
Defines functions `penalty.re.smooth.spec` `print.penalty_df` `tidy_penalty` `penalty.t2.smooth` `penalty.tensor.smooth` `penalty.mgcv.smooth` `penalty.gam` `penalty`

#' Extract and tidy penalty matrices
#' @param object a fitted GAM or a smooth.
#' @param smooth character; vector of smooths to extract penalty matrices for.
#'   If `NULL`, penalty matrices for all smooths in `object` are extracted.
#' @param rescale logical; by default, *mgcv* will scale the penalty matrix for
#'   better performance in [mgcv::gamm()]. If `rescale` is `TRUE`, this scaling
#'   will be undone to put the penalty matrix back on the original scale.
#' @param margins logical; extract the penalty matrices for the tensor
#'   product or the marginal smooths of the tensor product?
#' @param data data frame; a data frame of values for terms mentioned in the
#'   smooth specification.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to methods.
#' @return A 'tibble' (data frame) of class `penalty_df` inheriting from
#'   `tbl_df`, with the following components:
#' * `smooth` - character; the label *mgcv* uses to refer to the smooth,
#' * `type` - character; the type of smooth,
#' * `penalty` - character; the label for the specific penalty. Some smooths
#'   have multiple penalty matrices, so the `penalty` component identifies the
#'   particular penalty matrix and uses the labelling that *mgcv* uses
#'   internally,
#' * `row` - character; a label of the form `fn` where `n` is an integer for
#'   the `n`th basis function, referencing the columns of the penalty matrix,
#' * `col` - character; a label of the form `fn` where `n` is an integer for
#'   the `n`th basis function, referencing the columns of the penalty matrix,
#' * `value` - double; the value of the penalty matrix for the combination of
#'   `row` and `col`,
#' @note The `print()` method uses [base::zapsmall()] to turn very small numbers
#'   into 0s for display purposes only; the underlying values of the penalty
#'   matrix or matrices are not changed.
#'   For smooths that are subject to an eigendecomposition (e.g. the default
#'   thin plate regression splines, `bs = "tp"`), the signs of the eigenvectors
#'   are not defined and as such you can expect differences across systems in
#'   the penalties for such smooths that are system-, OS-, and CPU architecture-
#'   specific.
#' @author Gavin L. Simpson
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' op <- options(cli.unicode = FALSE, pillar.sigfig = 3)
#' }
#' load_mgcv()
#' dat <- data_sim("eg4", n = 400, seed = 42)
#' m <- gam(y ~ s(x0, bs = "cr") + s(x1, bs = "cr") +
#'            s(x2, by = fac, bs = "cr"),
#'          data = dat, method = "REML")
#' # penalties for all smooths
#' penalty(m)
#' # for a specific smooth
#' penalty(m, smooth = "s(x2):fac1")
#' \dontshow{options(op)}
`penalty` <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname penalty
`penalty.gam` <- function(object, smooth = NULL, rescale = FALSE, ...) {
    ## are particular smooths selected
    smooth_ids <- if (!is.null(smooth)) {
         which_smooths(object, smooth) # which smooths match 'smooth'
    } else {

    ## extract the mgcv.smooth objects
    smooths <- get_smooths_by_id(object, smooth_ids)

    ## loop over the smooths applying penalty to each
    pen <- lapply(smooths, penalty, rescale = rescale)
    pen <- bind_rows(pen)
    ## ensure class is right
    ## don't think I need this; bind_rows does it, but documented?
    if (!inherits(pen, "penalty_df")) {
        class(pen) <- c("penalty_df", class(pen))

#' @export
#' @rdname penalty
`penalty.mgcv.smooth` <- function(object, rescale = FALSE, ...) {
    ## smooth label
    sm_lab <- smooth_label(object)
    ## type of smooth
    sm_type <- smooth_type(object)
    ## extract the set of penalty matrices
    S <- object[["S"]] # S is a list even if length(S) == 1
    len_S <- length(S)
    sp_label <- if (is.null(object[["sp"]])) {
        paste(sm_lab, seq_len(len_S), sep = ".")
    } else {
        names(object[["sp"]]) # penalty matrix label
    pen <- vector("list", length = len_S)
    ## loop over penalty matrices & tidy each of them
    pen_seq <- seq_along(pen)
    for (i in pen_seq) {
        pen[[i]] <- tidy_penalty(S[[i]], smooth = sm_lab,
                                 type = sm_type,
                                 label = sp_label[i])

    ## should the default penalty rescaling for gamm performance be reversed?
    if (rescale) {
        for (i in pen_seq) {
            S_scale <- object[["S.scale"]][i]
            if (is.null(S_scale)) {
                S_scale <- 1
            pen[[i]][["value"]] <- pen[[i]][["value"]] * S_scale

    ## combine the tidy penalty matrices into a single tibble
    pen <- bind_rows(pen)
    class(pen) <- c("penalty_df", class(pen))

#' @export
#' @rdname penalty
`penalty.tensor.smooth` <- function(object, margins = FALSE, ...) {

#' @export
#' @rdname penalty
`penalty.t2.smooth` <- function(object, margins = FALSE, ...) {

#' @importFrom tibble add_column as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @importFrom dplyr starts_with
#' @importFrom rlang set_names
`tidy_penalty` <- function(s, smooth, type, label) {
    ## rownames(s) <- paste0("f", seq_len(nrow(s)))
    ## colnames(s) <- paste0("f", seq_len(ncol(s)))
    nc <- ncol(s)
    new_names <- formatC(seq_len(nc), width = nchar(nc), flag = "0")
    new_names <- paste0("F", new_names)
    s <- as_tibble(s, .name_repair = "minimal")
    s <- set_names(s, new_names)
    s <- add_column(s, row = new_names, .before = 1L)
    s <- pivot_longer(s, cols = starts_with("f"), names_to = "col",
                      values_to = "value")
    ns <- nrow(s)
    s <- add_column(s,
                    smooth  = rep(smooth, ns),
                    type    = rep(type, ns),
                    penalty = rep(label, ns), .before = 1L)

#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`print.penalty_df` <- function(x, ...) {
    x <- mutate(x, value = zapsmall(.data$value))

#' @export
#' @importFrom mgcv smoothCon
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @rdname penalty
`penalty.re.smooth.spec` <- function(object, data, ...) {
    sm <- smoothCon(object, data, ...)
    pen <- lapply(sm, penalty, ...)
    pen <- bind_rows(pen)

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