
Defines functions addParTrend addTrend addXYtrend

addXYtrend <- function(obj, opts, col.args, xlim, ylim) {
    # Trend lines:
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # If the `by` variable has been set, then the points are
    # coloured by the levels of `by`. Thus, there is more than one
    # level of `unique(col)`. In this case, we need to add the
    # trend lines for each level of by (i.e., each colour). The
    # colours of these lines are darker versions of the points.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------- #

    ## decide what x and y are:
    if ("svy" %in% names(obj)) {
        if (is_survey(obj$svy)) {
            x <- obj$svy
            y <- NULL
        } else {
            # na's arent removed
            x <- obj$svy$x
            y <- obj$svy$y
            isna <- is.na(x) | is.na(y)
            x <- x[!isna]
            y <- y[!isna]
    } else if ("args" %in% names(obj)) {
        x <- obj$args$df$x
        y <- obj$args$df$y
        isna <- is.na(x) | is.na(y)
        x <- x[!isna]
        y <- y[!isna]
    } else {
        x <- obj$x
        y <- obj$y

    if (!is.null(opts$trend)) {
        if (length(unique(obj$col)) == 1 | !opts$trend.by) {
                function(o) {
                    # gives us 1, 2, or 3:
                    order <- which(c("linear", "quadratic", "cubic") == o)
                    addTrend(x, y,
                        order = order,
                        xlim = xlim,
                        col = opts$col.trend[[o]],
                        inf = !is.null(opts$inference.type) && opts$inference.type == "conf",
                        bs = opts$bs.inference,
                        opts = opts
        } else if (opts$trend.parallel) {
            byy <- as.factor(obj$col)
                function(o) {
                    order <- which(c("linear", "quadratic", "cubic") == o)
                    addParTrend(x, y, byy,
                        order = order,
                        xlim = xlim,
                        cols = col.args$f.cols,
                        inf = !is.null(opts$inference.type) && opts$inference.type == "conf",
                        bs = opts$bs.inference,
                        opts = opts
        } else {
            byy <- as.factor(obj$col)  # pseudo-by-variable
            xtmp <- lapply(levels(byy),
                function(c) {
                    x[obj$col == c & !is.na(obj$col)]
            ytmp <- lapply(levels(byy),
                function(c) {
                    y[obj$col == c & !is.na(obj$col)]

            for (b in 1:length(levels(byy))) {
                    function(o) {
                        order <- which(c("linear", "quadratic", "cubic") == o)
                        addTrend(xtmp[[b]], ytmp[[b]],
                            order = order, xlim = xlim,
                            col = col.args$f.cols[b],
                            inf = !is.null(opts$inference.type) && opts$inference.type == "conf",
                            bs = opts$bs.inference,
                            opts = opts

addTrend <- function(x, y, order, xlim, col, bs, inf, opts) {
    xx <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = 1001)
    is.svy <- is_survey(x)

    if (is.svy) {
        if (length(order) == 1) {
            svy <- x
            expr <- switch(order,
                formula(y ~ x),
                formula(y ~ x + I(x^2)),
                formula(y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3))
        yy <- try(
                svyglm(expr, design = svy),
                data.frame(x = xx, stringsAsFactors = TRUE),
                se = TRUE
            silent = TRUE
        yy <- list(fit = as.numeric(yy), se.fit = attr(yy, "var"))
    } else {
        yy <- try(
                    lm(y ~ poly(x, order)),
                    data.frame(x = xx, stringsAsFactors = TRUE),
                    se = TRUE
            silent = TRUE
    ord <- switch(order, "linear", "quadratic", "cubic")

    # Sometimes, there might not be enough data points do run poly(),
    # so in this case simply don't draw.
    if (inherits(yy, "try-error")) return()

    if (inf && !bs && !any(is.na(yy$se.fit))) {
        alpha <- 1 - (1 - opts$ci.width) / 2
        # add shaded region
        se_x <- c(xx, rev(xx))
        se_y <- c(
            qnorm(1 - alpha, yy$fit, yy$se.fit),
            rev(qnorm(alpha, yy$fit, yy$se.fit))
        grid.polygon(se_x, se_y,
            default.units = "native",
            gp = gpar(fill = col, alpha = 0.2, lwd = 0),
            name = paste(paste0("inz-trend-se-", ord), opts$rowNum, opts$colNum, sep = ".")

    yy <- yy$fit
    grid.lines(xx, yy,
        default.units = "native",
        gp = gpar(col = col, lwd = 2 * opts$lwd, lty = opts$lty.trend[[ord]]),
        name = paste(paste0("inz-trend-", ord), opts$rowNum, opts$colNum, sep = ".")

