
Defines functions nu2theta_noTrans nuAI2thetaAIinv_lambda nuVar2thetaVar_lambda nu2theta_lambda theta2nu_lambda nu2theta_trans theta2nu_trans vech2matlist matlist2vech start2theta conTrans stTrans

Documented in conTrans matlist2vech nu2theta_lambda nu2theta_noTrans nu2theta_trans nuAI2thetaAIinv_lambda nuVar2thetaVar_lambda start2theta stTrans theta2nu_lambda theta2nu_trans vech2matlist

#' (Co)variance parameter transformations.
#' Converts lists of (co)variance parameters either between \code{list} and 
#'   \code{vector} format or between the theta and nu scales.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{stTrans} }{Transform start parameters into lower triangle
#'     matrices of class \code{dsCMatrix}.}
#'   \item{\code{conTrans} }{Transformation of starting constraints to correct
#'     format.}
#'   \item{\code{start2theta} }{Converts lists of starting values for (co)variance
#'     parameters to a theta object used to structure the (co)variance components
#'     within gremlin.}
#'   \item{\code{matlist2vech} }{Converts a \code{list} of (co)variance parameter
#'     matrices to a vector with a \dQuote{skel} attribute.}
#'   \item{\code{vech2matlist} }{Converts a vector of (co)variance parameters to
#'     a list of covariance matrices.}
#'   \item{\code{theta2nu_trans} }{Transforms theta to nu scale by taking the
#'     Cholesky factor of each covariance matrix and then replacing the diagonals
#'     with  their (natural) logarithms. Done to ensure matrices are positive
#'     definite.}
#'   \item{\code{nu2theta_trans} }{Back transformation from
#'     \code{theta2nu_trans}: exponentiates the diagonal elements of each matrix
#'     then calculates the cross-product.}
#'   \item{\code{theta2nu_lambda} }{Transformation that factors out a residual
#'     variance so that \code{nu} contains the \sQuote{lambda} parameterization:
#'     ratios of variance parameters with the residual variance.}
#'   \item{\code{nu2theta_lambda} }{Back transformation from
#'     \code{theta2nu_lambda}.}
#'   \item{\code{nuVar2thetaVar_lambda} }{Transformation of Sampling Variances
#'     from \code{lambda} Scale for \code{theta}.}
#'   \item{\code{nuAI2thetaAIinv_lambda} }{Transform AI matrix from \code{lambda}
#'     Scale to AI-inverse of \code{theta}.}
#'   \item{\code{nu2theta_noTrans} }{Structures \code{theta} when not
#'     transformed.}
#' }
#' @aliases stTrans conTrans vech2matlist start2theta matlist2vech theta2nu_trans
#'   nu2theta_trans theta2nu_lambda nu2theta_lambda nuVar2thetaVar_lambda
#'   nuAI2thetaAIinv_lambda nu2theta_noTrans
#' @param x,theta,nu A \code{list} of matrices containing the (co)variance
#'       parameters of the model.
#' @param object An object of \code{class} \sQuote{gremlin}.
#' @param vech A \code{vector} of (co)variance parameters.
#' @param skeleton An example structure to map \code{vech} onto.
#' @param Gstart,Rstart A \code{list} of starting (co)variance values for the
#'   G-structure (random effects terms) or R-structure (residual).
#' @param Gcon,Rcon A \code{list} of starting (co)variance constraints for the
#'   G-structure (random effects terms) or R-structure (residual).
#' @param name An (optional) character \code{vector} containing the (co)variance
#'   component names.
#' @param thetaG,thetaR A \code{vector} indexing the G-structure or R-structure
#'   components, respectively.
#' @param sigma2e A \code{numeric} estimate of the factored out residual
#'   variance from the mixed model equations (i.e., the \sQuote{lambda} scale)
#'   \eqn{\sigma^{2}_{e}}.
#' @return Functions are specified to mostly return either a \code{list} of
#'   matrices (structure as defined by the \dQuote{skel} attribute or in
#'   the \code{skeleton} object) or a \code{vector} containing the (co)variance
#'   parameters of the model. Additional list elements returned can be:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{thetaG }{A \code{vector} indexing the G-structure components.}
#'     \item{thetaR }{A \code{vector} indexing the R-structure components.}
#'   }
#'   Alternatively, \code{nuVar2thetaVar_lambda} and \code{nuAI2thetaAIinv_lambda}
#'   return a \code{vector} and \code{matrix}, respectively, holding the sampling
#'   (co)variances of the model (co)variance parameters both on the \code{theta}
#'   scale. These are elements of the inverse Average Information matrix.
#' @author \email{matthewwolak@@gmail.com}
#' @import Matrix
#' @examples
#'   # User-specified starting parameters
#'   thetaOut <- start2theta(Gstart = list(matrix(1), matrix(2)),
#'     Rstart = matrix(3))
#'   ## convert to a vector and then back into a matrix list
#'   thetav <- matlist2vech(thetaOut$theta)
#'   theta <- vech2matlist(thetav, attr(thetav, "skel"))
#'     identical(thetaOut$theta, theta)  #<-- should be TRUE
#'   # lambda parameterization transformation
#'   nu <- theta2nu_lambda(theta, thetaOut$thetaG, thetaOut$thetaR)
#'   # back-transform from (lambda scale) nu to theta
#'   ## For example, when the sigma2e estimate=0.5
#'   theta2 <- nu2theta_lambda(nu, sigma2e = 0.5, thetaOut$thetaG, thetaOut$thetaR)
#' @name covFun

