
Defines functions nodewise.getlambdasequence.old cv.nodewise.bestlambda cv.nodewise.totalerr cv.nodewise.stderr cv.nodewise.err.unitfunction nodewise.getlambdasequence score.rescale score.getZforlambda.unitfunction score.getZforlambda score.getThetaforlambda calcMforcolumn calcM improve.lambda.pick score.nodewiselasso calculate.Z

## This file contains functions that calculate the Z vectors as nodewise lasso
## residuals
## see http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.2563
## and can also calculate the Thetahat matrix as in
## http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.0518

calculate.Z <- function(x,
                        do.ZnZ = FALSE,
                        debug.verbose = FALSE)
    message("Nodewise regressions will be computed as no argument Z was provided.")
    message("You can store Z to avoid the majority of the computation next time around.")
    message("Z only depends on the design matrix x.")
    nodewiselasso.out <- score.nodewiselasso(x = x,
                                             wantTheta = FALSE,
                                             parallel = parallel,
                                             ncores = ncores,
                                             cv.verbose = verbose || debug.verbose,
                                             do.ZnZ = do.ZnZ,
                                             verbose = debug.verbose)
    Z <- nodewiselasso.out$out$Z
    scaleZ <- nodewiselasso.out$out$scaleZ
    scaleZ <- rep(1,ncol(Z))
    ## Check if normalization is fulfilled
    if(!isTRUE(all.equal(rep(1, ncol(x)), colSums(Z * x) / nrow(x), tolerance = 10^-8))){
      ##no need to print stuff to the user, this is only an internal detail
      rescale.out <- score.rescale(Z = Z, x = x)
      Z <- rescale.out$Z
      scaleZ <- rescale.out$scaleZ
  list(Z = Z,
       scaleZ = scaleZ)

score.nodewiselasso <- function(x,
                                wantTheta = FALSE,
                                verbose = FALSE,
                                lambdaseq = "quantile",
                                parallel = FALSE,
                                ncores = 8,
                                oldschool = FALSE,
                                lambdatuningfactor = 1,
                                cv.verbose = FALSE,
                                do.ZnZ = TRUE)
  ## Purpose:
  ## This function calculates the score vectors Z OR the matrix of nodewise
  ## regression coefficients Thetahat, depending on the argument wantTheta.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version),

  ## First, a sequence of lambda values over all nodewise regressions is created

  lambdas <-
           "quantile" = nodewise.getlambdasequence(x), ## this is preferred
           "linear"   = nodewise.getlambdasequence.old(x,verbose),
           ## otherwise
           stop("invalid 'lambdaseq': ", lambdaseq))
    cat("Using the following lambda values:", lambdas, "\n")

  ## 10-fold cv is done over all nodewise regressions to calculate the error
  ## for the different lambda
  cvlambdas <- cv.nodewise.bestlambda(lambdas = lambdas, x = x,
                                      parallel = parallel, ncores = ncores,
                                      oldschool = oldschool,
                                      verbose = cv.verbose)
    cat(paste("lambda.min is", cvlambdas$lambda.min), "\n")
    cat(paste("lambda.1se is", cvlambdas$lambda.1se), "\n")

    bestlambda <- improve.lambda.pick(x = x,
                                      parallel = parallel,
                                      ncores = ncores,
                                      lambdas = lambdas,
                                      bestlambda = cvlambdas$lambda.min,
                                      verbose = verbose)
      cat("Doing Z&Z technique for picking lambda\n")
      cat("The new lambda is",bestlambda,"\n")

      cat("In comparison to the cross validation lambda, lambda = c * lambda_cv\n")
      cat("c=",bestlambda/cvlambdas$lambda.min,"\n")## Some info on how much smaller lambda truly is
    if(lambdatuningfactor == "lambda.1se"){
        cat("lambda.1se used for nodewise tuning\n")
      ## We use lambda.1se for bestlambda now!!!
      bestlambda <- cvlambdas$lambda.1se
        cat("lambdatuningfactor used is", lambdatuningfactor, "\n")
      bestlambda <- cvlambdas$lambda.min * lambdatuningfactor
    cat("Picked the best lambda:", bestlambda, "\n")
    ##print("with the error ")

  ## Having picked the 'best lambda', we now generate the final Z or Thetahat
    out <- score.getThetaforlambda(x = x,
                                   lambda = bestlambda,
                                   parallel = parallel,
                                   ncores = ncores,
                                   oldschool = TRUE,
                                   verbose = verbose)
    Z <- score.getZforlambda(x = x, lambda = bestlambda, parallel = parallel,
                             ncores = ncores, oldschool = oldschool)
    out <- Z
  return.out <- list(out = out,
                     bestlambda = bestlambda)

improve.lambda.pick <- function(x,
  ## let's improve the lambda choice by using the Z&Z procedure
  ## (But picking the one new lambda value not one for each j)
  lambdas <- sort(lambdas, decreasing = TRUE) ## Such that we have a natural ordering of decreasing lambdas --> ordering by increasing variance

