#### doIMRMC_java function ####
#' MRMC analysis of the area under the ROC curve
#' @description doIMRMC_java takes ROC data as a data frame and runs a multi-reader multi-case analysis
#' based on U-statistics as described in the following papers
#' Gallas2006_Acad-Radiol_v13p353 (single-modality),
#' Gallas2008_Neural-Networks_v21p387 (multiple modalities, arbitrary study designs),
#' Gallas2009_Commun-Stat-A-Theor_v38p2586 (framework paper). This function is deprecated, please use \code{\link{doIMRMC}} instead.
#' @details
#' In detail, this procedure reads the name of an input file from the local file system,
#' or takes a data frame and writes it to the local file system formatted
#' for the iMRMC program (found at, it executes a java app,
#' the iMRMC engine, which writes the results to the local files system, it reads the analysis results from
#' the local file system, packs the analysis results into a list object, deletes the data and analysis results
#' from the local file system, and returns the list object.
#' This software requires Java(>=8).
#' The examples took too long for CRAN to accept. So here is an example:
#' \preformatted{
#' # Create a sample configuration file
#' config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()
#' # Simulate an MRMC ROC data set
#' dFrame.imrmc <- sim.gRoeMetz(config)
#' # Analyze the MRMC ROC data
#' result <- doIMRMC_java(dFrame.imrmc)
#' }
#' @param data an iMRMC formatted data frame, see \link{dfMRMC_example}
#' @param fileName This character string identifies the location of an iMRMC input file.
#' The input file is identical to data except there is a free text section to start,
#' then a line with "BEGIN DATA:", then the data frame info.
#' @param workDir This character string determines the directory where intermediate results
#' are written. If this parameter is not set, the program writes the intermediate
#' results to the directory specified by tempdir() and then deletes them.
#' @param iMRMCjarFullPath This character string identifies the location of the iMRMC.jar file
#' this jar file can be downloaded from
#' this R program supports version iMRMC-v3p2.jar
#' @param stripDatesForTests Since results include a date and time stamp, these need to be
#' stripped out when doing the package tests. This parameter flags whether or not
#' the dates should be stripped out.
#' @return [list]
#' iMRMC outputs. The objects of this list are described in detail in the iMRMC documentation
#' which can be found at <>
#' Here is a quick summary:
#' \itemize{
#' \item {\code{perReader}
#' data.frame containing the performance results for each reader.
#' Key variables of this data frame are AUCA, AUCB, AUCAminusAUCB and the corresponding
#' variances, confidence intervals, degrees of freedom and p-values.}
#' \item {\code{Ustat}
#' data.frame containing the reader-average performance results.
#' The analysis results are based on U-statistics and the papers listed above.
#' Key variables of this data frame are AUCA, AUCB, AUCAminusAUCB and the corresponding
#' variances, confidence intervals, degrees of freedom and p-values.}
#' \item {\code{MLEstat}
#' data.frame containing the reader-average performance results.
#' The analysis results are based on V-statistics, which approximates the true distribution with
#' the empirical distribution. The empirical distribution equals the nonparametric MLE
#' estimate of the true distribution, which is also equivalent to the ideal bootstrap estimate.
#' Please refer to the papers listed above.
#' Key variables of this data frame are AUCA, AUCB, AUCAminusAUCB and the corresponding
#' variances, confidence intervals, degrees of freedom and p-values.
#' }
#' \item {\code{ROC}
#' list containing ROC curves
#' There is an ROC curve for every combination of reader and modality.
#' For every modality, there are also four average ROC curves. These are discussed in
#' Chen2014_Br-J-Radiol_v87p20140016.
#' The diagonal average averages the reader-specific ROC curves along y = -x + b for b in (0,1).
#' The horizontal average averages the reader specific ROC curves along y = b for b in (0,1).
#' The vertical average averages the reader specific ROC curves along x = b for b in (0,1).
#' The pooled average ignores readerID and pools all the scores together to create one ROC curve.}
#' \item {\code{varDecomp}
#' list containing different decompositions of the total variance.
#' Please refer to Gallas2009_Commun-Stat-A-Theor_v38p2586 (framework paper).
#' The different decompositions are BCK, BDG, DBM, MS, OR.
#' }
#' }
#' @importFrom utils write.table read.csv
#' @export
# @examples
# # Create a sample configuration file
# config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()
# # Simulate an MRMC ROC data set
# dFrame.imrmc <- sim.gRoeMetz(config)
# # Analyze the MRMC ROC data
# result <- doIMRMC_java(dFrame.imrmc)
doIMRMC_java <- function(
data = NULL,
fileName = NULL,
workDir = NULL,
iMRMCjarFullPath = NULL,
stripDatesForTests = FALSE){
# Signals that the function is going to be removed from pkg eventually
msg <- paste(
"This function uses Java and will be deprecated.",
" The suggested `doIMRMC` function uses all R code.",
sep = "\n"
.Deprecated(new = "doIMRMC", msg = msg)
# If workDir is not specified, it will be the R temp directory.
# If workDir is specified, create it.
if (is.null(workDir))
workDir <- normalizePath(tempdir(), winslash = "/")
dir.create(workDir, showWarnings = FALSE)
# The inputFile will hold the data for the java program
inputFile <- file.path(workDir, "input.imrmc")
# Check that data is provided
if (is.null(data) & is.null(fileName)) {
stop("You have not provided an input data frame or an input file.")
# Check that data is not provided twice.
if (!is.null(data) & !is.null(fileName)) {
stop("You cannot provide an input data frame AND an input file.")
