#' Ensure that the outcome is univariate
#' @description
#' validate - asserts the following:
#' - `outcomes` must have 1 column. Atomic vectors are treated as
#' 1 column matrices.
#' check - returns the following:
#' - `ok` A logical. Does the check pass?
#' - `n_cols` A single numeric. The actual number of columns.
#' @param outcomes An object to check.
#' @return
#' `validate_outcomes_are_univariate()` returns `outcomes` invisibly.
#' `check_outcomes_are_univariate()` returns a named list of two components,
#' `ok` and `n_cols`.
#' @template section-validation
#' @details
#' The expected way to use this validation function is to supply it the
#' `$outcomes` element of the result of a call to [mold()].
#' @examples
#' validate_outcomes_are_univariate(data.frame(x = 1))
#' try(validate_outcomes_are_univariate(mtcars))
#' @family validation functions
#' @export
validate_outcomes_are_univariate <- function(outcomes) {
check <- check_outcomes_are_univariate(outcomes)
if (!check$ok) {
"The outcome must be univariate, but {check$n_cols} columns were found."
#' @rdname validate_outcomes_are_univariate
#' @export
check_outcomes_are_univariate <- function(outcomes) {
if (!is_vector(outcomes)) {
n_cols <- 0L
} else {
n_cols <- NCOL(outcomes) %||% 0L
ok <- (n_cols == 1L)
check <- new_check_result(ok = ok, n_cols = n_cols)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Ensure outcomes are all numeric
#' @description
#' validate - asserts the following:
#' - `outcomes` must have numeric columns.
#' check - returns the following:
#' - `ok` A logical. Does the check pass?
#' - `bad_classes` A named list. The names are the names of problematic columns,
#' and the values are the classes of the matching column.
#' @param outcomes An object to check.
#' @return
#' `validate_outcomes_are_numeric()` returns `outcomes` invisibly.
#' `check_outcomes_are_numeric()` returns a named list of two components,
#' `ok` and `bad_classes`.
#' @template section-validation
#' @details
#' The expected way to use this validation function is to supply it the
#' `$outcomes` element of the result of a call to [mold()].
#' @examples
#' # All good
#' check_outcomes_are_numeric(mtcars)
#' # Species is not numeric
#' check_outcomes_are_numeric(iris)
#' # This gives an intelligent error message
#' try(validate_outcomes_are_numeric(iris))
#' @family validation functions
#' @export
validate_outcomes_are_numeric <- function(outcomes) {
check <- check_outcomes_are_numeric(outcomes)
if (!check$ok) {
bad_cols <- glue::single_quote(names(check$bad_classes))
bad_printable_classes <- map(check$bad_classes, glue_quote_collapse)
bad_msg <- glue::glue("{bad_cols}: {bad_printable_classes}")
bad_msg <- glue::glue_collapse(bad_msg, sep = "\n")
"All outcomes must be numeric, but the following are not:",
#' @rdname validate_outcomes_are_numeric
#' @export
check_outcomes_are_numeric <- function(outcomes) {
outcomes <- coerce_to_tibble(outcomes)
where_numeric <- map_lgl(outcomes, is.numeric)
ok <- all(where_numeric)
if (!ok) {
bad_classes <- get_data_classes(outcomes[, !where_numeric])
} else {
bad_classes <- list()
new_check_result(ok = ok, bad_classes = bad_classes)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Ensure that the outcome has only factor columns
#' @description
#' validate - asserts the following:
#' - `outcomes` must have factor columns.
#' check - returns the following:
#' - `ok` A logical. Does the check pass?
#' - `bad_classes` A named list. The names are the names of problematic columns,
#' and the values are the classes of the matching column.
#' @param outcomes An object to check.
#' @return
#' `validate_outcomes_are_factors()` returns `outcomes` invisibly.
#' `check_outcomes_are_factors()` returns a named list of two components,
#' `ok` and `bad_classes`.
#' @template section-validation
#' @details
#' The expected way to use this validation function is to supply it the
#' `$outcomes` element of the result of a call to [mold()].
#' @examples
#' # Not a factor column.
