solve_LSAP <- function(x, maximum = FALSE) {
if (!is.matrix(x) || any(x < 0)) {
stop("x must be a matrix with nonnegative entries.")
nr <- nrow(x)
nc <- ncol(x)
if (nr > nc) stop("x must not have more rows than columns.")
if (nc > nr) x <- rbind(x, matrix(2 * sum(x), nc - nr, nc))
if (maximum) x <- max(x) - x
storage.mode(x) <- "double"
out <- .Call(R_igraph_solve_lsap, x, as.numeric(nc)) + 1L
#' Match Graphs given a seeding of vertex correspondences
#' Given two adjacency matrices `A` and `B` of the same size, match
#' the two graphs with the help of `m` seed vertex pairs which correspond
#' to the first `m` rows (and columns) of the adjacency matrices.
#' The approximate graph matching problem is to find a bijection between the
#' vertices of two graphs , such that the number of edge disagreements between
#' the corresponding vertex pairs is minimized. For seeded graph matching, part
#' of the bijection that consist of known correspondences (the seeds) is known
#' and the problem task is to complete the bijection by estimating the
#' permutation matrix that permutes the rows and columns of the adjacency
#' matrix of the second graph.
#' It is assumed that for the two supplied adjacency matrices `A` and
#' `B`, both of size \eqn{n\times n}{n*n}, the first \eqn{m} rows(and
#' columns) of `A` and `B` correspond to the same vertices in both
#' graphs. That is, the \eqn{n \times n}{n*n} permutation matrix that defines
#' the bijection is \eqn{I_{m} \bigoplus P} for a \eqn{(n-m)\times
#' (n-m)}{(n-m)*(n-m)} permutation matrix \eqn{P} and \eqn{m} times \eqn{m}
#' identity matrix \eqn{I_{m}}. The function `match_vertices()` estimates
#' the permutation matrix \eqn{P} via an optimization algorithm based on the
#' Frank-Wolfe algorithm.
#' See references for further details.
#' @aliases seeded.graph.match
#' @param A a numeric matrix, the adjacency matrix of the first graph
#' @param B a numeric matrix, the adjacency matrix of the second graph
#' @param m The number of seeds. The first `m` vertices of both graphs are
#' matched.
#' @param start a numeric matrix, the permutation matrix estimate is
#' initialized with `start`
#' @param iteration The number of iterations for the Frank-Wolfe algorithm
#' @return A numeric matrix which is the permutation matrix that determines the
#' bijection between the graphs of `A` and `B`
#' @author Vince Lyzinski <>
#' @seealso
#' [sample_correlated_gnp()],[sample_correlated_gnp_pair()]
#' @references Vogelstein, J. T., Conroy, J. M., Podrazik, L. J., Kratzer, S.
#' G., Harley, E. T., Fishkind, D. E.,Vogelstein, R. J., Priebe, C. E. (2011).
#' Fast Approximate Quadratic Programming for Large (Brain) Graph Matching.
#' Online: <>
#' Fishkind, D. E., Adali, S., Priebe, C. E. (2012). Seeded Graph Matching
#' Online: <>
#' @keywords graphs
#' @examples
#' # require(Matrix)
#' g1 <- sample_gnp(10, 0.1)
#' randperm <- c(1:3, 3 + sample(7))
#' g2 <- sample_correlated_gnp(g1, corr = 1, p = g1$p, permutation = randperm)
#' A <- as_adjacency_matrix(g1)
#' B <- as_adjacency_matrix(g2)
#' P <- match_vertices(A, B, m = 3, start = diag(rep(1, nrow(A) - 3)), 20)
#' P
#' @family sgm
#' @export
match_vertices <- function(A, B, m, start, iteration) {
## Seeds are assumed to be vertices 1:m in both graphs
totv <- ncol(A)
n <- totv - m
if (m != 0) {
A12 <- A[1:m, (m + 1):(m + n), drop = FALSE]
A21 <- A[(m + 1):(m + n), 1:m, drop = FALSE]
B12 <- B[1:m, (m + 1):(m + n), drop = FALSE]
B21 <- B[(m + 1):(m + n), 1:m, drop = FALSE]
if (m == 0) {
A12 <- Matrix::Matrix(0, n, n)
A21 <- Matrix::Matrix(0, n, n)
B12 <- Matrix::Matrix(0, n, n)
B21 <- Matrix::Matrix(0, n, n)
A22 <- A[(m + 1):(m + n), (m + 1):(m + n)]
B22 <- B[(m + 1):(m + n), (m + 1):(m + n)]
patience <- iteration
tol <- 1
P <- start
toggle <- 1
iter <- 0
while (toggle == 1 & iter < patience) {
iter <- iter + 1
x <- A21 %*% Matrix::t(B21)
y <- Matrix::t(A12) %*% B12
z <- A22 %*% P %*% Matrix::t(B22)
w <- Matrix::t(A22) %*% P %*% B22
Grad <- x + y + z + w
ind <- unclass(solve_LSAP(as.matrix(Grad), maximum = TRUE))
ind2 <- cbind(1:n, ind)
T <- Matrix::Diagonal(n)
T <- T[ind, ]
wt <- Matrix::t(A22)[, order(ind)] %*% B22
c <- sum(w * P)
d <- sum(wt * P) + sum(w[ind2])
e <- sum(wt[ind2])
u <- sum(P * (x + y))
v <- sum((x + y)[ind2])
if (c - d + e == 0 && d - 2 * e + u - v == 0) {
alpha <- 0
} else {
alpha <- -(d - 2 * e + u - v) / (2 * (c - d + e))
f0 <- 0
f1 <- c - e + u - v
falpha <- (c - d + e) * alpha^2 + (d - 2 * e + u - v) * alpha
if (alpha < tol && alpha > 0 && falpha > f0 && falpha > f1) {
P <- alpha * P + (1 - alpha) * T
} else if (f0 > f1) {
P <- T
} else {
toggle <- 0
D <- P
corr <- matrix(solve_LSAP(as.matrix(P), maximum = TRUE))
P <- Matrix::diag(n)
P <- rbind(
cbind(Matrix::diag(m), matrix(0, m, n)),
cbind(matrix(0, n, m), P[corr, ])
corr <- cbind(matrix((m + 1):totv, n), matrix(m + corr, n))
list(corr = corr, P = P, D = D)
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