
Defines functions leaf_stats.instrumental_forest leaf_stats.causal_forest leaf_stats.regression_forest leaf_stats.default leaf_stats get_leaf_node get_forest_weights variable_importance split_frequencies get_tree

Documented in get_forest_weights get_leaf_node get_tree leaf_stats.causal_forest leaf_stats.default leaf_stats.instrumental_forest leaf_stats.regression_forest split_frequencies variable_importance

#' Retrieve a single tree from a trained forest object.
#' @param forest The trained forest.
#' @param index The index of the tree to retrieve.
#' @return A GRF tree object containing the below attributes.
#'     drawn_samples: a list of examples that were used in training the tree. This includes
#'     examples that were used in choosing splits, as well as the examples that populate the leaf
#'     nodes. Put another way, if honesty is enabled, this list includes both subsamples from the
#'     split (J1 and J2 in the notation of the paper).
#'     num_samples: the number of examples used in training the tree.
#'     nodes: a list of objects representing the nodes in the tree, starting with the root node. Each
#'     node will contain an 'is_leaf' attribute, which indicates whether it is an interior or leaf node.
#'     Interior nodes contain the attributes 'left_child' and 'right_child', which give the indices of
#'     their children in the list, as well as 'split_variable', and 'split_value', which describe the
#'     split that was chosen. Leaf nodes only have the attribute 'samples', which is a list of the
#'     training examples that the leaf contains. Note that if honesty is enabled, this list will only
#'     contain examples from the second subsample that was used to 'repopulate' the tree (J2 in the
#'     notation of the paper).
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Train a quantile forest.
#' n <- 50
#' p <- 10
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' Y <- X[, 1] * rnorm(n)
#' q.forest <- quantile_forest(X, Y, quantiles = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))
#' # Examine a particular tree.
#' q.tree <- get_tree(q.forest, 3)
#' q.tree$nodes
#' }
#' @export
get_tree <- function(forest, index) {
  if (index < 1 || index > forest[["_num_trees"]]) {
    stop(paste("The provided index,", index, "is not valid."))

  # Convert internal grf representation to adjacency list.
  # +1 from C++ to R index.
  root <- forest[["_root_nodes"]][[index]] + 1
  left <- forest[["_child_nodes"]][[index]][[1]]
  right <- forest[["_child_nodes"]][[index]][[2]]
  split_vars <- forest[["_split_vars"]][[index]]
  split_values <- forest[["_split_values"]][[index]]
  leaf_samples <- forest[["_leaf_samples"]][[index]]
  drawn_samples <- forest[["_drawn_samples"]][[index]] + 1
  send_missing_left <- forest[["_send_missing_left"]][[index]]

  nodes <- list()
  frontier <- root
  i <- 0
  node.index <- 1
  while (length(frontier) > 0) {
    node <- frontier[1]
    frontier <- frontier[-1]
    i <- i + 1
    if (left[[node]] == 0 && right[[node]] == 0) {
      nodes[[i]] <- list(
        is_leaf = TRUE,
        samples = leaf_samples[[node]] + 1
    } else {
      nodes[[i]] <- list(
        is_leaf = FALSE,
        split_variable = split_vars[node] + 1,
        split_value = split_values[node],
        send_missing_left = send_missing_left[node],
        left_child = node.index + 1,
        right_child = node.index + 2
      node.index <- node.index + 2
      frontier <- c(frontier, left[node] + 1, right[node] + 1)

  tree <- list()
  tree$num_samples <- length(drawn_samples)
  tree$drawn_samples <- drawn_samples
  tree$nodes <- nodes

  columns <- colnames(forest$X.orig)
  indices <- 1:ncol(forest$X.orig)
  tree$columns <- sapply(indices, function(i) {
    if (!is.null(columns) && length(columns[i]) > 0) {
    } else {
      paste("X", i, sep = ".")

