
Defines functions PlotIMFs HHTPackagePlotter HHSpecPlot HHGramImage HHSpectrum HHRender FTGramImage

Documented in FTGramImage HHGramImage HHRender HHSpecPlot HHSpectrum HHTPackagePlotter PlotIMFs

# Plotting and data analysis functions

FTGramImage <- function(sig, dt, ft, time.span = NULL, freq.span = NULL, amp.span = NULL, taper = 0.05, scaling = "none", grid=TRUE, colorbar=TRUE, backcol=c(0, 0, 0), colormap=NULL, pretty=FALSE, ...)
	#Plots a Fourier spectrogram
        #    SIG is the signal to analyze
        #    DT is the sample rate (must be constant)
	#    FT is the Fourier transform input parameters, adopted from Jonathan Lees' code in RSEIS
	#        FT$NFFT is the fft length
	#        FT$NS is the number of samples in a window
        #        FT$NOV is the number of samples to overlap
        #    TIME.SPAN is the time span to plot, NULL plots everything
        #    FREQ.SPAN is the frequency span to plot (<=max frequency in spectrogram), NULL plots everything up to the Nyquist frequency
	#    AMP.SPAN is the amplitude range to plot.  NULL plots everything.
        #    TAPER is the cosine taper factor (amount of the signal to apply the taper to, must be < 0.5)
        #    SCALING determines whether to apply a logarithmic (log), or square root (sqrt) scaling to the amplitude data
        #    GRID is a boolean asking whether to display grid lines
        #    COLORBAR is a boolean asking whether to plot an amplitude colorbar
        #    BACKCOL is a 3 element vector of RGB values for the background of the spectrogram, based on a 0 to 255 scale: [red, green, blue]
        #    COLORMAP is an R palette object determining how the spectrogram colors should look
        #    PRETTY is a boolean asking whether to adjust axis labels so that they're pretty (TRUE) or give the exactly specified time and frequency intervals (FALSE)
        #       TRACE.FORMAT is the format of the trace minima and maxima in sprintf format
        #       IMG.X.FORMAT is the format of the X axis labels of the image in sprintf format
        #       IMG.Y.FORMAT is the format of the Y axis labels of the image in sprintf format
        #       COLORBAR.FORMAT is the format of the colorbar labels in sprintf format   
        #       CEX.LAB is the font size of the image axis labels
        #       CEX.COLORBAR is the font size of the colorbar
        #       CEX.TRACE is the font size of the trace axis labels
        #       IMG.X.LAB is the X - axis label of the image, it defaults to "time"
        #       IMG.Y.LAB is the Y - axis label of the image, it defaults to "frequency" 
        #       MAIN gives the figure a title.
        #    IMG is the spectrogram	
	opts = list(...)

        if(!"img.x.lab" %in% names(opts))
            opts$img.x.lab = "time"

        if(!"img.y.lab" %in% names(opts))
            opts$img.y.lab = "frequency"

                time.span=c(dt, length(sig) * dt)

        if(time.span[2] > length(sig) * dt)
                time.span[2]= length(sig) * dt
                warning("The requested spectrogram is longer than the actual signal.")

                freq.span=c(0, 1/(dt * 2))
        if(freq.span[2] > 1 / (dt * 2))
                freq.span[2] = 1 / (dt * 2)
                warning("Requested maximum frequency is higher than the Nyquist frequency.")

        sig = sig[(time.span[1]/dt):(time.span[2]/dt)]
        tt = (seq_len(length(sig)) * dt) + time.span[1]

	ev=EvolutiveFFT(sig, dt, ft, freq.span, taper) #Calculate the Fourier spectrogram
        ev$tt = tt

             amp.span = c(min(ev$z[ev$z>-Inf]), max(ev$z[ev$z<Inf]))
        img.xvec = ev$x + time.span[1]
        img.yvec = seq(freq.span[1], freq.span[2], by = ev$y[2] - ev$y[1])
        img = list(z = array(0, dim = c(length(img.xvec), length(img.yvec))),
              x = img.xvec, y = img.yvec)
        img$z[,img.yvec >= min(ev$y) & img.yvec <= max(ev$y)] = ev$z[,ev$y >= freq.span[1] & ev$y <= freq.span[2]]

        if(scaling == "ln") #Scale by natural log
            img$z[img$z == 0] = NA
            img$z = log(img$z)
            amp.span <- log(amp.span)

        if(scaling == "log") #Log 10 scale
            img$z[img$z == 0] = NA
            img$z = log10(img$z)
            amp.span <- log10(amp.span)

        if(scaling == "sqrt") #Take the square root
            img$z = sqrt(img$z)
            amp.span <- sqrt(amp.span)

        trace = list()
        trace$sig = ev$original.signal[ev$tt >= time.span[1] & ev$tt <= time.span[2]]
        trace$tt = ev$tt[ev$tt >= time.span[1] & ev$tt <= time.span[2]]
        window = ft$ns / (length(tt[tt >= min(img$x) & tt <= max(img$x)]))
        HHTPackagePlotter(img, trace, amp.span, opts$img.x.lab, opts$img.y.lab, window = window, colormap = colormap, backcol = backcol, pretty = pretty, grid = grid, colorbar = colorbar, opts = opts)


