
Defines functions as.abucount as.incfreq invSize invSize.Sam invSize.Ind

Documented in as.abucount as.incfreq

invChat.Ind <- function (x, q, C) {
  x <- x[x>0] ####added by yhc
  m <- NULL
  n <- sum(x)
  refC <- Chat.Ind(x, n)
  f <- function(m, C) abs(Chat.Ind(x, m) - C)
  mm <- sapply(C, function(cvrg){
    if (refC == cvrg) {
      mm <- n
    }else if (refC > cvrg) {
      opt <- optimize(f, C = cvrg, lower = 0, upper = sum(x))
      mm <- opt$minimum
      # mm <- round(mm)
    }else if (refC < cvrg) {
      f1 <- sum(x == 1)
      f2 <- sum(x == 2)
      if (f1 > 0 & f2 > 0) {
        A <- (n - 1) * f1/((n - 1) * f1 + 2 * f2)
      }else if (f1 > 1 & f2 == 0) {
        A <- (n - 1) * (f1 - 1)/((n - 1) * (f1 - 1) + 2)
      }else if (f1 == 0 & f2 > 0) {
        A <- 0
      }else if(f1 == 1 & f2 == 0) {
        A <- 0
      }else if(f1 == 0 & f2 == 0) {
        A <- 0
      mm <- ifelse(A==0,0,(log(n/f1) + log(1 - cvrg))/log(A) - 1)
      mm <- n + mm
      # mm <- round(mm)
  mm[mm < 1] <- 1
  SC <- Chat.Ind(x,mm)
  # if (sum(round(mm) > 2 * n)>0) 
  #   warning("The maximum size of the extrapolation exceeds double reference sample size, the results for q = 0 may be subject to large prediction bias.")
  out <- TD.m.est(x = x,m = mm,qs = q)
  method <- ifelse(mm>n,'Extrapolation',ifelse(mm<n,'Rarefaction','Observed'))
  method <- rep(method,length(q))
  m <- rep(mm,length(q))
  order <- rep(q,each = length(mm))
  SC <- rep(SC,length(q))
  data.frame(m = m,Method = method,Order.q = order,
         SC=SC,qD = out)
  # if (nboot==0|is.null(conf)) {
  #   out <- TD.m.est(x = x,m = mm,qs = q)
  #   out <- subset(iNEXT.Ind(x,q,m = c(1,mm),se = FALSE),m==mm)
  #   out <- out[,c(1,2,3,5,4)]
  # }else {
  #   out <- subset(iNEXT.Ind(x,q,m = c(1,mm),se = TRUE,conf = conf,nboot = nboot), m==mm)
  #   out <- out[,c(1, 2, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6)]
  # }
  # out <- out[!duplicated(out), ]
  # out
invChat.Sam <- function (x, q, C) {
  x <- x[x>0] ####added by yhc
  m <- NULL
  n <- max(x)
  refC <- Chat.Sam(x, n)
  f <- function(m, C) abs(Chat.Sam(x, m) - C)
  mm <- sapply(C, function(cvrg){
    if (refC == cvrg) {
      mm <- n
    }else if (refC > cvrg) {
      opt <- optimize(f, C = cvrg, lower = 0, upper = max(x))
      mm <- opt$minimum
      # mm <- round(mm)
    }else if (refC < cvrg) {
      f1 <- sum(x == 1)
      f2 <- sum(x == 2)
      U <- sum(x) - max(x)
      if (f1 > 0 & f2 > 0) {
        A <- (n - 1) * f1/((n - 1) * f1 + 2 * f2)
      }else if(f1 > 1 & f2 == 0) {
        A <- (n - 1) * (f1 - 1)/((n - 1) * (f1 - 1) + 2)
      }else if(f1 == 0) {
        A <- 0
      }else if(f1 == 1 & f2 == 0) {
        A <- 0
      mm <- ifelse(A==0,0,(log(U/f1) + log(1 - cvrg))/log(A) - 1)
      mm <- n + mm
      # mm <- round(mm)
  mm[mm < 1] <- 1
  SC <- Chat.Sam(x,mm)
  # if (sum(round(mm) > 2 * n)>0) 
  #   warning("The maximum size of the extrapolation exceeds double reference sample size, the results for q = 0 may be subject to large prediction bias.")
  out <- TD.m.est_inc(y = x,t_ = mm,qs = q)
  method <- ifelse(mm>n,'Extrapolation',ifelse(mm<n,'Rarefaction','Observed'))
  method <- rep(method,length(q))
  m <- rep(mm,length(q))
  order <- rep(q,each = length(mm))
  SC <- rep(SC,length(q))
  data.frame(t = m,Method = method,Order.q = order,
             SC=SC,qD = out)
  # if (nboot==0|is.null(conf)) {
  #   out <- subset(iNEXT.Sam(x,q,t = c(1,mm),se = FALSE), t==mm)
  #   out <- out[,c(1,2,3,5,4)]
  # }else {
  #   out <- subset(iNEXT.Sam(x,q,t = c(1,mm),se = TRUE,conf = conf,nboot = nboot), t==mm)
  #   out <- out[, c(1, 2, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6)]
  # }
  # out <- out[!duplicated(out), ]
  # out

