
Defines functions pander.hagis.diversities individual_pathotypes diversities_table print.hagis.diversities calculate_diversities

Documented in calculate_diversities diversities_table individual_pathotypes

#' Calculate Diversities Indices
#' @description Calculate five pathogen diversity indices.
#' Diversity indices include:
#' * Simple diversity index, which will show the proportion of unique pathotypes
#'   to total samples. As the values gets closer to 1, there is greater
#'   diversity in pathoypes within the population. Simple diversity is
#'   calculated as:
#'   \deqn{ D = \frac{Np}{Ns} }{ D = Np / Ns }
#'    where \eqn{Np} is the number of pathotypes and \eqn{Ns} is the number of
#'    samples.
#' * Gleason diversity index, an alternate version of Simple diversity index, is
#'    less sensitive to sample size than the Simple index.
#'    \deqn{ D = \frac{ (Np - 1) }{ log(Ns)}}{ D = (Np -1) / log(Ns) }
#'    Where \eqn{Np} is the number of pathotypes and \eqn{Ns} is the number of
#'    samples.
#' * Shannon diversity index is typically between 1.5 and 3.5, as richness and
#'   evenness of the population increase, so does the Shannon index value.
#'   \deqn{ D = -\sum_{i = 1}^{R} p_i \log p_i }{ D = -sum p_i log(p_i) } Where
#'   \eqn{p_i} is the proportional abundance of species \eqn{i}.
#' * Simpson diversity index values range from 0 to 1, 1 represents high
#'    diversity and 0 represents no diversity. Where diversity is calculated as:
#'    \deqn{ D = \sum_{i = 1}^{R} p_i^2 }{ D = sum p_i^2 }
#' * Evenness ranges from 0 to 1, as the Evenness value approaches 1, there is a
#'    more even distribution of each pathoype's frequency within the population.
#'    Where Evenness is calculated as:
#'    \deqn{ D = \frac{H'}{log(Np) }}{ D = H' / log(Np) }
#'    where \eqn{H'} is the Shannon diversity index and \eqn{Np} is the number
#'    of pathotypes.
#' @inheritParams summarize_gene
#' @autoglobal
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' # Using the built-in data set, P_sojae_survey
#' data(P_sojae_survey)
#' P_sojae_survey
#' # calculate susceptibilities with a 60 % cutoff value
#' diversities <- calculate_diversities(x = P_sojae_survey,
#'                                      cutoff = 60,
#'                                      control = "susceptible",
#'                                      sample = "Isolate",
#'                                      gene = "Rps",
#'                                      perc_susc = "perc.susc")
#' diversities
#' @export calculate_diversities
#' @return hagis.diversities object containing
#'   * Number of Samples
#'   * Number of Pathotypes
#'   * Simple Diversity Index
#'   * Gleason Diversity Index
#'   * Shannon Diversity Index
#'   * Simpson Diversity Index
#'   * Evenness Diversity Index

calculate_diversities <- function(x,
                                  perc_susc) {
  # check inputs and rename columns to work with this package
  x <- .check_inputs(
    .x = x,
    .cutoff = cutoff,
    .control = control,
    .sample = sample,
    .gene = gene,
    .perc_susc = perc_susc

  # The susceptible control is removed from all samples in the data set so that
  #  it will not affect complexity calculations and a new data set is made that
  #  it does not contain susceptible controls.
  x <- subset(x, gene != control)

  # summarise the reactions, create susceptible.1 column, see
  # internal_functions.R
  x <- .binary_cutoff(.x = x, .cutoff = cutoff)

  # remove resistant reactions from the data set, leaving only susceptible
  # reactions (pathotype)
  x <- subset(x, susceptible.1 != 0)

  # split the data frame by sample and gene
  y <- vapply(split(x[, gene],
                    x[, sample]),
              toString, character(1))

  individual_pathotypes <- setDT(data.frame(
    Sample = names(y),
    Pathotype = unname(y),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  table_of_pathotypes <-
  setnames(table_of_pathotypes, c("Pathotype", "Frequency"))
  setcolorder(table_of_pathotypes, c("Frequency", "Pathotype"))

  # determines the number of samples within the data
  N_samples <- length(unique(x[, sample]))

  # Determines the number of unique pathotypes for this analysis
  N_pathotypes <- length(unique(individual_pathotypes[, Pathotype]))

  # indices --------------------------------------------------------------------
  Simple <- N_pathotypes / N_samples
  Gleason <- (N_pathotypes - 1) / log(N_samples)

