
Defines functions makehull checkhull transformSpeclib

Documented in checkhull makehull transformSpeclib

transformSpeclib <- function(
                               data, ...,
                               method = "ch",
                               out = "bd"
if (out != "raw")
  if (data@spectra@fromRaster)
    return(.blockwise(speclib_obj =  "data", pos = 1))

x <- data
methodfound = FALSE
usespeclib  = FALSE

if (!is.speclib(x))
  stop("data must be of class 'Speclib'")

setmask <- if (is.null(attr(x, "setmask"))) FALSE else attr(x, "setmask")
if (setmask)
  dropped <- attr(x, "dropped")
  x <- interpolate.mask(x)
  result <- x
  for (i in 1:nrow(dropped))
    spectra(x)[,x$wavelength >= dropped[i,1] & x$wavelength <= dropped[i,2]] <- 0
} else {
  result <- x

y <- as.data.frame(spectra(x))
x <- x$wavelength

usagehistory(result) <- paste("Reflectance = transform (",method,"), ",out,sep="")

pp <- .process_parallel()
# pp <- list(a = FALSE)
if (method == "ch")
  if (!pp[[1]])
    hull <- matrix(data=0,nrow=nrow(y),ncol=ncol(y))
    cp   <- y*0
    status <- apply(matrix(c(1:nrow(y)), ncol = 1), 1, FUN = function(i, x, y)
      c.hull_da <- matrix(c(x, y[i,]), ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE)
      c.hull <- chull(c.hull_da)
      min_pt <- which.min(c.hull)
      max_pt <- which.max(c.hull)
      if (min_pt < max_pt)
        c.hull <- c.hull[c(min_pt:max_pt)]
      } else {
        c.hull <- c.hull[c(min_pt:length(c.hull), max_pt)]
      cp[i,c.hull]   <<- x[c.hull]
      hull[i,] <<- approx(x=x[c.hull],y=y[i,c.hull], xout = x,method = "linear", ties = "mean")$y
    }, x, y)
  } else {   
    `%op%` <- pp[[2]]
    c.hull <- foreach::foreach(i=1:nrow(y), .combine = 'rbind') %op%
      c.hull_da <- matrix(c(x, y[i,]), ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE)
      c.hull <- chull(c.hull_da)
      min_pt <- which.min(c.hull)
      max_pt <- which.max(c.hull)
      if (min_pt < max_pt)
        c.hull <- c.hull[c(min_pt:max_pt)]
      } else {
        c.hull <- c.hull[c(min_pt:length(c.hull), max_pt)]
      cp <- c(1:ncol(y)) * 0
      cp[c.hull]   <- x[c.hull]
      hull <- approx(x=x[c.hull],y=y[i,c.hull], xout = x,method = "linear", ties = "mean")$y
      matrix(c(cp, hull), ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE)
    hull <- matrix(c.hull[,2], ncol = ncol(y), byrow = TRUE)
    cp   <- matrix(c.hull[,1], ncol = ncol(y), byrow = TRUE)
if (method == "sh")
  if (!pp[[1]])
    hull <- y
    cp   <- y
    status <- apply(matrix(c(1:nrow(y)), ncol = 1), 1, FUN = function(i, x, y)
      y_i <- as.vector(as.matrix(y[i,]))
      external <- .Fortran("localmaxima",
                          n      = as.integer(length(y_i)),
                          y      = as.single(y_i),
                          locmax = as.integer(c(1:length(y_i))*0),
      lm <- external$locmax
      lm <- lm[lm>0]
      external <- .Fortran("suh",
                          nlm  = as.integer(length(lm)), 
                          n    = as.integer(length(y)),
                          LMin = as.integer(lm),
                          y    = as.single(y_i),
                          hull = as.single(c(1:length(y))*0),
                          cp   = as.integer(c(1:length(y))*0),
      hull[i,] <<- external$hull
      cp[i,]   <<- external$cp
    }, x, y)
  } else {
    `%op%` <- pp[[2]]
    c.hull <- foreach::foreach(i=1:nrow(y), .combine = 'rbind') %op%
      y_i <- as.vector(as.matrix(y[i,]))
      external <- .Fortran("localmaxima",
                          n      = as.integer(length(y_i)),
                          y      = as.single(y_i),
                          locmax = as.integer(c(1:length(y_i))*0),
      lm <- external$locmax
      lm <- lm[lm>0]
      external <- .Fortran("suh",
                          nlm  = as.integer(length(lm)), 
                          n    = as.integer(length(y)),
                          LMin = as.integer(lm),
                          y    = as.single(y_i),
                          hull = as.single(c(1:length(y))*0),
                          cp   = as.integer(c(1:length(y))*0),
      matrix(c(external$cp, external$hull), ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE)
    hull <- matrix(c.hull[,2], ncol = ncol(y), byrow = TRUE)
    cp   <- matrix(c.hull[,1], ncol = ncol(y), byrow = TRUE)

