Man pages for gtx
Genetics ToolboX

abf.normalCalculate approximate Bayes factor (ABF) for normal prior.
abf.tCalculate approximate Bayes factor (ABF) for t distribution...
abf.WakefieldCalculate approximate Bayes factor (ABF) using method of...
agtstatsHypertension association statistics for SNPs near the AGT...
align.snpdata.codingUpdate genotype coding when there are coded allele...
allelesABPaste together (vectors of) A and B alleles after sorting...
bp.scoresGenetic risk scores for blood pressure.
cad.scoresGenetic risk scores for coronary artery disease risk
coeff.extractCoefficient extractor for fitted models.
combine.moments2Builds a matrix of second moments for a set of individuals,...
contrasting.rainbowRainbow of colours permuted to maximise contrast.
est.moments2Estimate regression coefficients using quadratic...
fitmixFit finite mixture of univariate Gaussian densities to data.
fitmix.plotPlot empirical density and components and total density for...
fitmix.r2For finite mixture of univariate Gaussian densities, computes...
fitmix.simulateSimulate from finite mixture of univariate Gaussian...
gls.approx.logisticCalculate weights and transformed phenotype so that one...
grs.filter.QrsFilter SNPs for inclusion in genetic risk score using...
grs.make.scoresMake genetic risk scores from individual-level data.
grs.onesnp.applyConvenience tool to fit a series of single-SNP models.
grs.plotDiagnostic plot for genetic risk score calculation from...
grs.summaryGenetic risk score calculation from summary statistics.
gtx-packageGenetics ToolboX
gtx.paramsParameter format for multi-SNP analyses hapmap haplotypes.
hapmap.snpdataExtract individual level snp/haplotype data from HapMap
height.scoresGenetic risk score for height.
lipid.cad.scoresGenetic risk scores for serum lipid levels and coronary...
lipid.scoresGenetic risk scores for serum lipid levels
liver.scoresGenetic risk scores for liver enzyme traits.
lm.moments2Fit normal linear model using pre-built matrix of second...
magic.scoresGenetic risk scores for glucose/insulin traits.
make.moments2Build matrix of second moments from subject-specific data.
mincoverCompute minimum size of cover of overlapping intervals.
moments2Class for summary statistic matrix of second moments.
mthfrexSimulated example finemapping genotype and phenotype data.
multimatchMatch with multiple matching possible.
multipheno.T2Multi-phenotype test for association
ncpCompute non-centrality parameter of chi squared distribution.
parse.snpsParse text representation of a SNP embedded in flanking...
read.snpdata.imputeRead genotype dosages in the format output by IMPUTE.
read.snpdata.machRead genotype dosages in the format output by MACH
read.snpdata.minimacRead genotype dosages in the format output by minimac
read.snpdata.plinkRead genotype dosages in the format output by PLINK.
remap.q2tRemap coordinates from BLAT query sequence to BLAT target...
sanitise.whitespaceRemove leading and trailing spaces; convert double spaces to...
snpdataClass for SNP genotype and phenotype data.
snphweExact test of Hardy-Weinberg.
snphweCountsExact test of Hardy-Weinberg.
snps.BRCA1Genotyping array annotation for SNPs near the BRCA1 gene.
stepdown.moments2Stepwise downward model selection using summary statistic...
stepup.moments2Stepwise upward model selection using summary statistic...
t2dexSimulated example genotype and longitudinal phenotype data.
t2d.scoresGenetic risk scores for type 2 diabetes risk.
test.subsampleTest approximation used in genetic risk score analyses.
gtx documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:08 a.m.