
test_that("The `fmt_markdown()` function works correctly", {

  # Create a few Markdown-based text snippets
  text_1a <- "
This is Markdown *text*.

Markdown’s syntax is comprised entirely of
punctuation characters, which punctuation
characters have been carefully chosen so as
to look like what they mean...  assuming
you’ve ever used email.

  text_1b <- "
Info on Markdown syntax can be found

  text_2a <- "
The **gt** package has three datasets.

  text_2b <- "
There's a quick reference [here](https://commonmark.org/help/).
  # Create a `gt_tbl` object with `gt()`
  # and a tibble; format all columns with
  # `fmt_markdown()`
  tab <-
      ~column_1, ~column_2,
      text_1a,   text_2a,
      text_1b,   text_2b,
    ) %>%
    gt() %>%
    fmt_markdown(columns = everything())

  # Expect that the object has the correct classes
  expect_s3_class(tab, c("gt_tbl", "data.frame"))

  # Expect an error when attempting to format a column
  # that does not exist
    tab %>%
      fmt_markdown(columns = "column_3")

  # Compare output of each table cell to the expected
  # HTML output strings
    (tab %>%
       render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["column_1"]][[1]],
      "This is Markdown \\emph{text}.\n\nMarkdown's syntax is comprised entirely of\npunctuation characters, which punctuation\ncharacters have been carefully chosen so as\nto look like what they mean\\ldots{}  assuming\nyou've ever used email."

    (tab %>%
       render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["column_1"]][[2]],
      "Info on Markdown syntax can be found",

    (tab %>%
       render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["column_2"]][[1]],
      "The \\textbf{gt} package has three datasets."

    (tab %>%
       render_formats_test(context = "latex"))[["column_2"]][[2]],
      "There's a quick reference \\href{https://commonmark.org/help/}{here}."

Try the gt package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gt documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:11 a.m.