invSize.Ind <- function(x, q, size){
  m <- NULL # no visible binding for global variable 'm'
  n <- sum(x)
    size <- sum(x)
  out <- TD.m.est(x = x,m = size,qs = q)
  SC <- Chat.Ind(x,size)
  method <- ifelse(size>n,'Extrapolation',ifelse(size<n,'Rarefaction','Observed'))
  method <- rep(method,length(q))
  m <- rep(size,length(q))
  order <- rep(q,each = length(size))
  SC <- rep(SC,length(q))
  data.frame(m = m,Method = method,Order.q = order,SC=SC,qD = out)
  # if(nboot==0|is.null(conf)){
  #   method <- ifelse(size<sum(x), "interpolated", ifelse(size==sum(x), "observed", "extrapolated"))
  #   out <- subset(iNEXT.Ind(x,q,m = c(1,size),se = FALSE), m==size)
  #   out <- out[,c(1,2,3,5,4)]
  #   # out <- data.frame(m=size, method=method, 
  #   #                   SamCov=round(Chat.Ind(x,size),3),
  #   #                   SpeRic=round(Dqhat.Ind(x,0,size),3),
  #   #                   ShaDiv=round(Dqhat.Ind(x,1,size),3),
  #   #                   SimDiv=round(Dqhat.Ind(x,2,size),3))
  #   # colnames(out) <- c("m", "method", "SC", "q = 0", "q = 1", "q = 2")
  # }else{
  #   out <- subset(iNEXT.Ind(x,q,m = c(1,size),se = TRUE,conf = conf,nboot = nboot), m==size)
  #   out <- out[,c(1, 2, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6)]
  # }
  # out <- out[!duplicated(out), ]
  # out