HHRender <- function(hres, dt, dfreq, time.span = NULL, freq.span = NULL, scaling = "none", combine.imfs = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
	#Renders a spectrogram of EMD or Ensemble EMD (EEMD) results.
	#	HRES is a matrix of data generated by EEMD.COMPILE or the output of HHTRANSFORM
	#	it represents a set on all time/frequency/amplitude points from the given EEMD run
        #       DT is the time resolution of the spectrogram.  Currently, if there is a hres$dt field, DT must be greater than or equal to hres$dt.
        #       this prevents subsample resolution.
        #       DFREQ is the frequency resolution of the spectrogram
        #       TIME.SPAN is the portion of the signal to include.  NULL means the whole signal.
        #       FREQ.SPAN is the frequency range to calculate the spectrum over c(MIN, MAX).  NULL means capture the full frequency spectrum of the signal.
        #       SCALING determines whether to plot frequency as log 10 ("log") or linear ("none")
        #       COMBINE.IMFS will combine all the IMFs into one image, saving space and time for HHGramImage if TRUE.  If FALSE, keep them separate for individual plotting options for HHGramImage.
        #       VERBOSE prints out status messages (i.e. IMF 1 COMPLETE!)
	#	HGRAM is a spectrogram matrix ready to be plotted by HHGRAM.IMAGE
	#Danny Bowman
	#UNC Chapel Hill

        hgram = hres

        if(scaling == "log")
            hres$hinstfreq = log10(hres$hinstfreq)
        else if (scaling != "none")
             warning("Did not recognize scaling request \"", scaling, ".\" Reverting to linear frequency (scaling = \"none\").")
        #Deal with logarithms of 0
        hres$hamp[hres$hinstfreq == -Inf] = 0
        hres$hinstfreq[hres$hinstfreq == -Inf] = 0

             freq.span = c(min(hres$hinstfreq), max(hres$hinstfreq))
        if(!"trials" %in% names(hres))
                hres$hinstfreq = array(hres$hinstfreq, dim = c(dim(hres$hinstfreq), 1))
                hres$hamp = array(hres$hamp, dim = c(dim(hres$hamp), 1))
        if("dt" %in% names(hres))
             if(hres$dt > dt) #We don't want to have to interpolate between samples
                 warning(paste("The time resolution", sprintf("%.2e", dt), "is lower than the sample rate", sprintf("%.2e", hres$dt), "of the time series.  This may introduce time gaps in the spectrogram."))
             if("tt" %in% names(hres))
                 warning("Input data has both DT (sample rate) and TT (sample times) components.  Component TT will be used to calculate the spectrogram")
                 hgram$tt = hres$tt
                 hgram$tt = seq_len(length(hres$original.signal)) * hres$dt

           time.span = c(min(hgram$tt), max(hgram$tt))

        if(!(("tt" %in% names(hres)) | ("dt" %in% names(hres))))
            warning("Neither DT (sample rate) nor TT (sample times) were specified in the input data.  Assuming DT is 1...")
            hgram$tt = seq_len(length(hres$original.signal))

                warning("Requested time window is longer than the actual signal.")
        t.ind = which(hgram$tt >= time.span[1] & hgram$tt <= time.span[2])
        hgram$tt = hgram$tt[t.ind] 
        hres$hinstfreq = array(hres$hinstfreq[t.ind,,], dim = c(length(hgram$tt), hres$nimf, hres$trials))
        hres$hamp = array(hres$hamp[t.ind,,], dim = c(length(hgram$tt), hres$nimf, hres$trials))
        hres$original.signal = hres$original.signal[t.ind]
        grid = list()
        grid$x = hgram$tt
        grid$y = seq(from = freq.span[1], to = freq.span[2] + dfreq, by = dfreq)
            imf.dim = 1
            imf.dim = hres$nimf
        hgram$z=array(0,dim=c(length(grid$x),length(grid$y), imf.dim))
        hgram$cluster=hgram$z #Shows how many times a given grid node has data.
        for(i in seq(hres$nimf))
            x = array(c(rep(hgram$tt,hres$trials), hres$hinstfreq[,i,]), dim = c(length(hgram$tt)*hres$trials, 2))
            imf.img = fields::as.image(hres$hamp[,i,], grid = grid, x = x)
            imf.img$z[is.na(imf.img$z)] = 0
            imf.img$weights[is.na(imf.img$weights)] = 0
                hgram$z[,,1] = hgram$z[,,1] + imf.img$z
                hgram$cluster[,,1] = hgram$cluster[,,1] + imf.img$weights
                hgram$z[,,i] = imf.img$z
                hgram$cluster[,,i] = imf.img$weights
                print(paste("IMF", i, "COMPLETE!"))
        hgram$combine.imfs = combine.imfs 
        hgram$hinstfreq = hres$hinstfreq
        hgram$hamp = hres$hamp 
        hgram$original.signal = hres$original.signal
        hgram$x = imf.img$x 
        hgram$y = imf.img$y
        hgram$scaling = scaling
	invisible(hgram) #Return the spectrogram structure.