# If fileName is specified make sure it exists.
# Copy the fileName to the inputFile in the workDir.
if (!is.null(fileName)) {
if (!file.exists(fileName)) {
print(paste("fileName = ", fileName))
stop("The full-path fileName provided does not exist.")
if (fileName == inputFile) {
print(paste("fileName = ", fileName))
stop("fileName equals the name of the temp inputFile. This is not allowed.")
file.copy(fileName, inputFile)
# Check the input data and write it to the inputFile in the workDir
if (!is.null(data)) {
# Check that the input data has key columns: readerID, caseID, modalityID, score
if (length(setdiff(c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score"), names(data)))) {
stop("The data frame does not include the key columns: readerID, caseID, modalityID, score.")
# Write data frame to the inputFile
writeLines("BEGIN DATA:", con = inputFile)
utils::write.table(data[ , c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score")], inputFile,
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
append = TRUE, sep = ", ")
if (is.null(iMRMCjarFullPath)) {
iMRMCjar <- "iMRMC-v4.0.3.jar"
pkgPath <- path.package("iMRMC", quiet = FALSE)
iMRMCjarFullPath <- file.path(pkgPath, "java", iMRMCjar)
# This check is necessary for testthat tests that run in some
# virtual environment that is not like reality
if (!file.exists(iMRMCjarFullPath)) {
iMRMCjarFullPath = file.path(pkgPath, "inst","java", iMRMCjar)
# Run iMRMC
desc <- tryCatch(
args = c(
paste0('"', iMRMCjarFullPath, '"'),
paste0('"', inputFile, '"'),
paste0('"', file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir"), '"')
stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE
warning = function(w) {
cat("do_IMRMC WARNING\n")
error = function(e) {
cat("\ndoIMRMC_java ERROR\n")
cat("One possible reason is that you don't have java.\n")
cat("This software requires Java(>=8).\n")
if (!file.exists(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir", "AUCperReader.csv"))) {
cat(desc, sep = "\n")
# Retrieve the iMRMC results
perReader <- utils::read.csv(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir", "AUCperReader.csv"),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
Ustat <- utils::read.csv(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir", "statAnalysis.csv"),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
MLEstat <- utils::read.csv(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir", "statAnalysisMLE.csv"),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
ROCraw <- utils::read.csv(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir", "ROCcurves.csv"),
header = FALSE, row.names = NULL, skip = 1)
BCK <- readVarDecomp(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir", "BCKtable.csv"))
BDG <- readVarDecomp(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir", "BDGtable.csv"))
DBM <- readVarDecomp(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir", "DBMtable.csv"))
MS <- readVarDecomp(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir", "MStable.csv"))
OR <- readVarDecomp(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir", "ORtable.csv"))
ROC <- by(ROCraw, ROCraw[, 1], function(x) {
list(desc = as.character(x[1,1]), n = as.numeric(x[1,2]),
fpf = as.numeric(x[x[,3] == "FPF", 4:(3 + x[1,2])]),
tpf = as.numeric(x[x[,3] == "TPF", 4:(3 + x[1,2])])
# If doing tests, strip out the data that could change (dates etc)
if (stripDatesForTests) {
descDrop <- c("inputFile", "date", "iMRMCversion")
perReader <- perReader[ , !(names(perReader)) %in% descDrop]
Ustat <- Ustat[ , !(names(Ustat)) %in% descDrop]
MLEstat <- MLEstat[ , !(names(MLEstat)) %in% descDrop]
ROC <- 0
# Delete the content written to disk
if (workDir == normalizePath(tempdir(), winslash = "/")) {
unlink(file.path(workDir, "imrmcDir"), recursive = TRUE)
varDecomp <- list(
MS = MS,
iMRMCoutput <- list(
perReader = perReader,
Ustat = Ustat,
MLEstat = MLEstat,
varDecomp = varDecomp
getComponents <- function(df.varDecomp) {
nc <- ncol(df.varDecomp)
result <- df.varDecomp[c(1, 3, 5), 5:nc]
descA <- as.character(df.varDecomp$modalityA[1])
descB <- as.character(df.varDecomp$modalityB[1])
rownames(result) <- c(descA, descB, paste(descA, descB, sep = "."))
getCoefficients <- function(df.varDecomp) {
nc <- ncol(df.varDecomp)
result <- df.varDecomp[c(2, 4, 6), 5:nc]
descA <- as.character(df.varDecomp$modalityA[1])
descB <- as.character(df.varDecomp$modalityB[1])
rownames(result) <- c(descA, descB, paste(descA, descB, sep = "."))
readVarDecomp <- function(fileName) {
df.csv <- utils::read.csv(fileName, row.names = NULL)
df.csv <- split(df.csv, df.csv$UstatOrMLE)
df.csv$Ustat <- split(df.csv$Ustat, list(df.csv$Ustat$modalityA, df.csv$Ustat$modalityB))
df.csv$Ustat <- df.csv$Ustat[sapply(df.csv$Ustat, nrow) > 0]
df.csv$MLE <- split(df.csv$MLE, list(df.csv$MLE$modalityA, df.csv$MLE$modalityB))
df.csv$MLE <- df.csv$MLE[sapply(df.csv$MLE, nrow) > 0]
MLE.comp <- lapply(df.csv$MLE, getComponents)
Ustat.comp <- lapply(df.csv$Ustat, getComponents)
MLE.coeff <- lapply(df.csv$MLE, getCoefficients)
Ustat.coeff <- lapply(df.csv$Ustat, getCoefficients)
result <- list(
MLE = list(comp = MLE.comp, coeff = MLE.coeff),
Ustat = list(comp = Ustat.comp, coeff = Ustat.coeff)
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