invSize.Sam <- function(x, q, size){
  m <- NULL # no visible binding for global variable 'm'
  n <- max(x)
    size <- max(x)
  out <- TD.m.est_inc(y = x,t_ = size,qs = q)
  SC <- Chat.Sam(x,size)
  method <- ifelse(size>n,'Extrapolation',ifelse(size<n,'Rarefaction','Observed'))
  method <- rep(method,length(q))
  m <- rep(size,length(q))
  order <- rep(q,each = length(size))
  SC <- rep(SC,length(q))
  data.frame(t = m,Method = method,Order.q = order,SC=SC,qD = out)
  # if(nboot==0|is.null(conf)){
  #   method <- ifelse(size<max(x), "interpolated", ifelse(size==max(x), "observed", "extrapolated"))
  #   out <- subset(iNEXT.Sam(x,q,t = c(1,size),se = FALSE), t==size)
  #   out <- out[,c(1,2,3,5,4)]
  # }else{
  #   out <- subset(iNEXT.Sam(x,q,t = c(1,size),se = TRUE,conf = conf,nboot = nboot), t==size)
  #   out <- out[, c(1, 2, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6)]
  # }
  # out <- out[!duplicated(out), ]
  # out
# Compute species diversity with fixed sample coverage
# \code{invChat} compute species diversity with fixed sample coverage
# @param x a \code{data.frame} or \code{list} for species abundance/incidence frequencies.
# @param q a numerical vector of the order of Hill number.
# @param datatype the data type of input data. That is individual-based abundance data (\code{datatype = "abundance"}) or sample-based incidence data (\code{datatype = "incidence"}).
# @param C a specific sample coverage to compare, which is between 0 to 1. Default is the minimum of double sample size for all sites.
# @param nboot the number of bootstrap times to obtain confidence interval. If confidence interval is not desired, use 0 to skip this time-consuming step.
# @param conf a positive number < 1 specifying the level of confidence interval, default is 0.95.
# @return a \code{data.frame} with fixed sample coverage to compare species diversity.
# @examples
# data(spider)
# incChat(spider, "abundance")
# incChat(spider, "abundance", 0.85)
# @export

invChat <- function (x, q, datatype = "abundance", C = NULL,nboot=0, conf = NULL) {
  qtile <- qnorm(1-(1-conf)/2)
  TYPE <- c("abundance", "incidence")
  if (is.na(pmatch(datatype, TYPE))) 
    stop("invalid datatype")
  if (pmatch(datatype, TYPE) == -1) 
    stop("ambiguous datatype")
  datatype <- match.arg(datatype, TYPE)
  if (inherits(x, "numeric") | inherits(x, "integer")){
    x <- list(data = x)
  if (inherits(x, "data.frame") | inherits(x, "matrix")){
    datalist <- lapply(1:ncol(x), function(i) x[,i])
    if(is.null(colnames(x))) names(datalist) <-  paste0("data",1:ncol(x)) else names(datalist) <- colnames(x)
    x <- datalist
  if (datatype == "abundance") {
    if (inherits(x, "list")) {
      if (is.null(C)) {
        C <- min(unlist(lapply(x, function(x) Chat.Ind(x,2*sum(x)))))
      Community = rep(names(x),each = length(q)*length(C))
      out <- lapply(x, function(x_){
        est <- invChat.Ind(x_, q, C)
        if (sum(round(est$m) > 2 * sum(x_))>0) 
          warning("The maximum size of the extrapolation exceeds double reference sample size, the results for q = 0 may be subject to large prediction bias.")
          Prob.hat <- EstiBootComm.Ind(x_)
          Abun.Mat <- rmultinom(nboot, sum(x_), Prob.hat)
          ses <- apply(matrix(apply(Abun.Mat,2 ,function(a) invChat.Ind(a, q,C)$qD),
                              nrow = length(q) * length(C)),1,sd)
          ses <- rep(0,nrow(est))
        est <- cbind(est,qD.LCL=est$qD-qtile*ses,qD.UCL=est$qD+qtile*ses)
      out <- do.call(rbind,out)
      #out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(x) invChat.Ind(x, q, C)))
      out$Assemblage <- Community
      out <- out[,c(ncol(out),seq(1,(ncol(out)-4)),(ncol(out)-3),(ncol(out)-2),(ncol(out)-1))]
      rownames(out) <- NULL
    }else {
      stop("Wrong data format, dataframe/matrix or list would be accepted")
  }else if (datatype == "incidence") {
    if (inherits(x, "list")) {
      if (is.null(C)) {
        C <- min(unlist(lapply(x, function(x) Chat.Sam(x,2*max(x)))))
      Community = rep(names(x),each = length(q)*length(C))
      out <- lapply(x, function(x_){
        est <- invChat.Sam(x_, q, C)
        if (sum(round(est$t) > 2 * max(x_))>0) 
          warning("The maximum size of the extrapolation exceeds double reference sample size, the results for q = 0 may be subject to large prediction bias.")
          Prob.hat <- EstiBootComm.Sam(x_)
          Abun.Mat <- t(sapply(Prob.hat, function(p) rbinom(nboot, x_[1], p)))
          Abun.Mat <- matrix(c(rbind(x_[1], Abun.Mat)),ncol=nboot)
          tmp <- which(colSums(Abun.Mat)==x_[1])
          if(length(tmp)>0) Abun.Mat <- Abun.Mat[,-tmp]
            warning("Insufficient data to compute bootstrap s.e.")
          ses <- apply(matrix(apply(Abun.Mat,2 ,function(a) invChat.Sam(a, q,C)$qD),nrow = length(q)* length(C)),1,sd)
          ses <- rep(0,nrow(est))
        est <- cbind(est,qD.LCL=est$qD-qtile*ses,qD.UCL=est$qD+qtile*ses)
      out <- do.call(rbind,out)
      #out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(x) invChat.Sam(x,q,C,nboot, conf)))
      out$Assemblage <- Community
      out <- out[,c(ncol(out),seq(1,(ncol(out)-4)),(ncol(out)-3),(ncol(out)-2),(ncol(out)-1))]
      rownames(out) <- NULL
    }else {
      stop("Wrong data format, dataframe/matrix or list would be accepted")