  # for each node, calculate the leaf stats
  tree$nodes <- lapply(tree$nodes, function(node) {
    if (node$is_leaf) {
      node$leaf_stats <- leaf_stats(forest, node$samples)

  tree[["has.missing.values"]] <- forest[["has.missing.values"]]
  class(tree) <- "grf_tree"

#' Calculate which features the forest split on at each depth.
#' @param forest The trained forest.
#' @param max.depth Maximum depth of splits to consider.
#' @return A matrix of split depth by feature index, where each value
#' is the number of times the feature was split on at that depth.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Train a quantile forest.
#' n <- 250
#' p <- 10
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' Y <- X[, 1] * rnorm(n)
#' q.forest <- quantile_forest(X, Y, quantiles = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))
#' # Calculate the split frequencies for this forest.
#' split_frequencies(q.forest)
#' }
#' @export
split_frequencies <- function(forest, max.depth = 4) {
  raw <- compute_split_frequencies(forest, max.depth)
  feature.indices <- 1:ncol(forest$X.orig)
  raw[, feature.indices, drop = FALSE]

#' Calculate a simple measure of 'importance' for each feature.
#' A simple weighted sum of how many times feature i was split on at each depth in the forest.
#' @param forest The trained forest.
#' @param decay.exponent A tuning parameter that controls the importance of split depth.
#' @param max.depth Maximum depth of splits to consider.
#' @return A list specifying an 'importance value' for each feature.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Train a quantile forest.
#' n <- 250
#' p <- 10
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' Y <- X[, 1] * rnorm(n)
#' q.forest <- quantile_forest(X, Y, quantiles = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))
#' # Calculate the 'importance' of each feature.
#' variable_importance(q.forest)
#' }
#' @export
variable_importance <- function(forest, decay.exponent = 2, max.depth = 4) {
  split.freq <- split_frequencies(forest, max.depth)
  split.freq <- split.freq / pmax(1L, rowSums(split.freq))
  weight <- seq_len(nrow(split.freq))^-decay.exponent
  t(split.freq) %*% weight / sum(weight)

#' Given a trained forest and test data, compute the kernel weights for each test point.
#' During normal prediction, these weights (named alpha in the GRF paper) are computed as an intermediate
#' step towards producing estimates. This function allows for examining the weights directly, so they
#' could be potentially be used as the input to a different analysis.
#' @param forest The trained forest.
#' @param newdata Points at which predictions should be made. If NULL,
#'                makes out-of-bag predictions on the training set instead
#'                (i.e., provides predictions at Xi using only trees that did
#'                not use the i-th training example).
#' @param num.threads Number of threads used in training. If set to NULL, the software
#'                    automatically selects an appropriate amount.
#' @return A sparse matrix where each row represents a test sample, and each column is a sample in the
#'         training data. The value at (i, j) gives the weight of training sample j for test sample i.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' p <- 10
#' n <- 100
#' X <- matrix(2 * runif(n * p) - 1, n, p)
#' Y <- (X[, 1] > 0) + 2 * rnorm(n)
#' rrf <- regression_forest(X, Y, mtry = p)
#' forest.weights.oob <- get_forest_weights(rrf)
#' n.test <- 15
#' X.test <- matrix(2 * runif(n.test * p) - 1, n.test, p)
#' forest.weights <- get_forest_weights(rrf, X.test)
#' }
#' @export
get_forest_weights <- function(forest, newdata = NULL, num.threads = NULL) {
  num.threads <- validate_num_threads(num.threads)

  forest.short <- forest[-which(names(forest) == "X.orig")]
  X <- forest[["X.orig"]]
  train.data <- create_train_matrices(X)
  args <- list(forest.object = forest.short,
               num.threads = num.threads)

  if (!is.null(newdata)) {
    test.data <- create_test_matrices(newdata)
    validate_newdata(newdata, X, allow.na = TRUE)
    do.call.rcpp(compute_weights, c(train.data, test.data, args))
  } else {
    do.call.rcpp(compute_weights_oob, c(train.data, args))