HHSpectrum <- function(hres, dfreq, freq.span = NULL, time.span = NULL, scaling = "none", verbose = TRUE)
    #Calculate the Hilbert spectrogram of a signal contained in HRES (returned by HHTRANSFORM or EEMD.COMPILE)
    #       HRES is a matrix of data generated by EEMD.COMPILE or the output of HHTRANSFORM
    #       it represents a set on all time/frequency/amplitude points from the given EEMD run
    #       DFREQ is the frequency resolution of the spectrogram
    #       FREQ.SPAN is the frequency range to calculate the spectrum over c(MIN, MAX).  NULL means capture the full frequency spectrum of the signal.
    #       TIME.SPAN is the time span to calculate the spectrum over c(MIN, MAX).  NULL means use the entire signal
    #       SCALING determines whether to calculate frequency as log 10 ("log") or linear ("none")
    #       VERBOSE prints out status messages (i.e. IMF 1 COMPLETE!)
    #    HSPEC is the Hilbert spectrum of the signal, separated by IMF.

       dt = max(hres$tt) - min(hres$tt)
   else {
       dt = time.span[2] - time.span[1]

   hgram = HHRender(hres, dt, dfreq, freq.span = freq.span, time.span = time.span, scaling = scaling, combine.imfs = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)

   amps = array(0, dim = dim(hgram$z)[2:3])

   for(i in seq(hres$nimf))
       amps[, i] = apply(hgram$z[, , i], 2, sum) 

  hspec = list(amplitude = amps, frequency = hgram$y, original.signal = hgram$original.signal, dt = dt, tt=hres$tt, dfreq = dfreq)

HHGramImage <- function(hgram,time.span = NULL,freq.span = NULL, amp.span = NULL, clustergram = FALSE, cluster.span=NULL, imf.list = NULL, fit.line = FALSE, scaling = "none", grid=TRUE, colorbar=TRUE, backcol=c(0, 0, 0), colormap=NULL, pretty=FALSE, ...)
	#Plots a spectrogram of the EEMD processed signal as an image.	
	#	HGRAM is the subsetted spectrogram  from HH.RENDER.
	#		HGRAM$X is time
	#		HGRAM$Y is frequency
	#		HGRAM$Z is amplitude normalized to trials
	#		HGRAM$CLUSTER is a matrix containing integer values corresponding to the number of times a signal was recorded in a given spectrogram cell during EEMD
	#		The more often the signal is recorded, the more likely it is that the signal is real and not noise
	#		HGRAM$TRIALS is the number of times EEMD was run to generate signal
	#		HGRAM$ORIGINAL.SIGNAL is the original seismogram (without added noise)
        #               HGRAM$TT is the sample times
	#	TIME.SPAN is the time span to plot, NULL plots everything
	#	FREQ.SPAN is the frequency span to plot (<=max frequency in spectrogram), NULL plots everything
	#	AMP.SPAN is the amplitude span to plot, everything below is set to black, everything above is set to max color, NULL scales to range in signal
        #	CLUSTERGRAM tells the code to plot the signal amplitude (FALSE) or the number of times data occupies a given pixel (TRUE).
	#	CLUSTER.SPAN plots only the parts of the signal that have a certain number of data points per pixel [AT LEAST, AT MOST] this only applies to EEMD with multiple trials.
        #       IMF.LIST is a list of IMFs to plot on the spectrogram.  If NULL, plot all IMFs.
        #       IMF.SUM can be set to show the sum of IMFs shown in the spectrogram plotted as a red line against the original trace
        #       SCALING determines whether to apply a logarithmic (log), or square root (sqrt) scaling to the amplitude data, default is "none"
	#	GRID is a boolean asking whether to display grid lines
	#	COLORBAR is a boolean asking whether to plot an amplitude colorbar
        #       BACKCOL is a 3 element vector of RGB values for the background of the spectrogram, based on a 0 to 255 scale: [red, green, blue]
        #       COLORMAP is an R palette object determining how the spectrogram colors should look
        #       PRETTY is a boolean asking whether to adjust axis labels so that they're pretty (TRUE) or give the exactly specified time and frequency intervals (FALSE)
        #       TRACE.FORMAT is the format of the trace minima and maxima in sprintf format
        #       IMG.X.FORMAT is the format of the X axis labels of the image in sprintf format
        #       IMG.Y.FORMAT is the format of the Y axis labels of the image in sprintf format
        #       COLORBAR.FORMAT is the format of the colorbar labels in sprintf format   
        #       CEX.LAB is the font size of the image axis labels
        #       CEX.COLORBAR is the font size of the colorbar
        #       CEX.TRACE is the font size of the trace axis labels
        #       IMG.X.LAB is the X - axis label of the image, it defaults to "time"
        #       IMG.Y.LAB is the Y - axis label of the image, it defaults to "frequency"
        #     IMG is the spectrogram returned as an image