invSize <- function(x, q, datatype="abundance", size=NULL, nboot=0, conf=NULL){
  qtile <- qnorm(1-(1-conf)/2)
  TYPE <- c("abundance", "incidence")
  if(is.na(pmatch(datatype, TYPE)))
    stop("invalid datatype")
  if(pmatch(datatype, TYPE) == -1)
    stop("ambiguous datatype")
  datatype <- match.arg(datatype, TYPE)
  class_x <- class(x)[1]
  if (inherits(x, "numeric") | inherits(x, "integer")){
    x <- list(data = x)
  if (inherits(x, "data.frame") | inherits(x, "matrix")){
    datalist <- lapply(1:ncol(x), function(i) x[,i])
    if(is.null(colnames(x))) names(datalist) <-  paste0("data",1:ncol(x)) else names(datalist) <- colnames(x)
    x <- datalist
    if (inherits(x, "list")) {
      if (is.null(size)) {
        size <- min(unlist(lapply(x, function(x) 2*sum(x))))
      Community = rep(names(x),each = length(q)*length(size))
      out <- lapply(x, function(x_){
        est <- invSize.Ind(x_, q, size)
          Prob.hat <- EstiBootComm.Ind(x_)
          Abun.Mat <- rmultinom(nboot, sum(x_), Prob.hat)
          ses <- apply(matrix(apply(Abun.Mat,2 ,function(a) invSize.Ind(a, q,size)$qD),
                              nrow = length(q)* length(size)),1,sd)
          ses <- rep(0,nrow(est))
        est <- cbind(est,qD.LCL=est$qD-qtile*ses,qD.UCL=est$qD+qtile*ses)
      out <- do.call(rbind,out)
      #out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(x) invChat.Ind(x, q, C)))
      out$Assemblage <- Community
      out <- out[,c(ncol(out),seq(1,(ncol(out)-1)))]
      rownames(out) <- NULL
    }else {
      stop("Wrong data format, dataframe/matrix or list would be accepted")
  }else if (datatype == "incidence") {
    if (inherits(x, "list")) {
      if (is.null(size)) {
        size <- min(unlist(lapply(x, function(x) 2*max(x))))
      Community = rep(names(x),each = length(q)*length(size))
      out <- lapply(x, function(x_){
        est <- invSize.Sam(x_, q, size)
          Prob.hat <- EstiBootComm.Sam(x_)
          Abun.Mat <- t(sapply(Prob.hat, function(p) rbinom(nboot, x_[1], p)))
          Abun.Mat <- matrix(c(rbind(x_[1], Abun.Mat)),ncol=nboot)
          tmp <- which(colSums(Abun.Mat)==x_[1])
          if(length(tmp)>0) Abun.Mat <- Abun.Mat[,-tmp]
            warning("Insufficient data to compute bootstrap s.e.")
          ses <- apply(matrix(apply(Abun.Mat,2 ,function(a) invSize.Sam(a, q,size)$qD),
                              nrow = length(q)* length(size)),1,sd)
          ses <- rep(0,nrow(est))
        est <- cbind(est,qD.LCL=est$qD-qtile*ses,qD.UCL=est$qD+qtile*ses)
      out <- do.call(rbind,out)
      #out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(x) invChat.Sam(x,q,C,nboot, conf)))
      out$Assemblage <- Community
      out <- out[,c(ncol(out),seq(1,(ncol(out)-1)))]
      rownames(out) <- NULL
    }else {
      stop("Wrong data format, dataframe/matrix or list would be accepted")

