
Defines functions glm.gt

Documented in glm.gt

#' EM Algorithm for Fitting Regression Models to Group Testing Data
#' This function implements an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to fit regression models to group testing data, where pooled responses are related to individual covariates through a link function in the generalized linear model (GLM) family. The EM algorithm, which is outlined in Warasi (2021), finds the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) for the vector of regression coefficients, \strong{beta}. The EM algorithm can model pooling data observed from \strong{any} group testing protocol used in practice, including hierarchical and array testing (Kim et al., 2007).
#' @useDynLib groupTesting, .registration=TRUE
#' @param beta0 An initial value for the regression coefficients.
#' @param gtData A matrix or data.frame consisting of the pooled test outcomes and other information from a group testing application. Needs to be specified as shown in the example below.
#' @param X The design matrix.
#' @param g An inverse link function in the GLM family.
#' @param dg The first derivate of \code{g}. When NULL, a finite-difference approximation will be used.
#' @param d2g The second derivate of \code{g}. When NULL, a finite-difference approximation will be used.
#' @param grdMethod The finite-difference approximation method to be used for \code{dg} and \code{d2g}. See 'Details'.
#' @param covariance When TRUE, the covariance matrix is calculated at the MLE. 
#' @param nburn The number of initial Gibbs iterates to be discarded.
#' @param ngit The number of Gibbs iterates to be used in the E-step after discarding \code{nburn} iterates as a burn-in period.
#' @param maxit The maximum number of EM steps (iterations) allowed in the EM algorithm.
#' @param tol Convergence tolerance used in the EM algorithm.
#' @param tracing When TRUE, progress in the EM algorithm is displayed.
#' @param conf.level Confidence level to be used for the Wald confidence interval.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{optim}}. See 'Details'.
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @importFrom pracma fderiv
#' @details
#' \code{gtData} must be specified as follows. Columns 1-5 consist of the pooled test outcomes (0 for negative and 1 for positive), pool sizes, pool-specific sensitivities, pool-specific specificities, and assay identification (ID) numbers, respectively. From column 6 onward, the pool member ID numbers need to be specified. Note that the ID numbers must start with 1 and increase consecutively up to \code{N}, the total number of individuals tested. \strong{For smaller pools, incomplete ID numbers must be filled out by -9 or any non-positive numbers} as shown in the example below. The design matrix \code{X} consists of invidual covariate information, such as age, sex, and symptoms, of the pool members located in column 6 onward.
#' |     |  Z  |  psz  |   Se   |   Sp   |  Assay  |  Mem1  |  Mem2  |  Mem3  |  Mem4  |  Mem5  |  Mem6  |
#' |:---:|:---:|:-----:|:------:|:------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|       
#' | Pool:1   |  1  |   6   |  0.90  |  0.92  |    1    |    1    |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |
#' | Pool:2   |  0  |   6   |  0.90  |  0.92  |    1    |    7    |    8    |    9    |   10    |    11   |   12    |
#' | Pool:3   |  1  |   2   |  0.95  |  0.96  |    2    |    1    |    2    |   -9    |   -9    |    -9   |   -9    |
#' | Pool:4   |  0  |   2   |  0.95  |  0.96  |    2    |    3    |    4    |   -9    |   -9    |    -9   |   -9    |
#' | Pool:5   |  1  |   2   |  0.95  |  0.96  |    2    |    5    |    6    |   -9    |   -9    |    -9   |   -9    |
#' | Pool:6   |  0  |   1   |  0.92  |  0.90  |    3    |    1    |   -9    |   -9    |   -9    |    -9   |   -9    |
