
Defines functions meteo_monthly

Documented in meteo_monthly

#' Monthly meteorological data
#' Downloading monthly (meteorological) data from the SYNOP / CLIMATE / PRECIP stations available in the danepubliczne.imgw.pl collection
#' @param rank rank of the stations ("synop", "climate", or "precip")
#' @param year vector of years (e.g., 1966:2000)
#' @param status leave the columns with measurement and observation statuses (default status = FALSE - i.e. the status columns are deleted)
#' @param coords add coordinates of the station (logical value TRUE or FALSE)
#' @param station name or ID of meteorological station(s).
#' It accepts names (characters in CAPITAL LETTERS) or stations' IDs (numeric)
#' @param col_names three types of column names possible: "short" - default, values with shorten names, "full" - full English description, "polish" - original names in the dataset
#' @param ... other parameters that may be passed to the 'shortening' function that shortens column names
#' @importFrom RCurl getURL
#' @importFrom XML readHTMLTable
#' @importFrom utils download.file unzip read.csv
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{
#'   monthly <- meteo_monthly(rank = "climate", year = 1969)
#'   head(monthly)
#'   # a descriptive (long) column names:
#'   monthly2 <- meteo_monthly(rank = "synop", year = 2018, col_names = "full")
#'   head(monthly2)
#' }

meteo_monthly <- function(rank, year, status = FALSE, coords = FALSE, station = NULL, col_names = "short", ...){

    options(RCurlOptions = list(ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)) # required on windows for RCurl

    base_url <- "https://dane.imgw.pl/data/dane_pomiarowo_obserwacyjne/"

    interval <- "miesieczne" # to mozemy ustawic na sztywno
    meta <- meteo_metadata(interval = "monthly", rank = rank)

    rank_pl <- switch(rank, synop = "synop", climate = "klimat", precip = "opad")

    a <- getURL(paste0(base_url, "dane_meteorologiczne/", interval, "/", rank_pl, "/"),
                ftp.use.epsv = FALSE,
                dirlistonly = TRUE)
    ind <- grep(readHTMLTable(a)[[1]]$Name, pattern = "/")
    catalogs <- as.character(readHTMLTable(a)[[1]]$Name[ind])

    # fragment dla lat (ktore catalogs wymagaja pobrania:
    years_in_catalogs <- strsplit(gsub(x = catalogs, pattern = "/", replacement = ""), split = "_")
    years_in_catalogs <- lapply(years_in_catalogs, function(x) x[1]:x[length(x)])
    ind <- lapply(years_in_catalogs, function(x) sum(x %in% year) > 0)
    catalogs <- catalogs[unlist(ind)] # to sa nasze prawdziwe catalogs do przemielenia

    all_data <- vector("list", length = length(catalogs))

    for (i in seq_along(catalogs)){
      # print(i)
      catalog <- gsub(catalogs[i], pattern = "/", replacement = "")

      if(rank == "synop") {
        address <- paste0(base_url, "dane_meteorologiczne/miesieczne/synop",
                          "/", catalog, "/", catalog, "_m_s.zip")
      if(rank == "climate") {
        address <- paste0(base_url, "dane_meteorologiczne/miesieczne/klimat",
                          "/", catalog, "/", catalog, "_m_k.zip")
      if(rank == "precip") {
        address <- paste0(base_url, "dane_meteorologiczne/miesieczne/opad",
                          "/", catalog, "/", catalog, "_m_o.zip")

      temp <- tempfile()
      temp2 <- tempfile()
      download.file(address, temp)
      unzip(zipfile = temp, exdir = temp2)
      file1 <- paste(temp2, dir(temp2), sep = "/")[1]
      data1 <- read.csv(file1, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "CP1250")
      colnames(data1) <- meta[[1]]$parameters

      if( rank != "precip"){ # w opadpwkach jest tylko jeden plik
      file2 <- paste(temp2, dir(temp2), sep = "/")[2]
      data2 <- read.csv(file2, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fileEncoding = "CP1250")
      colnames(data2) <- meta[[2]]$parameters

      # usuwa statusy
      if(status == FALSE){
        data1[grep("^Status", colnames(data1))] <- NULL

          if(rank != "precip"){ # w plikach opadowych tylko jeden plik
          data2[grep("^Status", colnames(data2))] <- NULL

      unlink(c(temp, temp2))

      if(rank != "precip"){
      all_data[[i]] <- merge(data1, data2,
                           by = c("Kod stacji", "Nazwa stacji", "Rok", "Miesiac"),
                           all.x = TRUE)
      } else {
        all_data[[i]] <- data1

    all_data <- do.call(rbind, all_data)
    all_data <- all_data[all_data$Rok %in% year, ]

    if (coords){
      all_data <- merge(imgw::meteo_stations, all_data, by.x = "id", by.y = "Kod stacji", all.y = TRUE)

    # dodaje rank
    rank_code <- switch(rank, synop = "SYNOPTYCZNA", climate = "KLIMATYCZNA", precip = "OPADOWA")
    all_data <- cbind(data.frame(rank_code = rank_code), all_data)

    #station selection
    if (!is.null(station)) {
      if (is.character(station)) {
        all_data <- all_data[all_data$`Nazwa stacji` %in% station, ]
        if (nrow(all_data) == 0){
          stop("Selected station(s) is not available in the database.", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (is.numeric(station)){
        all_data <- all_data[all_data$`Kod stacji` %in% station, ]
        if (nrow(all_data) == 0){
          stop("Selected station(s) is not available in the database.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        stop("Selected station(s) are not in the proper format.", call. = FALSE)

    all_data <- all_data[order(all_data$`Nazwa stacji`, all_data$`Rok`, all_data$`Miesiac`), ]
    # dodanie opcji  dla skracania kolumn i usuwania duplikatow:
    all_data <- meteo_shortening(all_data, col_names = col_names, ...)

    return(all_data) # przyciecie tylko do wybranych lat gdyby sie pobralo za duzo

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imgw documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:37 p.m.