        opts = list(...)
        if(!"img.x.lab" %in% names(opts))
            opts$img.x.lab = "time"
        if(!"img.y.lab" %in% names(opts))
            opts$img.y.lab = "frequency"
        #Subset by IMFs
                imf.list = seq(1)

                imf.list = seq(hgram$nimf)
                warning("The IMFs were combined when HHRender was run on this data (combine.imfs = TRUE). Individual IMF spectrograms cannot be plotted - the image you see is the combined IMFs.  Rerun HHRender with combined.imfs = FALSE if you want the ability to plot single IMFs using HHGramImage.")
                imf.list = seq(1)
            if(max(imf.list) > hgram$nimf)
                warning("Requested more IMFs than are present in the actual EMD results!")
                imf.list = imf.list[imf.list < hgram$nimf]
		time.span=c(min(hgram$tt), max(hgram$tt))
		warning("Requested time window is longer than the actual signal.")
		freq.span=c(min(hgram$y), max(hgram$y))
		warning("Requested frequency window is higher than maximum frequency in the spectrogram.")

                 warning("User requested the IMF.SUM option but the spectrogram data indicates that the IMFs were combined when HHRender was run (combine.imfs = TRUE).  The IMF sum will still be plotted but the spectrogram will display all the IMFs in the signal.")
             fit.line = rowSums(hgram$averaged.imfs[hgram$x >= time.span[1] & hgram$x <= time.span[2], imf.list])
            fit.line = NULL

        img = list()
        img$x = hgram$x[hgram$x >= time.span[1] & hgram$x <= time.span[2]]
        img$y = hgram$y[hgram$y >= freq.span[1] & hgram$y <= freq.span[2]]
            cluster = hgram$cluster[hgram$x >= time.span[1] & hgram$x <= time.span[2], hgram$y >= freq.span[1] & hgram$y <= freq.span[2],imf.list]
            cluster = apply(hgram$cluster[hgram$x >= time.span[1] & hgram$x <= time.span[2], hgram$y >= freq.span[1] & hgram$y <= freq.span[2],imf.list], c(1, 2), sum)

        #Determine if we are plotting clustering or amplitudes

            img$z = cluster
                img$z = hgram$z[hgram$x >= time.span[1] & hgram$x <= time.span[2], hgram$y >= freq.span[1] & hgram$y <= freq.span[2],imf.list]
                img$z = apply(hgram$z[hgram$x >= time.span[1] & hgram$x <= time.span[2], hgram$y >= freq.span[1] & hgram$y <= freq.span[2],imf.list], c(1, 2), sum)

            img$z[cluster <= cluster.span[1] |  cluster >= cluster.span[2]] = 0

             if(scaling == "log")
                 amp.span = c(min(img$z[img$z>0]), max(img$z))
                 amp.span = c(min(img$z), max(img$z))

        if(scaling == "log") #Log 10 scale
            img$z = log10(img$z)
            amp.span = log10(amp.span)

        if(scaling == "sqrt") #Take the square root
            img$z = sqrt(img$z)
            amp.span = sqrt(amp.span)

        trace = list()
        trace$sig = hgram$original.signal[hgram$tt >= time.span[1] & hgram$tt <= time.span[2]]
        trace$tt = hgram$tt[hgram$tt >= time.span[1] & hgram$tt <= time.span[2]]

        HHTPackagePlotter(img, trace, amp.span, opts$img.x.lab, opts$img.y.lab, fit.line = fit.line, colormap = colormap, backcol = backcol, pretty = pretty, grid = grid, colorbar = colorbar, opts = opts)