#' | Pool:7   |  1  |   1   |  0.92  |  0.90  |    3    |    2    |   -9    |   -9    |   -9    |    -9   |   -9    |
#' | Pool:8   |  0  |   1   |  0.92  |  0.90  |    3    |    5    |   -9    |   -9    |   -9    |    -9   |   -9    |
#' | Pool:9   |  0  |   1   |  0.92  |  0.90  |    3    |    6    |   -9    |   -9    |   -9    |    -9   |   -9    |
#' This is an example of \code{gtData}, where 12 individuals are assigned to 2 non-overlapping initial pools and then tested based on the 3-stage hierarchical protocol. The test outcomes, \code{Z}, from 9 pools are in column 1. In three stages, different pool sizes (6, 2, and 1), sensitivities, specificities, and assays are used. The ID numbers of the pool members are shown in columns 6-11. The row names and column names are not required. Note that the EM algorithm can accommodate any group testing data including those described in Kim et al. (2007). For individual testing data, the pool size in column 2 is 1 for all pools.
#' \code{X} is an \eqn{N}x\eqn{k} design matrix, where each column represents a vector of individual covariate values. For an intercept model, the first column values must be 1. The column (covariate) names of X, such as 'age' and 'sex', will be displayed in the estimation summary. When column names are missing (NULL), the names that will be displayed by default are 'Intercept', 'x1', 'x2', and so on.
#' The EM algorithm implements a Gibbs sampler to approximate the expectation in the E-step. Under each EM iteration, \code{ngit} Gibbs samples are retained for these purposes after discarding the initial \code{nburn} samples.  
#' \code{g} relates the pooled responses Z (column 1 in \code{gtData}) to \code{X}. \code{dg} and \code{d2g} can be specified analogously. These characteristics can be obtained from \code{\link{glmLink}} for the common links: logit, probit, and complementary log-log.
#' \code{grdMethod} is used only when dg and d2g are NULL, where a finite-difference approximation is implemented by the function \code{fderiv} from the package 'pracma'.
#' The optimization routine \code{\link{optim}} is used to complete the M-step with the default method 'Nelder-Mead'. The argument ... allows the user to change the default method as well as other arguments in \code{\link{optim}}.  
#' The covariance matrix is calculated by an appeal to the missing data principle and the method outlined in Louis (1982).
#' @return A list with components:
#' \item{param}{The MLE of the regression coefficients.}
#' \item{covariance}{Estimated covariance matrix for the regression coefficients.}
#' \item{iterUsed}{The number of EM iterations needed for convergence.}
#' \item{convergence}{0 if the EM algorithm converges successfully and 1 if the iteration limit \code{maxit} has been reached.}
#' \item{summary}{Estimation summary with Wald confidence interval.}
#' @export
#' @references
#' Kim HY, Hudgens M, Dreyfuss J, Westreich D, and Pilcher C. (2007). Comparison of Group Testing Algorithms for Case Identification in the Presence of Testing Error. \emph{Biometrics}, 63:1152-1163.
#' Louis T. (1982). Finding the Observed Information Matrix when Using the EM algorithm. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B}, 44:226-233.
#' Vansteelandt S, Goetghebeur E, and Verstraeten T. (2000). Regression Models for Disease Prevalence with Diagnostic Tests on Pools of Serum Samples. \emph{Biometrics}, 56:1126-1133. 
#' Warasi M. (2021). groupTesting: An R Package for Group Testing Estimation. \emph{Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation}. Published online on Dec 9, 2021.
#' Available at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03610918.2021.2009867
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{hier.gt.simulation}} and \code{\link{array.gt.simulation}} for group testing data simulation, and \code{\link{prop.gt}} for estimation of a disease prevalence from group testing data.
