
## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  warning = FALSE,
  comment = "#>"

## ---- echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE-----------------------------------------------

# list of all the icons used in table
path_figure <- list(

# first make the key to go in the footnote
gt_markdown_key <-
    figure = 1:5,
    desc = c(
      "Output fully supported",
      "Missing indentation, footnotes, spanning headers",
      "No formatted output",
      "Output not supported",
      "Under development, missing indentation"
  ) %>%
  gt() %>%
  cols_label(figure = md("**Key**"), desc = "") %>%
    columns = c(figure),
    colors = scales::col_factor(
      palette = c("#bae1ff", "#ffb3ba", "#ffdfba", "#ffffba", "#baffc9"),
      domain = NULL,
      reverse = TRUE
    alpha = 0.8
  ) %>%
    locations = cells_body(columns = c(figure)),
    fn = function(x) {
        x == 1 ~ local_image(filename = path_figure[[1]], height = 20),
        x == 2 ~ local_image(filename = path_figure[[2]], height = 20),
        x == 3 ~ local_image(filename = path_figure[[3]], height = 20),
        x == 4 ~ local_image(filename = path_figure[[4]], height = 20),
        x == 5 ~ local_image(filename = path_figure[[5]], height = 20)
  ) %>%
    table.font.size = "x-small",
    data_row.padding = px(3),
    column_labels.hidden = TRUE
  ) %>%
  opt_table_lines(extent = "none") %>%
  tab_options(table.align = "left")

# making table with gt
  printer = c("gt", "flextable", "huxtable", "kableExtra", "kable", "tibble"),
  output = c("HTML", "PDF", "RTF", "Word")
) %>%
  purrr::cross_df() %>%
    rating = dplyr::case_when(
      printer == "gt" & output %in% c("HTML", "Word", "PDF") ~ 1, # good output
      printer == "gt" & output %in% c("RTF") ~ 5, # under construction
      printer == "kable" ~ 2, # ok output
      printer == "flextable" & output != "RTF" ~ 1, # good output
      printer == "flextable" & output == "RTF" ~ 4, # not supported
      printer == "kableExtra" & output %in% c("PDF", "HTML") ~ 1, # good output
      printer == "kableExtra" & output %in% c("RTF", "Word") ~ 4, # not supported
      printer == "huxtable" ~ 1, # good output
      printer == "tibble" ~ 3 # not great
    ) %>%
  ) %>%
  tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = printer, names_from = output, values_from = rating) %>%
    link = dplyr::case_when(
      printer == "gt" ~
      printer == "kable" ~
      printer == "flextable" ~
      printer == "kableExtra" ~
      printer == "huxtable" ~
      printer == "tibble" ~
    fns = dplyr::case_when(
      printer == "gt" ~ "`as_gt()`",
      printer == "kable" ~ "`as_kable()`",
      printer == "flextable" ~ "`as_flex_table()`",
      printer == "kableExtra" ~ "`as_kable_extra()`",
      printer == "huxtable" ~ "`as_hux_table()`",
      printer == "tibble" ~ "`as_tibble()`"
  ) %>%
  gt() %>%
  cols_move_to_start(columns = c(link, fns, HTML, Word, PDF, RTF)) %>%
  cols_hide(columns = c(printer)) %>%
    link = md("**Print Engine**"),
    fns = md("**Function**"),
    HTML = md("**HTML**"), PDF = md("**PDF**"),
    RTF = md("**RTF**"), Word = md("**Word**")
  ) %>%
  fmt_markdown(columns = c(fns, link)) %>%
    columns = c(HTML, PDF, RTF, Word),
    colors = scales::col_factor(
      palette = c("#bae1ff", "#ffb3ba", "#ffdfba", "#ffffba", "#baffc9"),
      domain = NULL,
      reverse = TRUE
    alpha = 0.8
  ) %>%
    locations = cells_body(columns = c(HTML, PDF, RTF, Word)),
    fn = function(x) {
        x == 1 ~ local_image(filename = path_figure[[1]]),
        x == 2 ~ local_image(filename = path_figure[[2]]),
        x == 3 ~ local_image(filename = path_figure[[3]]),
        x == 4 ~ local_image(filename = path_figure[[4]]),
        x == 5 ~ local_image(filename = path_figure[[5]])
  ) %>%
    c(HTML, PDF, RTF, Word) ~ px(60),
    c(link) ~ px(110),
    c(link, fns) ~ px(140)
  ) %>%
    source_note = gt_markdown_key %>% as_raw_html() %>% html()
  ) %>%
    table.border.bottom.width = 0

## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
#  tbl_summary(trial) %>%
#    as_flex_table()

## ---- echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
  output = c("**HTML**", "**PDF**", "**RTF**", "**Word**"),
  default_printer = c("**{gt}**", "**kable**", "**kable**", "**flextable**"),
  desc = c(
    "**{gt}** output is fully supported with **HTML** output.",
      "You may force printing with **{gt}** by converting a **{gtsummary}**",
      "object to **{gt}** with `as_gt()`, e.g. `tbl_summary(trial) %>% as_gt()`.",
      "**PDF** output is under development in the **{gt}** package.",
      "You may get a gorgeous table, but you may also get an error or a malformed table."
      "You may force printing with **{gt}** by converting a **{gtsummary}**",
      "object to **{gt}** with `as_gt()`, e.g. `tbl_summary(trial) %>% as_gt()`.",
      "**RTF** output is under development in the **{gt}** package.",
      "You may get a gorgeous table, but you may also get an error or a malformed table."
      "**{flextable}** is the default print engine for **Word** output,",
      "as **{gt}** does not support **Word**. If **{flextable}** is not installed,",
      "**kable** is used."
) %>%
  gt() %>%
  fmt_markdown(columns = everything()) %>%
    output = md("**Output Type**"),
    default_printer = md("**Default Engine**"),
    desc = md("**Details**")
  ) %>%
  tab_options(table.font.size = "small")

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(gtsummary)
#  system.file(package = "gtsummary") %>%
#    file.path("rmarkdown_example/gtsummary_rmarkdown_html.Rmd") %>%
#    file.edit()

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  # build gtsummary table
#  tbl <- tbl_summary(trial)
#  # using the {gt} package
#  as_gt(tbl) %>% gt::as_latex()
#  # using the {huxtable} package
#  as_hux_table(tbl) %>% huxtable::to_latex()
#  # using the {kableExtra} package
#  as_kable_extra(tbl, format = "latex")
#  # using the knitr::kable function
#  as_kable(tbl, format = "latex")

## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
#  tbl_summary(trial) %>% # build gtsummary table
#    as_gt() %>% # convert to gt table
#    gt::gtsave( # save table as image
#      filename = "my_table_image.png"
#    )

Try the gtsummary package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gtsummary documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:27 p.m.