# Transformation of starting parameters to correct matrix format.
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
stTrans <- function(x){
  if(is.numeric(x) && !is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
  if(!isSymmetric(x)) stop(cat("Element", x, "must be a symmetric matrix or a number\n")) 
  x <- as(x, "symmetricMatrix")
  x@uplo <- "L"
  x <- as(x, "dsCMatrix")

# Transformation of starting constraints to correct format.
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
conTrans <- function(Gcon, Rcon){

  l2symat <- function(x){
    if(is.character(x) && !is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
      stop(cat(x, "must be a symmetric matrix or a single character\n"))
    x[lower.tri(x, diag = TRUE)] 

 c(G = sapply(Gcon, FUN = l2symat), R. = l2symat(Rcon))

# Starting Parameters to theta List.
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
start2theta <- function(Gstart, Rstart, name = NULL){
  theta <- c(G = sapply(Gstart, FUN = stTrans), R. = stTrans(Rstart))
  thetaGorR <- sapply(strsplit(names(theta), ".", fixed = TRUE), FUN = "[[", i = 1)
#FIXME ensure grep() is best way and won't mess up when multiple Gs and **Rs**
  thetaG <- grep("G", thetaGorR, ignore.case = FALSE)
  thetaR <- grep("R", thetaGorR, ignore.case = FALSE)
    thNames <- if(!is.null(name)) name else seq_len(length(thetaG))
    names(theta) <- c(paste0(rep("G.", length(thetaG)), thNames),
                      paste0("ResVar", seq(length(thetaR))))

 return(list(theta = theta, thetaG = thetaG, thetaR = thetaR))

# theta List to Vector
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
matlist2vech <- function(theta){
  thetav <- sapply(theta, FUN = slot, name = "x")
  skel <- lapply(seq(length(theta)),
	FUN = function(i){mapply(slot, theta[i], c("i", "p", "Dim"))})
    names(skel) <- names(theta)
  attr(thetav, "skel") <- skel


# Vector to List of Matrices.
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
vech2matlist <- function(vech, skeleton){
  newmatlist <- vector("list", length = length(skeleton))
  si <- 1
  for(s in 1:length(skeleton)){
    lss <- length(skeleton[[s]][[1]])
    newmatlist[[s]] <- sparseMatrix(i = skeleton[[s]][[1]],
	p = skeleton[[s]][[2]],
	x = vech[seq(from = si, by = 1, length.out = lss)],
	dims = skeleton[[s]][[3]], symmetric = TRUE, index1 = FALSE)
    si <- si + lss
  if(!is.null(names(skeleton))) names(newmatlist) <- names(skeleton)

# Log-diagonals of Cholesky
#FIXME: change G to cholesky of G with log(diagonals)
### when to do cholesky factorization of G?
#### is it easier to do direct product of cholesky's than direct product then cholesky?
#### If the latter then save the symbolic factorization and just do updates?
#XXX Don't need for EM algorithm
#TODO FIXME need to take log of just diagonals
#TODO also convert to lambda scale

# Transform theta to nu With log-Cholesky Parameterization
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
#' @import Matrix
theta2nu_trans <- function(theta){
  list(G = lapply(theta$G, FUN = function(x){log(chol(x))}),
       R = log(chol(theta$R)))

# Back-transform nu to theta, Reversing log-Cholesky Parameterization
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#TODO FIXME when converting back, do exp() of just diagonals
#TODO also back-convert from lambda scale
nu2theta_trans <- function(nu){
  list(G = lapply(nu[[1L]], FUN = function(x){exp(crossprod(x))}),
       R = exp(crossprod(nu[[2L]])))

