Man pages for hermiter
Efficient Sequential and Batch Estimation of Univariate and Bivariate Probability Density Functions and Cumulative Distribution Functions along with Quantiles (Univariate) and Nonparametric Correlation (Bivariate)

corA wrapper around the stats::cor function adding two...
cum_probEstimates the cumulative probability at one or more x values
cum_prob.hermite_estimator_bivarEstimates the cumulative probabilities for a matrix of 2-d x...
cum_prob.hermite_estimator_univarEstimates the cumulative probability for a vector of x values
densEstimates the probability density at one or more x values
dens.hermite_estimator_bivarEstimates the probability densities for a matrix of 2-d x...
dens.hermite_estimator_univarEstimates the probability density for a vector of x values
density.hermite_estimator_bivarCreates an object summarizing the bivariate PDF with...
density.hermite_estimator_univarCreates an object summarizing the PDF with associated generic...
gauss_hermite_quad_100Calculates \int_{-Inf}^{Inf} f(x) e^{-x^2} dx using...
hcdfCreates an object summarizing the CDF with associated generic...
hcdf.hermite_estimator_bivarCreates an object summarizing the bivariate CDF with...
hcdf.hermite_estimator_univarCreates an object summarizing the CDF with associated generic...
hermite_estimatorA class to sequentially estimate univariate and bivariate...
hermite_estimator_bivarA class to sequentially estimate bivariate pdfs, cdfs and...
hermite_estimator_univarA class to sequentially estimate univariate pdfs, cdfs and...
hermite_functionOutputs orthonormal Hermite functions
hermite_function_NConvenience function to output orthonormal Hermite functions...
hermite_function_sum_NConvenience function to output the sum of orthonormal Hermite...
hermite_function_sum_serialOutputs the sum of orthonormal Hermite functions
hermite_integral_valOutputs lower integral of the orthonormal Hermite functions
hermite_integral_val_upperOutputs upper integral of the orthonormal Hermite functions
hermite_int_fullConvenience function to output the integral of the...
hermite_int_full_domainOutputs integral of the orthonormal Hermite functions on the...
hermite_int_lowerConvenience function to output a definite integral of the...
hermite_int_upperConvenience function to output a definite integral of the...
hermite_normalizationOutputs Hermite normalization factors
hermite_normalization_NConvenience function to output Hermite normalization factors
hermite_polynomialOutputs physicist version of Hermite Polynomials
hermite_polynomial_NConvenience function to output physicist Hermite polynomials...
hermiter-packageEfficient Sequential and Batch Estimation of Univariate and...
initialize_batch_bivarInitializes the Hermite series based estimator with a batch...
initialize_batch_univarInitializes the Hermite series based estimator with a batch...
IQREstimates the Interquartile range (IQR)
IQR.defaultEstimates the Interquartile range (IQR)
IQR.hermite_estimator_univarEstimates the Interquartile range (IQR)
kendallEstimates the Kendall rank correlation coefficient
kendall.hermite_estimator_bivarEstimates the Kendall rank correlation coefficient
median.hermite_estimator_univarEstimates the median
merge_hermiteMerges a list of Hermite estimators
merge_hermite_bivarMerges a list of bivariate Hermite estimators
merge_hermite_univarMerges a list of Hermite estimators
merge_moments_and_count_bivarInternal method to consistently merge the number of...
merge_moments_and_count_univarInternal method to consistently merge the number of...
merge_pairMerges two Hermite estimators
merge_pair.hermite_estimator_bivarMerges two bivariate Hermite estimators
merge_pair.hermite_estimator_univarMerges two Hermite estimators
merge_standardized_helper_bivarInternal method to merge a list of standardized bivariate...
merge_standardized_helper_univarInternal method to merge a list of standardized Hermite...
plot.hcdf_bivarPlots the hcdf_bivar object as output by the hcdf function...
plot.hcdf_univarPlots the hcdf_univar object as output by the hcdf function...
plot.hdensity_bivarPlots the hdensity_bivar object as output by the density...
plot.hdensity_univarPlots the hdensity_univar object as output by the density...
print.hcdf_bivarPrints the hcdf_bivar object as output by the hcdf function...
print.hcdf_univarPrints the hcdf_univar object as output by the hcdf function...
print.hdensity_bivarPrints the hdensity_bivar object as output by the density...
print.hdensity_univarPrints the hdensity_univar object as output by the density...
print.hermite_estimator_bivarPrints bivariate hermite_estimator object.
print.hermite_estimator_univarPrints univariate hermite_estimator object.
quantEstimates the quantiles at a vector of probability values
quant.hermite_estimator_univarEstimates the quantiles at a vector of probability values
quantile.hermite_estimator_univarEstimates the quantiles at a vector of probability values
spearmansEstimates the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
spearmans.hermite_estimator_bivarEstimates the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
standardizeInputsStandardizes the observation x and updates the online moment...
standardizeInputsEWStandardizes the observation x and updates the online moment...
summary.hcdf_bivarSummarizes the hcdf_bivar object as output by the hcdf...
summary.hcdf_univarSummarizes the hcdf_univar object as output by the hcdf...
summary.hermite_estimator_bivarSummarizes bivariate hermite_estimator object.
summary.hermite_estimator_univarSummarizes univariate hermite_estimator object.
update_sequentialUpdates the Hermite series based estimator sequentially
update_sequential.hermite_estimator_bivarUpdates the Hermite series based estimator sequentially
update_sequential.hermite_estimator_univarUpdates the Hermite series based estimator sequentially
hermiter documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:09 a.m.