  ## Compute the mean theoretical variance for every lambda value
  M <- calcM(x = x,
             lambdas = lambdas,
             parallel = parallel,
             ncores = ncores)
  Mcv <- M[which(lambdas == bestlambda)] ## Get the current M alue
  if(length(which(M < 1.25*Mcv))>0){
    ## There exists a 25% inflated M in this range of lambda choices
    lambdapick <- min(lambdas[which(M < 1.25*Mcv)])
      cat("no better lambdapick found\n")
     lambdapick <- bestlambda

  if(max(which(M < 1.25*Mcv)) < length(lambdas))
    ## There is an interval of potential lambda values that give close to the exact 25% inflation
    ## Let's refine the interval to try to find a more accurate solution
      cat("doing a second step of discretisation of the lambda space to improve the lambda pick\n")

    lambda.number <- max(which(M < 1.25*Mcv))##assumes the lambdas are sorted from big to small
    newlambdas <- seq(lambdas[lambda.number],lambdas[lambda.number+1], (lambdas[lambda.number+1]-lambdas[lambda.number])/100)
    newlambdas <- sort(newlambdas,decreasing=TRUE)##convention
    M2 <- calcM(x=x,
    if(length(which(M2 < 1.25*Mcv))>0){
      evenbetterlambdapick <- min(newlambdas[which(M2 < 1.25*Mcv)])
        cat("no -even- better lambdapick found\n")
      evenbetterlambdapick <- lambdapick
    {##it is possible that when redoing the fits the M2 value is all of a sudden higher for all lambdas in our newlambdas range

      ##just leave lambdapick as it is
        cat("hmmmm the better lambda pick after the second step of discretisation is Inf\n")
        cat("M2 is\n")
        cat("Mcv is\n")
        cat("and which(M2 < 1.25* Mcv) is\n")
        cat(which(M2 < 1.25*Mcv),"\n")
      lambdapick <- evenbetterlambdapick

calcM <- function(x,
  ## Compute the theoretical variances for each j
  ## for each choice for lambda
  ## Return the means over the j for each distinct lambda value
      M <- mcmapply(FUN=calcMforcolumn,
      M <- mapply(FUN=calcMforcolumn,
  ##every row of M contains for a particular lambda choice the value of M for a particular nodewise regression
  ##M should be of dimension nxp (100x500)
  M <- apply(M,1,mean)

calcMforcolumn <- function(x,
  ## do a nodewise regression and calc the l2 norm ^2 of the residuals
  ## and the inner product of Zj and Xj
  glmnetfit <- glmnet(x[,-j],x[,j],
  predictions <- predict(glmnetfit,x[,-j],s=lambdas)
  Zj <- x[,j] - predictions##the columns are the residuals for the different lambda

  Znorms <- apply(Zj^2,2,sum)
  Zxjnorms <- as.vector(crossprod(Zj,x[,j])^2)

score.getThetaforlambda <- function(x, lambda, parallel = FALSE, ncores = 8,
                                    oldschool = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
                                    oldtausq = TRUE)
  ## Purpose:
  ## This function is for calculating Thetahat once the desired tuning
  ## parameter is known
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version),
  message("Calculating Thetahat by doing nodewise regressions and dropping the unpenalized intercept")
  n <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)
  C <- diag(rep(1,p))
  T2 <- numeric(p)
    message("doing getThetaforlambda oldschool")
    for(i in 1:p){
      glmnetfit <- glmnet(x[,-i], x[,i])
      coeffs <- as.vector(predict(glmnetfit,x[,-i], type = "coefficients",
                                  s = lambda))[-1]
      ## we just leave out the intercept
      C[-i,i] <- -as.vector(coeffs)
        ## possibly quite incorrect,it ignores the intercept, but intercept is
        ## small anyways. Initial simulations show little difference.
        T2[i] <- as.numeric(crossprod(x[,i]) / n - x[,i] %*% (x[,-i] %*%
                                                              coeffs) / n)
          ##print("now doing the new way of calculating tau^2")
          T2[i] <- as.numeric((x[,i] %*%
                               (x[,i] - predict(glmnetfit,x[,-i],s =lambda)))/n)
    stop("not implemented yet!")
  thetahat <- C %*% solve(diag(T2))
    cat("1/tau_j^2:", solve(diag(T2)), "\n")
  ##this is thetahat ^ T!!
  thetahat <- t(thetahat)
  if(all(thetahat[lower.tri(thetahat)] == 0,
         thetahat[upper.tri(thetahat)] == 0) && verbose)
    cat("Thetahat is a diagonal matrix!\n")