HHSpecPlot <- function(hspec, freq.span = NULL, scaling = "none", imf.list = NULL, show.total = TRUE, show.fourier = FALSE, scale.fourier = FALSE, show.imfs = FALSE, legend = TRUE, ...)
    #Plot the Hilbert spectrum, optionally as individual IMFs, optionally with the scaled Fourier spectrum for comparison
    #    HSPEC is the Hilbert spectrogram returned by HHSPECTRUM
    #    FREQ.SPAN is the frequencies to plot, NULL means plot everything
    #    SCALING whether to take the base 10 logarithm of amplitude ("log") or square root of amplitude ("sqrt")  or do nothing ("none")
    #    IMF.LIST means only include these IMFS, NULL includes all of them
    #    SHOW.TOTAL means show the sum of the IMF Hilbert spectra
    #    SHOW.IMFS means plot individual IMFs
    #    SHOW.FOURIER determines whether you want a Fourier spectrum for comparison (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
    #    SCALE.FOURIER scales the Fourier spectrum line to the Hilbert spectrum line if TRUE.  Defaults to FALSE.
    #    LEGEND asks whether to plot a legend.  Additional options will place the legend where you want it.
    #    XLAB is the X axis label
    #    YLAB is the Y axis label
    #    LEGEND.LOCATION determines where to put the legend.
    #    TOTAL.COL is the color of the ensemble Hilbert spectrum
    #    TOTAL.LWD is the line weight of the ensemble Hilbert spectrogram
    #    LOTAL.LTY is the line type of the ensemble Hilbert spectrogram
    #    IMF.COLS sets the color of each IMF - a vector with length IMF.LIST    
    #    IMF.LWD is the line weight for the IMFs as a vector with length IMF.LIST
    #    IMF.LTY is the line type for the IMFs as a vector with length IMF.LIST
    #    FOURIER.COL is the color of the Fourier spectrum line
    #    FOURIER.LTY is the line type of the Fourier spectrum line
    #    FOURIER.LWD is the line weight of the Fourier spectrum line

    if(!(show.total | show.imfs | show.fourier))
        stop("Nothing to plot!  Set at least one of SHOW.TOTAL, SHOW.IMFS, or SHOW.FOURIER to TRUE.")

    opts = list(...)

    if(!(scaling == "log" | scaling == "sqrt" | scaling == "none"))
        warning(paste("Did not recognize requested scaling: \"", scaling, "\".  Options are \"log\" (base 10 logarithm), \"sqrt\" (square root), or \"none\""))
        scaling = "none"
        freq.span = c(0, max(hspec$frequency))
    hspec$amplitude = hspec$amplitude[hspec$frequency >= freq.span[1] & hspec$frequency<= freq.span[2],]
    hspec$frequency = hspec$frequency[hspec$frequency >= freq.span[1] & hspec$frequency<= freq.span[2]]

    if(!"legend.location" %in% names(opts) & legend)
        opts$legend.location = "topright"

    if(!"total.col" %in% names(opts))
        opts$total.col = "red"

    if(!"total.lwd" %in% names(opts))
        opts$total.lwd = 1
    if(!"total.lty" %in% names(opts))
        opts$total.lty = 1

    if(!"xlab" %in% names(opts))
        opts$xlab = "frequency"

    if(!"ylab" %in% names(opts))
        if(scaling != "none")
            opts$ylab = paste(scaling, "amplitude")
             opts$ylab = "amplitude"
        imf.list = seq(dim(hspec$amplitude)[2])

    if(!"imf.cols" %in% names(opts))
            opts$imf.cols = rainbow(length(imf.list), start = 1/6, end = 5/6)
            opts$imf.cols = rainbow(length(imf.list), start = 0, end = 5/6)
    if(!"imf.lwd" %in% names(opts))
        opts$imf.lwd = rep(1, length(imf.list))

    if(!"imf.lty" %in% names(opts))
        opts$imf.lty = rep(1, length(imf.list))

    if(!"fourier.col" %in% names(opts))
        opts$fourier.col = "black"

    if(!"fourier.lty" %in% names(opts))
        opts$fourier.lty = 1
    if(!"fourier.lwd" %in% names(opts))
        opts$fourier.lwd = 1

    if(!"main" %in% names(opts))
        opts$main = ""

    pmin = Inf
    pmax = -Inf

        imf.amp = hspec$amplitude[, imf.list]
        pmin = min(imf.amp[imf.amp>0])
        pmax = max(imf.amp)

            total.amp = apply(hspec$amplitude[,imf.list], 1, sum)
            total.amp = hspec$amplitude[,imf.list]
        if(max(total.amp) > pmax)
            pmax = max(total.amp[total.amp > 0])
        if(min(total.amp) < pmin)
            pmin = min(total.amp[total.amp > 0])

        fourier.freqs = seq(0, 1/(mean(diff(hspec$tt)) * 2), length.out = length(hspec$original.signal)-1)
        fspec = Mod(fft(hspec$original.signal - mean(hspec$original.signal)))[1:length(hspec$original.signal)/2][fourier.freqs >= freq.span[1] & fourier.freqs <= freq.span[2]]
            fspec = fspec * pmax/max(fspec)
        if(max(fspec) > pmax)
            pmax = max(fspec)
        if(min(fspec[fspec > 0]) < pmin)
            pmin = min(fspec[fspec > 0])
    if(scaling == "log")
        pmax = log10(pmax)
        pmin = log10(pmin)

    if(scaling == "sqrt")
        pmax = sqrt(pmax)
        pmin = sqrt(pmin)
    plot(c(min(hspec$frequency), max(hspec$frequency)), c(pmin, pmax), type = "n", xlab = opts$xlab, ylab = opts$ylab, main = opts$main)