    if (bs) {
        bs.lines <- vector("list", 30)

        if (is.svy)

        for (i in 1:30) {
            ## User wants bootstrap inference for this line.
            id <- sample(1:length(x), replace = TRUE)
            x2 <- x[id]
            y2 <- y[id]

            yy <- try(
                    lm(y2 ~ poly(x2, order)),
                    data.frame(x2 = xx, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
                silent = TRUE

            ## Some bootstraps can have less than `order` unique points:
            if (inherits(yy, "try-error")) next

            bs.lines[[i]] <- cbind(xx, yy, rep(i, length(yy)))

        all.lines <- do.call(rbind, bs.lines)
        grid.polyline(all.lines[, 1], all.lines[, 2],
            id = all.lines[, 3],
            default.units = "native",
            gp = gpar(col = col, lwd = 1 * opts$lwd, lty = 3),
            name = paste(paste0("inz-bs-", ord), opts$rowNum, opts$colNum, sep = ".")

addParTrend <- function(x, y, by, order, xlim, cols, inf, bs, opts) {
    lby <- levels(by)
    xx <- rep(seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = 1001), length(lby))
    byy <- rep(lby, each = 1001)
    is.svy <- is_survey(x)
    if (is.svy) {
        if (length(order) == 1) {
            svy <- x
            expr <- switch(order,
                formula(y ~ x + colby),
                formula(y ~ x + I(x^2) + colby),
                formula(y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3) + colby)
            yy <- try(
                predict(LM <- svyglm(expr, design = svy),
                    data.frame(x = xx, colby = byy, stringsAsFactors = TRUE),
                    se = TRUE
                silent = TRUE
            yy <- list(fit = as.numeric(yy), se.fit = attr(yy, "var"))
    } else {
        yy <- try(
                    LM <- lm(y ~ poly(x, order) + by),
                    data.frame(x = xx, by = byy, stringsAsFactors = TRUE),
                    se = TRUE
            silent = TRUE
    ord <- switch(order, "linear", "quadratic", "cubic")

    # Sometimes, there might not be enough data points do run poly(),
    # so in this case simply don't draw.
    if (inherits(yy, "try-error")) return()

    if (inf && !bs && !any(is.na(yy$se.fit))) {
        # add shaded region
        for (i in 1:length(lby)) {
            se_x <- c(xx[byy == lby[i]], rev(xx[byy == lby[i]]))
            se_y <- c(
                qnorm(0.025, yy$fit[byy == lby[i]], yy$se.fit[byy == lby[i]]),
                    qnorm(0.975, yy$fit[byy == lby[i]], yy$se.fit[byy == lby[i]])
            grid.polygon(se_x, se_y,
                default.units = "native",
                gp = gpar(fill = cols[i], alpha = 0.2, lwd = 0),
                name = paste(
                    paste0("inz-par-trend-se-", ord),
                    sep = "."
    yy <- yy$fit

    if (bs) {
        bs.lines <- vector("list", 30)

        if (is.svy)

        tbl <- table(by)
        for (i in 1:30) {
            ## User wants bootstrap inference for this line.
            # sample within each group, proportional to size
            id <- as.numeric(unlist(tapply(seq_along(by), by, sample, replace = TRUE)))
            x2 <- x[id]
            y2 <- y[id]
            by2 <- by[id]

            gr <- expand.grid(
                x2 = xx,
                by2 = lby,
                stringsAsFactors = TRUE
            yy <- try(
                    lm(y2 ~ poly(x2, order) + by2),
                silent = TRUE

            ## Some bootstraps can have less than `order` unique points:
            if (inherits(yy, "try-error")) next

            bs.lines[[i]] <- cbind(gr, yy, rep(i, length(yy)))

        all.lines <- do.call(rbind, bs.lines)
        for (b in lby) {
            bi <- which(all.lines[, 2] == b)
            grid.polyline(all.lines[bi, 1], all.lines[bi, 3],
                id = all.lines[bi, 4],
                default.units = "native",
                gp = gpar(col = cols[b], lwd = 1 * opts$lwd, lty = 3),
                name = paste(paste0("inz-bs-", ord), opts$rowNum, opts$colNum, sep = ".")

    for (i in 1:length(lby)) {
        grid.lines(xx[byy == lby[i]], yy[byy == lby[i]],
            default.units = "native",
            gp = gpar(col = (cols[i]), lwd = 2 * opts$lwd, lty = opts$lty.trend[[ord]]),
            name = paste(
                paste0("inz-par-trend-", ord),
                sep = "."


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