genCorrMat: Correlation Matrix Generator

genCorrMatR Documentation

Correlation Matrix Generator


Generate correlation matrix between standardized sample mean test statistics for the two endpoint at different looks.


genCorrMat(gammaVec, type, rhoPS = 0)



a vector which contains gamma_(1), ..., gamma_(K-1), gamma_(K), square root of information vector.


type of primary or secondary endpoint. For primary endpoint calculation, type is 1, the returned matrix is K by K. For secondary endpoint calculation, type is 2, the returned matrix is (K+1) by (K+1).


correlation between primary and secondary endpoints.


This function generates correlation matrix between different mean statistics. For more details, refer to Tamhane et al. (2018, Biometrics), section 2.


correlation matrix, K by K for primary endpoint, (K+1) by (K+1) for secondary endpoint, where K is the number of interims.


Jiangtao Gou

Fengqing (Zoe) Zhang


Tamhane, A. C., Gou, J., Jennison, C., Mehta, C. R., and Curto, T. (2018). A gatekeeping procedure to test a primary and a secondary endpoint in a group sequential design with multiple interim looks. Biometrics, 74(1), 40-48. Tamhane, A. C., & Gou, J. (2022). Chapter 2 - Multiple test procedures based on p-values. In X. Cui, T. Dickhaus, Y. Ding, & J. C. Hsu (Eds.), Handbook of multiple comparisons (Vol. 45, pp. 11–34).


corrMat <- genCorrMat(gammaVec=c(sqrt(1/3), sqrt(2/3), 1), type=2, rhoPS = 0.3)

gsrsb documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:02 p.m.

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