates_yearmonth` <- function(x, ..., drop = TRUE) {
    out <- NextMethod()
    class(out) <- class(x)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
`[<-.grates_yearmonth` <- function(x, ..., value) {
    if (!inherits(value, "grates_yearmonth"))
        stop("Can only assign <grates_yearmonth> objects in to an <grates_yearmonth> object.")
    out <- NextMethod()
    class(out) <- class(x)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
`[[<-.grates_yearmonth` <- `[<-.grates_yearmonth`

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
rep.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ...) {
    out <- NextMethod()
    class(out) <- class(x)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
unique.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...) {
    out <- NextMethod()
    class(out) <- class(x)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
c.grates_yearmonth <- function(..., recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE) {
    dots <- list(...)
    if (!all(vapply(dots, inherits, TRUE, what = "grates_yearmonth")))
        stop("Unable to combine <grates_yearmonth> objects with other classes.")
    res <- NextMethod()

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
seq.grates_yearmonth <- function(from, to, by = 1L, ...) {

    if (!inherits(to, "grates_yearmonth") || length(to) != 1L)
        stop("`to` must be a <grates_yearmonth> object of length 1.")

    if (!.is_scalar_whole(by))
        stop("`by` must be an integer of length 1.")

    from <- as.integer(from)
    to <- as.integer(to)
    out <- seq.int(from = from, to = to, by = by)

    # Ensure integer as we cannot rely on seq.int (may return double)
    out <- as.integer(out)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
as.integer.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ...) {

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
as.double.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ...) {

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
as.Date.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ...) {
    days <- .month_to_days(unclass(x))

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
as.POSIXct.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, tz = "UTC", ...) {
    if (tz != "UTC")
            "<grates_yearmonth> objects can only be converted to UTC. ",
            "If other timezones are required, first convert to <Date> and then proceed as desired."
    x <- .month_to_days(unclass(x))
    .POSIXct(x * 86400, tz = "UTC")

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
as.POSIXlt.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, tz = "UTC", ...) {
    if (tz != "UTC")
            "<grates_yearmonth> objects can only be converted to UTC. ",
            "If other timezones are required, first convert to <Date> and then proceed as desired."
    x <- .month_to_days(unclass(x))
    as.POSIXlt(x * 86400, tz = "UTC", origin = .POSIXct(0, tz = "UTC"))

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
as.character.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ...) {

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
as.list.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ...) {
    lapply(unclass(x), `class<-`, class(x))

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
as.data.frame.grates_yearmonth <- as.data.frame.vector

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
min.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
    out <- NextMethod()
    class(out) <- class(x)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
max.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
    out <- NextMethod()
    class(out) <- class(x)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
range.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
    out <- NextMethod()
    class(out) <- class(x)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
Summary.grates_yearmonth <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
    stopf("`%s()` is not supported for <grates_yearmonth> objects.", .Generic)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
Math.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, ...) {
    stopf("`%s()` is not supported for <grates_yearmonth> objects.", .Generic)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
quantile.grates_yearmonth <- function(x, type = 1, ...) {
    x <- unclass(x)
    x <- as.integer(quantile(x, type = type, ...))

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @export
Ops.grates_yearmonth <- function(e1, e2) {
    op <- .Generic
    if (op %in% c("==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=")) {
        if (inherits(e2, "grates_yearmonth")) {
        stop("Can only compare <grates_yearmonth> objects with <grates_yearmonth> objects.")

        "+" = {
            if (missing(e2)) {
            } else if (inherits(e1, "grates_yearmonth") && inherits(e2, "grates_yearmonth")) {
                stop("Cannot add <grates_yearmonth> objects to each other.")
            } else if (inherits(e1, "grates_yearmonth") && (.is_whole(e2))) {
                return(.new_yearmonth(unclass(e1) + as.integer(e2)))
            } else if (inherits(e2, "grates_yearmonth") && (.is_whole(e1))) {
                return(.new_yearmonth(unclass(e2) + as.integer(e1)))
            stop("Can only add integers to <grates_yearmonth> objects.")
        "-" = {
            if (missing(e2)) {
                stop("Cannot negate a <grates_yearmonth> object.")
            } else if (inherits(e2, "grates_yearmonth")) {
                if (!inherits(e1, "grates_yearmonth")) {
                    stop("Can only subtract from a <grates_yearmonth> object, not vice-versa.")
                return(unclass(e1) - unclass(e2))
            } else if (inherits(e1, "grates_yearmonth") && is.integer(e2)) {
                return(.new_yearmonth(unclass(e1) - e2))
            } else if (inherits(e1, "grates_yearmonth") && .is_whole(e2)) {
                return(.new_yearmonth(unclass(e1) - as.integer(e2)))
            stop("Can only subtract whole numbers and other <grates_yearmonth> objects from <grates_yearmonth> objects.")
        stopf("%s is not compatible with <grates_yearmonth> objects.", op)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# -------------------------------- INTERNALS ------------------------------ #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

.new_yearmonth <- function(x = integer()) {
    structure(x, class = "grates_yearmonth")

.yearmonth <- function(year, month) {
    out <- (year - 1970L) * 12L + (month - 1L)

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grates documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:36 p.m.