
Defines functions validate_sandwich validate_subset do.call.rcpp observation_weights create_test_matrices create_train_matrices validate_sample_weights validate_newdata validate_ll_cutoff validate_ll_path validate_ll_lambda validate_ll_vars validate_boost_error_reduction validate_equalize_cluster_weights validate_clusters validate_num_threads validate_observations validate_X

validate_X <- function(X, allow.na = FALSE) {
  valid.classes <- c("matrix", "data.frame")

  if (!inherits(X, valid.classes)) {
      "Currently the only supported data input types are:",
      "`matrix`, `data.frame`"

  if (!is.numeric(as.matrix(X))) {
      "The feature matrix X must be numeric. GRF does not",
      "currently support non-numeric features. If factor variables",
      "are required, we recommend one of the following: Either",
      "represent the factor with a 1-vs-all expansion,",
      "(e.g., using model.matrix(~. , data=X)), or then encode the factor",
      "as a numeric via any natural ordering (e.g., if the factor is a month).",
      "For more on GRF and categorical variables see the online vignette:",

  has.missing.values <- anyNA(X)

  if (!allow.na && has.missing.values) {
    stop("The feature matrix X contains at least one NA.")


validate_observations <- function(V, X, allow.matrix = FALSE) {
  if (!allow.matrix) {
    if (is.matrix(V) && ncol(V) == 1) {
      V <- as.vector(V)
    } else if (!is.vector(V)) {
      stop("Observations (W, Y, Z or D) must be vectors.")
  } else {
    if (is.matrix(V) || is.data.frame(V) || is.vector(V)) {
      V <- as.matrix(V)
    } else {
      stop("Observations Y must be either a vector/matrix/data.frame.")

  if (!is.numeric(V) && !is.logical(V)) {
      "Observations (W, Y, Z or D) must be numeric. GRF does not ",
      "currently support non-numeric observations."

  if (anyNA(V)) {
    stop("The vector of observations (W, Y, Z or D) contains at least one NA.")

  if (NROW(V) != nrow(X)) {
    stop("length of observation (W, Y, Z or D) does not equal nrow(X).")

validate_num_threads <- function(num.threads) {
  if (is.null(num.threads)) {
    num.threads <- 0
  } else if (!is.numeric(num.threads) | num.threads < 0) {
    stop("Error: Invalid value for num.threads")

validate_clusters <- function(clusters, X) {
  if (is.null(clusters) || length(clusters) == 0) {
    return(vector(mode = "numeric", length = 0))
  if (mode(clusters) != "numeric") {
    stop("Clusters must be able to be coerced to a numeric vector.")
  clusters <- as.numeric(clusters)
  if (!all(clusters == floor(clusters))) {
    stop("Clusters vector cannot contain floating point values.")
  } else if (length(clusters) != nrow(X)) {
    stop("Clusters vector has incorrect length.")
  } else {
    # convert to integers between 0 and n clusters
    clusters <- as.numeric(as.factor(clusters)) - 1

validate_equalize_cluster_weights <- function(equalize.cluster.weights, clusters, sample.weights) {
  if (is.null(clusters) || length(clusters) == 0) {
  cluster_size_counts <- table(clusters)
  if (equalize.cluster.weights == TRUE) {
    samples.per.cluster <- min(cluster_size_counts)
    if (!is.null(sample.weights)) {
      stop("If equalize.cluster.weights is TRUE, sample.weights must be NULL.")
  } else if (equalize.cluster.weights == FALSE) {
    samples.per.cluster <- max(cluster_size_counts)
  } else {
    stop("equalize.cluster.weights must be either TRUE or FALSE.")


validate_boost_error_reduction <- function(boost.error.reduction) {
  if (boost.error.reduction < 0 || boost.error.reduction > 1) {
    stop("boost.error.reduction must be between 0 and 1")

validate_ll_vars <- function(linear.correction.variables, num.cols) {
  if (is.null(linear.correction.variables)) {
    linear.correction.variables <- 1:num.cols
  if (min(linear.correction.variables) < 1) {
    stop("Linear correction variables must take positive integer values.")
  } else if (max(linear.correction.variables) > num.cols) {
    stop("Invalid range of correction variables.")
  } else if (!is.vector(linear.correction.variables) ||
    !all(linear.correction.variables == floor(linear.correction.variables))) {
    stop("Linear correction variables must be a vector of integers.")

validate_ll_lambda <- function(lambda) {
  if (lambda < 0) {
    stop("Lambda cannot be negative.")
  } else if (!is.numeric(lambda) || length(lambda) > 1) {
    stop("Lambda must be a scalar.")

validate_ll_path <- function(lambda.path) {
  if (is.null(lambda.path)) {
    lambda.path <- c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 10)
  } else if (min(lambda.path) < 0) {
    stop("Lambda values cannot be negative.")
  } else if (!is.numeric(lambda.path)) {
    stop("Lambda values must be numeric.")

validate_ll_cutoff <- function(ll.split.cutoff,  num.rows) {
   if (is.null(ll.split.cutoff)) {
     ll.split.cutoff <- floor(sqrt(num.rows))
   } else if (!is.numeric(ll.split.cutoff) || length(ll.split.cutoff) > 1) {
     stop("LL split cutoff must be NULL or a scalar")
   } else if (ll.split.cutoff < 0 || ll.split.cutoff > num.rows) {
     stop("Invalid range for LL split cutoff")

validate_newdata <- function(newdata, X, allow.na = FALSE) {
  validate_X(newdata, allow.na = allow.na)
  if (ncol(newdata) != ncol(X)) {
    stop("newdata must have the same number of columns as the training matrix.")

