get_lit_cheminfo: Get literature Chemical Information.

View source: R/get_lit_cheminfo.R

get_lit_cheminfoR Documentation

Get literature Chemical Information.


This function provides the information specified in "info=" for all chemicals with data from the Wetmore et al. (2012) and (2013) publications and other literature.


get_lit_cheminfo(info = "CAS", species = "Human")



A single character vector (or collection of character vectors) from "Compound", "CAS", "MW", "Raw.Experimental.Percentage.Unbound", "Entered.Experimental.Percentage.Unbound", "Fub", "source_PPB", "Renal_Clearance", "Met_Stab", "Met_Stab_entered", "r2", "p.val", "Concentration..uM.", "", "", "", "Css_lower_5th_perc.uM.","Css_median_perc.uM.","Css_upper_95th_perc.uM.", and "Species".


Species desired (either "Rat" or default "Human").



Table/vector containing values specified in "info" for valid chemicals.


John Wambaugh


Wetmore, B.A., Wambaugh, J.F., Ferguson, S.S., Sochaski, M.A., Rotroff, D.M., Freeman, K., Clewell, H.J., Dix, D.H., Andersen, M.E., Houck, K.A., Allen, B., Judson, R.S., Sing, R., Kavlock, R.J., Richard, A.M., and Thomas, R.S., "Integration of Dosimetry, Exposure and High-Throughput Screening Data in Chemical Toxicity Assessment," Toxicological Sciences 125 157-174 (2012)

Wetmore, B.A., Wambaugh, J.F., Ferguson, S.S., Li, L., Clewell, H.J. III, Judson, R.S., Freeman, K., Bao, W, Sochaski, M.A., Chu T.-M., Black, M.B., Healy, E, Allen, B., Andersen M.E., Wolfinger, R.D., and Thomas R.S., "The Relative Impact of Incorporating Pharmacokinetics on Predicting in vivo Hazard and Mode-of-Action from High-Throughput in vitro Toxicity Assays" Toxicological Sciences, 132:327-346 (2013).

Wetmore, B. A., Wambaugh, J. F., Allen, B., Ferguson, S. S., Sochaski, M. A., Setzer, R. W., Houck, K. A., Strope, C. L., Cantwell, K., Judson, R. S., LeCluyse, E., Clewell, H.J. III, Thomas, R.S., and Andersen, M. E. (2015). "Incorporating High-Throughput Exposure Predictions with Dosimetry-Adjusted In Vitro Bioactivity to Inform Chemical Toxicity Testing" Toxicological Sciences, kfv171.



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