
Defines functions fileEdit getMinified getConfig readBower findBower installBowerPkg addWidgetJS addWidgetYAML addWidgetConstructor scaffoldWidget

Documented in scaffoldWidget

#' Create implementation scaffolding for an HTML widget
#' Add the minimal code required to implement an HTML widget to an R package.
#' @param name Name of widget
#' @param bowerPkg Optional name of \href{https://bower.io/}{Bower} package upon
#'   which this widget is based. If you specify this parameter then bower will
#'   be used to automatically download the widget's source code and dependencies
#'   and add them to the widget's YAML.
#' @param edit Automatically open the widget's JavaScript source file after
#'   creating the scaffolding.
#' @note This function must be executed from the root directory of the package
#'   you wish to add the widget to.
#' @export
scaffoldWidget <- function(name, bowerPkg = NULL, edit = interactive()){
  if (!file.exists('DESCRIPTION')){
      "You need to create a package to house your widget first!",
      call. = F
  if (!file.exists('inst')){
  package = read.dcf('DESCRIPTION')[[1,"Package"]]
  addWidgetConstructor(name, package, edit)
  addWidgetYAML(name, bowerPkg, edit)
  addWidgetJS(name, edit)

addWidgetConstructor <- function(name, package, edit){
  tpl <- paste(readLines(
    system_file('templates/widget_r.txt', package = 'htmlwidgets')
  ), collapse = "\n")

  capName = function(name){
    paste0(toupper(substring(name, 1, 1)), substring(name, 2))
  if (!file.exists(file_ <- sprintf("R/%s.R", name))){
      sprintf(tpl, name, name, package, name, name, name, name, name, name,
         package, name, capName(name), name),
      file = file_
    message('Created boilerplate for widget constructor ', file_)
  } else {
    message(file_, " already exists")
  if (edit) fileEdit(file_)

addWidgetYAML <- function(name, bowerPkg, edit){
  tpl <- "# (uncomment to add a dependency)
# dependencies:
#  - name:
#    version:
#    src:
#    script:
#    stylesheet:
  if (!file.exists('inst/htmlwidgets')){
  if (!is.null(bowerPkg)){
    tpl <- getConfig(bowerPkg)
  if (!file.exists(file_ <- sprintf('inst/htmlwidgets/%s.yaml', name))){
    cat(tpl, file = file_)
    message('Created boilerplate for widget dependencies at ',
      sprintf('inst/htmlwidgets/%s.yaml', name)
  } else {
    message(file_, " already exists")
  if (edit) fileEdit(file_)

addWidgetJS <- function(name, edit){
  tpl <- paste(readLines(
    system_file('templates/widget_js.txt', package = 'htmlwidgets')
  ), collapse = "\n")

  if (!file.exists(file_ <- sprintf('inst/htmlwidgets/%s.js', name))){
    cat(sprintf(tpl, name), file = file_)
    message('Created boilerplate for widget javascript bindings at ',
      sprintf('inst/htmlwidgets/%s.js', name)
  } else {
    message(file_, " already exists")
  if (edit) fileEdit(file_)

# Install bower package to inst/htmlwidgets/lib
# This function uses bower to install a javascript package along with
# its dependencies.
installBowerPkg <- function(pkg){
  # check if bower is installed
  if (findBower() == ""){
      "Please install bower from http://bower.io",
      call. = FALSE
  #check if we are in the root directory of a package
  if (!file.exists('DESCRIPTION')){
    stop("You need to be in a package directory to run this!",
      call. = F)
  # set up .bowerrc to install packages to correct directory
  if (!file.exists('.bowerrc')){
    x = '{"directory": "inst/htmlwidgets/lib"}'
    cat(x, file = '.bowerrc')
  # Install package
  message("Installing ", pkg, " using bower...", "\n\n")
  cmd <- sprintf('%s install %s', findBower(), pkg)
  message("... Done! installing ", pkg)

# Try really hard to find bower in Windows
findBower <- function(){
  # a slightly more robust finder of bower for windows
  # which does not require PATH environment variable to be set
  bowerPath = if(Sys.which("bower") == "") {
    # if it does not find Sys.which('bower')
    # also check APPDATA to see if found there
    if(identical(.Platform$OS.type,"windows")) {
  } else {

# Read the bower.json file
readBower <- function(pkg, src = "inst/htmlwidgets/lib"){
  bower = jsonlite::fromJSON(
    file.path(src, pkg, 'bower.json')
  spec = list(
    name = basename(bower$name),
    version = bower$version,
    src = paste0('htmlwidgets/lib/', pkg),
    script = getMinified(
      bower$main[grepl('^.*\\.js$', bower$main)], basename(bower$name)
    style = getMinified(
      bower$main[grepl('^.*\\.css$', bower$main)], basename(bower$name)
  deps = bower$dependencies
  spec = Filter(function(x) length(x) != 0, spec)
  list(spec = spec, deps = deps)

# Get YAML configuration for widget
getConfig <- function(pkg, src = "inst/htmlwidgets/lib"){
  deps = readBower(pkg, src)$deps
  all = c(names(deps),pkg)
  config = lapply(all, function(pkg){
    readBower(pkg, src = src)$spec
  yaml::as.yaml(list(dependencies = config))

# Replace dependency with minified version if it exists
getMinified <- function(x, name, src = 'inst/htmlwidgets/lib'){
  xFile = file.path(src, name, x)
  ext = tools::file_ext(xFile)
  minFile = paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(xFile), '.min.', ext)
  sapply(seq_along(x), function(i){
    if (file.exists(minFile[i])) {
      file.path(dirname(x[i]), basename(minFile[i]))
    } else {

# invoke file.edit in a way that will bind to the RStudio editor
# when running inside RStudio
fileEdit <- function(file) {
  fileEditFunc <- eval(parse(text = "file.edit"), envir = globalenv())

Try the htmlwidgets package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

htmlwidgets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:35 a.m.