# invChat(spider, datatype="abundance")
# invChat(spider, datatype="abundance", C = 0.820)
# invChat(spider, datatype="abundance", C = 0.923)
# invChat(spider, datatype="abundance", C = 0.900)
# invChat(ant, datatype="incidence", 0.95)
# invChat(ant, datatype="incidence", 0.99)

#' Compute species diversity with a particular level of sample size/coverage 
#' \code{estimateD}: computes species diversity (Hill numbers with q = 0, 1 and 2) with a particular user-specified level of sample size or sample coverage.
#' @param x a \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame} (species by sites), or \code{list} of species abundances or incidence frequencies.\cr 
#' If \code{datatype = "incidence_freq"}, then the first entry of the input data must be total number of sampling units, followed 
#' by species incidence frequencies in each column or list.
#' @param q a number or vector specifying the diversity order(s) of Hill numbers.
#' @param datatype data type of input data: individual-based abundance data (\code{datatype = "abundance"}),  
#' sampling-unit-based incidence frequencies data (\code{datatype = "incidence_freq"}) or species by sampling-units incidence matrix (\code{datatype = "incidence_raw"}).
#' @param base comparison base: sample-size-based (\code{base="size"}) or coverage-based \cr (\code{base="coverage"}).
#' @param nboot the number of bootstrap times to obtain confidence interval. If confidence interval is not desired, use 0 to skip this time-consuming step; default is 50.
#' @param level a sequence specifying the particular sample sizes or sample coverages(between 0 and 1). 
#' If \code{base="size"} and \code{level=NULL}, then this function computes the diversity estimates for the minimum among all double reference sample sizes. 
#' If \code{base="coverage"} and \code{level=NULL}, then this function computes the diversity estimates for the minimum among all the coverage values for samples extrapolated to double the reference sample sizes. 
#' @param conf a positive number < 1 specifying the level of confidence interval; default is 0.95.
#' @return a \code{data.frame} of species diversity table including the sample size, sample coverage,
#' method (rarefaction or extrapolation), and diversity estimates with the user-specified diversity orders (q values) and specified sample size or sample coverage.
#' @examples
#' data(spider)
#' out1 <- estimateD(spider, q = c(0,1,2), datatype = "abundance", base="size")
#' out1
#' out2 <- estimateD(spider, q = c(0,1,2), datatype = "abundance", base="coverage")
#' out2
#' ## Not run: 
#' data(ant)
#' out <- estimateD(ant, q = c(0,1,2), datatype = "incidence_freq", base="coverage", 
#'                  level=0.985, conf=0.95)
#' out
#' ## End(Not run)
#' @export
estimateD <- function (x, q = c(0,1,2), datatype = "abundance", base = "size", level = NULL, nboot=50,
                       conf = 0.95) 
  TYPE <- c("abundance", "incidence", "incidence_freq", "incidence_raw")
  if (is.na(pmatch(datatype, TYPE))) 
    stop("invalid datatype")
  if (pmatch(datatype, TYPE) == -1) 
    stop("ambiguous datatype")
  datatype <- match.arg(datatype, TYPE)
  if (datatype == "incidence") {
    stop("datatype=\"incidence\" was no longer supported after v2.0.8, \n         please try datatype=\"incidence_freq\".")
  if (datatype == "incidence_freq") 
    datatype <- "incidence"
  if (datatype == "incidence_raw") {
    if (inherits(x, "data.frame") | inherits(x, "matrix")) 
      x <- as.incfreq(x)
    else if (inherits(x, "list")) 
      x <- lapply(x, as.incfreq)
    datatype <- "incidence"
  BASE <- c("size", "coverage")
  if (is.na(pmatch(base, BASE))) 
    stop("invalid datatype")
  if (pmatch(base, BASE) == -1) 
    stop("ambiguous datatype")
  base <- match.arg(base, BASE)
  if (base == "size") {
    tmp <- invSize(x, q, datatype, size = level, nboot, conf = conf)
  else if (base == "coverage") {
    tmp <- invChat(x, q, datatype, C = level, nboot, conf = conf)
  tmp$qD.LCL[tmp$qD.LCL<0] <- 0

