
Defines functions SimIm Rmse mr plotIm SimEval Detect guess major orderbox

Documented in Detect guess major mr orderbox plotIm Rmse SimEval SimIm

#' Introduce some missing values into a data matrix
#' This function randomly introduce some amount of missing values into a matrix.
#' @param data a data matrix to simulate
#' @param p the percentage of missing values introduced into the data matrix
#'    it should be a value between 0 and 1.
#' @return the same size matrix with simulated missing values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create data without missing values as example
#' simdata <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10, 10)
#' # Now let's introduce some missing values into the dataset
#' missingdata <- SimIm(simdata, p = 0.15)
#' # count the number of missing values afterwards
#' sum(is.na(missingdata))
#' #------------------
#' # There is no missing values in the original parkinson data
#' data(parkinson)
#' # Let's introduce some missing values into the dataset
#' missdata <- SimIm(parkinson, 0.1)
#' # count the number of missing values afterwards
#' sum(is.na(missdata))
SimIm <- function(data, p = 0.1) {
  vec <- c(unlist(data))
  missing <- rbinom(length(vec), 1, p)
  vec[missing == 1] <- NA
  dim(vec) <- dim(data)

#' calculate the RMSE or NRMSE
#' This function calculate imputation error given the imputed data, the missing
#' data and the true data
#' @param imp the imputaed data matrix
#' @param mis the missing data matrix
#' @param true the true data matrix
#' @param norm logical, if TRUE then the normalized RMSE will be returned
#' @return the RMSE or NRMSE
#' @seealso \code{\link{impute}} for the main imputation function, 
#' \code{\link{mr}} for the misclassification error metric.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(parkinson)
#' # introduce 10% random missing values into the parkinson data
#' missdata <- SimIm(parkinson, 0.1)
#' # impute the missing values by LASSO
#' \donttest{impdata <- impute(missdata, lmFun = "lassoR")
#' # calculate the normalised RMSE for the imputation
#' Rmse(impdata$imp, missdata, parkinson, norm = TRUE)
#' }
Rmse <- function(imp, mis, true, norm = FALSE) {
  imp <- as.matrix(imp)
  mis <- as.matrix(mis)
  true <- as.matrix(true)
  missIndex <- which(is.na(mis))
  errvec <- imp[missIndex] - true[missIndex]
  rmse <- sqrt(mean(errvec^2))
  if (norm) {
    rmse <- rmse/sd(true[missIndex])

#' calculate miss-classification error 
#' This function calculates the misclassfication error given the imputed data, 
#' the missing data and the true data.
#' @param imp the imputaed data matrix
#' @param mis the missing data matrix
#' @param true the ture data matrix
#' @return The missclassification error
#' @export 
#' @examples
#' data(spect)
#' Detect(spect)
#' missdata <- SimIm(spect, 0.1)
#' \donttest{
#' sum(is.na(missdata))
#' # impute using rpart
#' impdata <- impute(missdata, cFun = "rpartC")
#' # calculate the misclassification error
#' mr(impdata$imp, missdata, spect)
#' }
mr <- function(imp, mis, true) {
  imp <- as.matrix(imp)
  mis <- as.matrix(mis)
  true <- as.matrix(true)
  missIndex <- which(is.na(mis))
  errvec <- table(as.numeric(imp[missIndex]), as.matrix(true)[missIndex])
  mr <- 1 - (sum(diag(errvec))/sum(errvec))

#' Plot function for imputation
#' this is a plot function for assessing imputation performance given the imputed data
#' and the original true data
#' @param imp the imputed data matrix
#' @param mis the missing data matrix
#' @param true, the true data matrix
#' @param ... other arguments that can be passed to plot
#' @return a plot object that show the imputation performance
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(parkinson)
#' # introduce 10% random missing values into the parkinson data
#' missdata <- SimIm(parkinson, 0.1)
#' # impute the missing values by LASSO
#' \donttest{impdata <- impute(missdata, lmFun = "lassoR")
#' # calculate the normalised RMSE for the imputation
#' Rmse(impdata$imp, missdata, parkinson, norm = T)
#' # Plot imputation performance
#' plotIm(impdata$imp, missdata, parkinson)
#' }
plotIm <- function(imp, mis, true, ...) {
  imp <- as.matrix(imp)
  mis <- as.matrix(mis)
  true <- as.matrix(true)
  missIndex <- which(is.na(mis))
  plot(imp[missIndex], true[missIndex], xlab = "Imputed Value", pch = 19, 
       cex = 0.8, ylab = "True Value", main = "Imputation Performance", ...)
  abline(0, 1, col = 2, lwd = 1.2, lty = 2)