#' @examples
#' library(groupTesting)
#' ## To illustrate 'glm.gt', we use data simulated  
#' ## by the functions 'hier.gt.simulation' and 'array.gt.simulation'.
#' ## Note: The simulated data-structures are consistent  
#' ## with the data-structure required for 'gtData'.
#' ## Example 1: MLE from 3-stage hierarchical group testing data.
#' ## The data used is simulated by 'hier.gt.simulation'. 
#' N <- 200              # Sample size
#' S <- 3                # 3-stage hierarchical testing
#' psz <- c(6,2,1)       # Pool sizes used in stages 1-3
#' Se <- c(.95,.95,.98)  # Sensitivities in stages 1-3
#' Sp <- c(.95,.98,.96)  # Specificities in stages 1-3
#' assayID <- c(1,2,3)   # Assays used in stages 1-3
#' param.t <- c(-3,2,1)  # The TRUE parameter to be estimated
#' # Simulating covariates:
#' set.seed(123)
#' x1 <- rnorm(N, mean=0, sd=0.75)
#' x2 <- rbinom(N, size=1, prob=0.5)
#' X <- cbind(1, x1, x2)
#' colnames( X ) <- c("Intercept", "Predictor 1", "Predictor 2")
#' # Note: Because the 1st column of X is 1, intercept model will be fit.
#' # Specifying logit inverse link:
#' g <- function(t){exp(t)/(1+exp(t))}  
#' pReg <- g(X%*%param.t)
#' # Simulating test responses:
#' gtOut <- hier.gt.simulation(N,pReg,S,psz,Se,Sp,assayID)$gtData
#' # Fitting the model (with intercept):
#' param0 <- param.t + 0.2   # Initial value
#' res <- glm.gt(beta0=param0,gtData=gtOut,X=X,
#'               g=g,dg=NULL,d2g=NULL,
#'               grdMethod="central",covariance=TRUE,
#'               nburn=2000,ngit=5000,maxit=200,
#'               tol=1e-03,tracing=TRUE,conf.level=0.95)
#' # Note: Because dg and d2g are NULL (i.e., the exact derivatives
#' #       are not given), numerical derivatives are used.
#' # Estimation results:
#' # > res
#' # $param
#' # [1] -2.840802  1.992916  0.677176
#' # $covariance
#' #            [,1]        [,2]        [,3]
#' # [1,]  0.2134439 -0.10147555 -0.16693776
#' # [2,] -0.1014756  0.16855122  0.02997113
#' # [3,] -0.1669378  0.02997113  0.26324589
#' # $iterUsed
#' # [1] 10
#' # $convergence
#' # [1] 0
#' # $summary
#' #             Estimate Std.Err 95%lower 95%upper
#' # Intercept     -2.841   0.462   -3.746   -1.935
#' # Predictor 1    1.993   0.411    1.188    2.798
#' # Predictor 2    0.677   0.513   -0.328    1.683
#' ## Example 2: MLE from two-dimensional array testing data.
#' ## The data used is simulated by 'array.gt.simulation'. 
#' N <- 200            # Sample size
#' protocol <- "A2"     # 2-stage array without testing initial master pool
#' n <- 5               # Row/column size
#' Se <- c(0.95, 0.95)  # Sensitivities
#' Sp <- c(0.98, 0.98)  # Specificities
#' assayID <- c(1, 1)   # The same assay in both stages
#' param <- c(-4,1,1)   # The TRUE parameter to be estimated
#' # Simulating data:
#' set.seed(123)
#' x1 <- runif(N)
#' x2 <- rnorm(N, mean=0, sd=0.5)
#' x3 <- rbinom(N, size=1, prob=0.5)
#' X <- cbind(x1, x2, x3)
#' # Note: Because the 1st column of X is not 1, 
#' #       the model without intercept will be fit.
#' # Finding g, dg, and d2g from the function 'glmLink':  
#' res0 <- glmLink(fn.name="logit")  
#' g <- res0$g            # Logit inverse link g()
#' dg <- res0$dg          # The exact first derivate of g
#' d2g <- res0$d2g        # The exact second derivate of g
#' pReg <- g(X%*%param)   # Individual probabilities
#' gtOut <- array.gt.simulation(N,pReg,protocol,n,Se,Sp,assayID)$gtData
#' # Fitting the model (without intercept):
#' param0 <- param + 0.2 
#' res <- glm.gt(beta0=param0,gtData=gtOut,X=X,g=g,                  
#'               dg=dg,d2g=d2g,covariance=TRUE,
#'               nburn=2000,ngit=5000,maxit=200,
#'               tol=1e-03,tracing=TRUE,conf.level=0.95)
#' print(res)
#' \donttest{
#' ## Example 3: MLE from non-overlapping initial pooled responses.