# -----------------
# 2015-12-27, add transformation function 
# from incidence raw data to incidence frequencies data (iNEXT input format)

#' Transform incidence raw data to incidence frequencies (iNEXT input format) 
#' \code{as.incfreq}: transform incidence raw data (a species by sites detection/non-detection or presence/absence matrix) to incidence frequencies data (iNEXT input format):
#' the first element is the total number of sampling units, followed by the vector of species frequencies. Here species frequencies represent the row sums of the incidence raw matrix. 
#' @param x a \code{data.frame} or \code{matirx} of species by sites presence-absence matrix.
#' @return a \code{vector} of species incidence frequencies, the first element is the total number of sampling units.
#' @examples
#' data(ciliates)
#' lapply(ciliates, as.incfreq)
#' @export
as.incfreq <- function(x){
  class_x <- class(x)[1]
  if(class_x == "data.frame" | class_x == "matrix"){
    a <- sort(as.numeric(unique(c(unlist(x)))))
    if(!identical(a, c(0,1))){
      warning("Invalid data type, the element of species by sites presence-absence matrix should be 0 or 1. Set nonzero elements as 1.")
      x <- (x > 0)
    nT <- ncol(x)
    y <- rowSums(x)
    y <- c(nT, y)
    # names(y) <- c("nT", rownames(x))
  }else if(class_x=="numeric" | class_x=="integer" | class_x=="double"){
    warnings("Ambiguous data type, the input object is a vector. Set total number of sampling units as 1.")
    c(1, x) 
    stop("Invalid data type, it should be a data.frame or matrix.")

#' Transform abundance raw data to abundance row-sum counts (iNEXT input format) 
#' \code{as.abucount}: transform species abundance raw data (a species by sites matrix) to row-sum counts (iNEXT input format) as species abundances.
#' @param x a \code{data.frame} or \code{matirx} (species by sites matrix).
#' @return a \code{vector} of species abundance row-sum counts.
#' @examples
#' data(ciliates)
#' lapply(ciliates, as.abucount)
#' @export
as.abucount <- function(x){
  class_x <- class(x)[1]
  if(class_x == "data.frame" | class_x == "matrix"){
    y <- rowSums(x)
  }else if(class_x=="numeric" | class_x=="integer" | class_x=="double"){
    warnings("Ambiguous data type, the input object is a vector. Set total number of sampling units as 1.")
    stop("invalid data type, it should be a data.frame or matrix.")

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iNEXT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:57 a.m.