#' Evaluate imputation performance by simulation
#' @param data is the complete data matrix that will be used for simulation
#' @param task task type, either be 1 for regression, 2 for classification or 3 for
#' mixed type
#' @param p is the percentage of missing values that will be introduction into
#'   data, it has to be a value between 0 and 1
#' @param n.sim the number of simulations, default is 100 times
#' @param ini is the initialization setting for some relevant imputation methods
#'   , the default setting is "mean", while "median" and "random" can also be 
#'   used. See also \code{\link{guess}}
#' @param method the imputaion method based on variable selection for simulation
#'   some other imputation method can be passed to the 'other' argument
#' @param guess logical value, if is TRUE, then \code{\link{guess}} will be used
#'   as the imputation method for simulation
#' @param guess.method, guess type for the guess function. It cannot be NULL if guess is TRUE
#' @param other some other imputation method that is based on variable selection
#'   can be used. The requirement for this 'other' method is strict: it receives
#'   a data matrix including missing values and returns a complete data matrix.
#' @param verbose logical, if TRUE, additional output information will be provided 
#'   during iterations, i.e., the method that is using, the iteration number,
#'   the convegence difference as compared to the precious iteration. The 
#'   progression bar will show up irrespective of this option and it can not be
#'   got rid of. 
#' @param seed set the seed for simulation so simulations using different imputation
#'   methods are comparable. The default value is set to 1234, which is not supposed to 
#'   mean anything. But if 1234 is used, then the seed for simulating the first
#'   missing data matrix is 1234, then it sums by one for every subsequent
#'   simulationg data matrix. 
#' @return a list of componentes including
#'  \item{call}{the method used for imputation}  
#'  \item{task}{the name of the task}
#'  \item{time}{computational time}
#'  \item{error}{the imputation error}
#'  \item{conv}{the number of iterations to converge}
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(parkinson)
#' # WARNING: simulation may take considerable time.
#' \donttest{
#' SimEval(parkinson, method = "lassoR")
#' }
SimEval <- function(data, task = NULL, p = 0.1, n.sim = 100, ini = "mean", 
                    method = NULL, guess = FALSE, guess.method = NULL, 
                    other = NULL, verbose = TRUE, seed = 1234) {
  if (!guess & is.null(method) & is.null(other)) {
    stop("Please provide a method to impute or you can guess by setting 'guess = TRUE'")
  if (!is.null(other)) {
    otherFun <- match.fun(other)
  Type <- Detect(data)
  if (is.null(task)) {
    if (all(Type == "numeric")) {
      task <- 1
      if (is.null(guess.method)) {
        guess.method = "mean"
      Fun1 <- method
      names(task) <- "Regression"
    } else if (all(Type == "character")) {
      task <- 2
      if (is.null(guess.method)) {
        guess.method = "majority"
      Fun2 <- method
      names(task) <- "Classification"
    } else {
      task <- 3
      if(is.null(guess.method)) {
        guess.method = c("mean", "majority")
      Fun1 <- method[1]
      Fun2 <- method[2]
      names(task) <- "Regression and Classification mixed"
  } else {
    if (task == 1) {
      if (is.null(guess.method)) {
        guess.method = "mean"
      names(task) <- "Regression"
      Fun1 <- method
    } else if (task == 2) {
      Fun2 <- method
      if (is.null(guess.method)) {
        guess.method = "majority"
      names(task) <- "Classification"
    } else {
      if (is.null(guess.method)) {
        guess.method = c("mean", "majority")
      Fun1 <- method[1]
      Fun2 <- method[2]
      names(task) <- "Regression and Classification mixed"
  time <- numeric(n.sim)
  if (task == 3) {
    error <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.sim, ncol = 2)
  } else {
    error <- numeric(n.sim)
  if (!guess & is.null(other)) {
    conv <- vector("list", n.sim)
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n.sim, style = 3)
  for (i in seq_len(n.sim)) {
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    set.seed(seed + i)
    simdata <- SimIm(data, p = p)
    if (!guess & is.null(other)) {
      if (task == 1) {
        time[i] <- system.time(imp <- impute(simdata, ini = ini, lmFun = Fun1, 
                                             verbose = verbose))[3] 
        error[i] <- Rmse(imp$imp, simdata, data, norm = TRUE)
        conv[[i]] <- length(imp$conv)
      } else if (task == 2) {
        time[i] <- system.time(imp <- impute(simdata, cFun = Fun2, 
                                             verbose = verbose))[3] 
        error[i] <- mr(imp$imp, simdata, data)
        conv[[i]] <- length(imp$conv)
      } else {
        time[i] <- system.time(imp <- impute(simdata, lmFun = Fun1, cFun = Fun2, 
                                             verbose = verbose))[3] 
        error[i, ] <- mixError(imp$imp, simdata, data)
        conv[[i]] <- length(imp$conv)
    } else if (!is.null(other)) {
      time[i] <- system.time(imp <- otherFun(simdata))[3]
      error[i] <- Rmse(imp, simdata, data, norm = TRUE)
    } else {
      if (task == 1) {
        time[i] <- system.time(imp <- guess(simdata, type = guess.method))[3]
        error[i] <- Rmse(imp, simdata, data, norm = TRUE)
      } else if (task == 2) {
        time[i] <- system.time(imp <- guess(simdata, type = guess.method))[3]
        error[i] <- mr(imp, simdata, data)
      } else {
        time[i] <- system.time(try1 <- mixGuess(simdata, method = guess.method))[3]
        error[i, ] <- mixError(try1, simdata, data)
  if (guess | !is.null(other)) {
    conv <- "No convergence"
  return(list(call = as.character(substitute(method)), task = task, time = mean(time),
              error = error, conv = conv))