#' ## The data used is simulated by 'hier.gt.simulation'.
#' ## Note: With initial pooled responses, our MLE is equivalent  
#' ## to the MLE in Vansteelandt et al. (2000).
#' N <- 1000             # Sample size
#' psz <- 5              # Pool size
#' S <- 1                # 1-stage testing
#' Se <- 0.95            # Sensitivity
#' Sp <- 0.99            # Specificity
#' assayID <- 1          # Assay used for all pools
#' param <- c(-3,2,1)    # The TRUE parameter to be estimated
#' # Simulating data:
#' set.seed(123)
#' x1 <- rnorm(N, mean=0, sd=0.75)
#' x2 <- rbinom(N, size=1, prob=0.5)
#' X <- cbind(1, x1, x2)
#' # Finding g, dg, and d2g by the function 'glmLink':  
#' res0 <- glmLink(fn.name="probit")  # Probit link
#' g <- res0$g
#' dg <- res0$dg
#' d2g <- res0$d2g
#' pReg <- g(X%*%param)
#' gtOut <- hier.gt.simulation(N,pReg,S,psz,Se,Sp,assayID)$gtData
#' # Fitting the model:
#' param0 <- param + 0.2
#' res <- glm.gt(beta0=param0,gtData=gtOut,X=X,g=g,                 
#'                  dg=dg,d2g=d2g,covariance=TRUE,
#'                  nburn=2000,ngit=5000,maxit=200,
#'                  tol=1e-03,tracing=TRUE,conf.level=0.95)
#' print(res)
#' ## Example 4: MLE from individual (one-by-one) testing data.
#' ## The data used is simulated by 'hier.gt.simulation'.
#' N <- 1000             # Sample size
#' psz <- 1              # Pool size 1 (i.e., individual testing)
#' S <- 1                # 1-stage testing
#' Se <- 0.95            # Sensitivity
#' Sp <- 0.99            # Specificity
#' assayID <- 1          # Assay used for all pools
#' param <- c(-3,2,1)    # The TRUE parameter to be estimated
#' # Simulating data:
#' set.seed(123)
#' x1 <- rnorm(N, mean=0, sd=0.75)
#' x2 <- rbinom(N, size=1, prob=0.5)
#' X <- cbind(1, x1, x2)
#' g <- function(t){exp(t)/(1+exp(t))}  # Inverse logit 
#' pReg <- g(X%*%param)
#' gtOut <- hier.gt.simulation(N,pReg,S,psz,Se,Sp,assayID)$gtData
#' # Fitting the model:
#' param0 <- param + 0.2 
#' res <- glm.gt(beta0=param0,gtData=gtOut,
#'               X=X,g=g,dg=NULL,d2g=NULL,
#'               grdMethod="central",covariance=TRUE,
#'               nburn=2000,ngit=5000,maxit=200,
#'               tol=1e-03,tracing=TRUE,conf.level=0.95)
#' print(res)
#' ## Example 5: Using pooled testing data.
#' # Pooled test outcomes:
#' Z <- c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)     
#' # Design matrix, X:
#' x1 <- c(0.8,1.2,0.4,1.5,1.8,1.8,0.1,1.6,0.2,0.2,1.8,0.2)
#' x2 <- c(31,56,45,64,26,47,22,60,35,41,32,41)
#' X <- cbind(x1, x2)
#' # Pool sizes used:
#' psz <- c(6, 6, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1)
#' # Pool-specific Se & Sp:
#' Se <- c(.90, .90, .95, .95, .95, .92, .92, .92, .92)
#' Sp <- c(.92, .92, .96, .96, .96, .90, .90, .90, .90)
#' # Assays used:
#' Assay <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3)
#' # Pool members:
#' Memb <- rbind( 
#'    c(1, 2,  3,  4,  5,  6),
#'    c(7, 8,  9, 10, 11, 12),
#'    c(1, 2, -9, -9, -9, -9),
#'    c(3, 4, -9, -9, -9, -9),
#'    c(5, 6, -9, -9, -9, -9),
#'    c(1,-9, -9, -9, -9, -9),
#'    c(2,-9, -9, -9, -9, -9),
#'    c(5,-9, -9, -9, -9, -9),
#'    c(6,-9, -9, -9, -9, -9)
#' )
#' # The data-structure suited for 'gtData':
#' gtOut <- cbind(Z, psz, Se, Sp, Assay, Memb)
#' # Fitting the model with logit link:
#' g <- function(t){exp(t)/(1+exp(t))} 
#' param0 <- c(0, 0)      
#' res <- glm.gt(beta0=param0,gtData=gtOut,X=X,                  
#'               g=g,dg=NULL,d2g=NULL,
#'               grdMethod="central",covariance=TRUE,
#'               nburn=2000,ngit=5000,maxit=200,
#'               tol=1e-03,tracing=TRUE,conf.level=0.95)
#' print(res)
#' }
glm.gt <- function(beta0,gtData,X,g,dg=NULL,d2g=NULL,grdMethod=c("central","forward","backward"),covariance=FALSE,nburn=2000,ngit=5000,maxit=200,tol=1e-03,tracing=TRUE,conf.level=0.95,...){

