as_flextable: Convert a huxtable for Word/Powerpoint

View source: R/flextable.R

as_flextableR Documentation

Convert a huxtable for Word/Powerpoint


Huxtables can be converted to flextable::flextable() objects, for use in Word and Powerpoint documents.


as_flextable(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'huxtable'
as_flextable(x, colnames_to_header = FALSE, ...)



A huxtable.


Not used.


Use huxtable column names as the header. If FALSE, the flextable will contain only a body and no header.


With recent versions of "flextable" and Pandoc, huxtables can be automatically outputted from rmarkdown word_document and/or powerpoint_presentation documents. (Powerpoint presentations require pandoc version >= 2.4.0.)

Properties are supported, with the following exceptions:

  • Rotation of 0, 90 or 270 is supported.

  • Non-numeric widths and heights are not supported. Table heights are treated as a proportion of 9 inches; table widths are treated as a proportion of 6 inches. So e.g. height(ht) <- 0.5 will give a height of 4.5 inches.

  • Table wrap and table position are not supported.

  • Border style "double" is not supported and becomes "solid".

  • Captions are supported with recent versions of flextable, but not caption_pos() or caption_width().


an object of class flextable.


Try to say as_flextable.huxtable ten times without pausing.


ht <- hux(a = 1:3, b = 1:3)
ft <- as_flextable(ht)
## Not run: 
  my_doc <- officer::read_docx()
  my_doc <- flextable::body_add_flextable(
        my_doc, ft)
  print(my_doc, target =

## End(Not run)

huxtable documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 1:06 a.m.