#' Find the leaf node for a test sample.
#' Given a GRF tree object, compute the leaf node a test sample falls into. The nodes in a GRF tree
#' are numbered breadth first, and the returned numbers will be the leaf integer according
#' to this ordering. To get kernel weights based on leaf membership, see the function
#' \code{\link{get_forest_weights}}.
#' @param tree A GRF tree object (retrieved by `get_tree`).
#' @param newdata Points at which leaf predictions should be made.
#' @param node.id Boolean indicating whether to return the node.id for each query sample (default), or
#'  if FALSE, a list of node numbers with the samples contained.
#' @return A vector of integers indicating the leaf number for each sample in the given tree.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' p <- 10
#' n <- 100
#' X <- matrix(2 * runif(n * p) - 1, n, p)
#' Y <- (X[, 1] > 0) + 2 * rnorm(n)
#' r.forest <- regression_forest(X, Y, num.tree = 50)
#' n.test <- 5
#' X.test <- matrix(2 * runif(n.test * p) - 1, n.test, p)
#' tree <- get_tree(r.forest, 1)
#' # Get a vector of node numbers for each sample.
#' get_leaf_node(tree, X.test)
#' # Get a list of samples per node.
#' get_leaf_node(tree, X.test, node.id = FALSE)
#' }
#' @export
get_leaf_node <- function(tree, newdata, node.id = TRUE) {
  if (!("grf_tree" %in% class(tree))) {
    stop("get_leaf_node is only implemented for class `grf_tree`")
  validate_X(newdata, allow.na = TRUE)
  num.samples <- nrow(newdata)
  num.features <- ncol(newdata)
  leaf.nodes <- rep(0, num.samples)

  for (i in 1:num.samples) {
    # Start at root node
    node <- 1
    # The following logic is verbatim from "Tree.cpp::find_leaf_node"
    # `isTRUE(value <= split_val)` is to emulate C++ logic where any
    # boolean operator with NA operand evaluates to FALSE.
    while (TRUE) {
      if (tree$nodes[[node]]$is_leaf) {
      split_var <- tree$nodes[[node]]$split_variable
      split_val <- tree$nodes[[node]]$split_value
      if (split_var > num.features) {
        stop("Test data with fewer features than original training data provided.")
      value <- newdata[i, split_var]
      send_na_left <- tree$nodes[[node]]$send_missing_left
      if (
          (isTRUE(value <= split_val)) || # ordinary split
          (send_na_left && is.na(value)) || # are we sending NaN left
          (is.na(split_val) && is.na(value)) # are we splitting on NaN
        ) {
        # Move to the left child
        node <- tree$nodes[[node]]$left_child
      } else {
        # Move to the right child
        node <- tree$nodes[[node]]$right_child
    leaf.nodes[i] <- node

  if (node.id) {
    return (leaf.nodes)
  } else {
    return (split(1:nrow(newdata), leaf.nodes))

leaf_stats <- function(forest, samples) UseMethod("leaf_stats")

#' A default leaf_stats for forests classes without a leaf_stats method
#' that always returns NULL.
#' @param forest Any forest
#' @param samples The samples to include in the calculations.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (currently ignored).
#' @return NULL
#' @method leaf_stats default
#' @keywords internal
leaf_stats.default <- function(forest, samples, ...) {

#' Calculate summary stats given a set of samples for regression forests.
#' @param forest The GRF forest
#' @param samples The samples to include in the calculations.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (currently ignored).
#' @return A named vector containing summary stats
#' @method leaf_stats regression_forest
#' @keywords internal
leaf_stats.regression_forest <- function(forest, samples, ...) {
  leaf_stats <- c()
  leaf_stats["avg_Y"] <- round(mean(forest$Y.orig[samples]), 2)

#' Calculate summary stats given a set of samples for causal forests.
#' @param forest The GRF forest
#' @param samples The samples to include in the calculations.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (currently ignored).
#' @return A named vector containing summary stats
#' @method leaf_stats causal_forest
#' @keywords internal
leaf_stats.causal_forest <- function(forest, samples, ...) {
  leaf_stats <- c()
  leaf_stats["avg_Y"] <- round(mean(forest$Y.orig[samples]), 2)
  leaf_stats["avg_W"] <- round(mean(forest$W.orig[samples]), 2)

#' Calculate summary stats given a set of samples for instrumental forests.
#' @param forest The GRF forest
#' @param samples The samples to include in the calculations.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (currently ignored).
#' @return A named vector containing summary stats
#' @method leaf_stats instrumental_forest
#' @keywords internal
leaf_stats.instrumental_forest <- function(forest, samples, ...) {

  leaf_stats <- c()
  leaf_stats["avg_Y"] <- round(mean(forest$Y.orig[samples]), 2)
  leaf_stats["avg_W"] <- round(mean(forest$W.orig[samples]), 2)
  leaf_stats["avg_Z"] <- round(mean(forest$Z.orig[samples]), 2)

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