# Lambda scale

# Transform theta to nu on the lambda Scale
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
#' @import Matrix
theta2nu_lambda <- function(theta, thetaG, thetaR){
  nu <- theta
  cRinv <- solve(chol(theta[[thetaR]]))
  # Meyer 1991, p.77 (<-- ?p70/eqn4?)
  nu[thetaG] <- lapply(thetaG,
    FUN = function(x){as(as(crossprod(cRinv, nu[[x]]) %*% cRinv, "symmetricMatrix"),
  #TODO what to do if R is a matrix
  nu[[thetaR]] <- as(as(crossprod(cRinv, nu[[thetaR]]) %*% cRinv, "symmetricMatrix"),


# Back-transform lambda Scale nu to theta
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
#' @import Matrix
nu2theta_lambda <- function(nu, sigma2e, thetaG, thetaR){ #TODO FIXME
  cR <- chol(matrix(sigma2e))
  theta <- nu
  theta[thetaG] <- lapply(thetaG,
    FUN = function(x){as(as(crossprod(cR, nu[[x]]) %*% cR, "symmetricMatrix"),
  theta[[thetaR]] <- as(as(crossprod(cR, nu[[thetaR]]) %*% cR, "symmetricMatrix"),


#XXX Works on AI matrix XXX
# Back-transform Sampling Variances from lambda Scale for theta
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
nuVar2thetaVar_lambda <- function(object){
    stop("object must be of type lambda = TRUE")
  s2e <- object$grMod$sigma2e
  se <- sqrt(s2e)
  nuv <- c(matlist2vech(object$grMod$nu))
  s2e_ind <- length(nuv) #FIXME assumes always at the end (find which ==1.0)
  nuv[s2e_ind] <- s2e 
  invAI <- solve(object$grMod$AI)  #<-- TODO some check about invertibility?
  s2e_var <- diag(invAI)[s2e_ind]

 c(nuv[-s2e_ind]^2 * s2e_var +
    2 * s2e * nuv[-s2e_ind] * invAI[s2e_ind, -s2e_ind] +
    s2e^2 * diag(invAI)[-s2e_ind],

#XXX Works on AI matrix XXX
# Transform AI matrix from lambda Scale to AI-inverse of theta
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
#XXX See Lynch & Walsh (1998) p.818 for variance of a product (eqn. A1.18b,c)
#XXX for psi: cov(psi, theta_i) = nu_i * cov(s2e, psi) + s2e * cov(psi, nu_i)
nuAI2thetaAIinv_lambda <- function(object){
    stop("object must be of type lambda = TRUE")
  s2e <- object$grMod$sigma2e
  thetav <- c(object$grMod$thetav)
  nuv <- c(matlist2vech(object$grMod$nu))
  s2e_ind <- length(nuv) #FIXME assumes always at the end (find which ==1.0)
  invAIl <- solve(object$grMod$AI)  #<-- TODO some check about invertibility?
  invAI <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(thetav), ncol = length(thetav))

  # cov(theta_i, s2e)
    invAI[s2e_ind, -s2e_ind] <- invAI[-s2e_ind, s2e_ind] <- nuv[-s2e_ind] *
        invAIl[s2e_ind, s2e_ind] + s2e * invAIl[s2e_ind, -s2e_ind]

  # var(theta)
    diag(invAI) <- nuVar2thetaVar_lambda(object)

  # cov(theta_r, theta_c)
  for(c in seq(length(nuv))[-s2e_ind]){
    for(r in seq(c+1, length(nuv), 1)){
      if(r == s2e_ind) next
      invAI[r, c] <- invAI[c, r] <- nuv[r] * nuv[c] * invAIl[s2e_ind, s2e_ind] +
        thetav[r] * invAIl[s2e_ind, c] +
	thetav[c] * invAIl[s2e_ind, r] +
	s2e^2 * invAIl[r, c]# - invAIl[s2e_ind, r] * invAIl[s2e_ind, c]
    }  #<-- end for r
  }  #<-- end for c


# No transformations

## Mostly ensures correct formatting of theta
## TODO combine with above function (reconcile with `vech2matlist()`)
#' @rdname covFun
#' @export
#' @import Matrix
# theta2nu_noTrans <- function(theta) theta

# Back-transform nu to theta When No Transformation Occurred
nu2theta_noTrans <- function(nu, thetaG, thetaR){
  theta <- nu
  theta[thetaG] <- lapply(thetaG,
    FUN = function(x){as(as(matrix(nu[[x]],1,1), "symmetricMatrix"),
  theta[[thetaR]] <- as(as(matrix(nu[[thetaR]], 1, 1), "symmetricMatrix"),


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