
Defines functions jumpDetection timeOfDayAdjustments BoxCox__ tqfun calculateV calculateNpk fmupk mukp

Documented in mukp

#' to use when p,k different from range [4,6]
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @keywords internal
mukp <- function(p, k, t = 1000000) {
  p <- as.numeric(p)
  k <- as.numeric(k)
  U <- rnorm(t)
  Y <- rnorm(t)
  absU <- abs(U)
  mukp <- mean((absU^p)*(abs(U +sqrt(k-1)*Y))^p)

##fmupk: to use to calculate mupk in the function of the author.
#' @keywords internal
fmupk <- function(p,k){
  mupk <- NULL;
  if (p == 2) {
    mupk <- switch(as.character(k),
                  "2" = 4.00,
                  "3" = 5.00,
                  "4" = 6.00)
  if (p == 3) {
    mupk <- switch(as.character(k),
                  "2" = 24.07,
                  "3" = 33.63,
                  "4" = 43.74)
  if (p == 4) {
    mupk <- switch(as.character(k),
                  "2" = 204.04,
                  "3" = 320.26,
                  "4" = 455.67)
  if (is.null(mupk)) {
    # reduce simulation error by taking large T and large nrep
    nrep <- 100
    vmupk <- rep(NA, times = nrep)
    for (i in 1:nrep) {
      vmupk[i] <- mukp(p, k, t = 1000000)
    mupk <- round(mean(vmupk),2)

#' @keywords internal
calculateNpk <- function(p,k){
  mup= 2^(p/2)*gamma(1/2*(p+1))/gamma(1/2)
  mu2p= 2^((2*p)/2)*gamma(1/2*((2*p)+1))/gamma(1/2)
  npk= (1/mup^2)*(k^(p-2)*(1+k)*mu2p + k^(p-2)*(k-1)*mup^2-2*k^(p/2-1) * fmupk(p,k))

#' @keywords internal
calculateV <- function(rse, p, k, N){
  mup <- 2^(p/2)*gamma(1/2*(p+1))/gamma(1/2)
  mu2p <- 2^(p)*gamma(1/2*(2*p+1))/gamma(1/2)
  Ap <- (1/N)^(1-p/2)/mup*sum(rse^p)
  A2p = (1/N)^(1-p)/mu2p*sum(rse^(2*p))
  V <- calculateNpk(p,k) *A2p/(N*Ap^2)

#' @keywords internal
scale <- function (alignBy) {
         "seconds"= as.numeric(1),
         "minutes"= as.numeric(60),
         "hours"= as.numeric(3600))

#Function to calculate simple returns#
#' @keywords internal
simre <- function (pData) {
  inputWasXts <- is.xts(pData)
  l <- dim(pData)[1]
  if(is.null(l)) { ## Special case for ts is numeric vector
    l <- length(pData)
    D <- 1
  } else {
    D <- dim(pData)[2]
  col_names <- colnames(pData)
  x <- matrix(as.numeric(pData), nrow = l)
  x[(2:l), ] <- x[(2:l), ]/x[(1:(l - 1)), ]-1
  x[1, ] <- rep(0, D)
    x <- xts(x, order.by = index(pData))
  colnames(x) <- col_names

tqfun <- function(rData){ #Calculate the realized tripower quarticity
  returns <- as.vector(as.numeric(rData));
  n <- length(returns);
  mu43 <- 0.8308609; #    2^(2/3)*gamma(7/6) *gamma(1/2)^(-1)   
  tq <- n * ((mu43)^(-3)) *  sum(abs(returns[1:(n - 2)])^(4/3) *abs(returns[2:(n-1)])^(4/3) *abs(returns[3:n])^(4/3));

#' @keywords internal
#find better name?
BoxCox__ <- function(x, lambda){
  if (!lambda) {
  } else {
    return(((1+x)^lambda - 1)/lambda)

#' @keywords internal
timeOfDayAdjustments <- function(returns, n, m, polyOrder){
  timePolyMatrix <- matrix(rep(1:nrow(returns), each = polyOrder + 1)^(0:polyOrder), nrow = nrow(returns), ncol = polyOrder + 1, byrow = TRUE)
  timeOfDayScatter <- 1.249531 * rowMeans((abs(returns[,1:(m-2), drop = FALSE]) * 
                                             abs(returns[,2:(m-1), drop = FALSE]) * 
                                             abs(returns[,3:m, drop = FALSE]))^(2/3))
  timeOfDayBeta <- as.numeric(solve(t(timePolyMatrix) %*% timePolyMatrix) %*% t(timePolyMatrix) %*% timeOfDayScatter)
  timeOfDayFit <- timePolyMatrix %*% timeOfDayBeta
  # Normalize the fit
  timeOfDayFit <- timeOfDayFit / mean(timeOfDayFit)
  timeOfDayScatter <- timeOfDayScatter/mean(timeOfDayScatter)
  out <- list("timeOfDayScatter" = timeOfDayScatter, "timeOfDayFit" = timeOfDayFit, "timeOfDayBeta" = timeOfDayBeta, "timePolyMatrix" = timePolyMatrix) 

#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom zoo coredata
jumpDetection <- function(returns, alpha, nRets, nDays){
  returns <- matrix(coredata(returns), nrow = nRets, ncol = nDays, byrow = FALSE) #remap returns
  bpv <- pi/2 * colSums(abs(returns[1:(nRets-1),, drop = FALSE]) * abs(returns[2:nRets,, drop = FALSE]))
  rv <- colSums(returns^2)
  TODadjustments <- timeOfDayAdjustments(returns, n=nRets,  m = nDays, polyOrder = 2)
  Un <- alpha * sqrt(kronecker(pmin(bpv,rv), TODadjustments$timeOfDayFit)) * (1/nRets) ^0.49
  jumpIndices <- which(abs(as.numeric(returns)) > Un) # Where does a jump in the market occur?
  out <- list("jumpIndices" = jumpIndices, "Un" = Un, "timeOfDayADJ" = TODadjustments$timeOfDayFit)

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