#' Detect variable type in a data matrix
#' This function detects the type of the variables in a data matrix. Types 
#' can be continuous only, categorical only or mixed type. The rule for
#' defining a variable as a categorical variable is when: (1) it is a character
#' vector, (2) it contains no more than n = 5 unique values
#' @param x is the data matrix that need to be detected. 
#' @param n is a number, indicating how many levels, if outnumbered, can be seen
#' as an numeric variable, rather than a categorical variable. 
#' @return the variable type for every column, can either be "numeric" or
#' "character". 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(parkinson)
#' Detect(parkinson)
#' data(spect)
#' Detect(spect)
#' data(tic)
#' table(Detect(tic))
Detect <- function(x, n = 5) {
  if (!is.matrix(x) & !is.data.frame(x)) {
    stop("x has to be either a matrix or data frame")
  x <- as.data.frame(x)
  is.n <- function(i) {
    (is.numeric(i) || is.integer(i) || is.double(i))
  f.new <- function(z) {
    if (is.factor(z)) {
      return ("character")
    } else if (is.n(z) && length(unique(unclass(z))) > n) {
    } else {
  p <- sapply(x, f.new)
  return (varType = p)

#' Impute by (educated) guessing
#' This function use some primitive methods, including mean imputation, 
#' median imputation, random guess, or majority imputation (only for categorical
#' variables), to impute a missing data matrix.
#' @param x a matrix or data frame
#' @param type is the guessing type, including "mean" for mean imputation, 
#' "median" for median imputation, "random" for random guess, and "majority" for
#' majority imputation for categorical variables. 
#' @importFrom stats median na.omit
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(parkinson)
#' # introduce some random missing values
#' missdata <- SimIm(parkinson, 0.1)
#' # impute by mean imputation
#' impdata <- guess(missdata)
#' # caculate the NRMSE
#' Rmse(impdata, missdata, parkinson, norm = TRUE)
#' # by random guessing, the NRMSE should be much bigger
#' impdata2 <- guess(missdata, "random")
#' Rmse(impdata2, missdata, parkinson, norm = TRUE)
guess <- function(x, type = "mean") {
         mean = sapply(as.data.frame(x), FUN = function(i) {
           i[is.na(i)] <- mean(i, na.rm = TRUE)
         median = sapply(as.data.frame(x), FUN = function(i) {
           i[is.na(i)] <- median(i, na.rm = TRUE)
         random = sapply(as.data.frame(x), FUN = function(i) {
           i[is.na(i)] <- sample(na.omit(i), 1)
         majority = apply(sapply(as.data.frame(x), FUN = major), 2, as.numeric)

#' Majority imputation for a vector
#' @description This function is internally used by \code{\link{guess}}, it 
#' may be useless in reality.
#' @param x a character (or numeric categorical) vector with missing values
#' @return the same length of vector with missing values being imputed by the majority class
#' in this vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' a <- c(rep(0, 10), rep(1, 15), rep(2, 5))
#' a[sample(seq_along(a), 5)] <- NA
#' a
#' b <- major(a)
#' b
major <- function(x) {
  max.level <- max(table(as.factor(x)))
  ## if there are several classes which are major, sample one at random
  class.assign <- sample(names(which(max.level == summary(na.omit(as.factor(x))))), 1)
  x[is.na(x)] <- class.assign

#' Ordered boxplot for a data matrix
#' @param x a matrix
#' @param names a length two character vector, default is c("method, "MCE")
#' @param order.by which statistics to order by, default is mean
#' @param decreasing default is TRUE, the boxplot will be arranged in a decreasing order
#' @param notch logical, default is TRUE
#' @param col color for the boxplots, default is "bisque". 
#' @param mar the margin for the plot, adjust it to your need.
#' @param ... some other arguments that can be passed to the boxplot function
#' @return a boxplot 
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(parkinson)
#' \donttest{
#' orderbox(parkinson)
#' }
orderbox <- function(x, names = c("method", "MCE"), order.by = mean, 
                     decreasing = TRUE, notch = TRUE, col = "bisque", 
                     mar = c(7, 4.1, 4.1, 2), ...) {
  x2 <- suppressMessages(melt(x))
  names(x2) <- names
  oind <- order(as.numeric(by(x2[, 2], x2[, 1], order.by)), decreasing = decreasing)
  x2[, names[1]]<- ordered(x2[, names[1]] , levels = levels(x2[, names[1]])[oind])  
  par(las = 2)
  par(mar = mar)
  boxplot(as.formula(paste(names[2], "~", names[1])), data = x2, notch = notch, 
          col = col, ylab = names[2], ...)

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