#' Permutation Importance
#' Calculates permutation importance for a set of features or a set of feature groups.
#' By default, importance is calculated for all columns in `X` (except column names
#' used as response `y` or case weight `w`).
#' The permutation importance of a feature is defined as the increase in the average
#' loss when shuffling the corresponding feature values before calculating predictions.
#' By default, the process is repeated `m_rep = 4` times, and the results are averaged.
#' In most of the cases, importance values should be derived from an independent test
#' data set. Set `normalize = TRUE` to get *relative* increases in average loss.
#' @inheritSection average_loss Losses
#' @param v Vector of feature names, or named list of feature groups.
#' The default (`NULL`) will use all column names of `X` with the following exception:
#' If `y` or `w` are passed as column names, they are dropped.
#' @param m_rep Number of permutations (default 4).
#' @param normalize Should importance statistics be divided by average loss?
#' Default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, an importance of 1 means that the average loss
#' has been doubled by shuffling that feature's column.
#' @inheritParams hstats
#' @inheritParams average_loss
#' @inherit h2_overall return
#' @references
#' Fisher A., Rudin C., Dominici F. (2018). All Models are Wrong but many are Useful:
#' Variable Importance for Black-Box, Proprietary, or Misspecified Prediction
#' Models, using Model Class Reliance. Arxiv.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # MODEL 1: Linear regression
#' fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris)
#' s <- perm_importance(fit, X = iris, y = "Sepal.Length")
#' s
#' s$M
#' s$SE # Standard errors are available thanks to repeated shuffling
#' plot(s)
#' plot(s, err_type = "SD") # Standard deviations instead of standard errors
#' # Groups of features can be passed as named list
#' v <- list(petal = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width"), species = "Species")
#' s <- perm_importance(fit, X = iris, y = "Sepal.Length", v = v, verbose = FALSE)
#' s
#' plot(s)
#' # MODEL 2: Multi-response linear regression
#' fit <- lm(as.matrix(iris[, 1:2]) ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species, data = iris)
#' s <- perm_importance(fit, X = iris[, 3:5], y = iris[, 1:2], normalize = TRUE)
#' s
#' plot(s)
#' plot(s, swap_dim = TRUE, top_m = 2)
perm_importance <- function(object, ...) {
#' @describeIn perm_importance Default method.
#' @export
perm_importance.default <- function(object, X, y, v = NULL,
pred_fun = stats::predict,
loss = "squared_error",
m_rep = 4L, agg_cols = FALSE,
normalize = FALSE, n_max = 10000L,
w = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
is.matrix(X) ||,
m_rep >= 1L
# Are y column names or a vector/matrix?
y2 <- prepare_y(y = y, X = X)
y <- y2[["y"]]
y_names <- y2[["y_names"]]
# Is w a column name or a vector?
if (!is.null(w)) {
w2 <- prepare_w(w = w, X = X)
w <- w2[["w"]]
w_name <- w2[["w_name"]]
# Prepare v
if (is.null(v)) {
v <- colnames(X)
if (!is.null(w) && !is.null(w_name)) {
v <- setdiff(v, w_name)
if (!is.null(y_names)) {
v <- setdiff(v, y_names)
} else {
v_c <- unlist(v, use.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
stopifnot(all(v_c %in% colnames(X)))
if (!is.list(v)) {
v <- as.list(v)
names(v) <- v
p <- length(v)
# Reduce size of X, y (and w)
if (nrow(X) > n_max) {
ix <- sample(nrow(X), n_max)
X <- X[ix, , drop = FALSE]
if (is.vector(y) || is.factor(y)) {
y <- y[ix]
} else {
y <- y[ix, , drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(w)) {
w <- w[ix]
n <- nrow(X)
if (!is.function(loss)) {
loss <- get_loss_fun(loss)
# Pre-shuffle performance
pred <- prepare_pred(pred_fun(object, X, ...))
perf <- wcolMeans(loss(y, pred), w = w)
# Stack y and X m times
if (m_rep > 1L) {
ind <-, m_rep)
X <- rep_rows(X, ind)
if (is.vector(y) || is.factor(y)) {
y <- y[ind]
} else {
y <- rep_rows(y, ind)
shuffle_perf <- function(z, XX) {
# Shuffle within n rows (could be slightly sped-up via lapply())
ind <- c(replicate(m_rep,
if (is.matrix(XX) || length(z) > 1L) {
XX[, z] <- XX[ind, z]
} else {
XX[[z]] <- XX[[z]][ind]
pred <- prepare_pred(pred_fun(object, XX, ...))
t(wrowmean(loss(y, pred), ngroups = m_rep, w = w))
# Step 0: Performance after shuffling (expensive)
if (verbose) {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = p, style = 3)
S <- array(
dim = c(p, length(perf), m_rep), dimnames = list(names(v), names(perf), NULL)
for (j in seq_len(p)) {
z <- v[[j]]
S[j, , ] <- shuffle_perf(z, XX = X)
if (verbose) {
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (verbose) {
# Step 1 (optional): Collapse loss dimension
if (length(perf) > 1L && agg_cols) {
S <- apply(S, MARGIN = c(1L, 3L), FUN = sum)
S <- array(
S, dim = c(nrow(S), 1L, ncol(S)), dimnames = list(rownames(S), NULL, colnames(S))
perf <- sum(perf)
# Step 2: Collapse over permutations
SE <- apply(S, MARGIN = 1:2, FUN = stats::sd) / sqrt(m_rep)
S <- apply(S, MARGIN = 1:2, FUN = mean)
# Step 3: Subtract perf (Steps 2 and 3 could be swapped)
S <- sweep(S, MARGIN = 2L, STATS = perf, FUN = "-")
# Step 4 (optional): Normalize
if (normalize) {
S <- sweep(S, MARGIN = 2L, STATS = perf, FUN = "/")
SE <- sweep(SE, MARGIN = 2L, STATS = perf, FUN = "/")
# Step 5: Sort
ind <- order(-rowSums(S))
S <- S[ind, , drop = FALSE]
SE <- SE[ind, , drop = FALSE]
M = S,
SE = SE,
m_rep = m_rep,
statistic = "perm_importance",
description = paste0("Permutation importance", if (normalize) " (relative)")
class = "hstats_matrix"
#' @describeIn perm_importance Method for "ranger" models.
#' @export
perm_importance.ranger <- function(object, X, y, v = NULL,
pred_fun = function(m, X, ...) stats::predict(m, X, ...)$predictions,
loss = "squared_error", m_rep = 4L,
agg_cols = FALSE,
normalize = FALSE, n_max = 10000L,
w = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
object = object,
X = X,
y = y,
v = v,
pred_fun = pred_fun,
loss = loss,
m_rep = m_rep,
agg_cols = agg_cols,
normalize = normalize,
n_max = n_max,
w = w,
verbose = verbose,
#' @describeIn perm_importance Method for DALEX "explainer".
#' @export
perm_importance.explainer <- function(object,
X = object[["data"]],
y = object[["y"]],
v = NULL,
pred_fun = object[["predict_function"]],
loss = "squared_error",
m_rep = 4L,
agg_cols = FALSE,
normalize = FALSE,
n_max = 10000L,
w = object[["weights"]],
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
object = object[["model"]],
X = X,
y = y,
v = v,
pred_fun = pred_fun,
loss = loss,
m_rep = m_rep,
agg_cols = agg_cols,
normalize = normalize,
n_max = n_max,
w = w,
verbose = verbose,
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