  ## Objective function to be maximized in the M-step
  Q.beta <- function(param,X,eyij){
    p <- apply(X%*%param, 2, g)

  ## This block tracks the individuals assigned to a pool.
  ## Note: 'gtData' must have the required specific structure.
  Memb <- gtData[ ,-(1:5)]
  N <- max(Memb)
  maxAssign <- max(as.numeric(table(Memb[Memb > 0])))
  ytm <- matrix(-9,N,maxAssign)
  tmp <- as.matrix( Memb )
  vec <- 1:nrow(gtData)
  for(d in 1:N){
    tid <- tmp==d
    store <- NULL
    for(i in 1:ncol(tmp)){
      store <- c(store,vec[tid[ ,i]])
    ytm[d,1:length(store)] <- sort(store)

  ## Generating individual true disease statuses
  ## at the initial parameter value beta0
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  Yt <- stats::rbinom(N,1,apply(X%*%beta0,2,g))
  Ytmat <- cbind(Yt,rowSums(ytm>0),ytm)

  ## Some global variables  
  Ycol <- ncol(Ytmat)
  SeSp <- gtData[ ,3:4]
  Z <- gtData[ ,-(3:5)]
  Zrow <- nrow(Z)
  Zcol <- ncol(Z)

  ## The total number of Gibbs iterates
  GI <- ngit + nburn

  ## Initial value of the parameter
  param1 <- beta0
  param0 <- beta0 + 2*tol
  s <- 1
  convergence <- 0

  ## The EM algorithm starts here  
  while(max(abs(param1-param0)) > tol){  # Start iterating
    param0 <- param1
	  pvec <- apply(X%*%param0, 2, g)
    U <- matrix(stats::runif(N*GI),nrow=N,ncol=GI)

    ## Gibbs sampling in Fortran to approximate the E-step
    res1 <- .Call("gbsonedsreg_c",as.double(pvec),as.integer(Ytmat),as.integer(Z),
    ey <- res1/ngit

    ## M-step: The parameter beta is updated here
    param1 <- stats::optim(par=param0,fn=Q.beta,X=X,eyij=ey,hessian=FALSE, ...)$par

    ## Terminate the EM algorithm if it exceeds max iteration
	if(s >= maxit){
      convergence <- 1
    s <- s + 1
      cat(s-1, param1, "\n")

  ## Covariance matrix in Fortran using Louis's (1982) method
  covr2 <- NULL
    if( !is.null(dg) ){
      dG <- apply(X%*%param1, 2, dg)
      dG <- pracma::fderiv(g,X%*%param1,n=1,method=grdMethod)
    if( !is.null(d2g) ){
      d2G <- apply(X%*%param1, 2, d2g)
      d2G <- pracma::fderiv(g,X%*%param1,n=2,method=grdMethod)
    blen <- length(param1)
    pvec <- apply(X%*%param1, 2, g)
    U <- matrix(stats::runif(N*GI),nrow=N,ncol=GI)
    Info <- .Call("cvondknacreg_c",as.double(dG),as.double(d2G),as.integer(blen),
    covr2 <- solve( Info )

  ## Univariate Wald Inference
  betaHat <- param1
  blen <- length(betaHat)
    vbeta <- diag(covr2)
    se <- sqrt(vbeta)
    z <- rep(-9, blen)
    CI <- matrix(-9, blen, 2)
    alternative <- rep("two.sided",blen)
    for(i in 1:blen){
      z[i] <- qnorm(ifelse(alternative[i]=="two.sided",
      ## Find the confidence interval:
      CI[i, ] <- c(betaHat[i]-z[i]*se[i],betaHat[i]+z[i]*se[i])
    ## Organizing and reporting the output:
    res <- data.frame(round(betaHat, 3), round(se, 3),  
                      round(CI[ ,1],3), round(CI[ ,2],3) )
    res <- data.frame( mle=betaHat,se=rep(NA,blen),lower=rep(NA,blen),upper=rep(NA,blen) )

  rownames(res) <- colnames(res) <- NULL
    rownames(res) <- colnames(X) 
    rownames(res) <- c("Intercept",paste(rep("x",blen-1),1:(blen-1),sep=""))
  colnames(res) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Err",                 
                     paste(conf.level*100, "%lower", sep=""),
                     paste(conf.level*100, "%upper", sep=""))

  # Output
  list("param"       = param1,
       "covariance"  = covr2,
	   "iterUsed"    = s-1,
	   "convergence" = convergence,
	   "summary"     = res

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