Wetmore2012: Published toxicokinetic predictions based on in vitro data...

Wetmore2012R Documentation

Published toxicokinetic predictions based on in vitro data from Wetmore et al. 2012.


This data set overlaps with Wetmore.data and is used only in Vignette 4 for steady state concentration.




A data.frame containing 13 rows and 15 columns.


Wetmore, B.A., Wambaugh, J.F., Ferguson, S.S., Sochaski, M.A., Rotroff, D.M., Freeman, K., Clewell, H.J., Dix, D.H., Andersen, M.E., Houck, K.A., Allen, B., Judson, R.S., Sing, R., Kavlock, R.J., Richard, A.M., and Thomas, R.S., "Integration of Dosimetry, Exposure and High-Throughput Screening Data in Chemical Toxicity Assessment," Toxicological Sciences 125 157-174 (2012)

httk documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:32 p.m.