  # Shannon and Simpson diversity indices
  x <-
    table_of_pathotypes[, Frequency] / sum(table_of_pathotypes[, Frequency])

  # Shannon index
  Shannon <- -x * log(x, exp(1))
  Shannon <- sum(Shannon, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Simpson diversity index
  x <- x * x
  H <- sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  Simpson <- 1 - H

  # Evenness
  Evenness <- Shannon / log(N_pathotypes)

  z <-
      individual_pathotypes = individual_pathotypes,
      table_of_pathotypes = table_of_pathotypes,
      number_of_samples = N_samples,
      number_of_pathotypes = N_pathotypes,
      Simple = Simple,
      Gleason = Gleason,
      Shannon = Shannon,
      Simpson = Simpson,
      Evenness = Evenness

  # Set new class
  class(z) <- union("hagis.diversities", class(z))

#' Prints hagis.diversities Object
#' Custom [print()] method for `hagis.diversities` objects.
#' @param x a `hagis.diversities` object
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @noRd
print.hagis.diversities <- function(x,
                                    digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L),
                                    ...) {
  cat("\nhagis Diversities\n")
  cat("\nNumber of Samples", x[[3]])
  cat("\nNumber of Pathotypes", x[[4]], "\n")
  cat("Simple  ",  x[[5]], "\n")
  cat("Gleason ",  x[[6]], "\n")
  cat("Shannon ",  x[[7]], "\n")
  cat("Simpson ",  x[[8]], "\n")
  cat("Evenness ",  x[[9]], "\n")

#' Custom Print for hagis Diversities Tables
#' Print the frequency table of diversities from a `hagis.diversities` object
#' The resulting object is a [pander] table (a text object for Markdown) for
#' ease of use in reporting and viewing in the console.
#' @param x a `hagis.diversities` object generated by [calculate_diversities()]
#' @param ... other arguments passed to [pander::panderOptions()]
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' # Using the built-in data set, P_sojae_survey
#' data(P_sojae_survey)
#' P_sojae_survey
#' # calculate susceptibilities with a 60 % cutoff value
#' diversities <- calculate_diversities(x = P_sojae_survey,
#'                                      cutoff = 60,
#'                                      control = "susceptible",
#'                                      sample = "Isolate",
#'                                      gene = "Rps",
#'                                      perc_susc = "perc.susc")
#' # print the diversities table
#' diversities_table(diversities)
#' @return A [pander][pandoc.table] object of diversities
#' @seealso [calculate_diversities()], [individual_pathotypes()]
#' @export
diversities_table <- function(x, ...) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "hagis.diversities") {
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         "This is not a hagis.diversities object.")
  } else {
    pander::pander(x[[2]], ...)

#' Prints Individual Pathotypes for Each Sample
#' Print an object from a `hagis.diversities` object with individual pathotypes,
#' _i.e._ each sample's pathotype. The resulting object is a [pander] table
#' (a text object for Markdown) for ease of use in reporting and viewing in the
#' console.
#' @inheritParams diversities_table
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' # Using the built-in data set, P_sojae_survey
#' data(P_sojae_survey)
#' P_sojae_survey
#' # calculate susceptibilities with a 60 % cutoff value
#' diversities <- calculate_diversities(x = P_sojae_survey,
#'                                      cutoff = 60,
#'                                      control = "susceptible",
#'                                      sample = "Isolate",
#'                                      gene = "Rps",
#'                                      perc_susc = "perc.susc")
#' # print the diversities table
#' individual_pathotypes(diversities)
#' @return A [pander][pander] object of individual pathotypes
#' @seealso [calculate_diversities()], [diversities_table()]
#' @export
individual_pathotypes <- function(x, ...) {
  if (class(x)[1] != "hagis.diversities") {
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         "This is not a hagis.diversities object.")
  } else
  {pander::pander(x[[1]], ...)}

#' Pander Method for {hagis} Diversities
#' Prints a \CRANpkg{hagis} diversities in Pandoc's markdown.
#' @param x a diversities object
#' @param caption caption (string) to be shown under the table
#' @param ... optional parameters passed to raw `pandoc.table` function
#' @importFrom pander pander
#' @export
#' @noRd
pander.hagis.diversities <-
  function(x, caption = attr(x, "caption"), ...) {
        "Simple" = x$Simple,
        "Gleason" = x$Gleason,
        "Shannon" = x$Shannon,
        "Simpson" = x$Simpson,
        "Evenness" = x$Evenness
      caption = paste0(
        "Diversity indices where n = ",
        " with ",
        " pathotypes."

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hagis documentation built on Sept. 8, 2023, 5:20 p.m.