       for(k in seq_len(length(imf.list)))

           amp = imf.amp[,k]
           if(scaling == "log")
              amp = log10(amp)

           if(scaling == "sqrt")
               amp = sqrt(amp)
           lines(hspec$frequency[amp > -Inf], amp[amp > -Inf], col = opts$imf.cols[k], lwd = opts$imf.lwd[k], lty = opts$imf.lty[k])
        if(scaling == "log")
            total.amp = log10(total.amp)

        if(scaling == "sqrt")
            total.amp = sqrt(total.amp)

        lines(hspec$frequency, total.amp, lwd = opts$total.lwd, lty = opts$total.lty, col = opts$total.col)


        if(scaling == "log")
            fspec = log10(fspec)

        if(scaling == "sqrt")
            fspec = sqrt(fspec)

        lines(fourier.freqs[fourier.freqs >= freq.span[1] & fourier.freqs <= freq.span[2]], fspec, 
            lty = opts$fourier.lty, lwd = opts$fourier.lwd, col = opts$fourier.col)

        legend.labs = c()
        legend.cols = c()
        legend.lty = c()
        legend.lwd = c()
            legend.labs = c(legend.labs, "Total Hilbert")
            legend.cols = c(legend.cols, opts$total.col)
            legend.lty = c(legend.lty, opts$total.lty)
            legend.lwd = c(legend.lwd, opts$total.lwd) 
            legend.labs = c(legend.labs, paste(rep("IMF", length(imf.list)), imf.list))
            legend.cols = c(legend.cols, opts$imf.cols)
            legend.lty = c(legend.lty, opts$imf.lty)
            legend.lwd = c(legend.lwd, opts$imf.lwd)

            legend.labs = c(legend.labs, "Fourier")
            legend.cols = c(legend.cols, opts$fourier.col)
            legend.lty = c(legend.lty, opts$fourier.lty[1])
            legend.lwd = c(legend.lwd, opts$fourier.lwd[1])
        legend(opts$legend.location, legend = legend.labs, lty = legend.lty, lwd = legend.lwd, col = legend.cols)

HHTPackagePlotter <- function(img, trace, amp.span, img.x.lab, img.y.lab, fit.line = NULL, window = NULL, colormap = NULL, backcol = c(0, 0, 0), pretty = FALSE, grid = TRUE, colorbar = TRUE, opts = list())
    #Plots images and time series for Hilbert spectra, Fourier spectra, and cluster analysis.
    #This function is internal to the package and users should not be calling it.
    #    IMG is the image portion of the figure
    #        IMG$X is the columns
    #        IMG$Y is the rows
    #        IMG$Z is the image data
    #    TRACE is the time series to plot at the top of the figure
    #        TRACE$SIG is the time series
    #        TRACE$TT is the time of each sample
    #    AMP.SPAN are the maximum and minimum values of the image.
    #    IMG.X.LAB is the label of the X axis of the image
    #    IMG.Y.LAB is the label of the Y axis of the image
    #    IMF.SUM is a red line on the time series plot showing the sum of the plotted IMFs, if available
    #        IMF.SUM$SIG is the summed IMFS
    #        IMF.SUM$TT is the time of each sample.  We assume all IMFS have equivalent timing.
    #    WINDOW is the length of the Fourier window, if applicable
    #    COLORMAP is the colormap to use for the image
    #    BACKCOL is the background color of the image
    #    PRETTY allows for nice axis labels
    #    GRID draws a grid on the image
    #    COLORBAR puts a colorbar corresponding to the range of values on the image
    #        OPTS$TRACE.FORMAT is the format of the trace minima and maxima in sprintf format
    #        OPTS$IMG.X.FORMAT is the format of the X axis labels of the image in sprintf format
    #        OPTS$IMG.Y.FORMAT is the format of the Y axis labels of the image in sprintf format
    #        OPTS$COLORBAR.FORMAT is the format of the colorbar labels in sprintf format   
    #        OPTS$CEX.LAB is the font size of the image axis labels
    #        OPTS$CEX.COLORBAR is the font size of the colorbar
    #        OPTS$CEX.TRACE is the font size of the trace axis labels
    #        OPTS$TRACE.COL is the color of the trace
    #        OPTS$IMF.SUM.COL is the color of the IMF sums (if shown)
    #        OPTS$PRETTY.X.N is the number of pretty divisions on the X axis
    #        OPTS$PRETTY.Y.N is the number of pretty divisions on the Y axis