validate_sample_weights <- function(sample.weights, X) {
  if (!is.null(sample.weights)) {
    if (length(sample.weights) != nrow(X)) {
      stop("sample.weights has incorrect length")
    if (anyNA(sample.weights) || any(sample.weights < 0) || any(is.infinite(sample.weights))) {
      stop("sample.weights must be nonnegative and without missing values")

# Indices are offset by 1 for C++.
create_train_matrices <- function(X,
                                  outcome = NULL,
                                  treatment = NULL,
                                  instrument = NULL,
                                  survival.numerator = NULL,
                                  survival.denominator = NULL,
                                  censor = NULL,
                                  sample.weights = FALSE) {
  out <- list()
  offset <- ncol(X) - 1
  if (!is.null(outcome)) {
    out[["outcome.index"]] <- (offset + 1):(offset + NCOL(outcome))
    offset <- offset + NCOL(outcome)
  if (!is.null(treatment)) {
    out[["treatment.index"]] <- (offset + 1):(offset + NCOL(treatment))
    offset <- offset + NCOL(treatment)
  if (!is.null(instrument)) {
    out[["instrument.index"]] <- offset + 1
    offset <- offset + 1
  if (!is.null(survival.numerator)) {
    out[["causal.survival.numerator.index"]] <- offset + 1
    offset <- offset + 1
  if (!is.null(survival.denominator)) {
    out[["causal.survival.denominator.index"]] <- offset + 1
    offset <- offset + 1
  if (!is.null(censor)) {
    out[["censor.index"]] <- offset + 1
    offset <- offset + 1
  # Forest bindings without sample weights: sample.weights = FALSE
  # Forest bindings with sample weights:
  # -sample.weights = NULL if no weights passed
  # -sample.weights = numeric vector if passed
  if (is.logical(sample.weights)) {
    sample.weights <- NULL
  } else {
    out[["sample.weight.index"]] <- offset + 1
    if (is.null(sample.weights)) {
      out[["use.sample.weights"]] <- FALSE
    } else {
      out[["use.sample.weights"]] <- TRUE

  X <- as.matrix(X)
  out[["train.matrix"]] <- as.matrix(cbind(X, outcome, treatment, instrument, survival.numerator, survival.denominator, censor, sample.weights))


create_test_matrices <- function(X) {
  out <- list()
  out[["test.matrix"]] <- as.matrix(X)


observation_weights <- function(forest) {
  # Case 1: No sample.weights
  if (is.null(forest$sample.weights)) {
    if (length(forest$clusters) == 0 || !forest$equalize.cluster.weights) {
      raw.weights <- rep(1, NROW(forest$Y.orig))
    } else {
      # If clustering with no sample.weights provided and equalize.cluster.weights = TRUE, then
      # give each observation weight 1/cluster size, so that the total weight of each cluster is the same.
      clust.factor <- factor(forest$clusters)
      inverse.counts <- 1 / as.numeric(Matrix::colSums(Matrix::sparse.model.matrix(~ clust.factor + 0)))
      raw.weights <- inverse.counts[as.numeric(clust.factor)]

  # Case 2: sample.weights provided
  if (!is.null(forest$sample.weights)) {
    if (length(forest$clusters) == 0 || !forest$equalize.cluster.weights) {
      raw.weights <- forest$sample.weights
    } else {
      stop("Specifying non-null sample.weights is not allowed when equalize.cluster.weights = TRUE")

  return (raw.weights / sum(raw.weights))

# Call the grf Rcpp bindings (argument_names) with R argument.names
# All the bindings argument names (C++) have underscores: sample_weights, train_matrix, etc.
# On the R side each variable name is written as sample.weights, train.matrix, etc.
# This function simply replaces the underscores in the passed argument names with dots.
do.call.rcpp = function(what, args, quote = FALSE, envir = parent.frame()) {
  names(args) = gsub("\\.", "_", names(args))
  do.call(what, args, quote, envir)

validate_subset <- function(forest, subset) {
  if (is.null(subset)) {
    subset <- 1:NROW(forest$Y.orig)
  if (is.logical(subset) && length(subset) == NROW(forest$Y.orig)) {
    subset <- which(subset)
  if (!all(subset %in% 1:NROW(forest$Y.orig))) {
      "If specified, subset must be a vector contained in 1:n,",
      "or a boolean vector of length n."

# Up until version 3.0.x, the sandwich package did not handle SE's when
# some sample weights were 0. For code that relies on this package and
# that might encounter 0 weights, we provide guidance below.
validate_sandwich <- function(subset.weights) {
  if (any(subset.weights == 0)) {
    if (utils::packageVersion("sandwich") < numeric_version("3.1.0")) {
        "Some sample weights are zero. This requires package `sandwich` version 3.1.0 or greater.",
        "An alternative work-around is to use the optional `subset` argument, if available,",
        "to specify non-zero samples: `subset = sample.weights > 0, or to re-train the forest",
        "excluding zero-weighted observations."

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grf documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:20 p.m.