#' check_outcomes_are_factors(data.frame(x = 1))
#' # All good
#' check_outcomes_are_factors(data.frame(x = factor(c("A", "B"))))
#' @family validation functions
#' @export
validate_outcomes_are_factors <- function(outcomes) {
check <- check_outcomes_are_factors(outcomes)
if (!check$ok) {
bad_cols <- glue::single_quote(names(check$bad_classes))
bad_printable_classes <- map(check$bad_classes, glue_quote_collapse)
bad_msg <- glue::glue("{bad_cols}: {bad_printable_classes}")
bad_msg <- glue::glue_collapse(bad_msg, sep = "\n")
"All outcomes must be factors, but the following are not:",
#' @rdname validate_outcomes_are_factors
#' @export
check_outcomes_are_factors <- function(outcomes) {
outcomes <- coerce_to_tibble(outcomes)
where_factor <- map_lgl(outcomes, is.factor)
ok <- all(where_factor)
if (!ok) {
bad_classes <- get_data_classes(outcomes[, !where_factor])
} else {
bad_classes <- list()
new_check_result(ok = ok, bad_classes = bad_classes)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Ensure that the outcome has binary factors
#' @description
#' validate - asserts the following:
#' - `outcomes` must have binary factor columns.
#' check - returns the following:
#' - `ok` A logical. Does the check pass?
#' - `bad_cols` A character vector. The names of the columns with problems.
#' - `num_levels` An integer vector. The actual number of levels of the columns
#' with problems.
#' @param outcomes An object to check.
#' @return
#' `validate_outcomes_are_binary()` returns `outcomes` invisibly.
#' `check_outcomes_are_binary()` returns a named list of three components,
#' `ok`, `bad_cols`, and `num_levels`.
#' @template section-validation
#' @details
#' The expected way to use this validation function is to supply it the
#' `$outcomes` element of the result of a call to [mold()].
#' @examples
#' # Not a binary factor. 0 levels
#' check_outcomes_are_binary(data.frame(x = 1))
#' # Not a binary factor. 1 level
#' check_outcomes_are_binary(data.frame(x = factor("A")))
#' # All good
#' check_outcomes_are_binary(data.frame(x = factor(c("A", "B"))))
#' @family validation functions
#' @export
validate_outcomes_are_binary <- function(outcomes) {
check <- check_outcomes_are_binary(outcomes)
if (!check$ok) {
bad_cols <- glue::single_quote(check$bad_cols)
bad_msg <- glue::glue("{bad_cols}: {check$num_levels}")
bad_msg <- glue::glue_collapse(bad_msg, sep = "\n")
"The outcome must be binary, ",
"but the following number of levels were found:",
#' @rdname validate_outcomes_are_binary
#' @export
check_outcomes_are_binary <- function(outcomes) {
outcomes <- coerce_to_tibble(outcomes)
outcomes_levels <- map(outcomes, levels)
pos_binary_factors <- map_lgl(outcomes_levels, is_binary)
ok <- all(pos_binary_factors)
if (!ok) {
non_binary_levels <- outcomes_levels[!pos_binary_factors]
num_levels <- map_int(non_binary_levels, length)
bad_cols <- names(num_levels)
num_levels <- unname(num_levels)
} else {
num_levels <- integer()
bad_cols <- character()
new_check_result(ok = ok, bad_cols = bad_cols, num_levels = num_levels)
is_binary <- function(x) {
length(x) == 2L
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Ensure predictors are all numeric
#' @description
#' validate - asserts the following:
#' - `predictors` must have numeric columns.
#' check - returns the following:
#' - `ok` A logical. Does the check pass?
#' - `bad_classes` A named list. The names are the names of problematic columns,
#' and the values are the classes of the matching column.
#' @param predictors An object to check.
#' @return
#' `validate_predictors_are_numeric()` returns `predictors` invisibly.
#' `check_predictors_are_numeric()` returns a named list of two components,
#' `ok`, and `bad_classes`.
#' @template section-validation
#' @details
#' The expected way to use this validation function is to supply it the
#' `$predictors` element of the result of a call to [mold()].
#' @examples
#' # All good
#' check_predictors_are_numeric(mtcars)
#' # Species is not numeric
#' check_predictors_are_numeric(iris)
#' # This gives an intelligent error message
#' try(validate_predictors_are_numeric(iris))
#' @family validation functions
#' @export
validate_predictors_are_numeric <- function(predictors) {
check <- check_predictors_are_numeric(predictors)
if (!check$ok) {
bad_cols <- glue::single_quote(names(check$bad_classes))
bad_printable_classes <- map(check$bad_classes, glue_quote_collapse)
bad_msg <- glue::glue("{bad_cols}: {bad_printable_classes}")
bad_msg <- glue::glue_collapse(bad_msg, sep = "\n")
"All predictors must be numeric, but the following are not:",
#' @rdname validate_predictors_are_numeric
#' @export
check_predictors_are_numeric <- function(predictors) {
predictors <- coerce_to_tibble(predictors)
where_numeric <- map_lgl(predictors, is.numeric)
ok <- all(where_numeric)
if (!ok) {
bad_classes <- get_data_classes(predictors[, !where_numeric])
} else {
bad_classes <- list()
new_check_result(ok = ok, bad_classes = bad_classes)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Ensure that `data` contains required column names
#' @description
#' validate - asserts the following:
#' - The column names of `data` must contain all `original_names`.