    #Configure parameters
    if(!"trace.format" %in% names(opts))
        opts$trace.format = "%.1e"
    if(!"img.x.format" %in% names(opts))
        opts$img.x.format = "%.2f"
    if(!"img.y.format" %in% names(opts))
        opts$img.y.format = "%.2f"  
    if(!"colorbar.format" %in% names(opts))
         opts$colorbar.format = "%.1e"
    if(!"cex.main" %in% names(opts))
        opts$cex.main = 1
    if(!"cex.trace" %in% names(opts))
        opts$cex.trace = opts$cex.main * 0.75

    if(!"cex.colorbar" %in% names(opts))
        opts$cex.colorbar = opts$cex.main * 0.75

    if(!"cex.lab" %in% names(opts))
        opts$cex.lab = opts$cex.main

    if(!"fit.line.col" %in% names(opts))
        opts$fit.line.col = "red"
    if(!"trace.col" %in% names(opts))
        opts$trace.col = "black"

    if(!"pretty.x.n" %in% names(opts))
        opts$pretty.x.n = 10

    if(!"pretty.y.n" %in% names(opts))
        opts$pretty.y.n = 5

    {   #Get nice divisions
        pretty.x = pretty(img$x, n=opts$pretty.x.n)
        pretty.y = pretty(img$y, n=opts$pretty.y.n) 
        #pretty.x = pretty.x[pretty.x <= max(img$x) & pretty.x >= min(img$x)]
        #pretty.y = pretty.y[pretty.y <= max(img$y) & pretty.y >= min(img$y)]
             window = window * ((max(img$x) - min(img$x))/(max(pretty.x) - min(pretty.x)))
        img$z = img$z[img$x <= max(pretty.x) & img$x >= min(pretty.x), img$y <= max(pretty.y) & img$y >= min(pretty.y)]
        img$x = img$x[img$x <= max(pretty.x) & img$x >= min(pretty.x)]
        img$y = img$y[img$y <= max(pretty.y) & img$y >= min(pretty.y)]
        img.x.labels=sprintf(opts$img.x.format, pretty.x)
        img.y.labels=sprintf(opts$img.y.format, pretty.y)
        trace$sig = trace$sig[trace$tt >= min(pretty.x) & trace$tt<= max(pretty.x)]
        trace$tt = trace$tt[trace$tt >= min(pretty.x) & trace$tt<= max(pretty.x)]
        cat("Adjusting Time and Frequency limits to nice looking numbers (the \"pretty\" option is currently set to TRUE)\n")
       img.x.labels=sprintf(opts$img.x.format, seq(min(img$x), max(img$x), length.out = 10))
       img.y.labels=sprintf(opts$img.y.format, seq(min(img$y), max(img$y), length.out=5))


    colorbins = length(colormap)
    plot(c(-0.15,1),c(-0.15,1),type="n",axes=FALSE,xlab="", ylab="") # Set up main plot window
    #Plot TRACE

    sig = trace$sig - mean(trace$sig)
    trace.labels=c(min(trace$sig), max(trace$sig))
    tt.scale=trace.xspan/(max(trace$tt) - min(trace$tt))
    axis(4,pos=trace.x+trace.xspan,at=trace.at, labels=c("",""), cex.axis=opts$cex.trace)
    lines((trace$tt - min(trace$tt)) * tt.scale + trace.x, trace.y + (sig - min(sig)) * trace.scale, col = opts$trace.col)
         lines(((trace$tt - min(trace$tt))*tt.scale+trace.x), (trace.y + (fit.line - min(sig)) * trace.scale), col = opts$fit.line.col)
    rect(trace.x, trace.y, trace.x+trace.xspan, trace.y+trace.yspan)

    #Plot IMAGE

    pixel.width = image.xspan/(length(img$x) * 2)
    pixel.height = image.yspan/(length(img$y) * 2)
    image.xvec=seq(image.x + pixel.width, image.x+image.xspan - pixel.width, length.out=length(img$x))
    image.yvec=seq(image.y + pixel.height, image.y+image.yspan - pixel.height, length.out=length(img$y))
    img.y.at=seq(image.y,image.y+image.yspan, length.out=length(img.y.labels))
    rect(image.x,image.y,image.x+image.xspan,image.y+image.yspan,col=rgb(red=backcol[1], green=backcol[2], blue=backcol[3], maxColorValue=255))

    z <- img$z

    z[z<amp.span[1]] = NA
    z[z>amp.span[2]] = amp.span[2]
    z[z == 0]        = NA

    image(image.xvec,image.yvec, z, zlim = amp.span, col=colormap,add=TRUE)
    axis(2, pos=image.x, at=img.y.at,labels=img.y.labels, cex.axis=opts$cex.lab)
    axis(1,pos=image.y, at=img.x.at,labels=img.x.labels, cex.axis=opts$cex.lab)

    #Plot Fourier window, if applicable
        rwidth = trace.xspan * window 
        rect(trace.x + trace.xspan - rwidth, trace.y + trace.yspan, trace.x + trace.xspan, trace.y + trace.yspan + 0.01, col = "black")