if (!methodfound) stop(paste("Unknown method '",method,"'!",sep=""))

if (out=="bd") 
  spectra(result) <- 1 - y/hull
  result@transformation <- "bd"
  result@ylabel <- "Band depth"
  if (setmask)
    mask(result) <- dropped
  return (result)
} else {
  if (out=="difference") 
    spectra(result) <- hull - y
    result@transformation <- "difference"
    result@ylabel <- "Transformed difference"
    if (setmask)
      mask(result) <- dropped
    return (result)
  } else {
    if (out=="raw") 
      return(new("Clman", result, cp = cp, hull = hull))
    } else {
      spectra(result) <- y/hull
      result@transformation <- "ratio"
      result@ylabel <- "Band depth ratio"
      if (setmask)
        mask(result) <- dropped
      return (result)

checkhull <- function(
  ptscon <- getcp(x,ispec)
  ispec  <- ptscon$ispec
  ptscon <- ptscon$ptscon$Wavelength
  Reflectance  <- spectra(x)[ispec,]

  result <- c(0,0)
  hull <- Reflectance*0
  storage.mode(ptscon)      <- "integer"
  storage.mode(Reflectance) <- "double"
  storage.mode(result)      <- "integer"
  storage.mode(hull)        <- "double"

  external <- .Fortran("checkhull",
                       ncp     = as.integer(length(ptscon)), 
                       n       = as.integer(length(Reflectance)),
                       ptscon  = ptscon, 
                       y       = Reflectance,
                       offset  = as.integer(x$wavelength[1]-1),
                       res     = result,
                       hull    = hull,
                       PACKAGE = "hsdar"
  if (external$res[1]!=0)
    warning(paste("Mismatch of continuum line at wavelength =",external$res[1],
                  "\n  Maximum distance between continuum line & spectrum at\n",
                  " Wavelength =",external$res[2]))

makehull <- function(
  ptscon <- getcp(x,ispec)
  ispec  <- ptscon$ispec
  ptscon <- ptscon$ptscon$Wavelength
  Reflectance  <- spectra(x)[ispec,]

  result <- c(0,0)
  hull <- Reflectance*0
  storage.mode(ptscon)      <- "integer"
  storage.mode(Reflectance) <- "double"
  storage.mode(result)      <- "integer"
  storage.mode(hull)        <- "double"

  external <- .Fortran("checkhull",
                       ncp     = as.integer(length(ptscon)), 
                       n       = as.integer(length(Reflectance)),
                       ptscon  = ptscon, 
                       y       = Reflectance,
                       offset  = as.integer(x$wavelength[1]-1),
                       res     = result,
                       hull    = hull,
                       PACKAGE = "hsdar"
  if (external$res[1]!=0)
    warning(paste("Mismatch of continuum line at wavelength =",external$res[1],
                  "\n  Maximum distance between continuum line & spectrum at\n",
                  " Wavelength =",external$res[2]))
  result <- external$hull
  attr(result,"ispec") <- ispec
  attr(result,"reflectance") <- spectra(x)[ispec,]

updatecl <- function (
  if (!is.speclib(x))
    stop("x must be of class 'Speclib'")
  setmask <- if (is.null(attr(x, "setmask"))) FALSE else attr(x, "setmask")
  if (is.null(attr(hull,"ispec")))
    stop("hull must be output of function 'makehull'")
  } else {
    ispec <- attr(hull,"ispec")
    reflectance <- attr(hull,"reflectance")
  if (setmask)
    dropped <- mask(x)
    x <- interpolate.mask(x)
  if (mode(x@transformation)=="NULL")
    stop("x must be a transformed speclib")
  if (x@transformation == "difference")
    spectra(x)[ispec,] <- hull - reflectance
  if (x@transformation == "bd")
    spectra(x)[ispec,] <- 1 - reflectance/hull
  if (x@transformation == "ratio")
    spectra(x)[ispec,] <- reflectance/hull
  if (setmask)
    mask(x) <- dropped

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hsdar documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:35 p.m.