#' check - returns the following:
#' - `ok` A logical. Does the check pass?
#' - `missing_names` A character vector. The missing column names.
#' @details
#' A special error is thrown if the missing column is named `".outcome"`. This
#' only happens in the case where [mold()] is called using the xy-method, and
#' a _vector_ `y` value is supplied rather than a data frame or matrix. In that
#' case, `y` is coerced to a data frame, and the automatic name `".outcome"` is
#' added, and this is what is looked for in [forge()]. If this happens, and the
#' user tries to request outcomes using `forge(..., outcomes = TRUE)` but
#' the supplied `new_data` does not contain the required `".outcome"` column,
#' a special error is thrown telling them what to do. See the examples!
#' @param data A data frame to check.
#' @param original_names A character vector. The original column names.
#' @return
#' `validate_column_names()` returns `data` invisibly.
#' `check_column_names()` returns a named list of two components,
#' `ok`, and `missing_names`.
#' @template section-validation
#' @examples
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' original_names <- colnames(mtcars)
#' test <- mtcars
#' bad_test <- test[, -c(3, 4)]
#' # All good
#' check_column_names(test, original_names)
#' # Missing 2 columns
#' check_column_names(bad_test, original_names)
#' # Will error
#' try(validate_column_names(bad_test, original_names))
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Special error when `.outcome` is missing
#' train <- iris[1:100, ]
#' test <- iris[101:150, ]
#' train_x <- subset(train, select = -Species)
#' train_y <- train$Species
#' # Here, y is a vector
#' processed <- mold(train_x, train_y)
#' # So the default column name is `".outcome"`
#' processed$outcomes
#' # It doesn't affect forge() normally
#' forge(test, processed$blueprint)
#' # But if the outcome is requested, and `".outcome"`
#' # is not present in `new_data`, an error is thrown
#' # with very specific instructions
#' try(forge(test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE))
#' # To get this to work, just create an .outcome column in new_data
#' test$.outcome <- test$Species
#' forge(test, processed$blueprint, outcomes = TRUE)
#' @family validation functions
#' @export
validate_column_names <- function(data, original_names) {
data <- coerce_to_tibble(data)
check <- check_column_names(data, original_names)
if (!check$ok) {
missing_names <- glue_quote_collapse(check$missing_names)
message <- glue("The following required columns are missing: {missing_names}.")
#' @rdname validate_column_names
#' @export
check_column_names <- function(data, original_names) {
if (!is.character(original_names)) {
glubort("`original_names` must be a character vector.")
new_names <- colnames(data)
has_names <- original_names %in% new_names
ok <- all(has_names)
if (!ok) {
missing_names <- original_names[!has_names]
} else {
missing_names <- character()
new_check_result(ok = ok, missing_names = missing_names)
validate_missing_name_isnt_.outcome <- function(missing_names) {
not_ok <- ".outcome" %in% missing_names
if (not_ok) {
missing_names <- glue_quote_collapse(missing_names)
"The following required columns are missing: {missing_names}.
(This indicates that `mold()` was called with a vector for `y`. ",
"When this is the case, and the outcome columns are requested ",
"in `forge()`, `new_data` must include a column with the automatically ",
"generated name, '.outcome', containing the outcome.)"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Ensure that predictions have the correct number of rows
#' @description
#' validate - asserts the following:
#' - The size of `pred` must be the same as the size of `new_data`.
#' check - returns the following:
#' - `ok` A logical. Does the check pass?
#' - `size_new_data` A single numeric. The size of `new_data`.
#' - `size_pred` A single numeric. The size of `pred`.
#' @param pred A tibble. The predictions to return from any prediction
#' `type`. This is often created using one of the spruce functions, like
#' [spruce_numeric()].
#' @param new_data A data frame of new predictors and possibly outcomes.