score.getZforlambda <- function(x, lambda, parallel = FALSE, ncores = 8,
                                oldschool = FALSE)
  ## Purpose:
  ## This function is for calculating Z once the desired tuning parameter is
  ## known
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version)
  n <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)
  Z <- matrix(numeric(n*p),n)
    message("doing getZforlambda oldschool")
    for(i in 1:p){
      glmnetfit <- glmnet(x[,-i],x[,i])
      prediction <- predict(glmnetfit,x[,-i],s=lambda)
      Z[,i] <- x[,i] - prediction
      Z <- mcmapply(score.getZforlambda.unitfunction, i = 1:p, x = list(x = x),
                    lambda = lambda, mc.cores = ncores)
      Z <- mapply(score.getZforlambda.unitfunction, i = 1:p, x = list(x = x),
                  lambda = lambda)
  ## rescale Z such that t(Zj) Xj/n = 1 \-/ j
  Z <- score.rescale(Z,x)

score.getZforlambda.unitfunction <- function(i, x, lambda)
  ## Purpose:
  ## Calculate the residuals of a nodewise regression of one column vs the
  ## other columns
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version),
  glmnetfit  <- glmnet(x[,-i],x[,i])
  prediction <- predict(glmnetfit,x[,-i],s=lambda)
  return(x[,i] - prediction)

score.rescale <- function(Z, x)
  ## Purpose:
  ## Rescale the Z appropriately such that such that t(Zj) Xj/n = 1 for all j
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version),
  scaleZ <- diag(crossprod(Z,x)) / nrow(x)
  Z      <- scale(Z, center = FALSE, scale = scaleZ)

nodewise.getlambdasequence <- function(x)
  ## Purpose:
  ## this method returns a lambdasequence for the nodewise regressions
  ## by looking at the automatically selected lambda sequences
  ## for each nodewise regression by glmnet.
  ## Equidistant quantiles of the complete set of lambda values are returned.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version),
  nlambda <- 100 ## use the same value as the glmnet default
  p <- ncol(x)
  lambdas <- c()
  for(c in 1:p){
    lambdas <- c(lambdas,glmnet(x[,-c],x[,c])$lambda)
  lambdas <- quantile(lambdas, probs = seq(0, 1, length.out = nlambda))
  lambdas <- sort(lambdas, decreasing = TRUE)

cv.nodewise.err.unitfunction <- function(c, K, dataselects, x, lambdas,
                                         verbose, p) {
  ## Purpose:
  ## this method returns the K-fold cv error made by the nodewise regression
  ## of the single column c of x vs the other columns for all values of the
  ## tuning parameters in lambdas.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version),
  if(verbose){ ##print some information out about the progress
      ##report every 25%
    interesting.points <- round(c(1/4,2/4,3/4,4/4)*p)
    names(interesting.points) <- c("25%","50%","75%","100%")
    if(c %in% interesting.points){
      message("The expensive computation is now ",
              names(interesting.points)[c == interesting.points],
              " done")
  ## return  'totalerr' 
  cv.nodewise.totalerr(c = c,
                       K = K,
                       dataselects = dataselects,
                       x = x,
                       lambdas = lambdas)

## gets the standard error for one particular lambda
cv.nodewise.stderr <- function(K, x, dataselects, lambda, parallel, ncores)
  ## Purpose:
  ## this method returns the standard error 
  ## of the average K-fold cv error made by the nodewise regression
  ## of each column vs the other columns for a single lambda value.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version),
  p <- ncol(x)
    totalerr <- mcmapply(cv.nodewise.totalerr,
                         c = 1:p,
                         K = K,
                         dataselects = list(dataselects = dataselects),
                         x = list(x = x),
                         lambdas = lambda,
                         mc.cores = ncores)
    totalerr <- mapply(cv.nodewise.totalerr,
                       c = 1:p,
                       K = K,
                       dataselects = list(dataselects = dataselects),
                       x = list(x = x),
                       lambdas = lambda)
  ## get the mean over the variables
  totalerr.varmean <- rowMeans(totalerr)
  ## get the stderror over the K;  return stderr.forlambda
  sd(totalerr.varmean) / sqrt(K)

cv.nodewise.totalerr <- function(c, K, dataselects, x, lambdas)
  ## Purpose:
  ## this method returns the error made for each fold of a K-fold cv
  ## of the nodewise regression of the single column c of x vs the other
  ## columns for all values of the tuning parameters in lambdas.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version),

  totalerr <- matrix(nrow = length(lambdas), ncol = K)
  for(i in 1:K){ ## loop over the test sets
    whichj <- dataselects == i ##the test part of the data
    glmnetfit <- glmnet(x = x[!whichj,-c, drop = FALSE],
                        y = x[!whichj, c, drop = FALSE],
                        lambda = lambdas)
    predictions  <- predict(glmnetfit, newx = x[whichj, -c, drop = FALSE],
                            s = lambdas)
    totalerr[, i] <- apply((x[whichj, c] - predictions)^2, 2, mean)


