
Defines functions research_briefings

Documented in research_briefings

#' Parliamentary Research Briefings
#' Imports data on  Parliamentary Research Briefings. To see a list of possible
#' topics call [research_topics_list()] or
#' [research_subtopics_list()] for both topics and subtopics. To
#' see a list of briefing types, call [research_types_list()]. This
#' function can return results with newlines in the text of the abstract or
#' description of the research briefing, represented as `'\\n'`.
#' @param topic The topic of the parliamentary briefing.
#' Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param subtopic The subtopic of the parliamentary briefing.
#' Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param type The type of research briefing. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @inheritParams all_answered_questions
#' @return A tibble with details on parliamentary research briefings on
#' the given topic.
#' @seealso [research_subtopics_list()]
#' @seealso [research_types_list()]
#' @seealso [research_topics_list()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- research_briefings("Housing and planning")
#' # Requests can be made using lists created using `research_topics_list`
#' # and `research_subtopics_list`
#' research_topics_list <- research_topics_list()
#' x <- research_briefings(topic = research_topics_list[[7]])
#' research_subtopics_list <- research_subtopics_list()
#' x <- research_briefings(subtopic = research_subtopics_list[[7]][10])
#' # Requests for certain briefing types can also be made using lists
#' # created with `research_types_list`.
#' research_types_list <- research_types_list()
#' x <- research_briefings(type = research_types_list[[3]])
#' }
research_briefings <- function(topic = NULL, subtopic = NULL, type = NULL,
                               extra_args = NULL, tidy = TRUE,
                               tidy_style = "snake", verbose = TRUE) {
  if (verbose == TRUE) {
    message("Connecting to API")

  if (is.null(topic) == TRUE & is.null(subtopic) == TRUE) {
    type_query <- ifelse(
      is.null(type) == FALSE,
        paste0("&subType.prefLabel=", type)

    baseurl <- paste0(url_util, "researchbriefings.json?")

    research <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(
      baseurl, type_query,
      extra_args, "&_pageSize=1"
    flatten = TRUE

    jpage <- floor(research$result$totalResults / 100)

    query <- paste0(baseurl, type_query, extra_args)

    df <- loop_query(query, jpage, verbose) # in utils-loop.R
  } else {
    if (is.null(topic) == TRUE & is.null(subtopic) == FALSE) {
      g <- rep(
        lapply(hansard::research_subtopics_list(), length)

      dex <- g[match(

      topic <- names(hansard::research_subtopics_list())[dex]

    subtopic_query <- ifelse(
      is.null(subtopic) == FALSE,
      utils::URLencode(paste0("/", subtopic)),

    topic_query <- ifelse(
      is.null(topic) == FALSE,

    null_type_query <- ifelse(
      is.null(type) == FALSE, utils::URLencode(
        paste0("&subType.prefLabel=", type)

    baseurl <- paste0(url_util, "researchbriefings/bridgeterm/")

    research <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(
      baseurl, topic_query,
      subtopic_query, ".json?",
      null_type_query, extra_args,
    flatten = TRUE

    jpage <- floor(research$result$totalResults / 100)

    query <- paste0(
      baseurl, topic_query, subtopic_query,
      ".json?", null_type_query, extra_args

    df <- loop_query(query, jpage, verbose) # in utils-loop.R

  if (nrow(df) == 0) {
    message("The request did not return any data.
                Please check your parameters.")
  } else {
    if (tidy == TRUE) {
      df <- research_tidy(df, tidy_style) ## in utils-research.R


#' @rdname research_briefings
#' @export
hansard_research_briefings <- research_briefings

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hansard documentation built on Nov. 13, 2019, 5:06 p.m.