#' @return
#' `validate_prediction_size()` returns `pred` invisibly.
#' `check_prediction_size()` returns a named list of three components,
#' `ok`, `size_new_data`, and `size_pred`.
#' @details
#' This validation function is one that is more developer focused rather than
#' user focused. It is a final check to be used right before a value is
#' returned from your specific `predict()` method, and is mainly a "good
#' practice" sanity check to ensure that your prediction blueprint always returns
#' the same number of rows as `new_data`, which is one of the modeling
#' conventions this package tries to promote.
#' @template section-validation
#' @examples
#' # Say new_data has 5 rows
#' new_data <- mtcars[1:5, ]
#' # And somehow you generate predictions
#' # for those 5 rows
#' pred_vec <- 1:5
#' # Then you use `spruce_numeric()` to clean
#' # up these numeric predictions
#' pred <- spruce_numeric(pred_vec)
#' pred
#' # Use this check to ensure that
#' # the number of rows or pred match new_data
#' check_prediction_size(pred, new_data)
#' # An informative error message is thrown
#' # if the rows are different
#' try(validate_prediction_size(spruce_numeric(1:4), new_data))
#' @family validation functions
#' @export
validate_prediction_size <- function(pred, new_data) {
check <- check_prediction_size(pred, new_data)
if (!check$ok) {
"The size of `new_data` ({check$size_new_data}) must match the ",
"size of `pred` ({check$size_pred})."
#' @rdname validate_prediction_size
#' @export
check_prediction_size <- function(pred, new_data) {
new_data <- coerce_to_tibble(new_data)
size_new_data <- vec_size(new_data)
size_pred <- vec_size(pred)
ok <- size_pred == size_new_data
new_check_result(ok = ok, size_new_data = size_new_data, size_pred = size_pred)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Ensure no duplicate terms appear in `formula`
#' @description
#' validate - asserts the following:
#' - `formula` must not have duplicates terms on the left and right hand
#' side of the formula.
#' check - returns the following:
#' - `ok` A logical. Does the check pass?
#' - `duplicates` A character vector. The duplicate terms.
#' @param formula A formula to check.
#' @param original A logical. Should the original names be checked, or should
#' the names after processing be used? If `FALSE`, `y ~ log(y)` is allowed
#' because the names are `"y"` and `"log(y)"`, if `TRUE`, `y ~ log(y)` is not
#' allowed because the original names are both `"y"`.
#' @return
#' `validate_no_formula_duplication()` returns `formula` invisibly.
#' `check_no_formula_duplication()` returns a named list of two components,
#' `ok` and `duplicates`.
#' @template section-validation
#' @examples
#' # All good
#' check_no_formula_duplication(y ~ x)
#' # Not good!
#' check_no_formula_duplication(y ~ y)
#' # This is generally okay
#' check_no_formula_duplication(y ~ log(y))
#' # But you can be more strict
#' check_no_formula_duplication(y ~ log(y), original = TRUE)
#' # This would throw an error
#' try(validate_no_formula_duplication(log(y) ~ log(y)))
#' @family validation functions
#' @export
validate_no_formula_duplication <- function(formula, original = FALSE) {
check <- check_no_formula_duplication(formula, original)
if (!check$ok) {
duplicates <- glue_quote_collapse(check$duplicates)
"The following terms are duplicated on the left and right hand side ",
"of the `formula`: {duplicates}."
#' @rdname validate_no_formula_duplication
#' @export
check_no_formula_duplication <- function(formula, original = FALSE) {
# Only required to expand any `.` values so terms() can be called
# The `.` is designed to never contain duplicates, so we just expand
# it to this column name that we hope never exists
dummy_data <- data.frame(`...dummy...` = 1)
formula <- expand_formula_dot_notation(formula, data = dummy_data)
formula_predictors <- get_predictors_formula(formula)
formula_outcomes <- get_outcomes_formula(formula)
if (original) {
predictors <- all.vars(formula_predictors)
outcomes <- all.vars(formula_outcomes)
} else {
predictors <- attr(terms(formula_predictors), "term.labels")
outcomes <- attr(terms(formula_outcomes), "term.labels")
duplicates <- intersect(predictors, outcomes)
ok <- length(duplicates) == 0L
new_check_result(ok = ok, duplicates = duplicates)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ok = bool
# ... = extra info when not ok
new_check_result <- function(ok = TRUE, ...) {
elems <- list2(...)
c(list(ok = ok), elems)
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