    #Plot GRID
        line.color=rgb(red=100, green=100, blue=100, maxColorValue=255)
        for(k in 2:(length(img.x.at)-1))
            lines(c(img.x.at[k], img.x.at[k]), c(image.y, trace.y+trace.yspan), col=line.color, lty=line.type)

        for(k in 2:(length(img.y.at)-1))
            lines(c(image.x, image.x+image.xspan), c(img.y.at[k], img.y.at[k]), col=line.color, lty=line.type)

    #Plot COLORBAR

        color.yvec=seq(color.y, color.y+color.yspan, length.out=colorbins)
        colorbar.matrix=array(seq_len(colorbins),dim=c(1, colorbins))
        image(color.xvec, color.yvec, colorbar.matrix, col=colormap, axes=FALSE, add=TRUE)

    #Plot TEXT

    text(trace.x + trace.xspan + 0.03, trace.y, srt=90, sprintf(opts$trace.format,trace.labels[1]), cex=opts$cex.trace)
    text(trace.x + trace.xspan + 0.03, trace.y+trace.yspan, srt=90, sprintf(opts$trace.format, trace.labels[2]), cex=opts$cex.trace)
    text(image.x-0.095, image.y+image.yspan/2, srt=90, img.y.lab, cex=opts$cex.lab)
    text(image.x+image.xspan/2, image.y-0.1, img.x.lab, cex=opts$cex.lab)
    if("main" %in% names(opts))
        text(trace.x+trace.xspan/2, trace.y+trace.yspan+0.05,opts$main, cex=opts$cex.main)
        text(color.x+0.015, color.y-0.0125, sprintf(opts$colorbar.format, amp.span[1]), cex=opts$cex.colorbar)
        text(color.x+0.015, color.y+color.yspan+0.0125, sprintf(opts$colorbar.format, amp.span[2]), cex=opts$cex.colorbar)

PlotIMFs <-function(sig, time.span = NULL, imf.list = NULL, original.signal = TRUE, residue = TRUE, fit.line=FALSE, lwd=1, cex=1, ...)
    #Better IMF plotter
    #This function plots IMFs on the same plot so they can be checked for mode mixing or other problems.
    #It plots shifted traces in a single window
    #    SIG is the signal data structure returned by EEMD or EMD analysis
    #    Note that SIG$AVERAGED.IMFS will be plotted instead of SIG$IMF, likewise SIG$AVERAGED.RESIDUE takes precedence
    #    over SIG$RESIDUE, if both exist.
    #        SIG$IMF is a N by M array where N is the length of the signal and M is the number of IMFs
    #        SIG$ORIGINAL.SIGNAL is the original signal before EEMD
    #        SIG$RESIDUE is the residual after EMD
    #        SIG$DT is the sample rate
    #    TIME.SPAN is a 2 element vector giving the time range to plot
    #    IMF.LIST is the IMFs to plot
    #    ORIGINAL.SIGNAL is a boolean asking if you are going to plot the original signal also (defaults to be on top)
    #    RESIDUE is a boolean asking if you are going to plot the residual (defaults to be on bottom)
    #	 FIT.LINE is a boolean asking if you want to plot a line showing the sum of IMFs on top of the original signal (to check how the selected IMFs reconstruct the original signal)
    #	 LWT is the line weight (for plotting figures)
    #    CEX is the size of text (for plotting figures)
    #    ... other parameters to pass to main plotting function
    opts <- list(...)

    if(!"xlab" %in% names(opts)) {
        opts$xlab <- "Time (s)"

    if(!"ylab" %in% names(opts)) {
        opts$ylab <- ""
        time.span = c(min(sig$tt), max(sig$tt))
        imf.list = 1:sig$nimf
    if("averaged.imfs" %in% names(sig))

    if("averaged.residue" %in% names(sig))

    time.ind = which(sig$tt >= time.span[1] & sig$tt <= time.span[2])
    tt = sig$tt[time.ind]
    plot(c(0, 1), c(0, 1), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab=opts$xlab, ylab=opts$ylab, cex.lab=cex)
    sp=1/snum # Spacing of subplots


    trace.pos=sp/2 #Where the trace starts on the plot

        lines(ts, res+trace.pos, lwd=lwd)
    for(k in rev(imf.list))
       lines(ts, imfs[time.ind,k]+trace.pos, lwd=lwd)
       yax.labs=append(yax.labs, paste("IMF",k))
        lines(ts, os*(sp/(2*scale))+trace.pos, lwd=lwd)
            lines(ts, fline+trace.pos, lwd=lwd, col="red")
    xax.labs=pretty(seq(min(tt), max(tt), length.out=11))
    axis(1, pos=0, at=seq(0,1, length.out=length(xax.labs)), labels=xax.labs, cex.axis=cex)
    axis(2, pos=0, at=seq(sp/2, 1, by=sp), labels=yax.labs, cex.axis=cex)
    segments(c(0,0,1, 0), c(0, 1, 1, 0), c(0,1, 1, 1), c(1,1, 0, 0), lwd=lwd) 

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