Frank2018invivo: Literature In Vivo Data on Doses Causing Neurological Effects

Frank2018invivoR Documentation

Literature In Vivo Data on Doses Causing Neurological Effects


Studies were selected from Table 1 in Mundy et al., 2015, as the studies in that publication were cited as examples of compounds with evidence for developmental neurotoxicity. There were sufficient in vitro toxicokinetic data available for this package for only 6 of the 42 chemicals.




A data.frame containing 14 rows and 16 columns.


Timothy J. Shafer


Frank, Christopher L., et al. "Defining toxicological tipping points in neuronal network development." Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 354 (2018): 81-93.

Mundy, William R., et al. "Expanding the test set: Chemicals with potential to disrupt mammalian brain development." Neurotoxicology and Teratology 52 (2015): 25-35.

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