cv.nodewise.bestlambda <- function(lambdas, x, K = 10, parallel = FALSE,
                                   ncores = 8, oldschool = FALSE,
                                   verbose = FALSE)
  ## Purpose:
  ## this function finds the optimal tuning parameter value for minimizing
  ## the K-fold cv error of the nodewise regressions.
  ## A second value of the tuning parameter, always bigger or equal to the
  ## former, is returned which is calculated by allowing the cv error to
  ## increase by the amount of
  ## 1 standard error (a similar concept as to what is done in cv.glmnet).
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version),

  n <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)
  l <- length(lambdas)
  ## Based on code from cv.glmnet for sampling the data
  dataselects <- sample(rep(1:K, length = n))
    message("doing cv.nodewise.error oldschool")
    totalerr <- numeric(l)
    for(c in 1:p){ ## loop over the nodewise regressions
      for(i in 1:K){ ## loop over the test sets
        whichj <- dataselects == i ## the test part of the data
        glmnetfit <- glmnet(x[!whichj,-c,drop=FALSE], x[!whichj,c,drop=FALSE],
        predictions <- predict(glmnetfit,x[whichj, -c, drop = FALSE],
                               s = lambdas)
        totalerr <- totalerr + apply((x[whichj,c]-predictions)^2, 2, mean)
    totalerr <- totalerr / (K * p)
    stop("lambda.1se not implemented for oldschool cv.nodewise.bestlamba")

    ##totalerr <- matrix(nrow = l, ncol = p)
      totalerr <- mcmapply(cv.nodewise.err.unitfunction,
                           c = 1:p,
                           K = K,
                           dataselects = list(dataselects = dataselects),
                           x = list(x = x),
                           lambdas = list(lambdas = lambdas),
                           mc.cores = ncores,
                           SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                           verbose = verbose,
      totalerr <- mapply(cv.nodewise.err.unitfunction,
                         c = 1:p,
                         K = K,
                         dataselects = list(dataselects = dataselects),
                         x = list(x = x),
                         lambdas = list(lambdas = lambdas),
                         SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
                         verbose = verbose,
                         p = p)
    ## Convert into suitable array (lambda, cv-fold, predictor)
    err.array  <- array(unlist(totalerr), dim = c(length(lambdas), K, p))
    err.mean   <- apply(err.array, 1, mean) ## 1 mean for each lambda

    ## calculate mean for every lambda x fold combination (= average over p)
    ## for every lambda then get the standard errors (over folds)
    err.se     <- apply(apply(err.array, c(1, 2), mean), 1, sd) / sqrt(K)
    ##totalerr <- apply(totalerr, 1, mean)

  pos.min    <- which.min(err.mean)
  lambda.min <- lambdas[pos.min]

  stderr.lambda.min <- err.se[pos.min]
##-   stderr.lambda.min <- cv.nodewise.stderr(K = K,
##-                                           x = x,
##-                                           dataselects = dataselects,
##-                                           lambda = lambda.min,
##-                                           parallel = parallel,
##-                                           ncores = ncores)
  list(lambda.min = lambda.min,
       lambda.1se = max(lambdas[err.mean < (min(err.mean) + stderr.lambda.min)]))

##DEPRECATED, not really the best choice
nodewise.getlambdasequence.old <- function(x,verbose=FALSE)
  ## Purpose:
  ## this method returns a lambdasequence for the nodewise regressions
  ## by looking at the automatically selected lambda sequences
  ## for each nodewise regression by glmnet.
  ## It returns a __linear__ interpolation of lambda values between the max and
  ## min lambda value found.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 27 Nov 2012 (initial version),
  nlambda <- 100#take the same value as glmnet does automatically
  p <- ncol(x)
  maxlambda <- 0
  minlambda <- 100
  for(c in 1:p){
    lambdas <- glmnet(x[,-c],x[,c])$lambda
    if(verbose || is.nan(max(lambdas))){
      cat(paste("c:", c, "\n"))
      cat("lambdas:", lambdas, "\n")
      cat("max(lambdas) max(lambdas,na.rm=TRUE) maxlambda: ",
          max(lambdas), max(lambdas,na.rm=TRUE), maxlambda, "\n")
    if(max(lambdas,na.rm=TRUE) > maxlambda){
      maxlambda <- max(lambdas,na.rm=TRUE)
    if(min(lambdas,na.rm=TRUE) < minlambda){
      minlambda <- min(lambdas, na.rm = TRUE)
  lambdas <- seq(minlambda, maxlambda, by = (maxlambda-minlambda)/nlambda)
  ## return
  sort(lambdas, decreasing=TRUE)

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